
When I approached the room, the mint hugged me first. When I lifted the mint, I asked the mint.

"Were you a good girl waiting?

"Yeah! I was hanging out with you. Rare?"

"Yeah, it's great."

"Eh heh."

Laurier said just a little stubbornly that she was dusting at my daughter smiling happily.

"Mint, your father doesn't bother you too much because he's tired."

"Laurier, come here, too."

"Yes, Father"

Laurier also hugs me because I came here so quickly. I felt quite happy when I held my two daughters up in both hands. I knew my kids were too cute! Mint heard me thinking so.

"Pa, can you hang out with me?

"It's cunning, Mint. I was the first to ask."

"Shall we both sleep together?"


"I understand, Father."

My child is too much of an angel to listen to me say something really bad, but now I didn't know what made my education this far. That's how my daughter healed me, then I tried to see the rest of my son, but he wasn't in the room, and I asked Raina, the mint maid.

"Rayna, do you know where Basil is?

"I think it's a study. While Julie was choosing a book to read, I heard that Master Basil was headed there."

"Right, thanks."

My son seems to depend quite a bit on Julie. Well, you should admit that Julie was better with Basil than I was. That's how Laurie and I went to the study holding up the mint, and I called out because I discovered Basil reading the book on Yuri's lap.

"Basil, I'm home"

"Pa, welcome back"

I smile, but I put my gaze back on Julie from there, so I smile unexpectedly. Well, if that's okay with Basil, okay? That's what I said once I approached Basil, then I stroked his head gently, then I followed the room back to Mint's room.

"Well, I'll say hello to your mom, too, so I'll see you later."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"I can't do this, Mint."

You say that, but you don't hug me and leave, Laurie. How dare you laugh at the two lovely people, then I said.

"Then let's serve cake for dessert tonight. That's why you're a good girl, right?

"Keeki? Yeah!"

"All right, all right, Laurier's good, too?

"Yes, Father"

That's how I smile at the two of them, who unfortunately leave, and then stroke their heads, and I leave the room behind. I rushed to my lovely daughter-in-law, who was waiting for me at the end.

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