Chapter 3


Because the pair of two that I saw inside this forest where monsters appear both had blonde hair, I immediately knew that they are foreigners.

The reason for that is because the country of Hinata, just like Japan, is an island country and it is normal to have black hair and black eyes.

Blonde hair is the proof of being a continent person, and it is true that this village is near the continent. The town crossing one mountain to the west is a port town, but there are difficult roads to come to this village, so there is no merit or rather none.

Because of that, I have never seen a person coming to our village up until now.


“Why is a foreigner around here?”


For the meantime, I decided to observe the two from afar.







“Hey〜, is this really the right place?”


One of the pair, Pedro talked to his partner Nicolas.


“Is that what you who’s holding the map should say?”


It looks like the two were lost.


“Isn’t it because you said it’s to the left in that forked road!”


“Ann? What did you just say?”


“Bring it on.”






The two were just about to fight but immediately finished battle preparations the instant they heard the sound.


“What……a goblin huh?”


Pedro muttered while looking at the goblin where the sound came from.


“Wait! It’s an ogre!!”


Nicolas said that, and there is an oni twice the size of a person, the ogre went towards the two pulling goblins with it.


“Let’s go! Nicolas!”




The two entered battle.

Pedro held his long sword in a low stance and went towards the ogre and Nicolas started to attack the goblins around the ogre using his bow.

The ogre attacks Pedro with its club.

Pedro dodges that cautiously.

The ogre that saw that waved its hand as if to send a signal.


“What is it?”


Pedro felt something was strange but then, arrows flew towards him.




Pedro turned his attention to the surroundings after dodging those arrows.


“This is bad! Nicolas! We’re surrounded!!”


“What did you say?!”


There is about 20 goblins holding bows and clubs surrounding the two.


“Oi oi, isn’t this too tough〜??”


“We might not escape unwounded, I think?”


It was that time when the two were talking like that. A small shadow cuts several bow-wielding goblins that surrounded them with a slash.




While the two was having the same reaction to the sudden turn of events, the small killed several more goblins and released the two from the encirclement.


“I’ll help you okay!”

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