Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 100: Crying little boy

   No one is talking, but it is not quiet.

   When the city was far away, one could still hear waves of sound and heat, as well as explosions and exclamations from time to time. All of this spread out from afar, and formed a sharp contrast with the depression and silence in this clearing under the high wall.

   Lu Xin stood quietly, feeling everything around him.

   quietly, quietly...

   Then he almost fell asleep.



   "There must be something wrong..."

   Lu Xin thought silently, he must be a normal, healthy, and ordinary person.

   Therefore, these people can be affected, and they must be able to feel it themselves.

   Just like before, when he entered the cafe, the waiter tried to pollute himself. Later, when I deal with the 072 pollution source myself, I can also feel that kind of fear. Even when dealing with rose pollution, I can feel the influence of the rose, but I can resist it. Therefore, Lu Xin decided to use this method to find the source of pollution.

   Lu Xin didn't just talk about the fact that he was an ordinary person, but was always looking for evidence to prove it.

   Now this incident is also a proof...

   It’s just that my legs are sore, but I don’t feel anything, that’s why...

   Lu Xin suddenly realized something, opened his eyes, and looked to his side.

   My sister was squatting next to her, looking up at him, her eyes seemed to be looking at a fool.

   Lu Xin squeezed the earphones, and whispered to his sister, "It may be because you are here to affect me. You should leave me for a while."

   My sister looked at him more like she was looking at a fool: "I'm leaving, aren't you afraid of being eaten by someone?"

   Lu Xin thought for a while, and said, "You can't be too far away from me. If you don't see it right, come and help me quickly..."

   My sister's eyes suddenly became a bit resentful.

   Lu Xin had to show his sister a somewhat flattering and loving look.

   sister angrily said: "Then you have to make up for me!"

   Lu Xin frowned, and said, "I gave you all the hidden chocolates..."

   My sister looked at him suspiciously: "You must have hidden some."

   Lu Xin shook his head and said sincerely, "No, I really gave it to you."

   "Candy alone is not enough!"

   My sister believed him, but was not reconciled. After thinking about it, her eyes seemed a little smug: "I want toys."

   said while making gestures: "Super big, crying, crying, alive... toy!"

   Lu Xin thought about it seriously, and felt that he could no longer coax his sister at this time, so he nodded and said, "I think about it!"


   My sister tilted her head and looked at him for a while.


   Lu Xin said earnestly: "But you have to pay close attention, if you see something wrong, come here as soon as possible, otherwise no one will buy you toys."

   My sister was still surrounded by Lu Xin and nodded contentedly.

   Then she turned her head one step at a time, crawling away quietly, and quickly disappeared in the forest of weeping people.



   Lu Xin sighed softly and stood in the crowd again.

   I tried to free myself, quietly feeling everything around me.

At this time, he could hear the sound of the night wind passing above his head, the crying from the distant city, the high-volume radio broadcast warning, and the waist-high grass slowly swaying under his feet, or some The sound of grass grains popping occasionally.

  Because there are people around, and people crying quietly.

   That’s why Lu Xin could feel that a huge and strong sadness was shrouded in the wasteland under the high wall.

   If this great sadness is the sea, he is just a drop of water, slowly blending into it and becoming one of them.

   Then when he began to fall into this sad mood, he suddenly heard...


   A vaguely, the little boy cried softly.

   The cry was so faint and low that I could hardly hear it if I didn't listen carefully. It penetrated my ears like a soft silk thread.

   When he heard the cry, Lu Xin even seemed to see a little boy shrinking in a corner.

   He is thin and small, facing the wall, crying quietly.

   didn't dare to speak loudly, as if he was afraid of something that would be alarmed, so he could only suppress it like this, cautiously weeping.

   The crying sound seemed to have some infectious power, which made people feel endless sadness in an instant.

   Lu Xin also seemed to have opened a gap in his heart, and a strong feeling of sadness came out all of a sudden.

   He seemed to have experienced countless tortures in an instant.

   He saw the silver and white surgery cut on his body countless times while he was awake.

   also spent countless times in a dark room without any light all day long.

   There have been countless friends around him who appeared briefly and were dragged away.

   Behind the glass wall, there are countless adults with strange smiles, observing themselves.



   He is afraid of being alone, afraid of the darkness, and looking forward to people appearing.

   But he also knows that whenever someone shows up, it is the time to hurt him.

   So, he was enveloped in this kind of fear and sadness all day long.

   can only curl up in the corner by the wall, afraid to cry loudly, thinly, softly.




   Lu Xin suddenly opened his eyes, looked down, and saw his sister biting his thigh.

   Seeing Lu Xin looking at her, her sister released her mouth and smiled a little strangely: "Brother, you are crying..."

   Lu Xin stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his eye, his fingers were a little wet.


   shook his head, then he took a deep breath and looked away.

   He knows what this pollution is all about.

   This is a kind of pollution that spreads through sound. When you hear this cry, you will become a crying member.

   This reminded him of a deceased person who was found alone in the mine complex yesterday.

  Special pollution source No.072, Wang Chu.



   "I have found traces of pollution..."

   While talking to the channel, he strode forward, his voice a bit solemn: "Be prepared."

On the    channel, Han Bing's voice suddenly became tense: "What type?"

   "It's a cry..."

Lu Xin whispered to the channel: "The cry of a little boy is so low that it is difficult to find, but as long as he hears that cry, he will fall into a sad mood and will have hallucinations. I suspect that these people are affected in this way."

   "I guess the source of the pollution should be a little boy hiding in the crowd..."


  Han Bing said: "Understood, it is being reported to the investigation team."

   "Don't let the investigation team in..."

   Lu Xin whispered, paused slightly, and explained: "They may not be able to resist it."



   When he heard this cry, Lu Xin already knew how the pollution source spread.

  Because pollution is spread through such fine crying, it is difficult to detect with mental testing equipment.

   And the cry was extremely weak. In this chaotic city, it was already overwhelmed by the noise from all around.

   Even the investigative team members did not dare to go too deep into the crowd when they came to investigate. In order to prevent contamination, they all wear thick protective clothing and their hearing is affected. Therefore, the possibility of them discovering this pollution source is very small.

   And if they take off their helmets, they are more likely to be directly contaminated by crying and become a "weeper".

   Step by step, the arrangement is so delicate and ingenious.

   Lu Xin felt that this pollution source should have been carefully designed.

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