Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 302: Ignore it and disappear

   "How could a big living person suddenly disappear..."

   "Is it a ghost? It must have been dragged away by a ghost..."

   "It's over...All of us will be eaten by ghosts, it's over..."


   The panicked voice suddenly rang from the Chase shop.

   Fear can spread, and in this Chase shop, without even spreading, it directly overwhelms everyone.

   A group of big masters, hands and feet can be seen trembling at this time, their faces are white and blue, they look like a group of hanged ghosts.

   "There are no ghosts in this world..."

   Lu Xin subconsciously wanted to correct these incorrect and unscientific ideas, but he didn't say it.

   He saw the panic in these people's hearts at this time, knowing that they were just looking for an excuse to give this incredible scene before him.

Even if the excuse they found was the more frightening "to be dragged away by a ghost", and the idea of ​​a ghost itself is unreasonable, but for them, any kind of speculation is more than completely ignorant of what is going on. Strong.

   The unknown is better than all fear!


   "Are you sure, no one has left the room just now?"

   Others can mess, but he can't, so Lu Xin can only do his best to calmly look at the front of the car. .


The driver Gao Ting bit her lip severely to calm herself, but her voice was somewhat trembling: "We have been staying in the room honestly just now, and didn't dare to go anywhere. Even if it was peeing, let them be in the corner. Solved, but..."

   There was still a look of fear on her face: "But for some reason, there are fewer people..."

   Lu Xin glanced at the wet picture on the wall of Datong Paved, and nodded.

   He tried to make his somewhat chaotic thinking clear.

   Some people will disappear inexplicably, and a large group of people can't find out when their companions are gone.

   It was useless to tie it with a rope, and disappeared somehow.

  According to Gao Ting and others, it seems that when people disappear, there is no trace left on the floating soil...

  This kind of thing makes people feel like there are ants crawling on them.

   Lu Xin didn't like this chaotic feeling, his brows frowned slightly:

   "There are no ghosts in this world, that's pretty sure."

   He said to these old drivers: "But there are indeed some mental monsters, which may cause this situation."

   "Ah this..."

   The old drivers were all taken aback: "Is there a difference?"

   "One title is a typical superstition, one sounds more scientific..."

Lu Xin explained it seriously, and then said: "Assuming there are really some spiritual monsters that even I can't see, and if those people are quietly dragged away, then it means that it has been with us and has been. In this room?"

   Thinking so, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the room.

  His eyes became a bit sharp at this time, and all the old drivers in the room couldn't help but panic.

   Even if he was just swept away by his gaze, my heart felt a little frizzy.

   Lu Xin said to himself, and said: "Including now?"


   Hearing what he said seemed to be very serious, a group of old drivers felt even more nervous.

Whenever I think that there may be a monster that I can't see, among them, they are ready to swallow themselves at any time, and they all shrank subconsciously, with an indescribable sense of horror. They crawled all the way down the spine. Back of head.

   Everyone has the feeling that something is blowing gently behind him.

   Some people even jumped out of bed, feeling like they want to leave this room quickly.

  Who wants to stay in the same room with ghosts.


Lu Xin looked at the faces of those who wanted to escape, and said, "Even if you escape, it will still follow you, of course." His thinking suddenly diverged: "If there is only one monster, So now everyone fled out immediately, and then drove the car in all directions, running as fast as possible. I don’t know if it can care for so many people at the same time..."

   One sentence made everyone say very heartbeat.

   Lu Xin smiled and vetoed: "Of course this is not feasible, because we don't know if it has any companions."

   In the room, the atmosphere became a little bit depressed again.

   The head of the car Gao Ting has been watching Lu Xin's serious thoughts, and her mood has become equally complicated.

   "We still have to find the reason elsewhere..."

   Even if he feels confused, Lu Xin can only think hard, who can't count on his sister and father...

   If her mother is there, she is better at finding people, and maybe she can find out where these people are.

   But my mother is not there after all, and although Lu Xin can borrow some of his mother's ability, what he can borrow is the ability to observe people's emotions. This ability is obviously not suitable for the current situation.

   Forcibly borrowed the power of family members, only part of it. For example, Lu Xin can borrow her sister's twisting power, but she can't borrow her cute power to split himself.

   Father’s, I can only borrow a little bit.

   In this case, you can only rely on yourself...

   After all, I also experienced a period of special pollution training in Qinggang.

   I am professional.


   "If a monster drags people away..."

When thinking about this, Lu Xin pondered for a while, and suddenly raised his head to look at Gao Ting: "So what does the monster look like when it drags a person? Is it directly showing the body and swallowing it in one bite, or is it an invisible hand? , Caught the person's head all at once?"

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   "Definitely not grab the foot first, because if you grab the foot first, the person being dragged away should have time to scream..."

   "It stands to reason that grab your head first, and you have time to scream?"

   "Unless it is swallowed by the mouth to the mouth?"

"It’s not right. If you swallow your mouth to the mouth, you will also struggle, just like a strong kiss... Unless the person who is caught cannot struggle at all, that is to say, this is a kind of strong pollution, and this kind of strong pollution is generally All need direct contact..."


   It was a serious analysis, but Gao Ting heard a sense of horror.

   Originally, she used Lu Xin as an expert, but how come the more she listened, the more it seemed to be a neurotic babbling?

   trembled slightly, she tried her best to keep calm, and said: "We...really didn't see anything..."

   "In one room, with so many people, several companions around disappeared, but you didn't see anything?"

   Lu Xin suddenly raised his head to look at Gao Ting.

   Gao Ting was a little ashamed by his questioning, nodded and said: "Yes...yes, I blame me..."

   "No, it's not right."

   Lu Xin looked at her, his eyes gradually brightened, and said, "I mean, you really didn't notice anything?"

   Gao Ting realized that she couldn't keep up with his thoughts, so she nodded reluctantly.

   "Then I think, I have found a trait of this monster."

   Lu Xin's voice seemed a little happy, and he could even tell a little bit of pride in his expression.

Gao Ting reacted very quickly. When she saw the smile on Lu Xin's face, she was at a loss for a while, and then quickly recalled what she had just said, contacting back and forth, and suddenly felt that she had caught a glimmer of light, gently " "Ah," he said nervously, "You mean, this only be taken away when a person is not noticed?"

Lu Xin smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes. It seems that everyone is staying in the same place, but in fact, everyone’s attention is different, and they don’t always see a person. When you noticed it, that monster would move and drag him away...Look, if you explain it this way now, you will feel that it is actually not that scary, right?"

   "Isn't it alleviated..."

   Gao Ting subconsciously shouted in her heart, taking a deep breath, her chest undulating.

   After calming down, think about it, it seems, really, it does feel a little relieved.

   Not only her, but also the old drivers who understood her around her, a look of hope suddenly appeared on her face.

   In such a depressing and terrifying atmosphere, I encountered such an unsolvable situation.

   suddenly discovered a little characteristic of the other party, it was like grabbing a straw in despair.

   "Quickly, everyone sits face to face, staring at the person opposite you, don't blink, don't blink..."

   As soon as Gao Ting reacted, she yelled and gave orders loudly.

   A group of old drivers reacted violently, climbed onto the bed in a hurry, turned around, and sat down one by one.

   eyes staring like copper bells.


   Lu Xin turned around, and saw Gao Ting staring at her, staring at herself.

   "It's useless to look at me, look at other people!"

Lu Xin shook his head, walked to the edge of the bed next to him, pulled a dustpan with shredded tobacco, took a piece of thin paper, and started to fill it with shredded tobacco, learning how to smoke like Lao Zhou... his golden filter cigarettes, altogether There are only three left, so save a bit.

   slowly swallowed a thick smoke, Lu Xin thought slowly.

   Just discovering that this feature is not enough, we still need to consider how to solve it.

   After all, there are still those who disappeared before and haven't been found back.

   Besides, can you really keep looking at each other so you can guarantee that you won’t disappear?

  What should I do if I am sleepy, hungry, what if I want to go to the bathroom, what if I want to sleep?

  Theoretically, it may disappear as long as the companion blinks

   I met such a monster that would rip him away when no one looked at him for a moment.

   Then, no one in this world can escape his covetousness...

   Unless, people all over the world follow their own commands, line up, and take turns to stare at themselves.

   "So, what should I do?"

   Lu Xin slowly rubbed his forehead, and began to miss Han Bing.

   The atmosphere is in the silence of such a group of big eyes and small eyes, bit by bit, slowly fading away.

   "Bang Dang..."

   I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, as if something had hit the carriage.

   In the whole room, the people whose nerves had been tense all the time were shocked.

   Including Lu Xin, while turning his head to look out.

   But looking at it this time, he found that there was no movement at all outside the window, and Lu Xin suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

   He turned around and saw that the room with a lot of people seemed a bit empty all of a sudden.

   As if the wind was blowing, it instantly soaked everyone's back.


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