Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 192 Travels in Various Countries

The Royal City is the first stop of the journey.

Compared with the southern countries with sparse population and undeveloped areas, and the northern countries that have been invaded by demons for many years and have difficulty in development, the Royal City, as the largest city among the central countries, has always been regarded as the center of the world.

The sun shines on the most shining city. With the arrival of the morning, the curtains of the shops open little by little, and the shouts gradually sound. The adults yawn and get up, and the children walk through the streets and alleys with laughter.

The nobles leisurely taste the fragrance of black tea in their own courtyards, the civilians are busy with their livelihoods, and all kinds of adventurers are looking for teammates to start an adventure. In the tavern, the bard plays the lute in his hand and sings the legendary deeds of the big men.

Luke made a detailed plan in advance. They first traveled around the royal city, then skipped the trading city of Barum where they had been living to watch the sunrise in the Grand Strait, admire the magnificent walls of the city fortress Val, and arrived at the Sword Town to see the legendary Sword of the Brave...

Treila seemed very happy to return to her hometown, with a bright smile on her face. She was in high spirits and took Luke's hand to wander around. She tried on various small pendants with strange shapes in the jewelry store, and changed into various new clothes in the clothing store.

Luke cooperated with her silently, feeling a little emotional.

Girls seem to be in God mode when they go shopping, and they will never feel tired.

At noon, Treila finally showed some fatigue, and the two found an expensive but good-style restaurant.

The restaurant was clean and bright, the melodious melody of the violin echoed in the space, the fresh and pleasant breeze passed through the window, and special dishes were served one by one.

It was rare to taste new dishes, Luke had a good appetite and finished most of the food. After eating, Trela, who had a smaller appetite, held her cheeks and quietly watched the elves eat slowly.

When everyone had almost finished eating, she suddenly asked.

"Is the food in this restaurant better, or is the food I cook better?"

Luke wiped his mouth with a tissue and said calmly, "You cook better."

"Then why do you think the food you eat this time is more delicious than before?"

"Tasting delicacies from all over the world is also an important part of traveling." Luke explained with a strong desire to survive.

Trela's face gradually sank, and when Luke felt a little uneasy, she laughed.

"Stupid, I just scared you, do you think I don't know myself?" Trela ​​lowered her head a little disappointed.

"I really don't have a talent for cooking. I've been doing this for more than ten years, and it's still like this. I've really wronged you all these years."

Luke relaxed a little and comforted him: "You can't say that. It's much better than the charcoal slag at the beginning. It's still edible."

Treila raised her head and stared at Luke: "You admit that the food in the restaurant is better than mine."

Luke: "..."

I thought the other party would lose his temper, and Luke was ready to coax him, but Treila seemed to have forgotten about it. After leaving the restaurant, he started to stroll around enthusiastically again.

At night, the lights of the royal city lit up little by little. The two walked to the center of the square and stopped in front of a statue of a group of four.

"Whose statue is that?" Treila asked.

"It should be the sacrificed brave team."

Luke took a look and felt that the statue seemed to be not very attentive and rough, not like the standard that should be given to the brave who made contributions and died bravely.

"Will there be a statue of you?" Trela ​​winked at him, "You are not a small name."

"If there is, it should be in the branch of the Magic Association." Luke didn't know, so he made a random guess, and then was dragged away by Trela ​​in a hurry.

In front of the gate of the branch of the Magic Association, a beautiful statue stood. The elf with a monocle and a robe holding a magic book in his hand, with an elegant temperament, and a line of labels below.

[In memory of Luke, the father of modern magic - Zane]

It was indescribable that he saw his own statue while he was still alive. Luke's eyes stayed on "Zane" for a few seconds and then moved away silently.

The predecessor who said "The Magic Association that will make magicians feel cold has no need to exist" passed away a year ago. At that time, Luke took time to attend his funeral.

"Yeah, it really exists."

Trela's voice brought Luke back to his senses. His eyes moved slightly, and then he held his forehead speechlessly.

Trela ​​looked around for a while, and after making sure that there was no one around, she touched a certain part of the statue with a thief, and then commented from the perspective of a professional master.

"Totally bad, the details are not handled well, what's the use of a bulge, bad review."

"Be more normal!"

For the first time, Luke couldn't look at his wife's behavior because of shame. Trela ​​was still very generous and decent after marriage, why did she let go of her nature as soon as she left the mansion.

As if she heard his inner voice, Trela ​​curled her lips, "If I don't go crazy, I will be old. When I become an old woman, I will be embarrassed to go crazy."

"You are only 30 years old, you are still far from old."

"When I was 18, I didn't think I would be 30 all of a sudden." Trela ​​came over, pulled Luke's face hard, and said with a smile.

"Especially my husband is still as fair and tender as before."

"...Don't use those weird adjectives."

Luke let go of Trela's hand and turned to walk towards the hotel. "We have seen enough. We will continue to visit tomorrow. Let's go back and rest first."

Behind her, Trela's smile slowly faded. She looked at Luke's back, stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly followed him.

After touring the royal city and staying there for a while, the two came to the next stop, the Strait of Grants.

This place is close to the trading city of Barum and the seaside where Luke's hometown is located. It is rich in aquatic products and there are many merchants coming and going.

The coastline has a wide view and excellent scenery. The beautiful sunrise is highly praised. It is said that countless couples have met because of watching the sunrise together.

Trela ​​and Luke are not the type who can't get out of bed. The two of them saw the famous sunrise smoothly.

The rising sun is beautiful against the backdrop of the sea. The clouds on the horizon are dyed pink, orange and purple, like a gorgeous painting, warm and gentle.

"It's pretty good. It's worth the trip."

Trela ​​admired it for a while, and felt her skirt being pulled. She looked down and saw a cute little girl. The little girl was holding a flower basket and picking up a flower to promote it in a baby voice.

"Pretty sister, buy a flower. My flower is as pretty as yours. Putting it in the bedroom will make you feel good all day."

"What a cute little girl."

Treila smiled and touched the little girl's head. Just as she took out the money, she saw the little girl put the flower back and stared at Luke beside her.

The little girl handed the flower basket to Luke with a red face, looking at the puzzled Luke with a serious face.

"Pretty brother, I will give all the flowers to you. When I grow up, I will be your bride, okay?"

Before Luke could say anything, Treila hugged him with a smile.

"Don't even think about it, kid, he is already mine."

Just now I thought this kid was cute, but now I look closely and it is a scheming little fox!

The little girl ran away indignantly, but before leaving, she shouted "bad aunt."

The three words were like a bolt from the blue that froze Treila in place. "Bad" didn't matter, but the word "aunt" almost made her faint.

The good mood of watching the sunrise was gone, and the whole process was soul-destroying.

Luke saw that she was not in a good state, so he helped her back to the hotel to rest.

Trela ​​collapsed on the bed, looking at Luke with tears in her eyes, "I am not very old, am I?"

"How is thirty old old?"

"I thought so before, but when that little girl called me like that, I felt indescribably uncomfortable." Trela ​​covered her chest, seeming to be particularly uncomfortable.

"Am I ugly now?"

Luke rarely took the initiative to kiss her lips, "Don't think too much, you are more beautiful than before."

"I don't believe it." Trela ​​blinked at him, and the discomfort just now seemed to not exist at all. She showed a conspiracy smile, "Unless you prove it to me."

Luke: ...

Sometimes he really couldn't tell whether Trela ​​really had a sense of crisis, or just wanted to trick him into bed.

Probably because this place left bad memories, Trela ​​yelled to go to the next place the next day.

Stopping and starting on the way, they made a huge beautiful flower field on the outskirts of Brad, admired the lush forest in the Fore Basin, attended the celebration at Willai, and Luke also helped to clean up several monsters nearby.

If you learn to enjoy life during the journey, time will go faster.

When they arrived at Val, two years had passed.

The city fortress Val is the dividing line between the central countries and the northern countries. When the demons were still there, this was a very dangerous area and was not allowed to pass.

In recent years, as the demons retreated to Ede, the northern countries began to recover, and this route naturally became accessible.

The magnificent fortress looks particularly spectacular. There are still dozens of soldiers wearing armor and holding swords on the city wall, still holding their posts, looking majestic from a distance.

"Wow, it looks so powerful."

Treila exclaimed at the towering city wall, "No wonder the demons couldn't cross this line before."

Luke took a look from a distance, "It just looks good, the soldiers have already relaxed."

"Without the threat of foreign enemies, the number of troops has been reduced a lot, and the remaining people are also neglected in training. I'm afraid they will become more loose and fragile in the future."

Speaking of this, Luke shook his head, "It has become like this in less than ten years. If the demons make trouble again, I'm afraid I can only pray for the goddess's blessing."

When reading the textbook a while ago, Luke found that the description of the demons has changed from "emotionless beasts who are good at disguise and deception" to "emotionless, humanoid creatures with certain threats."

He said calmly: "Time changes everything."

After hearing this, Treila looked sideways at her husband who was looking into the distance and added silently.

Except you.

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