Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 308: infant

The originally angry father finally caught the person, like a hungry wild dog caught the prey...This section was crossed out...The man in the suit ferociously entangled the man in the suit, ignoring the mental fluctuations emanating from him, a trace of entanglement Up. Surrounded by the shadow, there was the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, the sound of fine bones being broken, and a strange rustling sound.

That should be the sound of a sharp blade cutting through muscle fibers and tendons!


An indescribable rough voice came from the body of the man in the suit.

The eyes on his face were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, which was a feeling of extreme panic and pain.

At this time, Lu Xin had completely recovered from the state of being affected. Looking around, the eyes that had surrounded him before had disappeared. Until now, he didn't know whether those eyes were real or Hallucinations.

Even deep in his heart, there was still a faint influence from just now.

For example, he is now quite willing to give up the resistance altogether and return the document to them.

The reason for not doing this is because my father has completely seized the initiative.


Beneath the shadow, the suit man's suit was torn, revealing his body.

His whole body is blood red, the same color as the brain that Lu Xin encountered, like flesh and blood stripped of the skin, you can see that there is a mouth growing on his lower abdomen. Grinning left and right, at least twenty centimeters long.

It was this mouth that spoke just now.

At this time, it was screaming in horror, which was very pleasing to the ear.

But the shadow was drowning the mouth, and his cry was quickly disappearing.

Before finally being completely swallowed by the shadow, he had only time to shout out the last sentence: "Baby, save me..."


A harsh cry rang out in the empty courtyard of this motel.


Lu Xin, who was happily watching the friendly exchange between his father and others, suddenly became vigilant, raised his head, and swept around.

Even he didn't notice that there was a third monster in this yard.

That kind of crying sound was like the cry of a baby, but it was extremely loud and also extremely abrupt.

The moment it sounded, Lu Xin felt that his eardrums were shaken, and an unspeakable nausea gushed in his heart that made his eyes appear phantom ghosts. There is a huge pressure coming from inside the body, like blood colliding against the blood vessels and the brain.

He felt severe dizziness and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, the man in the suit who had been wrapped in the shadow and had torn most of his body in an instant suddenly straightened his body. He had been stripped of most of his flesh and blood, and torn most of his bones, and he had recovered in an instant. , A trace of fresh granulation grew out, restoring his body to its original state, and this growth trend of flesh and blood, not over yet, is still growing. .

His body instantly turned into a terrifying flesh and blood monster, constantly swelling.


The swollen flesh and blood collided with the shadow, and a powerful shock wave centered on the man in the suit, suddenly spreading to the surroundings. On the ground, there was a thick layer of gravel, rushing to the surrounding fiercely, like bullets. A row of large trucks stopped more than ten meters away, and dense cobweb-like cracks appeared in the glass in an instant, and the huge body was shaken by the impact and shook.

The glass of the Chase shop behind Lu Xin was shattered, and the door was rushed back and forth to close, knocking out a huge crack.

Lu Xin almost fell, squinting his eyes sharply, his eyes sharp.

He saw that at the moment when the flesh and blood swelled, the shadow was stretched out in a short time, and then it contracted tightly.

However, it takes time for the shadow to swallow the swollen flesh and blood. In this short period of time, the man in the suit has been separated outwards with great pain. Finally, at the moment when the shadow swallowed the extra flesh and blood, it broke away from the flesh and blood. .

Without a suit, he was in a tattered body and quickly got into the dark shadow.

Together with the sudden cry of the baby, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, only a horrified look was caught.

The entire small courtyard became quiet and quiet.

Only the thick and rotten smell of blood radiated out quietly, filling people's nasal cavity.


"What is that cry?"

Lu Xin frowned, stood up slowly, and whispered slowly.

It turned out that besides the hide-and-seek monster and the monster in a suit, there was a third monster hiding in the dark.

And this third monster is so powerful.

In that cry, there seemed to be an extremely strange power. To some extent, the cry was in a frontal confrontation. It briefly resisted his father's power, untied him, and killed it. Half of the men in suits were snatched away.

That being the case, why did it not make a move in the first place?

If it joins forces with the other two monsters from the beginning, I am afraid it will be its own...

...Will be a little troublesome, right?


"Ha ha ha ha..."

The shadow that Lu Xin spread out, slowly gathered back, leaving only a pile of rotten flesh and blood on the ground.

"What laughing?"

Lu Xin glanced down at the shadow. In fact, he was a little relieved. Because he had let go of his restraints just now, at a certain moment, his father actually had the opportunity to leave, but he did not leave, and he did not feel him. After hesitating, my heart became warmer for a while, but when I spoke, I still said a bit ugly: "You let someone go..."

"...No, two."


"It's all to blame, you trash."

The shadow suddenly struggled and said angrily: "If you let go of me earlier, none of them will run away, and you won't be hurt, or they won't dare to provoke you at all. Now it's like this. It's because of you."

"It's not good to shirk responsibility..."

Listening to his father's anger, Lu Xin's mood suddenly improved a lot. He glanced at the shadow and looked very innocent, and said: "Just now, you were doing it yourself. I still think you are very good, but you didn't get rid of that in one breath A cute boy with big eyes, and when the cry rang out, it was obvious that you were bounced out directly by others, this..."

Having said that, he suddenly closed his mouth.

Because he found that the shadow was really angry at this time, and suddenly became swollen.

The powerful negative emotions rushed into Lu Xin's mind instantly, as if faintly heard the sound of smashing the door.

"thank you……"

Lu Xin sighed, suddenly looked at the shadow, and said with a somewhat unnatural expression.


The shadow suddenly calmed down a lot, and in the deep darkness, there seemed to be gazes watching Lu Xin suspiciously and vigilantly.

"Mom isn't by my side, so I'm relying on you to protect me and my sister."

Lu Xin continued, with a sincere attitude: "Although you are very rude, I think you did a good job."

The shadow changed slowly, as if a little confused.

The sister next to her turned her head curiously, not understanding why she mentioned herself suddenly.

Then she glanced at Lu Xin's shadow and curled her lips slightly, seeming to disagree with Lu Xin's words.

"You have a bad temper and your family members are very afraid of you, so they used to avoid you and were afraid that you would hurt others when you came out. But my mother was right. The family should help each other. More understanding, more If we are tolerant, we will be more united, and nothing will stump us. Just like just now... Don't worry, I will try to understand you and consider you..."

Lu Xin said to the shadow earnestly: "I promised you before, now is indeed the time."

The shadow subsided even more greatly, but it was still surging slightly, like a deep and dark sea, which gave people the feeling of a huge body, at this time, hairy and blood-red eyes appeared. Weird emotions.

After a while, a voice rang in Lu Xin's ears: "Do you know that you look particularly hypocritical now?"


Lu Xin was taken aback, and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Is there? I'm not very good at hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Shadow also smiled gloomily, and the scene became extremely embarrassing.

My sister looked at them from the side with a low "噫" and curled her lips.

"In fact, what I said was the truth, not too hypocritical..."

Lu Xin concealed his embarrassment perfectly with a smile, and then changed the subject: "Speaking of which, why did they run away just now? It's because the power of the hidden third monster surpassed you, or it some extent restrained. about you?"

Father was silent for a long time before he sneered: "Do you know what it feels like to swallow a piece of rotten meat in your mouth?"


Lu Xin thought about it for a while, then said, "Does it taste like fermented bean curd?"


The father obviously refused to answer.

But without him answering, Lu Xin almost understood what he meant, and stopped asking, but smiled and said, "It's actually not bad."

"Although I ran two, but..."

He looked at a place and said, "There is one left, isn't it?"

Shadow slowly stopped struggling, opened a pair of blood-red eyes, and turned his head to look over.

My sister also reacted and looked down.

The skinless puppy wagged its tail happily, looked at the place, and showed a fierce look.


"So, the three of you went over together, not only didn't you get rid of the capable person..."

"...He detained one instead?"

The wailing cry and the man in the suit have come to a hidden villa.

In the darkness with no light, someone quietly listened to their narration, and their voices were a little surprised.

"We dare not bring Hizou back, we suspect that he has been contaminated."

The voice of the man in the suit sounded in the darkness: "And Yingying didn't make any move at all. It only helped me get rid of the man's mental power when I called for help at the end..." His voice trembled suddenly: "That kind of mental power is terrible."

"Why didn't Ying Ying make a move?"

The voice in the darkness seemed a bit cold.

There was silence for a while in the darkness, and then there was a soft sob sound, as if very wronged.

"Because the baby is scared."

The man in the suit understood, and said for him: "It's worried that after the shot, neither of us will be able to come back."

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