Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 66 We Uchiha will be Hokage! Who agrees? Who opposes?

Chapter 66 - We Uchiha will be Hokage! Who agrees? Who objects?

"Speaking of which, it seems that our Hyuga clan is not as good as your Uchiha clan, right?"

In the Hyuga clan's tea room, Hyuga Hizu glanced at Byakuya with some distress, secretly thinking that Byakuya was simply shameless.

Byakuya wanted to see him today. Originally, he wanted to let someone send Byakuya away on the grounds that he didn't have time. After all, this was not the right time to be so close to the Uchiha clan.

But Bai Ye was so shameless that he directly proposed to live in Hinata and wait for him during the next period of time, then Hinata and Hinata would have nothing to do.

"What does this have to do with each other? We have a common enemy now."

"Haha, this is between you and Konoha. We are not enemies."

Hinata and Hinata were very clear about Byakuya's intention of recruiting them into his group.

But he refused!

Although he had complaints about Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would not let the Hyuga clan follow the Uchiha clan in rebellion.

Hinata needs a stable Konoha, not a chaotic Konoha, so what if he defeats Sarutobi Hiruzen? What about other ninja villages?

"Speaking of which, your recent small businesses are doing very well."

Hyuga Hizashi was actually shocked by Uchiha's recent operations.

First, they took back the clan land that originally belonged to them, and then promoted the snacks, perfume, lipstick, etc.

These were given to the nobles as gifts, and they even found the popular star Fenghua Koyuki to endorse them. As this reputation grew, Uchiha Express also successfully became famous in the industry. With the money earned, it was used by the Uchiha Chamber of Commerce Hire ninjas from neutral ninja villages, ninjas from your own village, or civilians in the name of Ninja in two modes: ninja express delivery and ordinary express delivery. In the name of delivering goods to every customer as quickly as possible, accepting various reservations.

This business behavior is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, directly revitalizing all Uchiha industries.

Because of the support of nobles from all over the world, the Chamber of Commerce, even if several ninja villages were unwilling, but couldn't stand it, Uchiha would entrust this courier task to their own villages, which would be regarded as part of the reward. In addition, these were only some consumer goods, so several Even the Ninja Village turned a blind eye. After all, they also wanted to do business with Konoha.

You can't completely give up on Konoha and the Fire Country's market just because of this incident, right?

"Indeed, I also think business has been doing pretty well recently."

You are really not polite at all.

Hinata Hizu couldn't help but complain in his heart after hearing Bai Ye's answer, but he also had a deeper understanding of Bai Ye.

After all, Bai Ye actually told Fugaku the plan, and then Fugaku told Mikoto about it, Bai Ye didn't expect that the other party could get it all done so quickly.

In less than a month, Uchiha snacks, Uchiha luxury goods and Uchiha Express became popular in an instant.

Some Uchiha clan members who were idle at home were assigned to work here.

It even recruited many civilians in the village to work, which also made Uchiha, who originally did not have a good reputation in the village, seem to have a slight turn around.

For ordinary people, he will naturally side with whoever can give him a mouthful of food.

Within the clan, even if Bai Ye is not rich, he can still receive clan subsidies every month. This is to give them the profits from those businesses, and the support for Bai Ye has reached its peak.

From taking back his clan land to making Uchiha rich again, it took Byakuya a few months to do it all after he came to power.

"The beauty in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, so haven't you Uchiha been targeted recently?"

Uchiha is rich, so naturally Konoha F4 is unhappy.

And this time the person who comes to power is not a fool like Uchiha Fugaku, he will win the hearts of the people.

From the police force to the present, Konoha F4 found that the manipulation of public opinion that they had always been good at seemed to have lost its effect here.

However, Uchiha has been targeted again recently, mainly because these gadgets can be copied.

So the Mitomon family, the Tenden family, the Shimura family, and the Sarutobi family all entered this industry to get a share of the pie.

Seeing the Uchiha make money was even more uncomfortable than them losing money.

However, due to preconceived notions and the fact that they occupy a good location, the Uchiha clan's business here is still the best, but it is inevitably affected.

"Head of the Hizu clan, I'm not here to talk to you about this. I just want to ask you a question. Do you want to be Sarutobi Hiruzen's dog for the rest of your life or avenge your dead brother?"

If Naruto had not become the Hokage later and Sarutobi Hiruzen would have died at that time.

Maybe it really needs to be liquidated.

Moreover, in the beginning, wasn't Hinata Hizashi's incident considered a warning to Konoha?

That is to say, the Hyuga clan has been holding it in for who knows how many years. It is known as the No. 1 family in Konoha after the Uchiha was destroyed, but in the village, there is a tendency to behave with one's tail between its legs.

"What do you mean?"

Hinata and Hinata grabbed the corner of the table excitedly. Bai Ye brought up this matter last time, but he didn't say it so directly. But now Bai Ye said it without any hesitation, and what he felt in his heart was The anger could not be suppressed for a moment.

"I want to overthrow the rule of Sarutobi and Hiruzen. Now that the Uchiha clan has basically been unified, Konoha is pressing us step by step, and there is no need to continue to give in. Hizu, you also know that under Sarutobi these years How chaotic is Konoha in the hands of Hiruzen, Danzo and others? This farce is almost over, right?"

Bai Ye said lightly, he was ready for all kinds of resistance.

Now, in fact, as long as other families don't take action to watch the show, then he can almost take action directly, but there is only one excuse.

"There is no need for us to take such a risk."

Hinata Hizu was actually a little moved, but felt that there was no need to take such a risk.

"No, we are actually taking the risk for you."

"What can we get? If you succeed, we seem to get nothing. If you fail, we will also have to bear the consequences of failure."

Hinata and Hinashi are not as determined as before.

He was weighing the pros and cons. If they succeeded, it would be revenge for Hinata Hizashi.

At the same time, he has actually been dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen's rule for a long time, but the other party now has very strong control over Konoha, so even if he is dissatisfied in his heart, he still can't do anything.

But this is not just a problem for himself, but for the entire Hyuga clan.

If he wants to do this, he must convince the elders of the clan, so the Hyuga clan cannot help in vain, right?

"Aren't the interests of those four families not enough?"

Bai Ye said lightly, as long as those four people fall, why don't the four families who were not particularly powerful in the first place spit out those benefits?

Why did they get these benefits? Don’t they have some compulsion in their hearts?

"You Uchiha clan don't want anything at all?"

Hinata Hinashi didn't believe Byakuya wanted anything.

"Head of the Hizu Clan, this time I fully support me as the Kage of Konoha. If you, the Hyuga clan, want to become Hokage in the next time, you will also have a chance. Naruto is not their game. Since everyone is from Konoha, why? They can do it, but we can’t?”

Byakuya didn't want to become Hokage at first, but he just thought that if he became Hokage, it would change the plot, and naturally there would be a chance to win a lottery.

At the same time, he also knew that the current Uchiha situation required the emergence of a Hokage, which was Uchiha's lifelong pursuit.

"You want to become Hokage?!"

Hinata and Hinata's eyes widened, looking at Byakuya in disbelief, obviously not expecting that Byakuya had more than what he wanted.

At the same time, he was also calculating the gains and losses. Why didn't Hinata want to create a Hokage?

It's just that Hinata and Hinata know very well that Naruto has always been of the same blood.

The first Hokage was Senju Hashirama, one of the founders of Konoha, the second Hokage was the younger brother of Senju Hashirama, the third Hokage was the disciple of the second Hokage, and the fourth Hokage was the disciple of the third Hokage.

In fact, Naruto has always been inherited in this line. Although the Hyuga family has thought about it, they prefer a peaceful environment than Naruto, so they don't have so many ideas.

But the Uchiha clan is different. As one of the founders of Konoha, the Uchiha clan had nothing to say even if the Hokage was made by the two Senju brothers. However, the third generation turned out to be the Sarutobi clan. During the Warring States Period, that was a family that was beaten by Uchiha and had to evacuate its original clan. How could they be willing to do so.

Moreover, the Hokage was chosen by everyone, but this third generation was the mouthpiece of the second generation.

By the fourth generation, although the Uchiha were still a little dissatisfied, the fourth generation promised to improve the relationship between the village and the Uchiha, and did so. Naturally, everyone did not think so much about it, but after the death of the fourth generation After the third generation came back to power, everything changed.

"That's right, there is no so-called Hokage at all, or everyone can be a Hokage. They are already old, and we are still young. The village should not always be in the hands of a group of old people, controlling power. Now the village has long been against them. I’m dissatisfied, and I’m afraid the Rizu clan leader doesn’t know that Danzo is studying the blood stains in the village, right?”

Danzo is interested in studying the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, but suffers from the fact that the Byakugan of the clan is really difficult to deal with.

But it's impossible to say that he doesn't covet it. There are secret arts and blood stains in the village, and Danzo wants to get them all.

"What's the meaning?"

"His arms are all filled with the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan, and the arms are made from the body cells of the first Hokage. Isn't it strange why he keeps wearing bandages on his arms and eyes? In fact, he always has We're studying it. We've even taken out the body of the First Hokage for study. Do you think Sarutobi Hiruzen knows about this? Isn't it possible that Konoha doesn't know this?"

"How can it be!!?"

Hinata and Hinata's eyes widened, obviously having difficulty accepting what Byakuya said. This was simply too shocking!

Unexpectedly, Danzo had already started studying this.

If it was true as Bai Ye said, he instantly felt the hair on his body stand on end, and a shuddering thought flashed through his heart.

Danzo studied other bloodstains and even transplanted the bloodstains of the First Generation and Uchiha, so it was impossible not to want the bloodstains of the Hyuga clan.

How could Rizu be calm when being stared at by a poisonous snake from behind?

"How can I trust you?"

Hinata Hizu forced himself to calm down a little. He felt that he could not choose to believe Bai Ye so easily.

This is all Bai Ye's one-sided statement. If it is just to make you cooperate, it is not impossible that it is deliberately fabricated!

"It's very simple. I recently accepted an apprentice, Uchiha Sasuke, the youngest son of Fugaku. He will graduate early the day after tomorrow. Danzo will come to the exam site at that time. You can just use the Byakugan to watch it."

Bai Ye said slowly. In fact, this is not just Sasuke's graduation.

Instead, he invited Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo to discuss the affairs of Uchiha and Konoha in detail as the head of the Uchiha clan.

Recently, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others also hope to stabilize Bai Ye. In addition, Bai Ye's previous words seemed to have a compromise, so the two agreed to it.

The reason why Bai Ye invited Danzo was to let Hyuga Hiashi see it.

Danzo will not appear in public now, and he is afraid of the Byakugan.

"Okay, if what you said is true, our Hyuga clan will cooperate with you, so how do you want to cooperate?"

This has already coveted the blood of other families, and the Hyuga clan will never watch it.

Damn it!

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that my own blood will not be preserved. Hyuga Hiashi doesn't believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't know anything about what Danzo did.

"I will tell you after the plan. If there are other ninjas who need help, you will need to help stop them. As for the others, you don't need to deal with them. We Uchiha can deal with those people!"

Bai Ye said lightly. He didn't want Uchiha to increase casualties. On the one hand, pulling Hyuga in was to prevent Hyuga from taking action later, and on the other hand, to let Hyuga help block some ninjas.

"Okay, as long as what you said is true, then we Hyuga can stop it, so the interests of the four families you mentioned and the follow-up. If our Hyuga clan wants to become Hokage, you Uchiha must support us to be the sixth generation!"

Hyuga Hiashi quickly sorted out his conditions.

If it is the same as Bai Ye said, their Hyuga clan will take action, and there will be basically few ninjas who will help at that time, because Danzo has touched the bottom line of the ninja clan, secret techniques and bloodstains!

No ninja clan can accept it.

Similarly, he agreed to Bai Ye to become the fifth generation, and they will fully support Bai Ye for the fifth generation, but in exchange, if the sixth generation of their Hyuga clan has a suitable candidate, then Uchiha must also support it.

"Okay, happy cooperation!"

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Hyuga Hiashi, and a trace of joy flashed in his heart.

Sure enough, as long as Danzo was found to be studying bloodstains and even transplanted the bloodstains of the first generation and Uchiha, Hyuga Hiashi would definitely not sit still.

In the end, who can be sure whether the next research target will be them?

Moreover, the most important thing is that only the main family can take action, and Hyuga Hiashi does not want to become their target again.

He even suspected that there was a shadow of Konoha behind that incident.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hiashi's chilling feeling became more and more serious.

Konoha seems to have become so terrifying under their rule!

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