Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 116: Friendly discussion

   The eardrum hummed, and even the scene in front of me seemed to be distorted.

When his father yelled angrily, Lu Xin seemed to be involved in a chaotic tide. There was an inexplicable feeling of depression, and this feeling made Lu Xin always roar harder. With a sound, the feeling of opening everything up.

   Father stared at him tightly, as if waiting for his answer.

   But Lu Xin just frowned and didn't answer, as if he couldn't hear anything.

   "They are all dead, who will pay the children?"

   Mom smiled and opened her mouth. Under the light, she was charming and elegant sitting on the sofa with slanting legs.

   When she spoke, Lu Xin finally felt a little calm.

   And her voice is still slowly sounding: "Everyone is dead, who will maintain the operation of this city?"

   "Will an empty city be interesting?"


   Father couldn't answer this question, but the gasping sound became obvious again.

My mother seemed so gentle and rational, and her beautiful eyes looked at her father tenderly: "In fact, we should also be reasonable. Since we have done something that others can't do, how can we even fear the power of others? Are you deprived of it?"

   "Not everyone likes you who don't like to go out, this world, it's better to be lively..."



   Father stared at his mother firmly, his fists creaked, his arms seemed to be faintly thick.

   Mom just looked at him with a smile, her eyes were not evasive, and she was even faintly provocative.

   Seeing that they seemed to be fighting again, Lu Xin had a headache again.

   Mom can't actually beat her father, but she has to provoke her every time, and she sometimes can scare her father, but she rarely uses that method.

   Even thinking about it, she seems to use it only when her father is looking at her.

   However, this time it may be a formal discussion after all.

   Or maybe it was because they had already fought a fierce fight before Lu Xin came back.

   Father was only angry this time, but he was not angry enough to do it.

Mom just looked at his father provocatively for a while, and those gentle and delicate eyes fell on Lu Xin again: "Of course, there is a saying that my mother is a very reasonable person, but you do. The performance is a little weaker."

   "When those people fled, you chose to save them first. Mom can understand, but now?"


   Lu Xin heard what his mother meant, and understood in his heart.

   No wonder they didn't fight again this time. It turns out that their attitude is actually the same now.

   This made him slightly lost in thought.

   He subconsciously looked at his father, mother, and sister who was shrinking beside him.

   They are so real and vivid, they all have their own personalities, and they are all thinking of each other in their own way.



   "If you don't want to be killed by others, you can only attack them before they kill you!"

   "You have to make them understand that you shouldn't provoke you..."

   Father gritted his teeth slightly, stared at Lu Xin, and spoke slowly, his eyes were blood red.

   "I have been an older child who has been working for many years..."

   Mom also smiled gently at him at this time: "Sometimes, it's too soft-hearted, but it's not a good habit..."

   Their voices, one angry, one gentle.

   But they seemed to be trying their best to convey something to Lu Xin.

   This made him, too, subconsciously a little ecstatic, with a strange emotion growing in his heart.



   "Brother is right..."

   When my father's anger was unabated, and my mother was also gently pointing out the problem, my sister suddenly showed her head and yelled.

   She has a very loud voice, screaming at her father and mother.

   With two small hands, he hugged Lu Xin's arm tightly, as if he would suddenly run away.


   Mom looked at her sister, as if she was a little surprised, and then smiled gently.

   In the laughter, her eyes quietly swept across her sister's face, which seemed a little subtle.

   But my sister didn't notice her mother's expression. She stretched out most of her body and made a fierce expression towards her father.

   "Dead girl, stupid girl, you don't know anything..."

   Facing the sister's contradiction, the father suddenly became angry.

He yelled fiercely, stood up suddenly, and became unusually tall. Behind him, the only chandelier in the living room hung about two meters from the ground. The light was blocked by his body and dropped a piece of it. Huge shadows.

   The shadow enveloped Lu Xin and his sister, and as the light bulb swayed, the shadow kept rippling.

   "Brother did it, that's right."

   My sister was a little scared, she retracted behind Lu Xin, but still muttered quietly.

"To shut up!"

   Father scolded fiercely, his anger seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

   As he approaches a little bit, the shadow he casts gets bigger and bigger.

   With the light on his back, he can only see a pair of blood-red eyes at this time.

   "Don't scare my sister anymore."

   Lu Xin hugged his sister who had shrunk into a small ball next to him, frowned and said to his father.

The twisted and tense veins rolled under his father's skin, but he listened to Lu Xin's words, this almost obvious anger was not vented, he just took the opportunity to sit on the sofa and blocked his sister. Lu Xin.

   His voice was fierce and angry: "Even if you have to work, don't you care about yourself?"

"Those people, just a little bit, they tore you to pieces, they beat you into meat sauce with bullets, and then they left without saying a word. Are you going to not care as much as before? Let them go so easily?"


   The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little more subtle.

   When my mother heard this, she just sat together quietly and smiled gracefully.

   My sister seemed to be a little wary, tilting her head to look at Lu Xin's side.

   Mother looked at her sister like this, and smiled softly and said: "Of course your brother is not wrong, he did the right thing!"

"It's just that what we are going to discuss now is the next thing. Those people have done bad things and robbed the painting. Although everyone else thinks that these people from outside the city came in just to grab the painting, but think about it carefully. Think, is it really that simple?"

"If they were just to grab the painting, why did a spiritual reformer come to you in the first place? Why was the bomb detonated in the south of the city? It would not be more convenient if it was arranged closer to the port. ?"

   "So, what are we going to do?"


Sister    listened to these words, but she didn't know whether she understood or not, but she was subconsciously in a trance.

   Mother smiled: "Besides, it's fun outside the city, we haven't been out of the city..."

   My sister’s eyes also slightly brightened...



   While his family was discussing these things easily and happily, Lu Xin had been sitting quietly on the sofa.

   I don't know what I thought of, and a weird smile crawled on his face.

   He looked up and saw his father's blood red eyes, his mother's elegant smile, and his sister's curious heart.

   "You all make sense..."

   He nodded slightly, and said with some emotion.

   "Did you agree this time?"

   Father was silent for a while, then looked directly into his eyes and asked lowly.

  From that angry face, it seems that a hint of excitement, even expectation, can be detected.

"should say……"

   After a while Xin nodded lightly and spoke in a low voice.


   It seems that this building is too old, it has been in disrepair for a long time, the voltage has become unstable, and obvious currents can be heard.

   The light bulbs hanging in the living room also started to light and dark.

   This made Lu Xin's face a shadow cast by his father for a while, and for a while it was completely dark.

   Even his expression can't see exactly what it looks like, he seems to be smiling, and he seems to be calm.

   It was his voice, and slowly rang: "I have already decided before I go home this time."

   "I came to you just to confirm whether you will support me..."


   Listening to these words, the expression of the father, who had a look a little expectant, suddenly had a strange expression.

   Then he stared at Lu Xin slowly, and the corners of his mouth began to pull to the sides, slowly turning into a smile.

   At this time, the smiles between him and Lu Xin looked very similar.



   I don't know how long it took, my mother stood up lightly. At this time, the voltage in the house became stable.

   The light is steady, evenly sprinkled in this small living room, bright and warm.

   "Look, if you have something to discuss, how nice it is..."

   Mom stood up lightly and began to make a summary of the meeting with a smile: "It's such a happy decision."

   "Shall we... go find them?"


   Listening to her, my father nodded coldly and silently.

   My sister hugged Lu Xin's arm, as if only waiting for his opinion.

   Lu Xin also nodded calmly. He liked to communicate common results in this friendly and pleasant way.

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