Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 102: Mental pollution bomb

   is an abandoned city about thirty miles away from Qinggang City.

A red moon in the sky seemed extraordinarily large, as if occupying half of the sky in the abandoned city, engulfing most of the night in it, a piece of dead city remains, stained with a light red, as if a blood stream was flowing in it. Flow slowly.

   On the edge of this abandoned city, people are gathering on the roof of a thirty-story building.

   They didn't use any lighting equipment, they just looked at things through the moonlight in the sky.

   Seven or eight heavily armed men, holding guns in their arms, guarded the surrounding areas of the building.

In the middle of the roof of the building, there is a box with some wine glasses, canned food, luncheon meat, and steamed buns.

   Next to the box, three people sat, one with a beret on his head and a huge sunglasses on his face. He carries a unique courageous temperament, which is a kind of calmness and calmness that can only be possessed by fumbling in the wilderness for many years.

   The other is a boy with a big head but a very thin body, with small eyes and a little evil.

   There is another, a man wearing a red suit with long hair and a smile on his face.

   The three of them looked at each other with alertness in their eyes.

   In a nervous state, the man wearing sunglasses suddenly waved his hand hard and whispered:

   "Two two..."


   Then he buckled the remaining cards, the expression on his face was quite provocative.

   The boy with a big head glanced at the handful of cards in his hand, with a cruel expression on his face.

   He suddenly became cruel, took out two pieces and beat them down:

   "Ghost bomb..."

   The face of the man wearing sunglasses was suddenly a little embarrassed.

   Then the big-headed boy drew out another handful of cards and put it down with a smile: "Four to the tip, soaring!"

   There is only one card left in his hand.

   At this time, the man in a white suit suddenly smiled and drew out four cards: "Fried!"

   That is four three.

   Then the man in the white suit threw another five. The man wearing sunglasses laughed and shot the last nine.

   "It's okay, okay, let's have another..."

   The big-headed boy was very unconvinced, and quickly made gestures: "I still grab the landlord."

"no need!"

   The man wearing sunglasses smiled, stood up, and said, "It is already certain that there is no problem."

   The man in the white suit smiled and got up.

   The big-headed boy is not easy to say anything, this is the practice of their knights.

   Every time they come back from a mission, everyone who enters the city needs to get together to play cards.

The process of playing cards is also the process of observing each other. As long as someone has obvious logical problems, such as two peasants, they have to use their own king to overwhelm the other's king, or they clearly see that the landlord is out of the way, but hold His own Xiao Wang refused to play, or after eating three bombs in a row, including one of his own accomplices, he showed strange mood swings.

   This shows that it is dangerous and requires temporary imprisonment and observation.

   Basically, the knights who have the ability have their own set of detection methods.



   The man wearing sunglasses walked to the side of the building and looked in the direction of Qinggang City.

   He is holding a white indicator in his hand, with blue light flashing continuously on it.

   "Has it started?"

   The man in the red suit leaned over and said, "The time is a bit earlier than predicted."

   "Maybe it was discovered, after all, Qinggang should have a lot of abilities."

   The man wearing sunglasses smiled and said, "However, the number of people gathered in the past should be enough for experimentation."

   "Then we went well this time."

   A big-headed boy approached. At this time, it could be seen that although he was born as a boy, his skin was very rough, his upper lip and chin had rough scum, and his speech was old-fashioned:

"The commission for the painting under the red moon has been completed. This latest product of the Science and Technology Church should be enough to help us break it. The most important thing is to detonate this 10,000-weight "Crying Little Boy" mental pollution bomb. The experimental data is recorded, and it is also regarded as a task that can be crossed. In this way, we have completed two of the three tasks we came here this time."

   "The only pity is the escape laboratory..."

   As he said, he looked at the man in the red suit and said, "It was ruined by someone's carelessness!"

   It seems that because he was bombed just now, he still has a bit of resentment towards the man in the red suit.

   "You can't blame me for this."

   The man in the red suit was not angry either, and said with a smile: "My dolls are all used to cooperate with the boss's mission."

   "You don't have to force it."

   The man with sunglasses on his face said: "This painting is the most important thing, and everything else is just taking it along."

   "Besides, I have completed two of the three tasks, and I can retreat from the whole body, which is already very good."

   "Qinggang City is not as simple as we thought."

   "Pigs that are too greedy to grab food will always be the first to be brought to the table."


   As he said, he sat down on a canvas chair beside the building and raised Erlang's legs.

   Looking in the direction of Qinggang City, he whispered an order: "Pack your things, and after recording the explosion data, retreat immediately."




   Facing the blue arc, Lu Xin retreated two or three meters away in a moment.

   Those arcs did not affect him.

But next to the white ball, those with dull faces who didn’t know how to avoid them were instantly shrouded in a blue arc, and their bodies trembled violently. Their bodies gave off a scorching smell, showing the energy of the arc. Qiang, and immediately, Lu Xin saw that a distorted and painful humanoid object crawled out of their bodies and rushed towards the white ball.

  The kind of humanoid object is translucent, with only the face intact, and the other parts seem to have no entity.

   They are exactly the same as the person shrouded in the arc.

   It’s just that those people only have sad expressions on their faces, but this humanoid object appears to be painful and struggling.

   They howled silently and climbed up in the blue arc.

Due to the close distance, their bodies also have inevitable contact. Where they meet, they are directly fused together, mingled with each other, and entangled, and soon they have formed a body with seven or eight hands and seven or eight feet. , Three monsters with faces.

   The expression on each face is different, some are painful, some are confused, some seem to be yelling. UU Reading

   They seemed to have formed a unique life form, and they quickly climbed up the high wall.



   "Not good, mental fluctuation detected..."

   "It is confirmed that there is a spiritual monster..."

   "All the staff are on alert, and it is determined that there is a spiritual monster at the southern wall of the second satellite city..."

   "Restatement, a spiritual monster appeared at the southern wall of Satellite City No. 2..."

   "Suspect is related to the creation of the technological church..."


   The same voice sounded almost in all channels.

   Above the high wall, all the soldiers subconsciously looked down the wall. Although they couldn't really see it, they could feel a twisted thing there, as if they could pull people's eyes in. And by the light of the red moon faintly falling in the sky, some of them can also be vaguely distinguished. It is a monster composed of countless people and growing at least four faces...

   "The Lord has finally appeared..."

   On the high wall, the gecko looked at the twisted mental power from a distance, with an expression of excitement on his face.

As a capable person, he "sees" more clearly than an ordinary soldier who can barely distinguish it by borrowing the moonlight. To be precise, he can clearly feel that there is something there, and even can feel it. Creeping and moving trajectory.

   "I'm not afraid of you being fierce, I'm afraid you hide..."

When    was talking, he knelt down lightly, his eyes on the scope: "Linda, can you use special bullets?"

   "When it's critical, you don't need to ask me for instructions when using special bullets!"

   "I'm not asking for instructions, just reminding you that now I am going to use special bullets, but I must look carefully..."

   "Very majestic!"

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