Since The Red Moon Appeared

: "Starting from the Red Moon" launch testimonials

   "Starting from the Red Moon" is about to hit the shelves, brothers, at midnight tonight.

   It's 300,000, and the free period is not short. What's more interesting is that when I first wrote this book, I didn't want to put it on the shelves. I wondered where I wrote it. As a result, I wrote it all at once. It is the best performing book of all my books.

   Friends who are worried about outline and design issues don’t need it.

I just wrote more than 30 chapters, and after having a deep chat with a few friends in the book friend group, I have already made up the outline and settings. After all, because I wanted to write this from the beginning, I had a general direction in my mind. So it's not difficult to do these things. And after all, I have written about Xian Xia for so many years, similar to outlines and settings, and I am quite familiar with the skills.

   Thinking of putting it on the shelves, I really have to thank a few people, one is the editor-in-chief of our second group, Beihe, and my editor-in-chief.

   A person who has written Xianxia for so many years came to write science fiction. It is not reliable to think about it, but the two of them are so interesting to me.

   Then there are the other two great authors, the all-metal bullet case and Rong Xiaorong.

At the beginning, when I wanted to write about this subject, I had a lot of inspiration, but I didn’t know how to start the article, and I didn’t know how to express that feeling. It was after a long phone call with the bullet (knowing that I was Why are you single? I talk to a man for more than an hour every day), he was very abnormal and gave me a few abnormal ideas, and then suddenly I was inspired.

   From the beginning of me, to tell the truth, it is far from the heavy taste as he imagined (sorry for the cartridge case, I did it on purpose!)

   Then after the beginning was written, I also hesitated, not sure whether to post it.

   One day when I was chatting with Rong Xiaorong, I showed it to him. I didn't expect him to be so courageous. One word: send!

   I was shocked by the abnormal aura of Rongshen, and I soon built a new book.

   Then everyone knows this story.

I also published a new book like Iwan, and then slowly updated it, because I was not sure about the fate of this book at that time. I even told my old readers not to invest in it, and there was no need to force it to read it. From the time when his vitality was slowly swayed on the new book list, a group of favorite readers came in. Later, his performance became better and better, and his collection broke 100,000.

But I have one thing to say. I don’t think this book has a big fire, and the subject matter is determined. This is a niche book. Sometimes, the details that I try hard to describe may only be felt by a few readers. , Others may even think that I am in the water or complaining (I will definitely not admit that this is a problem of my own writing proficiency, and I will not admit it to death).

And for some readers who want to watch that kind of great excitement and super pleasure, I will write when it is suitable, but I will not deliberately force it to write. If there are readers who like to watch this kind of plot, then go see me Xianxia, ​​really, the writing is superb (dog head).

   Having said that, I will also explain it directly.

When I wrote about Xian Xia before, I liked the feeling of big ups and downs, wide open and closed, and tried to create that kind of magnificent and thrilling story (the root cause of my enteritis was found, and it was too cruel), but this book is after all In order to change my mind, I will write more details, and I will not insist on contradictions or anything, but tell the story honestly and convey the feeling in place.

   From the beginning until later, I tend to write a slightly weird feeling, with more details and more stories.

During this period of time, I saw some people urging to kill quickly. I really don’t have to worry about it. I won’t procrastinate or speed up. Just keep this rhythm and tell the story better. Even if you threaten me, I won’t. Will change my outline.

It’s also because of this problem. I’ve banned a number that doesn’t sound very nice. I don’t know if there is a manslaughter. If there is, I apologize to you. I really like this book. Forget those who talk yin and yang strangely, really, there are a few IDs that I am familiar with. I don’t talk about piracy every day, and every book comes over and sprays me in a different way...

   It's report management and rhythmic, really, we don't know each other, and I'm not your Yu Qian, why are you...

   Although it’s not good to say such things before the shelves, I still want to say:

  As an author, I cherish every reader who reads and cherish every subscription, but really, I don’t cherish you at all.



As for the guarantee of true love, I don’t know what to say, I can only say that I will definitely be responsible for the book I wrote. During this period of time, I was double-opening and I was often tired and collapsed on the bed. I just lay motionless and felt my heart. It looks like it will stop at any time, but every chapter sent out has been refined more than three times, and I will still do this in the future, and write it as finely as possible.

   It’s more than a thousand words, so let’s get here first, we will have codewords for a while, so I’m ready to explode.

  Add the group number and you can enter: 672692024



   Here is the list of people I want to thank:

   Thanks [Chi Ji] for pushing the book for me

   Thanks to the nine brothers at [Book Waste Relief Station] for helping me push the book

   Thanks [Get away] Big guy helped me push the book

   Thank you [Seller Xiao Lang Jun] for helping me push the book, Da Feng is too slow

   Thank you [Rong Xiaorong] for helping me push the book

   Thank you [Ji Cha] Big guy for helping me push the book

   Thank you [Education] for helping me push the book

   Thank you [Feng Yue] for helping me push the book

  Finally, I have to thank [the eagle eats the chicken], so you sacrificed me when you finished your book

  Thanks to my two operating officers [Da Sisi who loves home] [Chief Operating Officer Ge Gewu]

Finally, I would like to thank my lovely leaders: lovely [Tongtang], [mustlin], [Ehemann], [Wang Shiye], [Dog Emperor Flathead Brother], [Ling Chen Overlord], [Shang Xian Qitian], [Chief Genius] Gege Witch], [Meng Nine Years Old], [Don’t Move at the Daoyou Station], [Silky Wine Years], [Salary], [Eat and Fight], [Don’t Worry You Tiao], [Old Way], [ Lord Chang Shi], [Zhang Weiyu is the most handsome], [Tao Shang Commoner Deity], [Cyan Sha Wan Zun], [Sword to the Second Young Master], [Sweeping the End of the World]

  Of course, I also want to thank my Silver League and Golden League leaders...

  ...Although there is no, but in case there is one in the future!

  ...At the end of the day, thank you friends who have been supporting me, tonight, the world of the red moon, officially begins!

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