Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 311: The purpose of Zhao Hui

Being pointed at by a group of policemen with guns and live ammunition, everyone did not dare to take a breath.

   This kind of pressure seems to be greater than when facing a monster.

Mainly when facing monsters, they dared to shout with two voices, and even acted as if they were about to slash each other with a knife. But in the world after the red moon, facing the police, they would not dare to do that. They might just stare a little bit. I beat you like a lunatic...

   Gao Ting also stunned for a moment, before hurriedly exclaiming: "How is it possible, this is a misunderstanding!"

   "What's the misunderstanding? The person who accuses you is here. Tell him!"

   The old sheriff with the big loudspeaker obviously doesn't eat this set, coldly noodles, and shouted: "Grab them all!"

   A group of police officers immediately held their guns, approached slowly, and took out a pair of handcuffs.

  The old drivers suddenly became a group of panic. They just drove a car, and they never thought they would be handcuffed.

  Lingwai, Dadi Group slandered their heads for stealing things, what does it mean?


   was angry and anxious, but panicked.


   Lu Xin also frowned, took a look at Li Gang, and said, "The official business has come, is it time for you to go out?"


   Li Gang wanted to scold his mother for a while.

Originally according to his plan, because what Lu Xin discovered is too important now, he really doesn’t want to deal with the officials in the central city so quickly when the enemy is unknown, but now the police are all here. Taking it away, it is indeed prone to some unnecessary troubles. There is no way, so I have to bite the bullet and take a step forward, saying loudly: "Wait a minute!"

When everyone looked at him, although he was dazzled by the light of the flashlight, he still remained calm and said loudly, "I am a staff member of the Qinggang Central City Office. Now I want to reach out to my pocket. Take my ID and don't shoot."

   While shouting, he slowly stretched out his hand, reached into the pocket of his clothes, took out his ID, and held it in the air.

   "From Qinggang?"

   The group of police officers suddenly saw a person of this identity, and they were obviously a little surprised: "Why is this involved?"

   As one of the twelve high-wall cities in the Alliance, the weight of Qinggang is beyond doubt.

  The staff of its office also enjoy the treatment of superior citizens in the central city, as well as some special administrative immunity. .

   For ordinary police officers in Satellite Towns like them, they can't provoke, and absolutely don't want to provoke these people.

   At this moment, when he saw his identity, he suddenly became more serious in his attitude.

"Dear police officers, this convoy has some connection with a case in Qinggang. I came here to investigate this matter. Therefore, I requested the enforcement of the Qinggang Office's Special Protection Ordinance to suspend their arrest and discuss it later. Make a decision..."

   "I can meet with the director of the satellite city administration and report to him in more detail!"


   Li Gang shouted out his words loudly, trying to hear everyone in the room.

   The old police officer's face was even more ugly, hesitant, and he glanced at Zhao Hui behind him.

   Zhao Hui's eyes were cold, but he sneered disdainfully.

The old police officer reacted immediately, holding a loudspeaker and said: "This gentleman, even if you are a member of the Qinggang Office, you can't affect our normal work. If you have any questions, you can ask our leader later. But Now, we need to investigate the theft of the confidential information of the Dadi Group, and take these people away first. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, please step back!"

   said, suddenly ordered to other police officers: "All handcuffed, if there is resistance, you can kill!"

When    said these words, Li Gang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

   The hands and feet of those old drivers are even more flustered.

   Lu Xin frowned slightly and glanced at Li Gang with some contempt. It seemed that this guy was not as good as he said.

   It’s just that he also feels a bit of a headache for the current situation. Although he obviously feels that the police are doing something wrong, but he is a law-abiding citizen, honestly Bajiao has lived so much, and has never thought about fighting the police...

   In this tense atmosphere, Gao Ting suddenly took two steps forward and shouted, "Zhao Hui, what do you want?"


   A group of policemen turned their guns and pointed at her.

   But Gao Ting faced so many black hole muzzles, but there was no fear on her face. Instead, she stared directly at the flashlight, as if to see Zhao Hui directly behind the row of policemen.

  'S face was a bit fierce: "You are also a man anyway, although you can't be tough, you still have a handle..."

   "You use this method to deal with us who are big stuff, don't you want to face?"


   After some words, everyone's expressions became complicated.

   Some people are surprised at the courage of this woman, and dare to say such harsh words at this time.

   Someone noticed a few special words in this passage, and his face suddenly showed a slight expression of excitement of eating melon.

   Behind a row of police officers, Zhao Hui's face was obviously dark.

   He suddenly said: "Let her come over, I will tell her!"

Facing this kind of tone that seemed to be directly giving orders, the old police officer felt a little uncomfortable, but he slowly let himself go and shouted with a loud speaker: "You can come here first and talk about things... other things. Stay where you are, don’t move."

   Gao Ting immediately strode forward when she heard the words, and put down her raised hand.

   Everyone's eyes followed her.

   But when she passed the line of police officers, everyone's sight was blocked by the light of those flashlights.

   Lu Xin raised his hands honestly and nodded to his side.

   The excited little sister immediately followed him happily.


   Behind the policeman, Gao Ting walked up to Zhao Hui and stared at him, "What do you want?"

   Zhao Hui will not answer, but just look sideways.

General Manager Wang on the side of    immediately reacted, and hurriedly trot away for more than ten meters.

   Then Zhao Hui's eyes rolled slowly, and he looked at the row of police officers. The old police officer and the two police officers who were staring at Gao Ting walked all the way to prevent her from making any changes. They also turned around and left room for the two of them to speak.

   Zhao Hui's gaze fell on Gao Ting's face, his expression a little gloomy: "What do I want, you don't know?"

   Gao Ting bit her lip and said, "I have already promised all your requests, why...can't you let me go?"

   "Agree to all my requirements?"

Zhao Hui suddenly raised his head and looked at Gao Ting’s face. The muscles on his face were twisted, and crazy emotions flashed under his eyes: "Did you agree to my request? You, this body, was originally what I saw. I have already I told you, this is mine... My **** has even done you such a big transformation in advance, but you want to turn it into dirty rubbish, you are disgusting me..."

When    was talking, his emotions were even more uncontrollable, and he suddenly grabbed Gao Ting's collar with his hands.

Gritting her teeth, staring into her eyes tightly: "This time, you should have died, but you didn't expect that you were too fateful and escaped alive, but you really thought that you caught a hook and ran out of nowhere. Those who are able to get rid of me?"

   "Hehe, you don't even know..."

   "This so-called capable person, in front of Central City, in front of me, can he count as a fart?"



   Gao Ting was grabbed by him, and when he heard what he said, hatred rushed into his mind for a while.

   She wanted to know if the things in Baita Town were really related to Zhao Hui, but she didn't expect him to admit it directly.

   Thinking of the deaths of her more than twenty brothers, she felt like a volcano was crushed in her heart.

   However, the only remaining reason, she still forced her to endure, only to ask her last question: "Why?"

   "Just because I ruined my body, you hate me so?"

   "Just because I don't want to be your own plaything, you are going to kill our entire team?"



   Zhao Huiyin smiled coldly: "You look at yourself too highly."

   "If I want to find a plaything, what kind of plaything can't be found in this high-walled city?"

When he was talking, his eyes became blood red, as if some kind of abnormal madness was surging in his heart, he took a deep breath of the smell of Gao Ting's body, and gritted his teeth and said: "Lao Tzu is simply I didn't like you, I wanted to play with you..."

   "I am after your body, I want to make it mine!"

   "What you are ruining is Lao Tzu's body, the body I intend to take from me!"



  In an instant, there was a lightning-like light flashing in Gao Ting's mind.

   Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Zhao Hui's face firmly, surprise, fear, and disgust flashed across her face in turn.

   is that so?

She suddenly understood a lot of things, including every time Zhao would play with herself, she would use a lot of weird instruments, including every time he looked at his body obsessively, chanting "mine" and "mine" in his mouth, including every At this time, I would be in a coma for a long time, including since he stared at him, he felt a strange feeling in his body, and his strength and speed were improving.

   These strange things, I should have discovered long ago, but the shame overwhelmed me, but ignored a lot of details.

   Especially, she could not think of it anyway, Zhao Hui, as a man, actually wanted his own body...

   "Follow me obediently!"

At this moment, Zhao Hui had calmed down. He let go of Gao Ting's hand, his expression indifferent and disgusted: "Anyway, you don't want to live anymore. Follow me obediently and give me your body. Otherwise, shoot the gun. With a bang, you people are going to die!"

   "Including the capable person, if he dares to resist, Central City will not let him go. Both the lurkers and the action team will be dispatched!"

   "He will die even worse..."

"do you understand?"

   He lowered his head, his eyes scanned Gao Ting's tall figure, slender waist, and slender legs, his eyes were greedy:

   "You are in front of me, there is no choice at all!"

   "From the moment I fell in love with you, your body is already mine..."


   Gao Ting's body trembled, and there were two completely different emotions.

   On the one hand, I was furious and wanted to die with the disgusting monster in front of me.

   On the one hand, there was also a deep fear, which made her almost weak.

   She can't make a choice.

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