Amir's funeral was very simple.

Apart from requesting to be buried next to Ms. Luo Yin, he made no other plans and only left his last words as simple as possible.

Sally and Anri followed his wishes and hosted a banquet for his friends before his death. After a while, they closed the coffin and buried it in the soil along with several of his belongings.

Putting the wooden sword that symbolized the friendship between the two as a companion, rejecting Sally and An Rui's attempts to stay, and taking one last look at the coffin that was gradually being buried in the sand, Luke silently turned around and left.

The dead cannot be saved, and the cumbersome funeral process is only for the living. He needs to pay more attention to the people who are still alive.

It was almost sunset when he used flying magic to rush back. Luke stopped in front of his house, walked in and took a look before relaxing a little.

The situation inside was as usual, the servants were still performing their duties, and no one reported any bad news after seeing him.

He gently opened the door. Terela sat quietly by the window as usual, turning her head when she heard the noise.

"Actually, there's no need to come back so early."

"I'm a little worried when I can't see you."

After hearing what he said, Terela smiled and said in a tone that was both angry and funny: "You should have said this more often before, but now I don't feel that throbbing anymore."

Luke didn't answer, "You seem to be very relaxed today. Did anything good happen to you?"

"...It's not a good thing. I just learned some things that I would have been worried about." Terela pointed to the table.

"Someone brought something over and said it was something you would need. It was placed on the table."

Luke frowned and walked over, only to see a pile of unnamed manuscripts on the table. He looked through them and his face became solemn.

It not only interprets and translates "The Bird of Time" extensively, but also writes down many ways of understanding and observing time, just as the owner of the manuscript has had the experience of peeking into time again and again.

Although future vision is not very helpful for magic that can stop or turn back time on an individual, it will no longer leave him without any thoughts.

"Who sent it?"

When he asked this question, Luke almost guessed the candidate. He made a hypothesis about time magic from the perspective of observing time. There were only two people in this world. Excluding the brave man of the south who was not yet born, there was only one person left.

Shorahat, the All-Knowing!

"He calls himself Shorahat and has no ill intentions, but if you stay here, you will attack the next second you see him, so you can only put things here first."

Luke simulated the situation in his mind and had to admit that it was indeed the case.

The demons are a group of intelligent but emotionless beasts. They understand the joys, anger, sorrows and joys of human beings, and know how these emotions affect people, but they cannot truly understand what it feels like.

Mahat, one of the Seven Collapse Sages of Golden Township, became curious about human emotions in the future and spent decades cultivating a relationship with a city lord. When both parties recognized that the other was a life-or-death acquaintance, he brought the city lord together with the entire city. Golden.

And all this was just to experience the emotion called "guilt", but after doing all this, he still didn't feel anything. He only felt a different kind of touch before he died.

Trusting the demons is a stupid thing to do, but the manuscript is indeed true...

Luke frowned deeply. Regardless of why Shorahat wanted to help him, he could have sent the manuscript quietly if he wanted to.

Facing a character who had read the script, Luke instinctively rejected anything sent by such a person.

"Did he say anything else?"

Luke walked over and used magic to check Telela's body. No abnormalities were found for the time being, but just in case, it would be safe to ask a powerful monk to take another look.

Terela looked at Luke quietly: "He also told me about the time of his death."

Luke raised his head sharply, the anger in his eyes flashing away.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. There is no omniscient person in the world, and the title of omniscient is just an exaggerated title."

Terela did not argue with this issue, but just looked at the flowers and plants in front of the window. These were small light blue flowers called "Star Gradient" that were common in Barum. They were not particularly beautiful, but they were tenacious and did not require special care.

"They're withered."

Luke snapped his fingers, and the simplified flower field magic was cast. The dead flowers and grass blended into the soil, and new flowers grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Magic is very convenient, but there are some things that magic can't do." Terela looked helpless at Luke's actions.

"I can't understand other things, but I still know about the Goddess' Codex. Are you studying time magic just because my lifespan is about to end?"

Luke wasn't surprised when things came out. It's hard for people who live together to have secrets, especially when they spend all day together.

Trayla must have noticed it since he started consulting the Holy Scriptures.

"There's nothing wrong with this. I didn't do anything illegal, and it didn't affect my normal life."

In his previous life, he had read many works, and there were always many characters who conducted various forbidden research in order to resurrect their loved ones. From a God's perspective, he only thought it was crazy, but when it fell on him, he slowly began to understand.

"Not just for you, if I can develop magic that can turn back time or make it permanent, I will surpass Flamel, the origin of human magic, and become the greatest magician in history, and for eternity."

Luke changed his mind to explain his behavior.

"I think it's better to spend more time with me than to do this kind of thing."

Treila shook her head gently, "It's more valuable to live meaningfully in a limited time than to live forever."

Luke suppressed the irritation in his heart, "That's what humans say to comfort themselves. If this sentence is right, why would so many people pursue immortality... Or do you want to leave me?"

"You know the answer to this question. I just think it's right to do the right thing at the right time. It's better to seize the present than to pursue an unrealistic dream."


Luke chewed this description repeatedly in his mouth, and picked up the manuscript on the table with a firm look.

"I will succeed."

This is a race to chase time, and he has fallen behind. Time magic must be studied. Even if time cannot be reversed, time must be slowed down.

There will be a lot of follow-up work. He needs to study this manuscript carefully, starting with studying a "sleepless" magic, which is still very easy to complete.

Luke walked out of the room and closed the door along with the sigh coming from inside.

The progress of the research is not optimistic. There is still too little theoretical knowledge and insufficient imagination. After confirming that he cannot study time magic through normal channels, Lu Ke chose another route.

Future vision!

Through the manuscript, he reversed the magic of observing the future of Shulahat, and then observed his future self and brought back the research results of his future self.

After absorbing this knowledge, he continued to use the future tense to repeat the operation in an infinite loop!

This is a bug behavior. Lu Ke doesn't know if it can succeed, but it is theoretically feasible!

After establishing the goal, Lu Ke worked day and night to reverse the magic of future vision, and the progress was also slow.

This is a miracle magic at the same level as the Seven Collapse Sages or even higher. If it weren't for the detailed records of various information in the manuscript, and Lu Ke himself had a good foundation, as a person from another world, he would never be able to complete the reverse deduction.

Trela ​​watched Luke trying all kinds of things day and night. At first, she tried to persuade him, "Don't work so hard. Your eyes are red. Your health is the most important thing."

"I understand."

Luke agreed, and his eyes returned to their usual clarity the next day.

But this was not because he had a good rest, but because he used magic to cover it up.

So Trela ​​stopped persuading him. She knew that Luke had reached a dead end, and it was because of her.

This result made Trela ​​sad, but she knew that she couldn't have too much emotional fluctuations at her age, so she could only try to restrain herself.

The only thing she could do was to take care of her body so that Luke wouldn't worry about her, and to give him more time, although doing so would essentially waste the remaining time they had together.

Time passed quietly, and the news of Sally's death came two years later.

It seems that all couples are like this. If one falls, the other will quickly decline. Sally was even younger than Trela, but she withered rapidly after Amir's death.

This time, Luke and Trela ​​both went.

An Rui cried so hard at the funeral. He didn't understand why his mother left him so early. Trella, who always regarded him as half a son, comforted him for a long time before he stopped crying.

Witnessing Sally being buried next to Amir stimulated Luke again. After returning, he put almost all his energy into research.

Until the fifth year, Luke finally completed the magic of future vision.

In the process of completion, he found that this magic was not complete. Shulahart seemed to have hidden something. He couldn't see the future two hundred years later.

It didn't matter. He didn't want to be the second Shulahart. He just wanted to use future vision to bring back the knowledge of the future.

Without hesitation, Luke used this magic.

"Show me my future."

He whispered softly, feeling his thoughts being pulled away, rising and rising again, and then seeing the whole picture of the world from a God's perspective.

He saw Fulilian hiding her breath in a mountain forest, as if she was constantly tracking something, and saw the anxiety and boredom of the big demons trapped in the Demon King's City almost turning into substance.

The perspective was raised again. He saw a certain elven monk who was constantly migrating and wandering, and also saw the ancient elf Celia sitting casually on a gorgeous chair that looked like a throne.

As if she had noticed something, Celia raised her eyes, and the strongest person who collected almost all the magic in the world looked at him, and then the two of them staggered.

His perspective was still rising, and he saw the various forms of life of the people in the central countries, whether it was the corruption of the nobles or the hardships of the common people, whether it was the kindness that happened in bits and pieces or the malice that was spread.

This can be said to be the perspective of God.

The large amount of information received at one time made Luke frown. He endured the pain and mobilized magic, and time began to accelerate in his eyes.

At the same time, countless branches appeared, and a kaleidoscope of possibilities emerged in front of him. There was no certainty in the future. If you want to get the information you know, you have to look at it one by one and try it one by one.

Luke suppressed his restless heart, took a deep breath, and stepped into the first possible branch.

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