Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 85: Advancement of Conqueror's Haki, a major event that shocked the world!

Chapter 85 - Advancement of Conqueror's Haki, a world-shaking event!

After leaving Rocks, Bai Ye felt much more relaxed.

Perhaps he felt guilty towards Rocks at first.

It can be said that Rocks taught him how to develop his Haki and some of his fruits.

In his heart, he always had the intention to leave the Rocks Pirates.

But after the showdown with Rocks, Bai Ye felt as if he had thought too much, and his suppressed heart seemed to be relieved. At the same time, he was surprised to find that the Conqueror's Haki seemed to be stronger!

"Golden Lion, gather all the crew members, and then you take the ship into the air, we fly over!"

"Hahahaha, are we finally going to take action?!"

After receiving Rocks' order, Golden Lion immediately arranged for all the pirates to board the ship.

This time, in order to avoid exposure, they chose to go through the sky.

In the air, even the spies in the Rocks Pirates didn't know where they were going.

But the entire Rocks Pirates left Beehive Island, except for some small pirates, the entire Rocks Pirates left Beehive Island. Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the Navy.

"What on earth is that bastard Rocks going to do!?"

Steel Bone Kong, who was the Navy Admiral at the time, was looking at the information in his hand with a headache.

Before Rocks left, when he had this intention, he already had the information.

The water of the entire New World is now muddied by Rocks. The originally loose New World is now followed by countless pirates because of Rocks's wave of his arm. The disappearance of Rocks today seems to indicate that something big is going to happen!

"Can I know the specific direction?"

Sengoku asked curiously.

He thought that the most important thing to know now is the direction Rocks left.

"He's coming to the Grand Line."

In the end, according to the information, he left the New World, but this Four Seas is still the Grand Line. How can Steel Bone Kong know where it is exactly?

What's more, the most important thing is that the most important facilities of the Navy and the World Government are all in the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line.

"Judicial Island? Navy Headquarters or Impel Down?"

He lowered his head, thinking about the purpose of Rocks's trip.

"Could it be Marijoa?"

Zhan Guo didn't think Rocks wanted to attack these three places.

First of all, Rocks summoned so many pirates to act together, just to attack these three places?

In terms of interests, other pirates would not agree.

First, Judicial Island is just a place for the World Government to judge. Although it represents justice and the dignity of the World Government, Rocks has no reason, and the other pirates in his pirate group don't need to destroy Judicial Island. It's a thankless job.

Let's talk about Impel Down. There are many powerful pirates imprisoned in it, but Rocks has no one who needs to be rescued in Impel Down. Similarly, other pirates will not follow Rocks without any benefits.

Similarly, unless the pirates are crazy, what are they attacking here at the Navy Headquarters?

Not only will they not get any benefits, but they may also die here. In Sengoku's opinion, unless there is a huge benefit, it is impossible for this group of pirates to gather so many.

And Marijoa is the residence of the Celestial Dragons, and it seems that it is not impossible for it to be the target of Rocks' attack.

"That group of guys are going to attack Marijoa."

Garp kept talking about senbei. He did not agree with Sengoku's speculation and even refuted it: "Really? I don't believe it!"

"Garp, you bastard, shut up!"

Sengoku punched Garp in the face. The old bastard ate his own senbei again!

I have never seen Garp buy it, but Garp has been eating it. When did the old bastard steal it? I have already locked it!

"It's hard to judge, but once Rocks and others choose to act, it may be because of some great benefits."

Tsuru also tends to agree with Sengoku's point of view. The other places are unlikely to happen, but there is no guarantee. What Rocks is thinking, perhaps only Rocks and a few captains know at this time.

This action was too sudden, and they were somewhat caught off guard.

"It's a pity that we can't infiltrate. Now they know nothing about what to do. I guess only those cadres know!"

Konggu Kong felt a little frustrated. He felt very passive in this situation where he couldn't find out what the other party wanted to do.

Bulu Bulu Bulu

Just when Konggu Kong was a little distressed, a special Den Den Mushi rang on the table.

Holy Land Mary Geoise.

The Five Elders were sitting in front of a table, quietly looking at the Den Den Mushi and announced: "One of the three admirals will go to Impel Down, one will go to Judicial Island, and the other will stay in the Navy Headquarters!"

Satan Saint instructed Konggu Kong on the arrangement they had discussed.

Even if their CP didn't get any intelligence, the Five Elders didn't expect the Navy to have any intelligence here.

"What about the Holy Land?"

Konggu Kong was actually quite entangled.

The previous analysis seemed to be not to attack these three places at all. Don't they need an admiral to go there?

"No need!"

I don't know if it's the pride of the Celestial Dragons, or because they think Rocks doesn't dare to attack here at all, and no one has dared to come to the Holy Land to make trouble in the past 800 years.

Therefore, in Wulaoxing's view, the navy generals only need to protect these three places.

As for the Holy Land, with them here, as long as Rocks and others dare to come, they will never come back!

"I see."

Since there was no need to send people over to the Holy Land, Cyborg Kong was naturally relieved.

"Garp, where are you going?"

"Don't forget it's my vacation time now!"

He had been chasing Roger and others some time ago, so his warship also needed to be repaired.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Karp decided to take a break.

"Hello!!? Get this bastard back here!"

Just as Cyborg Kong finished speaking, he heard a bang, and Garp immediately closed the door, with no intention of listening to his words.

This old bastard!

Now that the Navy is in desperate need of manpower, it just ran away like this?

"What does that bastard Locks want?"

Saint Wuchuli scratched his forehead in distress and looked at the world map. The destination of Rocks' action could not be seen at all on it.

"Isn't it possible that he summoned so many pirates just to plunder? He probably won't come to the Holy Land, right? Isn't that guy a fool? Does he really dare to come to the Holy Land to die?"

Saint Nasjuro wiped the hilt of the sword in his hand, and his glasses shone with a hint of light. In his heart, he was actually looking forward to the arrival of Rocks and others, so that he could eliminate the Rocks Pirates in one fell swoop.

But before that, the Tianlong people still have to hide, intercept the opponent before the holy land, prevent the holy land from being destroyed, and then kill Rocks and others.

"But there's no suitable place on the entire map!"

If it were other pirates, there would be nothing to worry about, but this is Rocks, the Rocks Pirates!

"That place is not exposed, right?"

Saint Satan suddenly thought of a place and fixed his gaze on a small island in the West Sea.

That's where the Tianlong people have always enjoyed hunting games.

This time, not only the people from the Knights of God passed by, but also many Tianlong people who had no strength.

It's really not good news if Rocks' destination is over there.

There is a considerable distance between the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land, and it is not an easy task to rush to help there.

"It's impossible. It hasn't been discovered there for hundreds of years. Every time the guys on that island are silenced by us, the island in the Valley of the Gods doesn't even appear on the map. How could it be possible that Rocks and the like were killed? Does anyone know?”

Saint Peter immediately interrupted Saint Satan. This was simply impossible. After all, that location was top secret. Only the top brass within the World Government and the Navy knew about it. No one else knew about it at all.

Not to mention the Rocks Pirates, which is usually just a small island, and there are actually CP0 surveillance around it, just to prevent leaks here.

In addition, since the Valley of Gods is located in the West Sea, the pirates there are not strong. Once a pirate approaches, CP0 will kill him without hesitation.

Naturally, it cannot be known to others.

"There's nowhere to go!"

Saint Satan said lightly, if it weren't for the Valley of Gods, there would be no place worth visiting for Rocks.

It can’t really be the Holy Land Marie Joa, right?

"Anyway, let's all stay here and take a look. If Rocks and others really come to the Holy Land, we will deal with this group of pirates then!"


After a few people put it all together, they finally decided. Anyway, there are navies in other places, and they are watching over the Holy Land. Basically, there will be no accidents. Secrets like the Valley of the Gods will not be known to pirates, so it depends on Locke. Si is preparing to take action.

The Rocks Pirates only have this chance. All the members are very ambitious, and it is impossible to stay in the same pirate group forever. When they fail this time, the Rocks Pirates will fall apart.

"No matter what happens next, Rocks must die."

"What about the rest?"

"You don't need to deliberately kill them, just let them run away if they can, and let them go to the new world to eat dogs!"

What they want is balance.

The World Government has seen too many geniuses in the past eight hundred years.


None have shaken the reign of the World Government.

And everything happening now is all done deliberately by them.

What they want is an unpeaceful new world, where big pirates will fight, not a new world ruled by Rocks. When the new world is unified, the spearhead will be aimed at them.

There are no contradictions, they can create contradictions, otherwise they are contradictions.

And this world cannot be peaceful.

If there is peace, what else will their world government do?

If everything was peaceful, there would be no pirates.

If there were no pirates, these countries would not need the protection of the navy, nor would they join the World Government as a franchise country. When all countries have no conflicts, and there is no more gold in the sky, the spearhead will be aimed at them. .

So the world needs pirates, but it doesn’t need people who can integrate most pirates.

The world needs chaos, chaos is in their interests.

"Rocks doesn't have anything to worry about. The most important thing is to find that fruit. If we find that fruit, then the whole world can go on in whatever way they want, as long as we keep a close eye on the four seas and the first half of the Grand Route!"

Saint Satan said calmly that no matter how much trouble the pirates made, they didn't care, but there was one thing that the world government was afraid of.

For the past eight hundred years, they have been looking for it, but it seems to be hiding and they cannot find it at all.

"That fruit has a mind of its own, or maybe it's like this for animals."


It's been 800 years and it still hasn't been found. It's really not reassuring.

But since Nika lost once eight hundred years ago, even if they come back again, they can still defeat Nika again!

"Roger, what do you say when Rocks leaves Beehive Island?"

Roger Pirates.

Rayleigh's eyes gleamed as he recounted the piece of information he had just obtained about Rocks.

"That guy beat me very badly last time!"

Roger touched his chest, where there was still a dull pain.

The last time he sailed to the New World, he met Rocks during this period. After rejecting Rocks' invitation, the two sides fought fiercely. If Garp hadn't caught up behind him, and Rocks thought he was a talent, , decided to give myself some more time to think.

That time Roger almost died in the New World.

Because of this incident, Roger realized his own lack of strength and decided to temporarily leave the New World and sail around the world.

"What are those guys going to do?"

Jabba thought, the purpose of Rocks leaving was not that simple at all.

"Didn't we receive a secret radio wave before?"

Roger's mouth curled up, thinking of a strange radio wave they had received before.

From the intelligence, they learned that there was an island called the Valley of the Gods in the West Sea, and that was actually where the Celestial Dragons hunted.

Similarly, this time there is a Devil Fruit as a treasure. In addition, I learned some time ago that the Rocks Pirates' treasure was taken away by those guys from the World Government. Combining the information I got before, it is estimated that that guy is going to God. Valley, right?

"It doesn't seem surprising if it's those guys!"

Rayleigh adjusted the frame of the mirror. He also agreed with Roger's statement.

Now combined with the disappearance of the Rocks Pirates, it is estimated that the previous information on the Valley of Gods was correct.

"How about you, are you interested in going there together?"

As Roger said, he suddenly thought of a very interesting thing, and at the same time he knew that he had the opportunity to solve this big mountain that was weighing on his heart!

If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to kill Rocks, he will never have another chance in the future.

So, this time he wants to go to the Valley of Gods!

"What a nonsense captain!"

"Go! I didn't get enough of fighting that bastard Golden Lion last time!!"

I definitely have to go!

Not only was Roger's order as the captain, but the two of them also wanted to continue to compete with the Rocks Pirates. They lost miserably last time!

And they also knew very well what Roger's purpose was.

If Rocks is not resolved, the conflict between the two sides will remain here, and sooner or later they will become enemies of Rocks!

Although it feels a bit like adding insult to injury, isn't this the style of pirates? !

They never said how tall they were!

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