Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 290: Graceful footsteps

   "So, let go of you next time, we need to cultivate feelings first..."

   Lu Xin said apologetically to his father, and at the same time, he concentrated his attention.

The shadow spreading from his feet suddenly changed greatly. The shadow was huge and covered the entire brain monster, but at this time, it was shrinking sharply, like a black baggage, all of a sudden. Closed up. The contraction of power caused a strong mental impact on the blood-colored brain, which spread to the surroundings all at once.


   That is the sound of the walls on both sides of the road. The glass is being swept by mental shock, breaking and collapsing.

   The brain monster almost shadowed everything around.

   Even Lu Xin, who was standing three or four meters away from it, was hit by the sudden increase in strength and slid back a meter or two.

   But at this time, Lu Xin's shadow, after shrinking, rushed forward again. .

   This kind of drastic change makes the shadow condensed infinite power, and there is a feeling that when you are fighting, you will first draw back, and then take advantage of the blow. With a sneer, the shadow rushed to the front of the scarlet brain, and under the mental impact power of the monster covering the entire brain, the layer of twisted air, or force field, around it was abruptly torn open... …

   The tear was so deep that it even hurt the body of the brain monster.

   There was obvious peristalsis in the brain, as if feeling pain, and then the electric current on the surface of the brain flashed more intensively.

   This little wound seems to be nothing to it.

   and it can be repaired immediately.

But Lu Xin, who had already discussed with his family, took advantage of this small opportunity and suddenly leaned down. He grabbed the skinless puppy not far from his side, with its tail clamped, and then used force. He threw it forward and hit it quickly and accurately.


   The skinless puppy uttered a scream, and then from that opening, it got into the middle of the force field of the brain monster.

   The flesh and blood of the brain monster squirmed, subconsciously wrapped and swallowed it, and also wrapped it.

  In an instant, the skinless puppy was already swallowed by half of its body.

   It yelled in surprise, feeling the sensation of being swallowed up, and...the expression of enjoyment appeared on its face.

   blood began to ooze out of his body, intertwined with the brain monster.


   The sound of the violin suddenly became chaotic.

   It was a hoarse and chaotic feeling, like being pulled by someone who doesn't understand music at all.

At the same time, there are more and more madmen rushing around. They rushed up like beasts, roared and opened their mouths full of unknown black liquid, their pale pupils shrank into needle-eyes, and there was a kind of madness on their faces. And his expression was extremely cruel.

   rushed towards Lu Xin and Gao Ting fiercely, the number was so large that they almost overwhelmed them both.

   But at the moment when the violin sound changed, these lunatics also suddenly became cramped with their hands and feet, and their bodies twisted and fell to the ground.

   The chaotic violin sound is still playing vigorously, becoming more irritable and chaotic, completely out of control.

   The sound of the piano is like a kind of radiation, spreading from the brain monster to the entire abandoned city.


   Numerous lunatics, at this time, they were already frantically yelling up to the sky, and some desperately slammed their heads against the wall, once or twice.

   Some of them hugged each other directly, biting and biting each other.

   "Oh my god, this...what's going on..."

   On a street near the abandoned city, Lao Zhou Xiaozhou and the others, who were about to rush out with their guns, looked at the chaos around them at a loss.

   Facing these crazy monsters, they had planned to lose their lives, but they suddenly became confused.

   If you have to describe it, it is that these lunatics are crazy.

   is still crazy...

   "Could it be that Chetou and Lu Xiaoge succeeded?"

   Lao Zhou suddenly trembled and yelled: "Then we now..."

   The chaos of the madman makes the surrounding scenes become more crazy and terrifying.

   But their pressure is less after all.

   The other old drivers also immediately understood Lao Zhou's thoughts. They glanced at each other and nodded vigorously.

   "Go, pick them up..."

   "Don't go over it all. If the car is less than three years old, you still rush out. Someone needs to pass the news that there are lunatics here..."

   "Others, come with me to rescue the car head...and that little brother!"



Sparks splashed all around, and more powerful currents poured into the brain monster. However, the brain monster has appeared indescribable chaos, and its surface has remained intact. Even with the input of energy, its power has become stronger. , But the sound of its piano is already chaotic. At the same time, the distortion field on the surface of its body has also appeared one by one at this time.

  In some places, the power of mental shock has been strengthened, and in some places, large blanks have appeared.


   Lu Xin sighed. By this time, the monster was no longer a problem.

   To clean up these things, sure enough, I still find the right way.


   Mom's figure appeared many times, and opened the scissors at the same time.

   With the crisp and sweet sound, the blood vessels extended by the brain monster were neatly cut off at the same time, and then with a roar, the brain monster fell directly to the ground, like a huge mollusk, wriggling tremblingly on the ground.

   "Wow, I killed you..."

   My sister seized the chance, jumped out from Lu Xin's shoulder, rushed fiercely, and hit the monster hard with her two small hands.

On the place where her hands were placed, the blood-red surface of the monster suddenly appeared twists and turns. The currents flowing through the ravines on its surface were also short-circuited piece by piece. The bright red flesh and blood all became gray at this time. And withered.

   "You guys are busy here first..."

   A smile finally appeared on the mother's face, and she gently told Lu Xin: "I'll go and see elsewhere."

   Lu Xin didn't know where his mother was going, but he still nodded.

The shadow under his feet opened his blood-red eyes. After looking at his mother, there was a hollow sneer. Then, the shadow suddenly soared, like a black tide rushing towards the brain monster. At this time , There is already a large area of ​​the brain monster that has been distorted by the younger sister, and its own mental impact has also appeared problematic, unable to resist the black shadow.


   The brain monster was instantly divided into several pieces, and the dirty blood splashed to a height of seven or eight meters, like a fountain.

   Inside the rotten and smelly flesh and blood, the unscrupulous skinless puppy lay upright with his legs upright, and his body twitched.

   The tongue was on the outside of the mouth, and his face was full of aftertaste.


   "This is... what happened?"

   Also at this time, in the underground laboratory in Baita Town, all the staff were staring at the screen blankly.

   They feel cold in their hands and feet, and their brains are blank.

   It was obviously just a simple intensive experiment, but in the end there was such a turning point?

In the surveillance picture, the thin young man is standing there quietly, watching the "brain of the gods" experimental body three disintegrate piece by piece, and finally collapse into a pool of flesh and blood, as if dealing with something inconspicuous. , But only they know what kind of mental weight and weird ability this thin body needs to achieve this level of things?

They clearly saw that the young man, as if standing still, the air around him was distorted, breaking the distorted force field of the "brain of God", and then he quietly looked at the various aspects of the brain of God. The index suddenly appeared strange disorder.

  God’s brain is the core of the whole experiment.

   Its disorder instantly caused the madness and cognitive confusion of all low-level subjects in the entire base.

They are in the main control, and they can even hear that in several underground warehouses, the low-level test subjects and the incomplete second-level test subjects that have not been released are screaming painfully and madly, swallowing each other, and smashing their heads. Bump against the heavy concrete wall.



"Who is he?"

   "How can such a person appear in the convoy?"

  In the depressive and noisy office, it took a long time before someone swallowed saliva.

   "How do we... write the report?"


   His reminder suddenly alarmed the white-bearded man, he suddenly yelled: "Quickly, cut off all external links..."

   However, when his voice sounded, the young man suddenly turned around on the surveillance screen.

   He looked at the screen, and then gave a weird smile.



   All monitoring screens have stopped.

   In the office, it was surprisingly quiet, as if a needle fell on the ground and could be heard.

   "I... shall we evacuate?"

   It took a long time for the staff to speak lowly.

   The white-bearded man's Adam's apple moved. Before he spoke, he suddenly felt aroused and looked out.

   Outside the office, there is a long corridor with soft lighting.

   However, the lights became flickering at some unknown time, and sparks appeared at the connection positions of the wires. All the noise around, I don't know when it will disappear, and even a needle can be heard clearly when it drops to the ground.

   The soft light source in the room began to flicker continuously, the light was strong and dimmed, as if the lights were trembling.

   "Crack" "Crack" "Crack"

   A voice came from the corridor.

   It was the sound of high heels stepping on smooth floor tiles, crisp and sweet.

   However, the internal monitoring screen that has not been cut off at this time shows that the corridor at this time is empty.


   The sound of footsteps kept sounding, and gradually approached, as if stepping on everyone's heart.

   Finally, the sound of footsteps came to the door and disappeared temporarily.

   Everyone looked towards the door subconsciously, it felt like someone was standing at the door, watching them quietly.

   But, they saw nothing.

   Repressed into a frantic atmosphere, a strangely terrified expression appeared on the face of the middle-aged man with a white beard, and he suddenly stepped out.

   His palm was raised high, and he patted a red button that represented "extremely dangerous".

   looked terrifying, at this time he was holding on to the determination to destroy everything.


   Only when he slapped the red button fiercely, there was a clear sound in the air.

   is like someone gently closing a pair of scissors.

   The blood soared, and the man's wrist swept across the to the ground. Only then did he realize that the feeling of pressing the red button just now was actually an illusion. His palm left his wrist and fell to the ground with a click, shaking slightly.

   has a smooth cross-section and a strange beauty.


   The people in the whole institute screamed in panic, and started to push me and ran away.

   But in this panic, the crisp and sweet footsteps rang again.

   The sound of footsteps rang everywhere, as if there was an elegant and calm person in this group of panicked people.

   So some of these panicking people suddenly fell to the ground, looking at their legs still standing on the ground. Some people looked at the opposite in horror, and found a neat crack in their throat in the reflection of the glass reflection. Someone was anxious to draw a gun, but suddenly found that his finger disappeared, only blood gurgling out from the broken finger.


   Kaka Kaka

   Elegant and charming footsteps sounded in every corner of the laboratory.

Wherever    passed, in the laboratory, there were bright flowers in full bloom.

   is like an oil painting painted with blood.


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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