Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 327: Intelligence gathering

"From the red moon (!

"This city looks a little scary..."

After Lu Xin, Chen Jing, and Gecko crossed the blockade, they had already arrived in front of this abandoned city. Taking into account the possible dangers in this city, the blockade of the central city was also pulled up three miles outside the city.

Looking forward, I found that the whole city has an indescribable gloomy temperament.

Perhaps because of the cloudy sky, the heavy lead cloud pressed the sky very low, as if hanging over the city.

This city is huge. Like many cities that were once abandoned, it is full of dilapidated high-rise buildings, like forgotten toys, standing alone on the edge of the city, and like a strong guard, protecting it to death. Some unknown secrets in this city. There is a lot of greenery throughout the city, and many tall trees rise to the sky, covering every deep corner.

From time to time, crows flew up and hovered over the city.

This city belongs to the type that was once abandoned, and later gathered many refugees in the wilderness, and began to live in it. It has not been formally recognized by other high-wall cities, nor does it have the defensive measures of ordinary high-wall cities, or even a unified administrative agency.

This made it easier for Lu Xin and the others to invade, at least they didn't have to go over that tall city wall.


"Well, you can let us go now, and follow behind obediently."

"You don't need your participation in the battle, but remember to protect yourself."

Chen Jing said gently to the little monster, and honestly let go of the tentacles that curled their wrists to the convenience.

Lu Xin could clearly feel that an abnormal mental power was leaving his body quickly. Thinking of Chen Jing's words just now, he moved his wrists and deliberately moved his gaze away before turning his head to look. , You can't see it anymore.

Even after he couldn't see this little monster, he also had a feeling that he didn't want to think about it again.

And this feeling is gradually intensifying.

Maybe in ten minutes, I really forgot that there was such a little monster by my side.

At this time, only Chen Jing could see it at any time.

Of course, if my sister stayed beside this little monster and held it, she could always see it.


"Team leader, in such a big city, where do you think we should start looking..."

"Team leader, did you say that the capable people in the central city have come in?"

"Group leader, if I encounter danger, should I protect you first, or shoot first?"

"Team leader, you are such a big leader, you actually go out with us on the field..."


They entered the city from a low, abandoned housing area, and followed the dilapidated trail.

Gecko turned his head from time to time and looked at Chen Jing, looking very worried. .

"I was originally a field worker, what's the surprise?"

Chen Jing looked very leisurely, obviously in armed clothes, she just walked out of a catwalk feeling: "Besides, we are only accompanying our colleagues to visit relatives, so we don't have to think about too many indifferent things...Of course, people in Central City, Try to avoid it."

At this time, she had taken off her coat and was wearing a new type of combat protective clothing. The close-fitting soft material lined up her tall and perfect figure. The armed belt on the waist and the gun bag on the legs added a few more. Sub-British gas. Even her short hair is fixed with a pink headband. A pair of smooth legs seems to be longer than Lu Xin and Gecko combined.

"Hey, are you thinking about the information in this taboo laboratory?"

The gecko smiled and looked at Chen Jing, looking like he had already seen everything: "The same is true for the poker-faced soft girl in Central City. Central City has dispatched so many people at once. Is it necessary to ensure that the information will be controlled by them? In hand?"

Chen Jing expressionlessly said, "Your commission for this mission will be halved."


The gecko panicked: "I protest?"

Chen Jing glanced at him, and said, "If you protest, it will be halved again."

The gecko closed his mouth immediately, but his eyes widened.

Chen Jing said, "In addition, if you look at me in the name of talking to me, not only will the commission be halved, but a leg will be broken."


Gecko and Lu Xin looked away at the same time.

Chen Jing was satisfied and said lightly: "Although we have made it clear that this is only a visit to relatives, if possible, we also need to take the confidential documents of this taboo laboratory or special parasitic items as much as possible. To..."

"At least, it shouldn't be monopolized by Central City."

"Do you understand?"


"Ah, I understand, grab the loot..."

Gecko hurriedly agreed, glanced at Lu Xin again, and said in a low voice, "It will be converted into rewards."

"Oh oh."

Lu Xin reacted: "I also understand."

Think about it carefully, this should belong to visiting relatives while traveling on a business trip by the way, right?

It's pretty good. The money for gifts to relatives was earned back by the way.


Deepening step by step, they slowly walked into the city, looking at the ruins.

Like other urban ruins, dilapidated and empty houses always give people a gloomy sense of depression.

The city is man-made, but the openness of the city will give people a strong sense of fear.

People always seem to be afraid of what they have made.

After crossing two streets full of broken copper and iron, they saw the figure.

In the middle of the dilapidated and dirty street, there are a few children dressed in black and black, some barefoot, some kicking a pair of pedals, happily kicking a ball in the middle of the road. The ball they played was actually a ball of newspapers, kneaded together, and then wrapped firmly with yellow tape on the outside. But they were still playing very happily, and there was a faint sound of giggles.

"Oh my god, it's weird..."

The gecko stayed for a while and whispered: "They are kicking, isn't it a human head?"

Lu Xin shook his head slightly and said, "No, they kicked the group newspaper."

The gecko immediately jumped: "How do you know?"

Lu Xin glanced at him and said, "I saw it with my eyes."

Chen Jing ignored the two of them, and walked forward on her long legs. Gecko and Lu Xin hurriedly ran two steps to keep up.

When they looked up close, they found that they seemed to have come to a place similar to a slum.

In addition to the few kids playing "balls", there are many other people on both sides of the road. There are women who are sitting in a pile of smelly cans, and there are also squatting next to a small vegetable garden that has just been reclaimed. Inside, the man pulling out bricks and cement blocks, on the flat ground, is covered with a layer of semi-soft dried sweet potatoes. In some houses, the aroma of polenta is wafting out.

This is just what a very common gathering point should look like.

"Do you have any special feelings?"

Chen Jing, Lu Xin and the gecko walked past the vigilant and dull eyes of these people around, and asked softly.

Lu Xin really closed his eyes and felt nothing.

Then he turned his head and glanced at his sister, who was now climbing on the wall of a nearby building, standing side by side with him.

He looked confused and didn't seem to be particularly sensitive.

So he had to shook his head.

Chen Jing seemed to have a deep smile, and said, "It seems that you don't kiss that relative very much..."

Lu Xin explained embarrassingly: "I haven't contacted for a long time."

"It seems that we can only think of some dumb ways. Without the help of intelligence agencies and information analysts, it is not easy to find a hidden laboratory in such a large city ruin, so we are now Gotta..."

She seemed to think silently, and looked to the side of the street.

There, there were a few children who were not too young, looking at Chen Jing's slender figure blankly, and even drooling.

Chen Jing hooked her finger at them. The children were startled first, and then rushed to catch up.

Chen Jing leaned down slightly, put her hands on her knees, looked at their eyes, and smiled on her face: "I came here to find a place. This place should be different from other places. I am. I think there should be electricity there, and the surrounding roads will be relatively clean. There may be frequent vehicles approaching, and there may also be some people in clean clothes..."

Her voice is gentle and distant, giving people a sense of distance gradually deepening, but it is becoming more and more clear. It seems that when she is speaking, all the surrounding noises are moving away quickly, the whole world , She was the only one left talking.

"Now, do you feel that you really want to help me?"

"The method is very simple. I need you to help me find someone familiar with it. Who knows such a place, or a clue about this place, if anyone knows, let him come and tell me, I will be very Thank you for..."

"Ask three people and forget about it, do you understand?"


Because Chen Jing turned her back, Lu Xin couldn't see her eyes.

But he could hear that Chen Jing's tone was unprecedentedly gentle, as if he was telling the most reasonable things in the world.

In other words, it is the most compelling thing to follow.

After speaking, he saw Chen Jing raise her hand, took the three children's hands, and shook them.

"Snap" "snap" "snap"

She snapped three more fingers, then chuckled softly: "Go!"


After doing this, Chen Jing stood up and said to the gecko and Lu Xin behind him: "No matter when, the work of intelligence collection is the most important thing. The black desk is very damaging, so he chose to put the laboratory Setting up here will also use the people in this city as a shield for them, even as an alternative experiment material, but in this way, it will pay some price in terms of confidentiality."

"As long as they are in this city, no matter how careful they hide, they will inevitably be seen some clues."

"but me……"

She smiled and said, "What I am best at is collecting intelligence in this area."

"Everyone is happy to tell me what he knows!"

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