Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 319: Code Name One Thousand and Twenty One-Flesh Monsters

"Then, I'm leaving now, goodbye..."

Until he took back his belt and bags with various small belongings, he greeted the guards who were still confused as if they were still in a dream, and after Chen Jing left the detention center, Lu Xin I still feel a little unbelievable.

Didn't I say that I will be charged for a lifetime of famine? How come Chen Jing said that, he came out.

Moreover, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Chen Jing has dealt with no problems, they are all reasonable and legal...


Followed Chen Jing into the car, and soon came to a vast open space.

It can be seen that a helicopter has been parked on the lawn.

The men in suits and military uniforms who followed Chen Jing into the detention center and picked them up came here and stopped. After Chen Jing shook hands and thanked them, she led Lu Xin into the lawn and bowed down. In the helicopter cabin.

"Hahahaha, my dear team leader, it's been a long time..."

As soon as Lu Xin got into the helicopter, he got a big hug and pushed him away, only to see the gecko.

He was wearing an armed suit, and his hair was combed neatly and shining as a lesson. .

At this time, he looked at himself with enthusiasm.

In addition, in the cabin, there was a girl with a face that had never been seen before.

She looks young, she is very beautiful, her skin is white, tender and smooth, with a little baby fat, but her face is very cold.

Wearing a short skirt, bare legs, but a pair of heavy black military boots on the feet.

"Sit down first, we are in a hurry now, we have something to say on the way."

Chen Jing nodded to Lu Xin, and then casually introduced the girl who seemed to have no expression on her face: "This is Ms. Xia Chong. She is the captain of the Seventh Special Operations Squad of the Central City Special Clearance Department. She is now assigned to investigate. This time the special pollution incident."

"She helped a lot by being able to come out so quickly."



Lu Xin glanced at the girl in surprise and thought she looked soft.

But thinking of her help, I felt grateful.

Did she help herself escape the fate of a lifetime of desolation?

Hastily stretched out his hand to her and said: "Hello, hello, my name is Single Soldier..."

The girl glanced at Lu Xin blankly, hesitated, and passed her hand to Lu Xin's.

The two shook hands and let go.

Lu Xin felt her hands were tender and slippery, as if they were boneless, cold.


Gecko watched Lu Xin shaking hands with Xia Chong, his eyes widened, and he seemed very envious.

"That one……"

He couldn't help looking for a sense of presence, and enthusiastically said to Lu Xin: "Captain, did you stay in this place last night?"

Lu Xin said calmly: "Yes."

The gecko's expression became more and more exciting: "So many things have happened here, and the whole city is in a mess, and then you just stay honestly in the detention center and squat... the whole night, you have been so enduring. , Did not come out at all?"

Lu Xin looked at him without understanding, "I'm in custody, how come out?"

"No no……"

The gecko hurriedly waved his hands, tensed for a while, and suddenly couldn't help but laughed.

Lu Xin, Chen Jing, and Xia Chong turned their eyes to him at the same time, and he hurriedly raised his face and stopped the laughter.

It's just the shoulders, still shaking.


At this time, the helicopter had lifted off, and Lu Xin looked down from the helicopter. At this time, there were still many chaotic places in Satellite City 7, and black smoke appeared in some places. There are police cars and fire trucks that constantly shuttle in this city.

In some places, large crowds can be seen.

Many people in white fire suits are busy interspersed among them.

"It seems that yesterday's affairs were really troublesome..."

Lu Xin was a little surprised and sighed with emotion.

"In fact, it's okay, the movement is big, but the threat is not big."

The girl named Xia Chong suddenly spoke, her voice was crisp, but she looked hard, not as soft as a normal girl.

Lu Xin suddenly looked at her curiously.

Chen Jing said: "Just to give you a task report, let Xia Chong tell you what happened last night."

The girl named Xia Chong nodded and said: "Last night, there were three locations in Satellite City 7 where a sudden and special pollution incident occurred, code-named 1021-Flesh Monster. After initial investigation, it has been determined to be a human being. For release."

"This pollution incident caused the pollution and death of hundreds of people, but the pollution disappeared automatically after an hour."

"In addition, when the pollution incident occurred, there was also an attack on a chemical plant in Satellite City 7. During the attack, multiple security guards and staff in the chemical plant were injured and seven people died. There are multiple A-level key information, And Class B parasitic items were robbed."

"At the same time, Zhao Shiming, the head of the chemical plant, was kidnapped and his whereabouts are unknown."


"The chemical plant was attacked?"

After hearing this girl's words, Lu Xin was taken aback, feeling that many doubts were unclear.

For example, the pollution code-named "flesh monster" was automatically cleaned up after an hour?

For another example, why does the girl’s narrative feel that the chemical plant is more important than the pollution incident?

"Yes it is."

Xia Chong said blankly: "This chemical plant is just a disguise. It was also after the attack that the special operations team intervened in the investigation and found out that it was actually a hidden experimental base where some sort of A-level experiment was underway. I have already Submitted a survey application to the above and is now confirming whether this experiment has been filed with the Research Institute and the General Administration Office.

"However, investigating this chemical plant is not the goal of our mission this time."

"What we need to investigate and deal with now is the Baita Town Secret Experimental Base, the research conducted on the second phase of lunatics."


Lu Xin frowned and said nothing.

And Xia Chong obviously didn’t care if he had any questions, just a routine expression on his face, and continued: “Yesterday when our team formally received an order from a superior to investigate this matter, the information and evidence you submitted from Qinggang, It has greatly helped our investigation. It has been possible to initially determine the nature of this matter and the organization behind it."

"Based on the information currently available, we suspect that this matter is related to a mysterious organization active in the alliance."

"The name of this organization is: Black Desk."

"The mysterious organization of the black table table originated in the medical field. According to the data, it was originally after the Red Moon incident, a group of people tried to use surgery and drugs to treat lunatics, that is, the scientific name "dementia". Created by a doctor who treats monsters."

"Because they initially held meetings, they were always next to a black high table in the sponsor’s living room, and those who were approved by them would also be invited, and they were eligible to sit at the high table, so they had this name. And they At the beginning, it was suspected of participating in some taboo experiments that violated human relations. This organization was officially banned by the alliance ten years ago and was disbanded."

"But now it seems that they have always existed in secret, and even continue to experiment."


Lu Xin didn't try to interrupt the girl who didn't like being interrupted, but just listened carefully.

Until the girl paused, he hurriedly asked, "So, what are they doing now? Creating gods?"

"The term "creating gods" is too idealistic and vague, lacking theoretical support."

Xia Chong raised his head and glanced at Lu Xin, and said, "The secret actions of the black table in the past ten years are still unknown. But through the information you submitted, as well as the words of the witnesses, as well as the sudden and special plans they planned last night. The pollution incident, we suspect that their current research projects are closely related to the control of demented people and enhanced experiments in various aspects."

Lu Xin remembered the sneer lunatic he saw in Baita Town, and the crazy brain, and the brain summoned at the time. It was obviously different from other lunatics, but it had more powerful strength and oppression. The second-stage lunatic...

His brows frowned slightly: "What can you get by studying lunatics?"

"It's a demented person."

Xia Chong corrected him and said: "In fact, the research and treatment of dementia has been carried out after the Red Moon incident. Whether it is an official or some research institution that is not subject to official restrictions. After all, the Red Moon incident occurred. After that, the mainstream opinions were divided into two. One is to treat people with dementia and turn them into normal people, and the other is to eliminate them."

"It now appears that the latter has become the intended result because of the situation."

"However, the research and treatment of dementias is something that no one dare to ignore. Alliances and research institutes have always supported research in this area. But more is to support them in researching how to cure these people. The method is disappointing that there are indeed many institutions or organizations dedicated to studying how to control these demented people and even use them as weapons."

"After all, we realized a long time ago that the endurance, physical strength, pain tolerance, and even wound recovery capabilities of these demented people have greatly exceeded ordinary people. If they can be taught to obey and use weapons, then ..."

She paused and said: "They will become the best fighters!"

Even when Xia Chong talked about these things, there was no expression on his face, and his voice was flat and straightforward.

However, the content of these words makes people shudder.

Chen Jing seemed to have seen Lu Xin's thoughts, and added softly, "To sum it up briefly, after the Red Moon Incident, a group of capable people appeared in this world due to spiritual changes. Several of us... basically It's all like this..."

"But a lunatic, that is, a demented person, is the first mutant to appear!"

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