Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 168: Taboo experiment

   "Yes, but evolution is only one direction."

   "What we are discussing now is an upgrade and strengthening of capabilities."

  Han Bing didn't notice that Lu Xin had experienced some emotional fluctuations through the phone. From her voice, she only thought that Lu Xin was just a little surprised. Her voice was soft and soft, and she continued to explain:

"Through various methods to strengthen the abilities of capable people, and even enable them to break through their own limits, and to perform their abilities safely and steadily, it has always been the most important subject of major high-wall cities and research institutes, and they have achieved success. A lot of results."

   "If the core of the first stage is guidance, then the second stage is breakthrough."

"Researchers have long discovered that, although their abilities are different, the abilities that tend to be stable are generally below one thousand, and their abilities are not stable, even Those who seem a bit crazy, their mental level often has a certain degree of abnormality, some far exceed a thousand, and some... even unpredictable."


   In Lu Xin's mind, he suddenly thought of the queen of Happy Town. How high should her mental weight be?

Usually, just when she is asleep, her mental weight can already cover the entire town steadily, distorting the fifty-kilometer radius into a forbidden zone, and after analyzing it, Lu Xin suspected that she could even turn day into night. When she entered the town, it seemed that it was daytime in terms of time, but it felt like it was night.

   And the queen of Happy Town is so high in spirit, then her family...



   "So, the initial experiment was to increase the mental level of people with stable abilities, reaching more than one thousand..."

Having said this, Han Bing paused slightly and said: "Mr. Shan Bing, what I want to tell you below will involve some high-secret categories and controversial topics. I hope you can keep it confidential after hearing it. , And also pay attention to adjusting your mood."

   Lu Xin realized what she would say and was silent for a while.

   After a while, he smiled and said, "I adjusted it."

Han Bing was a little surprised by his answer, but continued: "This type of ability is categorized as a taboo experiment by the current alliance law. It has been expressly prohibited, but I have to admit that there was a period of time before this kind of experiment. There are so many experiments..."

   "In that chaotic and disorderly era, many qualified people started this kind of experiment, even..."

   "...without the slightest fear!"


   Lu Xin listened, and nodded stupidly, without showing any expression on his face.

  Han Bing paused, then said again: "And those who have received the ability to strengthen the experiment have different destinies."

   "Some of them tended to be stable, but after they were strengthened, they lost control and became sources of pollution."

   "Some of them have not undergone unusual changes, but their abilities have been improved steadily."

   "There is also a..."

Han Bing increased his tone: "After breaking through the limit, it seems to have suddenly entered a brand new level. Not only the original abilities have been greatly enhanced, but they have even mastered brand new abilities. , Is completely different from the ability of the same system, such as the fully developed spider system with only B-level, after strengthening, it directly reached S-level..."

   "And these are the earliest records of the'second stage' research experiment."


   After listening to Han Bing's words, Lu Xin was silent for a long time.

   It is a sunny afternoon now, and the sun is spilling in from the window.

   But Lu Xin felt a slight headache.

   After a while, he said, "What about the current'second stage'?"

"Through the sorting and speculation of research data, coupled with a large number of experiments, this enhanced method has now been circulated in major high-wall cities, even if the alliance once reminded and tried to interrupt this research, but the final actual effect Not too big..."

   Han Bing said slowly: "What I can tell Mr. Shan Bing now is that this kind of experiment has even matured."

   "We Qinggang have the ability to do this kind of enhancement."


   The sunlight on the conference table was dusty and not bright, but it made people feel a little dazzling.

   Lu Xin frowned, and slowly said, "Do you also use people to do experiments?"


When Han Bing said this, his tone seemed to be more confident than before: "Professor Bai is responsible for the research on the overall mental abilities and pollution sources of Qinggang City. He came to Qinggang since the establishment of Qinggang City. People who have set a few limits in research at the beginning, so Qinggang City has never carried out that kind of unscrupulous taboo experiment..."

Having said that, she seemed to feel that her tone was a little too certain, and slowly added: "Of course, I am just a newcomer, maybe there are higher-level things, some of which I don’t know, but At least, the Qinggang law is set in this way."


   "That means..."

   Lu Xin slowly replied: "If they also did this kind of experiment, at least it would be illegal?"

   "Yes, it is illegal, and there is a price to pay."

Han Bing said slowly: "As far as I know, Qinggang City’s concept of the second stage was brought by Professor Bai from the alliance’s exchange meeting, and similar information is mostly from the previous crazy period. In the time, it was collected from the taboo laboratory after it was destroyed. Those taboo experiments are hated by people, but there are indeed a lot of useful information from their experiments."

   "It is undeniable that Qinggang has naturally conducted some experiments, but they all follow the principles of voluntary and non-radical..."

   "...Of course, when I say this, it is still based on the premise that I am a newcomer and have limited access to secrets."


   Listening to Han Bing's soft, but very serious voice, Lu Xin's mood slowly eased.

   He turned around on the chair, not looking at the scenery outside the window.

   Then he asked softly: "So, how did the second phase of Qinggang City actually proceed?"

   "The first thing is to have enough levels."

Han Bing said: “Only those who have reached the third-level special talent level are eligible to apply for the second phase of enhancement, which is used to enhance their own abilities and make up for their weaknesses. However, the application is not enough. To filter."

   "In fact, the strengthening of mental ability is like building blocks."

"How to make the mental level higher is not the main direction of strengthening. When the mental level is increased, ensuring the stability of the capable person is the main point of upgrading. It is like building blocks no matter how high. If the child collapses, it will be meaningless!"

   "Therefore, we will assess the risk of loss of control of the capable, and stability is the most important screening indicator."



   Lu Xin listened, not knowing what he thought of, and frowned slightly.

When talking about this, Han Bing seemed to relax a little, and smiled: "Actually, although we have been able to master the'second stage' capability enhancement technology for a long time, we have worked as an enhanced capability person in Qinggang City. There is less than one hand, and at present, among the people Mr. Shan Bing knows, there is actually only one person who meets the conditions for the strengthening of the'second stage'..."

   "That's Mr. Gecko."



   Lu Xin was really surprised this time.

"Yes it is."

   Han Bing laughed softly: "Mr. Gecko is recognized by the entire research department as the most stable person ever."

   "Stable ability can be understood as a huge upside."


   Lu Xin thought about it for a moment, and couldn't help but nod his head: "He is quite stable...then why hasn't he been strengthened?"

   "Because Mr. Gecko is very careful..."

In Han Bing’s voice, there was a smile that could not be concealed, and said: "He has said more than once that he can live like this now, and he can live well, and he has the privileges he dreams of, usually dealing with a source of pollution. It's also very easy, so he will never consider strengthening or something...If the city forces him, he will go to the Alliance to sue..."


   "It's his style..."

   Lu Xin nodded involuntarily, and sighed softly.

   The inexplicable feeling of irritability and disgust just now has quietly faded.

   Thinking about it carefully, he actually didn't know whether he hated the "second stage" or the "taboo experiment"?

   In any case, he has also understood the concept of the second stage and the attitude of Qinggang City.

   This reminded him of what his mother said to him at home.

   She said that she had reached the second stage, and then looked at the file locked in the cabinet.

   Is this because she knows that she is bound to reach the second stage, or does she wish she would never read the file?

   And myself...

  ...... Do you keep doing this or do you understand where you are now?



Da da da!

   Lu Xin was silent, his fingers slowly tapping on the desktop unconsciously.

   After thinking about it for a long time, he finally made an extremely important decision, and his expression became somewhat resolute:

   "Help me apply for the enhancement of the'second stage'!"


   There was a moment of silence on the phone.

   Han Bing did not speak, and Lu Xin on this side did not speak either. He was very serious at this time.

"This one……"

   After a while, Han Bing’s voice sounded with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr.!"


   Han Bing's rejection was unexpected, and Lu Xin was a little dazed.

   "Because Mr. Soldier's level is not enough..."

  Han Bing’s voice can be heard a little bit mischievous: “The second stage of enhancement is only for special talents at Level 3 to apply.”

   "You are only Level 2 now..."


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