Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 324: The code name is "Life" (4 rounded to 5 to 5000 characters

"From the red moon (!

Lu Xin hadn't actually figured out how to visit relatives.

He just decided to go.

But Chen Jing, a warm-hearted leader who wants to accompany her to visit relatives, is obviously more considerate than herself. Lu Xin doesn’t know how much time she spends arranging these things, but at this time, following her downstairs, but I just feel very smooth.

When I reached the end of the corridor, under the leadership of the waiter, I walked down the stairs and came to the kitchen on the third floor. Another "enthusiastic" waiter kindly took Lu Xin and others through the kitchen and came to the hotel. In this way, you don’t have to go through the lobby, but go directly through a long-abandoned back door of the hotel, which has not been opened for a long time, to the small alley.

"Although what we are doing is not illegal, but Central City is too vigilant, and they may also consider it for us, so they arranged people to stare around the hotel in advance. Of course we can also go out in a big way, but In that case, it would seem a bit troublesome, so I have made a little more preparation in certain steps, which is more convenient."

"The one who arranged to stare at us in Central City was just an ordinary agent, hehe..."

"They don't have the luxury of being able to use their abilities at all of them, but it's very convenient for us..."


Leaving the hotel smoothly all the way, Chen Qing's expression was very relaxed, and he explained to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin thought it was actually quite interesting.

He can sometimes feel that the leader is treating himself as a child.

But he didn't mean to reveal her, after all, she is the leader, as long as she is happy...

"It's not enough to leave the hotel, right?"

Although the gecko followed, his mouth still whispered: "Group leader, do you know the specific location of the laboratory? And, have you ever thought about how we can get there in the shortest time? Now our The transportation means are all staring under the eyelids of the central city, then shall we run there later?...Even if it is a city, we can't show the pass..."

Lu Xin thought about it a bit, and he really felt that Gecko made sense.

He was somewhat fortunate to have a leader following him.

Otherwise, if he leaves the city, he still doesn't know what to do if the central city does not let it go...

......Is it possible to fight directly?

"It's already arranged."

Regarding these questions, Chen Jing just said casually, and led them out of the alley behind the hotel.

The small alley led to a avenue on the back, and there happened to be a few large trucks coming in a row.

Chen Jing opened the door of a car and boarded it.

Before Lu Xin could react, he heard Xiao Zhou happily shouting in the car behind, "Brother Lu, take my car!"


Lu Xin couldn't help but stunned, and immediately cast an admiring look at Chen Jing, and opened the door to get into the car.

Lao Zhou was the driver. He was looking at Lu Xin with a touch of emotion at this time, tears bursting into his eyes:

"Brother Lu, I've wronged you, and I'm going to desperately fight for us..."

Lu Xin was dumbfounded: "No, I haven't broken the law until now..."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lao Zhou nodded repeatedly: "You are not wrong, what is wrong is this **** world!"

Lu Xin: "..."


The team already has a pass to enter and exit the satellite city, so it is naturally a very convenient thing to get out of the city.

In addition, the search when leaving the city is much looser than when entering the city. In addition, these large trucks have all kinds of tattered things pulled in, which are the guards next to the steel suspension bridge, and I don’t bother to look through them. Just wave your hand and let them out.

Then this convoy drove directly into the road outside the city, rolled up a lot of sand and dust, and went straight to the southwest.

Stopped a little in the middle, took some things, Gecko and Chen Jing also came to the car of the truck driven by Lao Zhou, here, there was a dark iron box just taken out by the convoy, and the lid was opened at this time. Inside are all kinds of weapons. .

There are spray guns, earthen pistols, submachine guns, revolvers, and a few watermelon knives.

"Even if it was me, I didn't expect that after a good cooperation, we would actually have to act alone. We came to Central City as a support team. It was not convenient to bring too many weapons, and because of the emergency, it was too late to find a new one. The arms merchants purchase, so everyone can only feel wronged. Fortunately, this team has given us a lot of help. They have... actually a lot of weapons."

Chen Jing smiled, then picked and picked, took a pistol and inserted it into the holster next to her thigh.

"It's a lot. You can open a village weapons museum..."

The gecko muttered in his mouth, flipping around in the box, and stuffed all the submachine guns, spray guns, semi-automatic rifles, and various types of bullets into his backpack. It was obviously a backpack with a large capacity. After letting him fall like this, it suddenly became full, and the muzzle came out from the mouth of the backpack. It looked like a flower arrangement, and it looked strangely beautiful.

However, after being picked by the gecko, the contents in the box were obviously less. Lu Xin took a look and saw only the watermelon knife.

But he didn't mind, he just asked the gecko to get his two guns back.

Among the three, it should be the gecko who has the most demand for firearms and the strictest requirements.


"Now, it's time to share information."

Chen Jing took out the tablet computer from her backpack, looked at Lu Xin, and smiled: "Since you have decided to visit relatives when you are back to the hotel, then, you know that Chen Xun... is your relatives. , Where is it now?"

The gecko's eyes straightened: "You don't even know, do you?"

Both Lu Xin and Chen Jing ignored him.

"In terms of location, I heard them whispering when they were in the chemical plant. It was a place called Buffalo."

When Lu Xin spoke, the gecko next to him was taken aback. Why didn't I hear it?

Chen Jing showed approving eyes, and said: "I knew that I would not waste so much energy, and I would just ask you directly."

Listen to what she meant, she already knew.

Lu Xin didn't explain to them. It was not that he heard it, but that his sister heard it.

This is not my fault. After all, my sister likes to run around. So when Xia Chong asked herself and the support staff from Qinggang to stay in an office to sort out relevant information, she didn’t stop and went shopping here. , The people who took a look there soon heard all the news that should or shouldn't be heard, including, they mentioned, a place called Buffalo.

After Chen Xun and Zhao Shiming, who was kidnapped by him, left Satellite City 7, they rushed there overnight.

Because they were too impatient, they couldn't even conceal their traces well, and they were quickly tracked by the lurkers in the central city. And since it is confirmed that the two of them have arrived there, it can also be confirmed that the final laboratory is there.


"Buffalo is not far from the central city, only more than 300 kilometers. If you take a helicopter, you can reach it within two hours. However, the reputation of the central city has attracted a large number of wilderness wanderers to gather and establish one after another. Buffalo is one of the gathering points for the city. A survey conducted three months ago revealed that at least 100,000 people live in Buffalo."

Since Chen Jing can say the name, it naturally means that she also knows this place, and at first glance, she has already studied the information of this place: "It is precisely because of these people that the central city needs capable people to go out to solve it. this matter."

"Instead, use long-range weapons of mass destruction directly!"


After finishing speaking, Chen Jing's face became more solemn, and said: "After knowing the location, there is one more important thing."

"The black table, that is, what your relative is doing now..."

"But this time we entered the city, we did not support, and there was no information analysis team to provide us with data inquiries and supplements from time to time. Therefore, we need to understand this mission in advance. The center city has more intelligence than us, but in many things Shang did not choose to share it with us, but fortunately, Researcher Mo Yi still speculated on this mission and provided information."

As she said, she took out a tablet from her black backpack again, lit the screen, and swiped it lightly.

"Whether it is the No. 1021 special pollution incident triggered by the black table last night, or the secret laboratory below the chemical plant, you can see that their experimental nature is actually the development and research of a special spiritual body. use……"

"That is, among the thirteen abnormal mental bodies, the power code-named'life'."



Lu Xin was startled slightly, his expression becoming more serious.

He still remembered that when his mother left, he especially told himself that if you encounter monsters or things related to the third stage, or 13 special spiritual bodies, you should be careful...this shows that they It's dangerous!

"Yes, although Central City obviously does not want us to know the specific research materials of the hidden laboratory below the chemical plant, nor tell us what parasitic objects they have lost, Dr. Mo Yi still left some remnants from the hidden laboratory. Some clues can be seen in the traces and equipment. That Dr. Zhao Shiming is responsible for a certain kind of research on this kind of spiritual body."

Chen Jing said solemnly, "The black table should also have this kind of mental body."

"And it can be speculated when they got this kind of mental body."

"When the Red Moon incident first came, the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute had collected 13 samples of anomalous mental bodies. However, the chaos of the world at that time also affected the Research Institute. It experienced migration, betrayed, and experimentation out of control, etc. Many things, especially the "Escaped Laboratory" incident, dealt the most severe blow to the Institute, and even affected the subsequent development..."


Lu Xin gecko listened silently, and no one dared to be careless at this time.

"This kind of mental power has very terrifying characteristics."

Chen Jing made a few strokes on the tablet, then handed it to Lu Xin, saying: "Other mental powers can affect people or other animals, but few directly interfere with reality. The ability of the spider system Those who can twist their body to perform actions that ordinary people cannot imagine are already a rare phenomenon in which mental power interferes with the body..."

"But the spiritual power codenamed'life' is different. The only function it has been discovered so far is to directly affect people, or to interfere with reality. The reason why it has this code is because it can let anything All have strong and uncontrollable vitality. It is like a piece of flesh and blood cut from the body, which can give this piece of flesh and blood the characteristics of life."

"...In addition, the parasitic item that originally parasitized this kind of mental power was originally a piece of flesh and blood."

"... the flesh and blood of an unknown creature."


Lu Xin frowned as he listened to Chen Jing's account.

He thought of a lot, from the brain-like monster he encountered in Baita Town, to the **** group he encountered before, to the creepy monsters he saw in the detention center. They were obviously not humanoids. But it's not just a spiritual monster that you can see, but a monster with a real entity, even life... Could it be because of this?

Are they all born because of this spiritual body code-named "life"?

Therefore, even if they should not have life from any angle, they still do.

Hey, think about it, it's a bit disgusting.

"Fuck, if you say that, isn't it basically certain?"

The more the gecko listened, the more amazed he said, "If the creation of the body of a **** sounds like a crazy joke, then the study of the spiritual body codenamed'life' may indeed change this joke. It became a fact..."

"Of course, it's mostly a distorted fact."


"Now we know only these materials."

"As for the extent to which the black table has studied'life', and what their purpose is this time, it can be said that we have learned no more than you. Our mission this time also originally investigated the truth. Content."

After Chen Jing said these words, she sighed softly and said, "You can take a look at the information first."

Lu Xin and Gecko nodded and looked down at the tablet.

What I saw on the screen were the records of various studies and experiments conducted on the spiritual body code-named "Life". If you drag it down, you will find that the information is scary, but most of them are some. Purely experimental observations.

For example, the flesh and blood that is parasitic with the "life" mental body will become abnormally active.

This activity includes swallowing other organisms to grow, and showing strong aggressiveness and reproduction.

The flesh and blood of the "life" spiritual body parasites, which can withstand high temperatures below 300 degrees. When faced with a high temperature above 300 degrees, it will also be burned to death or turned into ashes, but after the wreckage, when it comes into contact with fresh flesh and blood, there is still a certain chance that it will contaminate the fresh flesh and blood, which will bring the original freshness without vitality The flesh and blood has become a little monster with vitality...

Most of the contaminated flesh and blood have no obvious intellectual characteristics.

Contaminated flesh and blood, in 100 experiments, the probability of being observed in a stable state is zero.

After the D-class personnel came into contact with the contaminated flesh and blood, the contact surface first showed signs of large areas of flesh and blood decay, and soon from the decayed flesh and blood, a new granulation with aggressive and phagocytic characteristics was born, and the granulation was parasitic. In the body of the D-class personnel, it continued to spread. In the end, the D-class personnel were completely contaminated and turned into flesh and blood monsters without traces of intelligence.

The entire pollution process takes thirty-four minutes.

Weaknesses: High temperature can destroy all kinds of weapons that can destroy parasitic spirits, and strong pollution can cause damage to them.

But because of its high-intensity growth ability, all weaknesses are not fatal...


"It feels a bit scary..."

The gecko looked for a while, and subconsciously shrank his head and swallowed.

"It should be said, a bit disgusting."

Lu Xin handed the tablet to Chen Jing, thoughtfully: "It tastes like rotten flesh..."


Chen Jing and Gecko turned their heads to look at Lu Xin at the same time, and even Chen Jing's expression was obviously a little confused.

Lu Xin was a little embarrassed and quickly explained, "I guess..."

Gecko and Chen Jing looked at each other, and both adjusted their expressions, revealing the appearance that I believe you.

Chen Jing was even more relaxed, exhaled, took a look at the time, and said: "With the full speed of the convoy, we should be able to reach Buffalo within three hours. After arriving at the location, as a team, we are trying our best Without conflict with the central city, sneak into the city and find the location of the laboratory in this abandoned city where 100,000 refugees gather."

She turned her head to look at Lu Xin: "What will you do after finding your relatives?"

Lu Xin calmed down for a while before reacting, his face calm, and he whispered: "My relative, likes to cut the living person, and also likes to study this disgusting flesh and blood without being anesthetized. Even turning people into lunatics..."


He paused, a gentle smile appeared on his face, with a real sense of excitement, which made his voice softer:

"Of course I have to persuade him to correct his evil and to make sure that he will not go on the path of crime again..."

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