Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 82 The kidnapping was successful, and Obito's desire to kill Kakashi became even strong

Chapter 82 - The abduction was successful, Obito’s desire to kill Kakashi became even more serious!

"It seems like we really don't have anything worthy of Konoha's cooperation."

Terumi Mei held her forehead, a trace of distress flashed in her eyes. The more she looked at it, the more it looked like a trap set by Konoha for them.

Is Kirikage, who has no use value, worth paying so much for Konoha?

It was impossible for Konoha not to want to get something from them.

"The Country of Waves!"

A glint flashed in Yuanshi's eyes. Bai Ye had said before that he would use the Country of Waves to open up business with the Mist Ninja Village.

The Country of Waves is located on an island between the three countries of Fire, Thunder, and Water.

The Kingdom of Fire is in the center of the land, with earth in the upper left corner, wind in the lower left corner, thunder in the upper right corner, and fog across the sea. There is actually a sea between these three, and the Kingdom of Waves is at the very center. middle position.

The three families all maintained a tacit understanding and did not take action against the Country of Waves. The main reason was that the Country of Waves was too poor and the only way to get there was by boat, which was extremely inconvenient, so it was considered completely abandoned.

And Byakuya's arrival this time brought up the Kingdom of Waves. If we look at Uchiha's character of fighting, and the fact that Byakuya's way of ascending to the top was to directly overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen, he is a hawk's shadow, then at this time It seems reasonable to find Kirikage and exchange these conditions with them to support Konoha in taking over the Kingdom of Waves.

"So you are trying to say that Konoha wants to incorporate the Country of Waves into their territory?"

Terumi Mei took out the map and looked at the location of the Country of Waves. If this was really given to Konoha, it would be very simple for Konoha to attack the Mist Ninja Village in the future.

However, Konoha has to take a detour to get to the Country of Waves, which seems a bit far away. Konoha does not need to deploy ninjas here.

"I don't rule it out, but I don't think it's necessary, right? Genshi. If they take this place just for future wars, then they can just attack from Konoha directly. As for Kumogakure, they won't attack by water, right?"

It seems that the country of waves is not suitable at all.

Terumi Mei analyzed it for a long time and finally thought that it was unlikely to be the reason for the country of Waves.

"What you said makes sense. Perhaps the other party in the Country of Waves really just wants to do business with us because they know the internal situation of our village. Now is the time to make money? In addition, it is also because the other three villages will take advantage of their Konoha It is not yet stable internally to take action against Konoha, so we have joined forces with Kirikage, so that using the Land of Waves as a medium, we can attack Kumogakure together, and then they can use their main forces to deal with Sandgakure and Iwa Ninja. Also serves as a deterrent?”

Master Yuan thought for a while and felt that this was more reliable.

Byakuya's way of ascending to the throne is doomed that Konoha will not be very peaceful recently, and the other ninja villages are all masters who will take advantage of the situation.

Or maybe Byakuya saw that Kirikage was also weak at this time, and the two sides could temporarily unite. They showed signs of joining forces, and they also captured the Land of Waves, so Kumogakure would actually be wary before taking action.

Without Kumogakure's intervention, Iwagakure and Sagakure did not want to face most of Konoha's ninjas. Sagakure had not recovered yet, so Iwagakure had to be responsible for most of the firepower, so of course Iwagakure would not do it either, so Is this the purpose of Bai Ye?

After several people put it all together, they finally felt that this was the most reliable reason.

"Then it seems like we can unite with Konoha, right?"

At least it is best to unite with Konoha for now. Although they can also take the opportunity to start a war with Konoha, since Byakuya knows Kirikage's situation, it would be okay if they start a war with Konoha and Konoha is afraid. They can get some benefits. If If Konoha directly starts a war with you, I'm afraid even Kirikage will be defeated.

They can't go through any war at present, and they may not succeed this time.

"Let's unite, and then we agree to his conditions, and then let him help us this time!"

Although it is a bit embarrassing to let the shadow of Konoha take action to deal with the shadow of his own village.

But if they can reduce their losses, why not?

And since Byakuya has approached them to cooperate, it means that he hopes to see Yagura's rule overthrown. Byakuya shouldn't want to see them fail, right?

"Just follow the conditions Bai Ye mentioned before, and then let him help us solve the problem of Kirikage this time. By the way, do you want him to take a look at Yagura's genjutsu? After all, Uchiha is best at genjutsu. ”

After Master Yuan finished speaking, he looked at a few people. It was Ao Yong's Byakugan who discovered Yagura's genjutsu.

This also explains why they want to end the blood mist policy.

They never thought that Yagura, as a Jinchuuriki, would be controlled by genjutsu, and they didn't believe it at first.

But the current situation cannot help them not believing it.

"You can ask, I heard that Uchiha's Sharingan can control tailed beasts."

Terumi said quietly, and Bai Ye knew so much about the internal situation of the village that she even doubted whether Yagura was controlled by Bai Ye.

But when she thought about it, she also felt a little ridiculous. How could she think like this? Byakuya was probably still a child when something happened to Yagura.

How could he have the strength to control Yagura at that time.

Then several people continued to discuss the details of the operation and the issues to be negotiated when Bai Ye arrived.

Shadow Grand Canyon.

Ye Cang looked at the hazy fog around him. He only needed to pass through here to reach the fog shadow.

But she still vaguely remembered that Luo Sha seemed to have said that after arriving here, someone would come to pick her up.

Because the country's power has been weakening due to the long-term battle with the Iwa Ninja, Sand Hidden now has to seek help from the Kirigakure Village.

When Luo Sha arranged to come here this time, Ye Cang actually thought that something unexpected would happen, but before leaving, Luo Sha repeatedly promised that nothing would go wrong, so she could only suppress her uneasiness for the time being.

Sand Hidden and Kirikage also had a war. Back then, Ye Cang killed too many Kirikage ninjas on the battlefield, so he got the name Burning Release Ye Cang.

Just as she was thinking about it, a figure slowly walked out of the mist. The moment he saw Ye Cang, a smile flashed across the face of the mist ninja and he greeted him: "This is Ye Cang from Sand Hidden." Come on, please come with me, Mizukage-sama is already waiting for you!"

With that said, he stepped aside to let Ye Cang pass.


Ye Cang nodded, raised her foot and crossed over the ninja. However, the moment she stepped over the ninja, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the ninja behind her, and then he took out a kunai and stabbed Ye Cang in the back.

Looking from a distance, Bai Ye thought for a while, and finally decided to let this ninja stab Yakura's kunai first.

There is a difference between being stabbed and not being stabbed. Being stabbed will also help you escape later.

He watched helplessly as Ye Cang was stabbed unprepared, and then the Mist Ninja jumped away, and then countless shurikens flew towards Ye Cang in the air.

Looking at the kunai and shurikens that were getting closer and closer to her, Ye Cang resisted the pain in her back and wanted to leave, but she felt as if her body was anesthetized and she couldn't use any strength at all, so she could only He watched helplessly as the kunai got closer and closer to him.

The next second, the space was distorted, and then countless people were swallowed up into the divine space.

Obito, who was in the Kamui space, looked at the kunai on his arm and started yelling. He swore that the idea of ​​killing Kakashi was getting stronger and stronger.

"Do it! Kill her immediately!"

After the Misty Shadows missed, they all gathered around Ye Cang in the next second, preparing to kill each other again.

There was no poison on the kunai, but there was anesthesia, which could immobilize people instantly. I thought that after being stabbed, Ye Cang would die, but unexpectedly someone seemed to take action.

"God's Judgment!"

Dozens of thunder and lightning continued to fall from the sky. The ANBU had no choice but to give up assassinating Ye Cang and were about to escape. The thunder and lightning seemed to have locked onto them. A dozen Mist Ninja ANBU were all killed in an instant by the lightning strike.

It's surprisingly useful.

In the world of Naruto, facing these fragile creatures, it is quite refreshing to use the ability of the thunder fruit to clear out the minions, but you will die if you are hit by a thunder and lightning.


Ye Cang held on to her body. She felt like she couldn't exert any strength in her whole body. This feeling of powerlessness made her very uneasy.

"It's really pitiful. He was betrayed by his own village. The so-called peace talks meant sacrificing the heroes of his own village in exchange for peace. Kirikage's condition was to hand over Ye Cang to calm their anger and then unite with Shayin. Unexpectedly, Luo Sha Those guys abandoned you so readily!"

Bai Ye's voice sounded slowly behind Ye Cang, and his footsteps were getting closer and closer to her. Ye Cang's uneasiness became stronger, and she didn't know whether the person behind her was an enemy or a friend.

At the same time, she also roughly knew the truth. Perhaps as the person behind her said, she had been betrayed, and betrayed by the entire senior management of Shayin. In exchange for peace, she actually had to hand herself over.

Wuying's actions just now were obviously intended to kill him.

Behind him, the footsteps were getting closer and closer to him. The person was squatting on the ground, looking at the delicate face in front of him. Ye Cang estimated the distance in his mind. Although he was weak, he could try to see this distance.

"No matter what, I am your savior, but you still want to kill me!"

Even though the murderous intention was well concealed, Bai Ye still sensed the malice in him. He had just suffered betrayal, and it seemed that his whole body was like a rose with thorns, unwilling to let anyone get close to him.

After her thoughts were revealed, Ye Cang felt a little desperate in her heart. She had no ability to resist the current situation. She hated this feeling, and she probably couldn't even commit suicide.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful back will have a scar in the future."

With that said, Bai Ye got up and used palm magic to treat Ye Cang's wounds.

"Visible betrayal is not terrifying. What is truly terrifying is invisible betrayal." As he said this, Bai Ye stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Ye Cang: "Do you want revenge?"

After saying that, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, Mouth Escape wasn't what he was best at.

I held it in for a long time and all day long, but I still couldn't utter a word.

"You are not Wuying or Shayin, who are you?"

"The Fifth Hokage of Konoha."

After hearing Bai Ye's answer, Ye Cang was stunned for a moment subconsciously, and at the same time, a sneer flashed through his heart.

Because at this moment, in her opinion, all the ninja villages are actually the same. When they need her, they will always speak so nicely. When they don't need her, they can be abandoned at any time, just like now.

And he saved himself at this moment. After all, he just wanted to use himself to deal with Shayin.

"That's right. I will cause trouble for Sand Village later. If you can join our Konoha, I think it will be fun. You will have to deal with more than just Luo Sha. The decision was made by all the high-level people in Sand Village. You can't deal with it alone. If you go back now, you will only be assigned the hat of mission failure and then be judged. If you don't go back, you will be a traitor."

Bai Ye did not hide his attitude, which made Ye Cang look at him with a new look.

In fact, he didn't need to say it. Ye Cang also understood her situation. If she went back and tore her face with Luo Sha and others, she would eventually be accused of not completing the mission. Because she didn't reconcile with the Mist Shadow, she would turn from a hero of Sand Village into a sinner.

"How can I believe you?"

Ye Cang said hoarsely, and after she finished speaking, she stared at Bai Ye with burning eyes.

"Because we are all the same kind of people. We were also abandoned by the high-level, but I succeeded, so I can empathize with you. I need your strength, and you also need our strength. All betrayers must die, right?"

The same kind of people?

Ye Cang thought about it and suddenly realized that it seemed that it was indeed as Bai Ye said. The Uchiha clan was once feared by Konoha. On the way here, she had heard about the grievances between Uchiha and Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo.

Although the two sides were somewhat different, they were probably betrayed by the village leaders, and Bai Ye did win.

The empathy of both sides also made Ye Cang less hostile to Bai Ye.

"All betrayers must die, you are right, but I will betray you at any time. I need you to help me avenge. I will also be the sharpest sword in your hand, but one day I will not guarantee that I will not betray you. We just take what we need!"

Ye Cang understood that Bai Ye needed her to take action in the war with Sand Village, and her defection would definitely make the Sand Village army lose morale.

But she also stated her position. She was just cooperating with Bai Ye and might betray at any time.

Just like what she said before, all betrayers must die. Maybe she will die, but she doesn't care, as long as she can get revenge before she dies.

"No problem, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Ye Cang's eyes flashed with surprise. Although she didn't understand why the other party still chose to cooperate with her, she also stretched out her left hand and shook it lightly with Bai Ye.

She must rely on the power of Konoha to take revenge now.

[Ding! Change Ye Cang's fate and reward a chance to draw a lottery! ]

Happy cooperation!

Bai Ye's mouth curled up a smile. It was just as she thought. Only strong people can trigger it!

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