Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 300: Weird disappearance

   "Are you sure he won't leave from another place when you are not paying attention?"

   When a group of old drivers became nervous, Lu Xin frowned slightly, and stepped forward to ask.

   "Absolutely not!"

The old driver made an oath and explained very anxiously: "I was expecting to borrow his money. I was thinking how to speak. I was embarrassed to be heard by others. Of course I had to wait for him here. I really didn't see him. Get out from the inside... if you want to go from another place, the wall over there can be turned out, but why is Lao Li... Isn’t it possible to escape by going over the wall when going to the toilet?"

   "Maybe because he didn't want to lend you money, but he was embarrassed to refuse?"

   Lu Xin thought about this question in his heart, but did not say it, but silently thought about other possibilities.

At this time, Xiao Zhou also came out of the toilet in a circle, and whispered: "Brother Xiao Lu, I'm pretty sure that Lao Li did not turn out from the wall over there. There is a thick layer of mud on that wall, no matter what. Whoever overcame the wall would definitely kick the bells and whistles..."

   Lu Xin nodded slightly, and he also thought it was unlikely that he would overturn the wall and leave.


   At this time, there was a tumult from the crowd behind, and Sister Gao at the front of the car had already heard the news and rushed over.

   After asking about Lao Li's disappearance, her face suddenly became a little wary, and she immediately turned her head and looked at Lu Xin.

   Lu Xin met her gaze and nodded lightly.

   Gao Ting paled, bit her lip, and yelled: "Don't make a noise first, and don't go away looking for someone, first..."

   "...Count the number of people!"

   She made a decision: "Immediately, let's see if anyone else has anything less..."

   All the old drivers were taken aback, you look at me, I look at you, and they are all here, why are they missing?

   But you can’t help but listen to what the front of the car said. Sun Gouzi and others immediately blew their whistle. They were in this compound, greeted everyone to come over, and counted the list one by one. Because I lost a lot of people when I was in Baita Town before, it was a little troublesome to count it at this time. From among the survivors, the drivers gathered on the spot should be compared one by one by roll call.

   "Liu Daqiang..."


   "Meng Baldzi..."


   "Zhang San Kuang?"

   "Let this..."


As Sun Gouzi rolls his name, Gao Ting and Lu Xin are also silently observing the number of people at the scene. At the end of the count, Gao Ting's face gradually changed. Although Lu Xin does not understand the team like she does The survivors here, but also realized the problem, he remembered that when the convoy left Baita Town, there were 37 survivors, but now, only 31 have been clicked.

   The only ones who were not named were Gao Ting, the head of the car, and Sun Gouzi himself.

   has all been added, and there are only thirty-three. Then, where did the remaining four people go?

   "The car... the front of the car..."

   When a driver saw this, he raised his hand tremblingly: "Tian Niuzi took advantage of your return to the room to rest, and ran to wash his hair..."

   When Gao Ting heard the words, her eyes stood upside-down, and she cursed fiercely: "Didn't you tell me to let you all stay here?"

   "Persuaded him, he wouldn't listen..."

   The driver cried out and said, "He, he said he will be fast, and he will be back in half an hour."


Gao Ting, the head of the car, sipped viciously on the ground, and sweared fiercely: "Don't panic first, listen to my arrangements later, and then find people together. Now, let's take a look at the few missing people. When they disappeared, I think about it. When will I see them for the last time next time."

When    was talking, she couldn't help being a little worried, and took two steps closer to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin saw what she wanted to ask, shook her head lightly, and said, "I have never seen anything like this, but I know that some people can do things that seem incredible, so they can do it now. Yes, just don't panic for now."

   said, sighed softly, and said: "I deal with this kind of thing in Qinggang, so..."

   He smiled at Gao Ting and said, "I will try my best to help you and find them!"


   Although Lu Xin did not give her a guarantee, the front of the car was still slightly wider.

   She nodded to Lu Xin and whispered: "I'm not good at speaking beautiful things, but I owe you this."

   "Don't pay with meat..."

   Lu Xin murmured in his heart, but didn't dare to speak out.

  The atmosphere is not suitable. At this time, it may be annoying...

   "The front of the car, they think about it..."

   Sun Gouzi soon led the three people over and said, "They were almost the last to see the two people."

When I asked carefully, I realized that someone had met the person called White Claw during lunch, and discussed with others the coquettish car hotel owner. After eating, he said that he would go back to the room and squint for a while. No one has seen it again.

   There are a few more who are playing cards together. A man named Chen Lao understand lost ten dollars and said to wash his hands and come back to play.

   also disappeared, and these few suspected that he had deliberately hid to make a mistake.

   These few people who disappeared are almost like this. There were still talking and laughing, but they disappeared as soon as they turned their heads.


   "How could it be so evil?"

   Gao Ting, the head of the car, had obviously seen strong winds and waves, but at this time she was a little at a loss.

   Lu Xin was unable to answer her questions at this time.

   Did these people take the initiative to leave through some unknown means, or did they really just disappear out of thin air?

   If they disappeared out of thin air, then what kind of capable people and how did they disappear?


   Seeing Lu Xin meditating, Gao Ting gritted his teeth slightly.

   Lu Xin can slowly think about the problem here, but she can't do it as a car front, and the people around her are already a little panicked.

   gritted her teeth, she exclaimed: "Go to the hotel reception desk to watch the surveillance, and then find someone to call Tian Niu Zi back..."

   "Two people go together, so I can take care of it!"


   The old drivers in the motorcade were still a little panicked, but at any rate they had something to do and they agreed with a loud voice.

   Grandson Gouzi immediately arranged for people to do it separately. For insurance, three people were in groups.

   Other people also gathered together and went back to the room to see if anyone was sleeping in the room.

Soon after they broke up, they all hurried back to report: "The front desk monitors have seen it, but these monitors are worried about someone stealing the car and unloading the truck. So the photos are all parking places, and no people can be seen. I looked at the location of the gate, but only saw Tian Niuzi sneaking out. Lao Li and the others didn’t even see a shadow. This shows that some of them did not leave the hotel at all..."

   "I went to the place where I washed my hair and asked, saying that Tian Niuzi left in less than ten minutes, but he never came back."

   "Every room is searched, no one..."


   While both the front of the car and Lu Xin were thinking about it, suddenly there was a scream from the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, and they saw that the person who was talking was a thin driver named Meng Tianzi. He turned his head and looked around him as if he had seen a ghost, but there was clearly no one there. The expression was scared, and no one spoke for a while.

   "Liang Dawei...Liang Dawei is gone..."

   Bald Meng stammered, and pointed to the open space next to him: "He, he was clearly here just now..."

   Gao Ting, the head of the car, heard the words, her face changed a lot: "When did you not see it?"

   "Just...just now..."

   Meng Baldzi almost burst into tears: "I was talking to him just now, and there was no one after turning his head."

  While saying, he subconsciously squeezed into the crowd, but everyone around him backed away in fear.

"How can it be……"

   There was already more vibrato in Gao Ting's voice at the front of the car.

   Lu Xin didn't rush to speak, but looked up at that position. In the eyes of outsiders, only a glimmer of blue light flashed faintly on the lens of his left eye, and in his perspective, a bunch of data and flashing red frames had jumped out of the lens. However, he quickly checked the position where Meng Tianzi pointed, only to find that there was no abnormality there, neither mental radiation nor monsters.

   Lu Xin frowned and looked at the wall beside him.

   My sister climbed upside down on the wall, her head was full of question marks. It was obvious that she didn't notice anything.

   This is interesting...



   "At least we can be sure now that we did encounter some weird things..."

After    pondered slightly, Lu Xin looked around calmly, and said to Gao Ting, "Get people together first!"

   "I think what I need to consider now is not how to find the missing people, but to ensure that other people will not disappear under my nose."


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