Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 294: Emergency notification

   "Mum is definitely not what I said, I have always had a good temper..."

Listening to his mother's instructions, Lu Xin pondered for a while, clarified some thoughts in his heart, then looked up and smiled: "I will try my best to take care of my family and wait for you to come back. However, I have grown up, so you should also Tell me something, right?"


   Mom's smile looked a little mysterious, her eyes lightly fell on Lu Xin's face, and said, "What do you want to know?"

   Lu Xin seemed to be thinking, and asked slowly, "What are the thirteen kinds of mental bodies?"

   Mom looked at Lu Xin with a smile on her face.

Lu Xin looked at her and continued to ask: "They said that the Spectacled Dog is one of the thirteen spiritual powers, extracted from that painting, and that painting can swallow emotions and help me stabilize. Can be used to deal with that ugly monster... It seems to deal with that monster by disturbing its emotions, so I want to know, what exactly is it?"

   "Different people see different angles."

   Mom paused and replied softly:

"It does have the ability to devour emotions. The painting that it parasitized before is also called the stare of the red moon, so the people over Qinggang gave him a code name of'gaze', but I think maybe we can A more intuitive understanding is called confusion."

   Lu Xin hesitated slightly, and then said, "Where is my father? What does it belong to?"

   The shadow wriggling under the feet is more obvious, it seems that it doesn't want to be seen by others, but it can't hide it.

   The smile on her mother's face became more obvious, and she said, "Why don't you know this better than me?"


   Lu Xin nodded, and slowly gathered up his courage, and suddenly said, "Where are you?"

When    asked this question, he looked at his mother seriously.

   Mother also looked at him calmly, and for a long time, she suddenly laughed.

   She did not answer, but took her own bag and walked forward slowly, then suddenly turned her head back and chuckled: "That's right..."

   "If you want to find out who is doing these things, you can start with this team..."


   "Mom still treats me like a child."

   When Lu Xin walked back to the camp, there was a slight smile on his mouth.

   Of course he knows that if you want to investigate these things, you should start with the team.

   How could this team be so coincidental that it happened at this time and had to diverted into Baita Town?

   If in normal times, where do you look for the entire fleet of people?

   In addition, did these lunatics target not only the people in the team, but also their goods?

   If this is the case, it would be too much.

   Not only the people who have accepted the convoy, but also the goods from them, without giving money.

   Lu Xin slowly thought about these issues, walked to the motorcycle, and took out the signal transceiver and satellite phone.

   This time I became more proficient in tinkering, and quickly called Han Bing over.

   "Good evening, Mr. Soldier..."

  Han Bing's voice was a little fuzzy, but it was still very nice.

   Lu Xin said, "What are you eating?"


   Han Bing said: "My mom bought it, it's big and sweet, it's not fully cooked yet, it's a bit sour, but it's very crisp."

   said with a click.

   A little saliva oozes out of Lu Xin's mouth, and he hurriedly changed the subject, saying, "The things we investigated before, there are results."


  Han Bing was a little surprised: "How did you investigate it?"

   Lu Xin was silent for a moment, and said, "The target under investigation told me directly."


  Han Bing was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "I have to admit, this seems to have always been the style of Mr. Man Soldier."

Lu Xin thought about it for a moment, and smiled embarrassedly, and said: "But her kind of thing does not look like normal pollution. It should be said that her own spirit has been traumatized, which has caused a certain degree of mutation. I have observed her, and she is not even a capable person now, even when the abnormality is strongest, the mental radiation is still at a very low level."


   Han Bing seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then there was the sound of something stuck in his mouth, and said, "That's great."

   "I haven't eaten dinner yet, you still eat strawberries, it's so sweet..."

   Lu Xin muttered in his heart.

   But in fact, he didn't really mind. He could feel that Han Bing's attitude became more and more relaxed in front of him.

   It makes him feel good.

   is also the reason why he likes to call Han Bing more and more than Chen Jing.

   "In addition, I encountered another incident while investigating the problem with the front of the team."

   Lu Xin smiled and said, "We have met some lunatics, and a weird brain, which can control lunatics."


   Han Bing agreed smoothly, biting the strawberry, and suddenly his voice picked up, "What?"

   Lu Xin was taken aback by her and stuttered: "A...a brain that can control a madman..."


   The voice of Han Bing swallowing peaches hard came over the phone, and hurriedly said: "Specifically...what's the matter?"

   "Oh, it's like this."

Lu Xin slowly explained: "Because the mudslides broke down a bridge, the convoy had to pass through an abandoned city called Baita Town. Unexpectedly, there are a lot of lunatics hidden in this city. They will not only roar and attack the living, but also There will also be a sneer of laughter... I heard a violin sound controlling them, so I searched for it all the way and met a monster in the shape of a brain."

   "Yes, it has been resolved..."

   "The madman and that terrible brain monster are solved..."

   "It's scary..."

   "I also found a document about the third stage of the God's body building plan..."

   "It feels important, so let me tell you."



  Han Bing's voice trembled nervously: "This, this, this...this is more than serious..."


   In the emergency information docking office with slogans such as "Nuclear bombs will explode at any time!" "We are saving the world!" "Don't be afraid of overtime, overtime reimbursement for taxi fare" and other slogans, a nervous alarm sounded suddenly.

   All the staff who were drinking coffee and playing games hurriedly raised their heads.

   had an expression like "This is a nuclear bomb tire exploded, do we need to provide a way to supplement air remotely?"

   "Emergency report! Urgent report! Urgent report!"

   "A single soldier found a taboo laboratory in Baita Town!"

   "The preliminary suspicion is related to the third stage of the creation of the body of God..."

   "Report to Daxiao Chen immediately and formulate emergency plans..."


   All the staff were stunned, put down their coffee in a panic, and turned off the Spider Solitaire game interface.

   Overtime workers were notified by an emergency call: "Come back and take a taxi!"

   At the same time, someone murmured helplessly: "He... how did he come across such a thing in two days when he went out for a stroll?"


   "Mr. Soldier, the situation is very urgent."

  Han Bing insisted that Lu Xin waited for five minutes while she was busy, and could not hang up the phone, let alone put away the signal receiver, otherwise Lu Xin, who was in the wilderness, might immediately lose contact.

   Five minutes later, her voice sounded:

   "In response to this matter, we will formulate a thorough response plan, but now, there is one thing that Mr. Man Soldier needs to do."

   Lu Xin listened to her solemnly, he became nervous, and said, "What?"

   Han Bing said: "Lead the convoy immediately and leave Baita Town, the farther and farther, and the fastest to reach the central city."

   Lu Xin frowned slightly and said, "Why?"

Han Bing said: "Although we still don't know what the specific experiment is, but the one who can carry out such a huge experiment and even control more than two hundred lunatics must be a very powerful and powerful force. Their experimental body was destroyed. They will definitely get the news as soon as possible. They have only two choices: 1. Destroy the traces and destroy the evidence. 2: Kill the people!

   "This kind of taboo experiment is explicitly prohibited by the Alliance."

   "No matter how powerful the force conducting this kind of experiment, I would never want this kind of thing to be known."

   "I even suspect that if Mr. Individual and the convoy do not leave, a missile may fall on your head at any time."


   Lu Xin suddenly became alert and looked up at the night sky.

  A white glow across the sky...

  ...Fortunately, it's just a shooting star.

   He realized that he really seemed to think about it simply.

  He never thought of the missile...

   "Okay, I understand."

   Lu Xin nodded and agreed, and when he agreed to call again, he immediately returned to the camp.

   "Brother Lu, let's have something to eat, I put a big piece of meat for you..."

   Xiao Zhou was holding a small stainless steel basin, waiting eagerly for Lu Xin to come over, Lao Zhou also took out the treasured Lao Baigan.

   "There is no time to eat, put it away soon."

   Lu Xin said to them, and then hurriedly came to Gao Ting's tent at the front of the car and pulled open the curtain.

Inside, Gao Ting, who was applying iodine on her shoulders, was taken aback, and she subconsciously covered her neckline. She looked up at Lu Xin in surprise, but Lu Xin thought in her heart, I have never seen anything before. Just anxiously said: "Now, immediately organize the convoy to set off, and rush to the central city as quickly as possible. Only when there is a crowded place, will we be most likely to ensure our safety."

   Gao Ting was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "You mean..."

   Lu Xin nodded to her, then closed the curtain again.

   Inside the tent, Gao Ting thought for a while, her face suddenly changed, and she burst out of the curtain.


   The emergency whistle sounded, and the entire convoy suddenly fell into a hectic chaos.


   "How is it possible, he only went out for two days..."

   "Even if such a laboratory really exists, wouldn't it know how to do confidential work, so it is so easy to be discovered?"

   Was awakened at the same time this night and rushed to the emergency information processing office not only the hard-working overtime workers, but also Minister Shen and Mr. Su who were struggling because of the maritime affairs.

   Listening to Minister Shen's low growl, Professor Bai, who had just reviewed Han Bing’s emergency report, smiled and said:

   "Maybe it's not that the other party is not careful, it's just that they will be found no matter what."

   "As a single soldier, finding these things is not a very reasonable thing in terms of a certain mysterious logic?"


   "The top priority is for the individual soldiers and the convoy that witnessed this to rush to Central City."

"Originally, it was the best choice for them to return to Qinggang and be protected. But now, they are closer to the central city than Qinggang. Moreover, the way back to Qinggang is a vast wilderness. There are a large number of gathering points and satellite cities around the city. They can enter densely populated areas faster, which makes it easier for the forces behind them to throw rodents."


   "The problem is that the staff in the central city office may not be enough to handle such a large-scale incident."

   "It doesn't matter, we can consider organizing a group of support staff to pass."


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