Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 281: Take a closer look

Lu Xin replied, got out of the car, walked around the front of the car, and came to a relatively empty road to the left.

Although the city has been abandoned, there still remains the separation between the left and right avenues that separated the left and right avenues during the civilization era.

When the convoy travels in the city, it naturally walks on the right side, so on the left side of the whole road, there is more space. Lu Xin stepped over the isolation belt, stood beside the lunatic who was lying on the ground, still twitching, and looked forward.

His eyes suddenly narrowed.

With a glance, he saw at least a dozen lunatics, rushing forward frantically. They were on all fours, running on the ground like beasts, jumping to the truck on the side of the road, and desperately trying to get into the cab. Sticking out his claws to catch something.

There were gunshots in the car from time to time, but it seemed to have little effect on these lunatics.

Although the best way to deal with a madman is to hit the head with a single shot, not everyone has such precise marksmanship. More people hit the head, and it is only possible to hit the head. Therefore, more people still choose directly. Hit them.

However, for these monsters that look distorted and crazy, hitting them does not seem to be fatal.

He was shot in the chest, but he staggered, but he didn't bleed much.


Lu Xin glanced over and frowned slightly: "However, there shouldn't be so many lunatics in this city..."

If you had known that there were so many lunatics in this city, they would have been caught and sold for money, right?

More than two thousand yuan...



At this moment, a deep pit suddenly appeared on the concrete floor beside his feet, and gunpowder smoke spread upward.

At the same time, Lao Zhou shouted: "Be careful."

Lu Xin frowned and glanced at Lao Zhou. He was holding the gun and looked embarrassed.

He shot just now and hit a madman who quietly pounced on Lu Xin, but his marksmanship was obviously not very good. He only shot in the open space. To some extent, he was even closer to Lu Xin’s position. The effect was that Lu Xin and the lunatic were both stunned.

"You should be careful, right?"

Lu Xin glanced at Lao Zhouyi displeasedly, and said, "This is how you shoot every shot?"


Lao Zhou was ashamed and embarrassed, but he still yelled, "Be careful..."

Lu Xin turned around and saw a face that had jumped in the air and was only a meter away from him.

That face is full of pale and wrinkled skin, and the surface seems to be soaked in some kind of liquid. Its mouth is widening. Because of the serious deterioration of the gums, both rows of teeth appear sharp and long. His mouth was full of black gory mucus.

Lu Xin raised his hand, grabbed the lunatic's neck, twisted his body, threw it over his head, and pressed it to the ground.


The lunatic's body fell heavily to the ground, but it didn't seem to feel any pain, and his limbs suddenly twisted to grab Lu Xin.

Lu Xin raised his body slightly, grabbed both hands, and grasped the two arms of the lunatic.

With one free and one pull against the joint, with a "click", the two arms of the madman suddenly folded into a shape that was curved like a caliper.

The hideous ballast at the joints pierced the skin and stretched out.

At the same time, Lu Xin pressed down one leg, pressed the other leg of the lunatic, and then raised the gun.


He shot the lunatic in the joint of the other leg.


The limbs of this lunatic are equal to being abolished, and it is difficult to pose a threat to others.

But it didn't seem to feel pain, and it roared in its throat, and its body suddenly lifted up, chewing on Lu Xin's face.

Lu Xin held a gun in one hand, and poked it down with the other hand, jammed its neck again, and slammed it to the ground.

"What is he doing?"

In the cab, Xiao Zhou, who had just climbed to the co-pilot, froze again: "Why don't you shoot?"

And in his question, Lu Xin pressed the lunatic’s neck and watched quietly, watching the lunatic’s pupils shrink, even faintly white eyes, and at the same time, he felt the power of his uplifting body. I silently thought: "I feel that their power seems to be stronger than ordinary people, but it is not too exaggerated. It is just because they are crazy, so they appear to be powerful."

While feeling it, while looking down, a red frame popped out on the lens of the left glasses to enclose it, and a bunch of data popped out at the same time. Lu Xin looked at the numbers and thoughtfully: "The spiritual radiation that emanates, It's about thirty-four."

"So, he should be stronger than ordinary people, and his spirit has been in extreme chaos?"

"At this level of spirit, it is difficult to pollute others, and it is also difficult to show specificity."

"But it just happens to make them have a stronger sense than ordinary people, so that they can find living people at close range?"


This is the first time that Lu Xin has grown up to face these legendary "lunatics" at close range.

Obtaining relevant data as soon as possible is of course a very reasonable thing.


After almost knowing it, Lu Xin released the hand that was holding his neck, moved to the side, and picked up a cement brick.

When the madman violently raised his head and bit at him, he slapped it up.

These lunatics, sent to the circus, cost more than one hundred yuan, and if they were killed, they lost more than one hundred yuan.

I have already lost more than one hundred yuan. If I use bullets again, wouldn't I lose even more?


After shooting the madman to death, Lu Xin slowly stood up and looked up.

Seeing that the number of lunatics in front seemed to have increased a little, they were desperately digging into the cabs.

Their appearance caused great chaos in the convoy. Some people were already driving the truck in horror, head-covered and rammed, some people heard gunshots in the cab, and some, half of their bodies had been pulled out of their driving. Room, the lunatics around pounced on it together.

The sound of tearing flesh, chewing bones, gunshots, panic screams, intertwined into a piece of terrifying music.

Lu Xin frowned slightly.

Although these lunatics are not terrible, it is still a bit troublesome for them to rush over at once.

To borrow my sister's ability, I also need to come one by one.

It seems that my mother's ability can't solve this situation...

With his father's ability, he could kill these lunatics, but even with that, these drivers might not be able to survive.

After all, the relationship between himself and his father has not yet reached the point where he can save so many people all at once...


"Bah Bah Bah Bah..."

Just as Lu Xin was thinking about it quietly, a burst of random guns rang out, and at the same time the sound of countless motorcycles quickly approached here.

Looking up, I saw that there were several motorcycles in front of them, and they stepped up the throttle and rushed in this direction.

It can be seen that the long-legged front of the motorcycle, Gao Ting, rushed to the front.

Holding the handlebar in one hand and a submachine gun in the other, she rushed forward along with four or five other motorcycles.

The sound of gunshots that didn't sound just now was the sound of them shooting at lunatics all the way.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of gunshots kept blaring, and sparks were constantly being wiped out on surrounding buildings and abandoned vehicles.

The lunatics around who were attacking the driver's cab and crawling on the floor of the abandoned building nearby were rushed around by their concentrated firepower. Some retreated and got into the black hole next to the house, and some were directly beaten. He hit his head, fell to the ground and convulsed.

Lu Xin found that the front of the car's marksmanship was surprisingly good, and the submachine gun swept it away with a very high hit rate.

They rushed over like this, and they scared off a lot of lunatics for a while, and at the same time they rescued several people from the cab.

"What are you doing in a daze, grab the gun and get together..."

The wind and fire rushed forward, the front of the car slammed on the foot brake, and the rear of the car lifted up and slid in a semicircle.


At the same time, she raised her hand for a violent sweep, and a madman who jumped off a telephone pole was beaten into a sieve by her. Then she held the handlebar in one hand and handed the empty submachine gun to the back seat. Man, and at the same time received a spray full of bullets.


The sprayer pointed to the ground and smashed the head of the lunatic who had been shot several times but was still convulsing.

"The car... the front of the car, can't run, the big car can't go out..."

Lao Zhou had already pushed open the door of the cab at this time, holding the pistol tightly in his hand, and shouting loudly.

"When is the fuck, still thinking about the car?"

Although the front of the car was a woman, but at this time, the fire broke out, but she was rude and wilder than a man, and she cursed:

"Go out alive first, lunatics don't want your goods..."

"Everyone gathers together, holds your guns tightly, and lives in the usual training formation!"


After being scolded by the front of the car, Lao Zhou also reacted violently, and jumped out of the car in shame.

He got together with the drivers in the front and rear cars, each holding a gun.

Either a submachine gun, a pistol, or a spray gun, and even a machine gun.

These caravans running in the wilderness have their own guys. Some of the big ones even have weapons arsenals built outside the high-walled city. The first thing a large-scale caravan goes out of the city is to build in their own homes. Go to the weapon store outside the city to get the guy.

With the gun in their hands, they also calmed down a lot, standing back to back together, pointing to different positions.

It seems that the level is still very good.

Their quality may be far inferior to the patrol army in Qinggang City, but after panic, their performance is not bad.

Just now I bumped into a lunatic, and everyone naturally couldn't help being flustered, but the reminder from the front of the car made them react.

The most important thing for those who run large-scale goods is their own car and the goods on the car.

If it hadn't been for a car like Gao Jie to scold them, she would not be willing to just give up the car.


"Don't Keep your gun hand steady, treat it as a group of wild dogs..."

"Be optimistic about all directions and push outward a little bit..."

"All the **** lords, you can't persuade you, if you persuade, others will follow you too..."

After cursing for a while, the front of the car had already lifted the motorcycle and rushed forward.

The entire convoy was in panic, and she had to organize other people.


"This woman is very courageous..."

Lu Xin was in the crowd, quietly observing her, and secretly made a note in his heart.

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