Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 296: most important thing

   When the convoy proceeded to the Central City No. 7 Satellite City, night had already begun to fall.

Like Qinggang City, the No. 7 satellite city in Central City is not as strict as the main city. The team will come to deliver goods every once in a while, so the collective has a pass. Now in their hands, the pass is even better than that of the main city. There are many of them.

   Lu Xin also holds an official Qinggang identity, which is special and has a stamped identity certificate.

  Don't even talk about entering the city, you can apply for a small loan in the central city.

   However, before entering the city, like Qinggang, one must go through a special link, that is, handing over weapons.

Whether it is Qinggang or Central City, whether it is the main city or the satellite city, it is absolutely not allowed to enter the high walls with firearms. However, as people who run big goods all the year round, Gao Ting naturally understands these rules and has long been Before entering the city, a motorcycle had already come over and took away all the firearms. These firearms will be delivered to a storage location outside the city and collected when you leave the city. .

  Some good storage sites are even responsible for replenishment of ammunition and maintenance of firearms.

   This is also a new type of service industry that has emerged after the red moon.

Lu Xin felt distressed, and then he handed over his gun and put them together with Gao Ting and others' guns. However, he only handed in the gun, as well as ordinary bullets, and those special bullets were careful. Save it and hide it secretly...

   This thing is too expensive, he still feels a little worried about giving it to others.


   When the convoy entered Satellite City 7 one by one, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Gao Ting led the team and drove a truck straight to a familiar motor hotel in the city. This was specially prepared for their fleets of wilderness transportation. There is a large parking lot, various types of guest rooms, and meals and hot water are provided. There are also various massage and shampoo shops around.

   This is to provide regular head massage and psychological comfort and other services for old drivers who are tired and nervous on the journey.

   A group of old drivers have not slept for two days and one night, and they are already sleepy.

   As soon as the car stopped, there was a nap on the steering wheel.

   Only Gao Ting, Lao Zhou, Sun Gouzi and others, with bloodshot eyes open, went to register, ask for rooms, and eat.

   Lao Zhou glanced contemptuously at the tired old drivers who didn't want to move: "These people, their bones just don't work..."

   "Look at us, you are almost fifty, how good is this?"


  The world after the wilderness, there are no such complicated procedures, everything is simple, and the room has been fixed soon.

   Sun Gouzi blew a loud whistle to wake up the sleepy old drivers:

   "Everyone got up first, the car said, they all have something to eat, wash their feet, and then go back to the room to sleep."

  Motel Inn, rooms are also limited, and the team has to save money, so there are not many rooms.

   Most of them have to squeeze to sleep in the Datong shop, and those with more status can sleep in standard rooms with toilets. Lu Xin was assigned a relatively high-end standard room, but he slept with Lao Zhou and Xiao Zhou's nephew. There was no way. If he didn’t sleep with these two, he could only live in the same room with the front of the car. Lu Xin weighed it up and thought it was safer to live in a room with the two of them.

   "Uncle, I don't want to sleep with you..."

Xiao Zhou is a young man with a good spirit. He didn't sleep for two days and one night. At this time, he was quite energetic. First, he snorted and ate a small bowl of cabbage and pork stewed noodles from the hotel, plus four steamed buns. He also drank two bottles of beer.

When it was time to go to bed, I looked at my uncle disgustedly and said, "If you squeeze a bed with you and can’t sleep with you, you will grind your teeth and snore at night. If you don’t sleep with you, you still don’t. Washing my feet, I feel dizzy..."

   said, looking expectantly at Lu Xin and said, "Brother Xiao Lu, can I squeeze a bed with you?"

   Lu Xin, who had just eaten a pot of stewed pork vermicelli, was coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and he looked embarrassed.

"not good."

   He tactfully rejected Xiao Zhou, and then came out with his own bag.

   Although it's only eight or nine o'clock, the motel is already very quiet.

   The old drivers have checked in here, either they have already eaten at this time and ran to wash their hair to relieve fatigue, or they were already asleep.

   After confirming that there was no one around, Lu Xin dialed a phone number that Han Bing told him before.

   "Hello, Blue Kite Pet Shop..."

   The other party quickly rang a man's voice, very calm and very magnetic.

   Lu Xin followed the signal given by Han Bing when he left Qinggang, and said in a low voice: "Are there any cats in your place? It doesn't shed hair."

   The other party was silent for a while, and said: "How can a serious cat not shed hair?"

   Lu Xin said, "Who raises a cat with shed hair?"

   The other side said: "The more serious the cat, the more hair shedding."

   Lu Xin said: "Is that because I am not serious enough?"


   The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a while, and changed his tone: "Is it Mr. Soldier?"

   Lu Xin smiled and nodded hurriedly: "It's me, it's me."

The human on the other end of the phone said: "Qinggang has already called me before... In addition, Mr. Shan Bing, you can just call me directly. I am a decent staff in the central city office, not a spy. The secret signal is there. Only used in emergencies."


   Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed: "It's mainly because I gave the secret code when I haven't tried to make a call..."

   "Now you have tried..."

   The other side said: "Mr. Shan Bing has arrived in the central city now?"


   Lu Xin said: "I now live in a hotel in Satellite City 7."


The other party said: "Qinggang has given me notice. I will be responsible for helping you take care of the affairs in the center of the city, and receive the document you picked up on the road... The taboo experiment is a preliminary assessment, but now the intercity trains are out of service, and I can't go to you until tomorrow. What needs your attention now is that you must be careful at night."

   Lu Xin was slightly curious: "Will someone really come here?"

   "Not sure."

The other party said: "But what I need to tell you is that you notified the experimental base of Baita Town in Qinggang before. When our special condemnation team in Qinggang went to collect evidence, we found that the entire Baita Town had been caught in a wildfire. Burned, there is no evidence..."


   Lu Xin was slightly wary.

   It took only one day and one night from the team and oneself to leave Baita Town to the central city.

   In such a short time, the other party has already cleaned the town of Baita?

   The action is very fast, and the strength is also very strong...

   He thought for a while, and said: "I know, I will be careful."

   said, reported the name of the hotel and the room number to the other party, and hung up the phone.

   "The design of the cipher system of the office should be a mastery in essence, right?"

   When he returned to the room, he was still muttering in his heart.


I saw through the window that Lao Zhou, who was sleeping on the bed, and Xiao Zhou, who was sleeping on the ground, were already asleep at this time. Both of them were snoring loudly. Only the grandson was still sitting in the corridor at this time. Patrol the chair. Their team is used to being careful, and they have encountered such a strange thing, so even if they arrive in the satellite city, they will arrange for people to be awake in case there is any movement.

   Seeing Lu Xin, the grandson who was sitting on the broken recliner was a little embarrassed, owed him, but didn't know what to say.

   When he was in Baita Town before, he had suspected Lu Xin, and he hadn't said anything about it yet.

   "Thank you."

   Lu Xin nodded to him, looked up to the ceiling, and said, "You must be optimistic tonight..."

   "Maybe something will happen, I can rest assured if you look at me!"



   Grandson Gouzi's expression was a bit stunned when he heard it, and with an excited and excited expression, he hurriedly stood up.

   "Lu...Brother Lu, don't worry, with me guarding, everyone can rest assured to sleep!"


   Lu Xin glanced at him, then nodded, "Oh."

   Men are so easily moved.

  Obviously, he was talking to the sister on the ceiling, but he seemed to cry with excitement.

   "Okay, trouble you."

   Lu Xin nodded to him, then smiled and glanced at his sister who was hanging on the roof, then turned and walked back to the room.

   The bed was hard-board, and the quilt still smelled bad, but for Lu Xin, who had been on the road for several days, it felt very good.

When    fell asleep at seven o'clock the next day, Lu Xin woke up on time, his bones crackling.

When I walked out of the room, I saw that the old drivers were already eating breakfast vigorously. When Xiao Zhou saw Lu Xin, he eagerly ran over with a pot of porridge and four or five meat buns wrapped in old newspapers. , Smiled and said, "Little Lu, did you sleep well yesterday?"

   "I usually sleep in the first half of the night."

   Lu Xin answered honestly, the two uncles and nephews have been snoring in the game.

   One is like a rushing river, rising up and down, and the other is flowing water, suddenly a sudden emergence...

   Too It was difficult to distinguish the outcome. In the end, the two of them both won and only Lu Xin lost.

   "So you slept well in the middle of the night?"

   Xiao Zhou said happily: "Hurry up and eat, I will deliver the goods later."


   Lu Xin was startled first.

   something like this happened, they are still in a hurry to deliver...

  Swirl and react.

  For this team, no matter what happens, delivery may not be as important as delivery...

   The most important thing in their eyes is to hand over the goods neatly, complete the task of this trip, and get the payment.

   After all, what they made this trip and desperately made was this money, and they also pointed to relying on this to support their family.

   In addition, the more than 20 people who died in the motorcade also needed this money to pay out pensions and settling in.

   Take a step back and talk about it, even if something really happened, after the delivery of the goods, you can concentrate on dealing with it.

   The world in everyone’s eyes is different...

   Lu Xin thought, nodded, took the buns and porridge, and said, "Then I will go with you later."


   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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