Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 322: I just went to visit relatives (4000 words)

"From the red moon (!

"God's body?"

When everyone in the office fell into their own thoughts, Lu Xin frowned slightly, and he also thought of something.

While in Baita Town, he saw the monster in the shape of a brain and learned that the name of the brain seemed to be a sample of the certain stage of the "brain of God". In addition, he has also begun to study others, including eyes that are good at "observation", monsters that control flesh and blood, and... a body that can carry these?

"So, now there is enough information to figure it out..."

Chen Jing spoke slowly, her voice a bit solemn: "What we want to prevent now is the birth of a god?"

"Although I guessed it, I don't feel the difference is big."

Dr. Mo nodded and said, "Of course, this is just one direction. After all, the information I can access..."

He glanced outside the office, a little helpless: "...too little."


Chen Jing understood the embarrassment in Dr. Mo's words.

Gao Ting is a witness given by Qinggang to the central city, so Qinggang can naturally participate in her testing.

However, there is still a lot of information, and Dr. Mo is obviously excluded.

"From the current data, there is enough evidence to prove that the black table is the work of the black table. It can also be inferred that besides the experimental base in Baita Town, there must be other black table tables, and may even be of scale. Bigger laboratory."

Chen Jing calmly made a final summary: "Also, judging from the kind of crazy on the black table last night, the release of contaminated flesh and blood in the Satellite City 7 in the Central City, and the kidnapping of the research institute doctor Zhao Shiming, also It is basically certain that they are conducting an experiment related to the "birth of the gods" and the overall progress is at a critical period."

"So, there is not much time left for us."


She paused: "But there are a lot of preparations we need to do, and most importantly, there are at least three."

"First, you need to know the details of the secret laboratory of the chemical plant. Since the black table took such a big risk and kidnapped Zhao Shiming, it means that Zhao Shiming's research must be of great use to them. If you can get this With the laboratory’s data and the list of lost items, it is possible to predict in advance the specific experiments being carried out by the black table, and make preparations in advance."

"Second, we need to find the secret experimental base of the black table in the shortest time."

"They left in a hurry last night. They will definitely leave a lot of clues. In addition, the construction of such a large base and the supply of various raw materials will also become traces that they cannot erase. If the lurkers in the central city take action, they should be able to investigate. To the clue."

"Third, enough manpower."


Lu Xin felt that her analysis was right, but she didn't understand one thing: "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Wait for the approval of Central City."

Chen Jing glanced at Lu Xin and said softly: "Whether it is the detailed core information or the investigation of the biggest secret laboratory of the black table, we need to get permission from the city center. To a certain extent, our Qinggang is just as a cooperation The investigating party."


Lu Xin thought for a while, and honestly agreed.

Since the investigation of the incident this time focuses on the central city, of course I have to cooperate well. .

He also under Chen Jing’s guidance, he went from encountering this team, to discovering Baita Town, to destroying the experimental base of Baita Town together with Gao Ting, and also unintentionally picking up one. A document about "creating a god", and then because of fear of retaliation, and the convoy rushed to the center city and talked about the matter about the **** team.

He is very good at writing reports.

Still follow the principles of the past and focus on the key points.

The girl named Xia Chong seems to have a bad temper. She writes too much for fear of being annoying.

Write what you know, and try not to miss it.

Of course I don’t write about things I don’t know, such as how I found the document...

... Picking it up is picking it up!

Chen Jing was the first to examine Lu Xin's report, and crossed out a few insignificant sentences on it.

Lu Xin was a little nervous. After all, the leader was not Han Bing. He actually changed the report to himself.

This report, which had done its best to explain clearly, was rearranged and handed over to Xia Chong within an hour.

After receiving the report, Xia Chong just glanced at it, frowned slightly, and handed it to the people around him.

Chen Jing looked at Xia Chong and said, "I think this time the action should be as soon as possible."

"Do you think it is better for me to make this request in the capacity of Qinggang, or your action team to apply directly?"


"I have already submitted the application just now, and I am waiting for the above approval."

Xia Chong said blankly: "Now, you can go back to the hotel for a while to rest."

"For this task, we will notify you as soon as we have a decision or result."


Suddenly, the gecko raised his head vigilantly.

Chen Jing's expression also changed slightly: "That's it?"

Xia Chong nodded and said, "You are the guests of Central City, and you are also the reporters. The most important thing is to protect you."

"In addition, Central City has enough capacity to handle this matter, you can rest assured."

"Ah this..."

When the gecko heard this, the look in Xia Chong's eyes shifted from her lap to her face like playing cards.

Xia Chong met their gazes, her expression unchanged, and looked at Chen Jing and Lu Xin.

Lu Xin was nodding his head at this time, and when he saw her gaze, he smiled at her.

Chen Jing groaned for a while, then nodded, and smiled: "Okay, wait for your good news."

Xia Chong nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, I heard military vehicles moving outside, surrounding this extremely tightly guarded chemical plant, and then I saw a group of people in white coats or heavy protective clothing coming in. .

Among these people, Lu Xin also saw a few people wearing military uniforms with a temperament similar to Minister Shen, listening to their reports with solemn expressions.

"Okay, the information is handed over, the clues are also confessed, we can go back to the hotel to rest."

Chen Jing asked Lu Xin a few routinely, then smiled.

"Really go to rest?"

Gecko looked even more surprised, and asked subconsciously.

Chen Jing just smiled without answering.

Lu Xin has been following the two of them quietly, seemingly unaware that the expressions of these two people have become a little ugly, but his expression is a little calm, or rather indifferent, quietly following everyone, looking like Very submissive.

Soon, Chen Jing walked over and said hello to Xia Chong, then came back and took Lu Xin and others, took the car together, went straight out of the chemical plant, and was escorted by an armed team in the central city. Go to the designated hotel to rest.

The grade of the hotel is not low, the distance is not far, and there is no need to go through the formalities or pay, and you can directly check into the highest-class room of this hotel.

After that, there is a long wait.


"It's not right..."

Gecko and Lu Xin live in the same room... He originally wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare to refuse... Finally he couldn't hold back.

"Obviously the situation is so urgent, we actually arranged for us to rest in the hotel..."

He lowered his voice and said to Lu Xin, "You said Central City is playing a trick?"

"What the **** can this do?"

At this time, Lu Xin had already made a cup of free tea in the hotel, and sat down on a high-end armchair in the room. He was holding the cup in both hands, and his face looked very calm.

The conversation between Chen Jing and Xia Chong just now, and the attitude of all the staff in the central city, did not seem to affect him.

Hearing what the gecko said at this time, he seemed to have just reacted and asked him curiously.

"My team leader..."

The gecko looked at Lu Xin with weird eyes: "Are you really not understanding or pretending to not understand?"


Lu Xin took a sip: "Don't understand what?"

"This, this..."

Gecko decided whether he really didn’t understand, or if he didn’t understand it, he said with a sorrow, "Central City is going to kick us aside. The team leader brought us over to ensure this. It can be resolved smoothly without encountering some nasty behaviors, and the things she did after coming here did ensure that Central City would at least take care of it, instead of concealing it..."

"But I didn't expect that they were very ruthless. They planned to do something, but they threw us aside!"


"Why conceal this?"

Lu Xin's face was calm, and said, "Isn't they the one who should deal with it according to the regulations?"


Gecko glanced at Lu Xin and sighed, "Look now, they are indeed ready to deal with it."

"It's just, look, we found the Baita Town Experimental Base. That picked it up too. You protected the team. Even if it is the back of this black table, it is because of us. , Finally surfaced..."

"But at this time, how can Central City mean to take us to resolve this matter together?"


Lu Xin thoughtfully: "Then why do you think this is?"


The gecko patted his thigh and said, "This is too much to say, or it is that there is an unclear secret between the central city and this black table, and I don't want to be discovered by us. For example, who is under this chemical plant? Do you know what's going on? Either, Central City is eyeing some confidential information on the black table, hoping to monopolize it without giving us Qinggang, or..."

He paused, his eyes widened suddenly, and he lowered his voice: "Are they just waiting for the experiment to succeed?"

When this was said, half of his face was immersed in the darkness, and his voice unconsciously became a little bit low and magnetic: "Heitai Table’s attack on Satellite City No. 7 will end when it’s clicked. I guessed it before. Now, it’s not so much to create chaos so that they can escape from the high-walled city, it is better to say that they are using this method to show others their skills..."

"Hey, this is not an attack at all, this is a product fair..."

"You said, is it possible that some people in the central city are really moved? They are not in a hurry to stop the black table, but hope that after the successful research of the black table, they will be the first to become the black table. Customers...or even become their only customers?"



Lu Xin listened quietly for a while, then took a sip of tea slowly, and a little smile appeared on his face: "Should, it's not possible, right?"

The gecko's eyes became weird: "...You really don't seem to be worried."

"Why should you worry?"

Lu Xin said naturally: "Didn’t the team leader say that this time the mission is to focus on the action team in the central city? Then, of course people have the right to choose whether to take us or not. They don’t take us. We can't force it to follow..."


He blew the tea and slowly said, "Isn't the hotel they arranged for it very good?"

"Ah this..."

Gecko took a deep look at Lu Xin, as if he was telling the truth or not.

There were no traces of lies on Lu Xin's face, and there was no need to tell lies.

He only paused for a moment before slowly saying, "However, there are things they have to do in Central City, and I also have mine."


The gecko's face suddenly became astonished.

Lu Xin's reaction was too weak, making him feel wrong.

Suddenly, he seemed to have guessed something, and said dumbfounded: "You don't want to... act privately, do you?"

"how could be?"

Lu Xin held the teacup in both hands and sank into the chair.

He calmly said, "I'm just going to visit relatives."

"Visiting relatives?"

The gecko clearly showed a confused expression.

Lu Xin seemed very calm, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be slightly bent.

"The person in charge of the black table, Chen Xun, is my relative. I came to Central City this time just to find him. Therefore, Central City does not need to take us with us, but I will go to see my relatives. Doesn't it matter to them?"


Looking at Lu Xin's extremely calm face, it was slowly being affected by the heat floating in the teacup, and it looked a little hazy, so the gecko couldn't see clearly. At this time, Lu Xin showed a gloomy face. The smile, because of the influence of water vapor, distorted his expression. He only felt that the temperature in this room seemed to drop, and the whole person's scalp was numb.

"This one……"

After a long time, he asked, "Can this relative see it?"

Lu Xin raised his head, and smiled kindly through a layer of tea mist, "It will be invisible..."


The gecko's body stiffened.

This was the first time he From Lu Xin's calm words, he heard the strong and firm negative emotions.

It's no wonder that Lu Xin didn't express any objection to the attitude of the city center all day.

Co-authoring this seems to be the most unresponsive, which is the strongest?


"If you are going to visit relatives..."

Just when the poor gecko jumped out of the window to flee in shock, Chen Jing's calm voice suddenly sounded at the door of the room:

"Then I didn't think about it. Bring two colleagues?"

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