Since 1983

Chapter 467: Selling

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

"Officials and officials don't have to worry about it. Listening to your wife tells you clearly. I also learned medicine in my childhood and childhood to worship Guanyin in order to pray for the Nanhai ..."

On the night of the end of March, the singing song of Bai Niang came from the living room.

I do n’t know if it ’s Beijing or Taiwan ’s rebroadcast, or CCTV ’s rebroadcast.

Teacher Xu drank wolfberry tea and sat in the study room to write the schedule.

He is a well-planned man and he has to write down when he is inspired. First of all, a few guys in the art center. Zheng Xiaolong led people to spend a few months in the United States. When they came back, they felt quite like "adults, defecating".

Last year's tide of 92, this year was in full swing, the company blossomed everywhere, holding money to let you film.

Feng pants couldn't bear it first, took Wang Shuo and invested 100,000 yuan, and opened a "good dream film company". Chairman Wang Shuo, his general manager, a total of three people, the chairman wipes the table every day.

Then Zhao Baogang, who was close to Xu Fei's thief recently, was so boldly calling his father.

He is ready to sign a collaboration and film himself. Da Gangzi's level is very high, a person can support a play, that is later turned into a greasy old man, still thinking about rushing into the world of young people, a little embarrassed.

Bind Zhao Baogang is equivalent to bind Hai Yan, the two of them, um ...

The company currently has: Ge You, Liu Bei, Liang Tian, ​​Zhang Guoli, Deng Jie, Zhao Mingming, Jiang Shan, Kou Zhanwen, Cao Ying, a total of nine actors.

He is unwilling to allow his own people to pick up bad drama and try to digest it internally.

Ge You followed Zhang Guoshi's "live", Zhao, Liang, Kou and Cao kept "White Eyebrow Hero", Liang Tian also had the task of "I Love My Family".

Jiang Shan left the city drama, Deng Jie added, Zhang Guoli was embarrassed, and was always used as a director.

Ge, Liu, Zhao, and Jiang must be the protagonists, and Xiao Caoying is cultivated on the basis of tens of thousands of dollars. In this way, at least 3-4 plays must be filmed each year to meet the demand.

Xu Fei made a note on the paper, "1994!"

By next year, the company should have this condition and experience to expand production. Moreover, it is not enough to always shoot commercial dramas. From time to time, it is necessary to get some thick works to show the force.

"Da Ming Dynasty 1566", "Towards Republic", "Great Qin Empire" and the like.

In terms of movies, he plans to make big blockbusters step by step. At present, there is only the concept of long films and short films in China, and the term blockbuster has not yet been born.

He felt that the most effective way to engage in film industrialization was to practice in actual combat. How to fight, make a big show!

Finally, Liu Bei.


Teacher Xu was also very painstaking, and he chose one of thousands of choices, and wrote two words in the book:

"Tsing Yi!"

Then I wrote two words:



One day at the end of March, the wind was light.

Yue Luyi came out of the guest house and hurried to the Kunlun Hotel. As a representative of Mountain Shadow, he is based in Beijing and is responsible for all affairs of "Bai Mei Xia".

This time to engage in a small trade fair, simply send him to participate.

At the place, on the ninth floor, a sign was stamped in front of the conference hall, "The Fair of World Film and Television, Beijing TV Art Center."


Yue Luyi secretly said, hanging his name in front.

Entering the hall, there is an oval table that can seat more than twenty people. Just find a place, the meeting process and TV drama summary are placed on the table.

He flipped through a few pages and suddenly got up to find Xu Fei: "Xiao Xu, how come I still speak?"

"Promote" White Eyebrow Hero ", of course you have to speak."

"But can the script be promoted before it is written?"

"Times have changed, Teacher Yue, think about the words first."

Yue Luyi returned to his seat with a brutal expression. Not long after, he saw another person coming in.

"Teacher Xu!"

"Hey, Ouyang!"

Xu Fei stood up and shook hands with Ouyang Changlin, "Why are you here?"

"Aren't I going to start a company in Beijing? It's convenient for me to be sent to Taiwan."

Immediately afterwards, representatives of various parties arrived one after another, and Kyrgyzstan and Zhejiang were obviously close to each other.

When Zheng Xiaolong arrived, the meeting began.

"Everyone, please be quiet! In the past, when I held this kind of meeting, my opening remarks were usually‘ I ’m a younger generation, and all the teachers here are teachers.

But sitting here today to think about it, I have been in the industry for seven years without even realizing it. I have made small achievements and made friends. "


Yue Luyi pouted, and after several encounters, he could see that the thief was very good, and he used words to block people.

He has been in the business for seven years, but it is not short or long, but on the achievements, awards, popularity, and influence of the works, he hangs the producers of local stations.

"Today I mainly talk about business. There are two worlds and one art center. I have sent you video tapes. There are more than 30 provincial stations and 13 came, which shows that our drama is still good.

In addition, there is a "Bai Mei Xia", which is under preparation, is based on the cooperation between the three of Beijing, Taiwan, Qilu and China, and is adapted from Mr. Shan's storytelling. "


As soon as this remark came out, the audience whispered. Mr. Shan's audience base is not small, it is still a martial arts drama, or the cooperation of the three big brothers.

Following that, Yue Luyi made a temporary speech and introduced the situation.

"I emphasize one point. If you reach a deal today," White Eyebrow Hero "will also give priority to you.

It is not forced tying. After so many years, everyone knows the quality of our works. I hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you.

Okay, let ’s go to the first round, and you will write the quote on the card. "

This is a novelty. Representatives picked up the red cards and wrote them in envelopes.

Xu Fei took it in and said, "Okay, let's take a rest first. The leisure facilities of the Kunlun Hotel are still good. I will cover all the expenses.

Yo! light and spacious!

Everyone was happy.

After the break up, Xu Fei and Zheng Xiaolong began to open the envelope.

"Qilutai, 500,000 in New York, happy marriage 450,000, addiction 100,000."

"Zhejiang and Taiwan, 550,000 in New York, happy marriage 420,000, addiction 120,000."

"Su Tai, in New York, 20,000 episodes, happy marriage, 210,000 episodes, addiction, 10,000."

Zheng Xiaolong glanced at the price and said: "It must have been touched in advance, otherwise it cannot be so close."

"There are also no touch ... in New York 300,000, happy marriage 200,000, and addiction 50,000. This one is too much!" Xu Fei despised.

"They have similar reserve prices, and they still can't get it back."

"But you can bring it to CCTV to negotiate."

"Yes, it's a bargaining chip. Hey, I always wanted to ask you, why don't you consider CCTV?"

"Shop bully!"

Xu Fei shook his head and said: "Since CCTV has money, it has become more and more overbearing. I don't want to talk."

"I can't help it, the pressure is too great."

Zheng Xiaolong sighed and filmed the loan. This attempt failed in a sense, and he dared not play it in the future.

In the afternoon, meet again.

There are first and second round prices in later generations, because they are all starred and can be seen nationwide.

In 1993, most of them were not starred and bought back to broadcast in the province, so no one would pay a high price alone, and they would definitely buy them together.

Zheng Xiaolong also entrusted him and said, "I have read your quotation and need to consider it. I'm not going to talk for the time being and will withdraw first.

In addition, the "Bai Mei Hero" Art Center did not participate, and Beijing and Taiwan were the partners. "


Dried and crushed directly. The whole audience is in a hurry.

"Beijing in New York" has Jiang Wen and wants to buy it. Now it's gone, like a pair of cups smashed one, and the rest suddenly became a peerless treasure.

"Then let's talk ..."

Teacher Xu smiled and said: "I directly mention a joint purchase price," Happy Marriage "500,000," Over addiction "150,000. Interested parties please raise their hands."


He didn't mention too much, and each of them wanted to work together for a long time. After a short quiet period, thirteen raised their hands at the same time, "We're asking for" Marriage of Joy "!"

Followed the six families raised their hands, "We're asking" Over Addiction "!"

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