Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 329: Memoir tape

"From the red moon (!

Stop, close your eyes, then open them.

They saw that the bustling surroundings was still there, carts and horses were coming and going, and pedestrians were talking and laughing, passing by them like flowing water.

Someone brushed Lu Xin's shoulder lightly, and the touch was real.

Lu Xin and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the strangeness in each other's eyes.

This is a dilapidated and old city, but it suddenly becomes busy and prosperous.

Pedestrians pass by like running water, some are picking items in the store, some are chasing after laughing, some are picking the flavor of ice cream, some are arguing while spitting water, tall buildings in the distance, tall LED screens Here, a blonde girl with bright and plump red lips is holding lipstick and pouting **** lips to the people in this city.


"The mental radiation detector shows that we are in a strong mental radiation."

Chen Jing looked down at her watch, frowned slightly, and looked at this lively street: "But there is no obvious flaw."

The gecko took a deep breath, squeezed the gun in his hand, and said: "I can see many details, which are very real. For example, the little girls walking on the street, and even the small vests can be observed under the shirts. Yiner... Several hairs that seem to be long-haired are all connected. It seems to be a brand-name bag, but the LOGO has an extra letter..."

"Hi...I can even smell the sweet and greasy perfume on them..."

"I rely on, such a real illusion, besides me, who has the deepest research in the pre-civilization era, who else can do it?"


Lu Xin and Chen Jing couldn't help but glance at him.

Although it sounds not very serious, the gecko also proved that this phantom mirror is extremely real?

He also felt that he should say something, so he considered it seriously, and said, "There are no spiritual monsters here."

Gecko and Chen Jing turned their heads and glanced at him at the same time.

They naturally believe in Lu Xin, but because of this, their faces are even more ugly.

In fact, they all know very well that this street must be fake.

However, no matter how you look at it, all the people around you are very alive, with their own lives and lives.

This presents a problem.

How can I prove that this is false?


"Sure we are polluted now."

Chen Jing stared at the surrounding environment and slowly said: "The characteristics of pollution, all surrounding scenery and what you see are in an abnormally distorted state, and you can't distinguish between true and false by sight. The source of pollution is unknown. The logic of pollution is unknown. Whether there are other dangers ,unknown."

Lu Xin and Gecko also breathed out softly. .

Their nerves are slightly tense.

False represents the unknown reality, and their vision is flooded by this false street scene, as if they were completely blindfolded. This gave them a feeling of difficulty.


"Two methods, one is to keep moving forward, and the other is to completely eliminate them..."

The gecko was silent for a while before speaking in a low voice: "Group leader, what should we do?"

Lu Xin also turned to look at Chen Jing.

After all, Chen Jing, the leader of their Qinggang Special Operations Team, was not called for nothing.

They all trust Chen Jing very much.

"It won't work to keep going."

Chen Jing shook her head slightly and said, "Perhaps everyone on this street is heavily polluted. Maybe they have weapons hidden under their clothes or in their bags. Maybe we see them at this time. The living people are essentially monsters, or they have already picked up their guns and pointed them at us, but what we see is he is smiling at us..."

The gecko was silent for a moment, and his face became serious: "Can it be solved by attack?"

The corner of Chen Jing's eyes swept over Lu Xin, and then she shook her head slightly.

"As you said, everything we see is fake, so when you kill these people..."

"How can you ensure that you are not killing ordinary people?"


The gecko froze for a moment, twisted the corners of his mouth tightly, and stopped speaking.

Lu Xin understood what Chen Jing meant. They all remembered that when they entered this city just now, they saw a ruin, and in this ruin, there were many refugees. If they are now controlled by the illusion, they will start desperate. Killing, then, it is very likely that after they have killed all the people they see in front of them, they suddenly wake up and see a corpse.

The corpse of an innocent person.

and so……

Now how to do?



"Captain, what is this?"

At the same time, it was not only Lu Xin and others who were trapped in the bustling city streets.

The capable people in Central City have also been divided into teams and entered Buffalo City. Their speeds were fast or slow, but they all went step by step. Through their own different methods, they ruled out the possibility that the laboratory existed in the border area of ​​Buffalo, and came to the Midtown part. And at different points in time, I saw the busy streets and lifelike pedestrians.

Coming in from the east of the city was a middle-aged man in a white lab coat. He was followed by two people but wearing blue and white striped gowns. He looked like a doctor with two patients from a mental hospital. Escaped, shopping happily.

"Ask the captain if you have something."

The doctor glanced dignifiedly around his face, then put his right hand in front of his ear:

"The seventh team is calling the headquarters, can you hear it?"

I shouted twice in a row, but there was no response, and there was only a rustle in the channel.

When this bustling city appeared, the signal had also been blocked.

The doctor sighed deeply and said: "The mental radiation is serious, the surrounding pedestrians do not conform to the characteristics of the times, and the street scenery is seriously violated... After these details, you can draw a conclusion." He looked at the surroundings seriously: "We are in a falsehood. world."

The two mental patients looked at the doctor with a look of mental patients.

"Do you still use reasoning?"

"If you have a brain, you can see it, okay?"


To the north of the city, there is a burly man in a black combat uniform. He is surrounded by two colorful team members. He stands in the middle of the road, looking at both sides of the road, all kinds of colors, looking at him with weird eyes. The pedestrians also heard the car on the opposite side of him, because he was blocking the way, so he was irritating the car that kept honking the horn, just quietly watching.

And his two team members, one is a clown with thick white powder and bright red lips, holding a red balloon in his hand.

One is a man in a tuxedo, a white shirt, and a black top hat.

They all stayed on the side of the road honestly, looking at the captain grinning, not worried at all.


To the west of the city, there was also a group of people who entered Buffalo through a different street from Lu Xin and Chen Jing. When they first entered the city, they found traces of the influence exerted by the capable people on ordinary people, so it took a little time to investigate, so they took a step slower. At this time, it had only just come to a position close to the outer city and the middle city.


"so annoying……"

Coming in from the south of the city, it was Xia Chong and her two team members.

At this time, she tore off her earphones facelessly, frowned slightly, and looked at the lively streets around the main city, which seemed to be no different from the central city. Then she stepped on the calf of a pair of heavy black military boots, suddenly kicked hard, jumped directly onto the engine of a car, and squatted down.

Her behavior attracted many surprised eyes from the surroundings, as if she was looking at a nervous little girl.

"To the strange behavior, it will have the same reaction as the real crowd..."

Xia Chong thought in his heart, and stared at a man on the street. The man was a livid young man who looked a bit rebellious, but when Xia Chong's eyes saw him, he He just glanced back subconsciously, then withdrew his gaze, still giggling, drinking with a few similarly dressed young young men at the entrance of the store.

"But the reaction is very weak, otherwise, he should ask me what to look at now..."

Xia Chong muttered to herself, and then slowly came to the conclusion: "This should be a parasitic item stolen by the research institute..."

"2—48—memoir tape."

As she spoke, she flicked a few fingers on the tablet and found a piece of information.

2—48—Reminiscence tape

Source: After the Red Moon incident, an ordinary video tape found by the search team, recording the prosperous street scene in the city

Function: When the video tape is playing, it will affect the surrounding ring mirror and synchronize with the content of the video tape.

Note: According to experiments, the highest radiation area is 50 square kilometers (can continue to increase)

Pollution characteristics: Entering the range of influence of the memoir tape, you will gradually forget the real world, stay in the memories recorded on the tape, and gradually consume your spiritual power and be swallowed by the tape. The deep polluters will always be in good memories.

Origin: No accurate textual answer.

Presumption: Someone once watched this video tape recording the street scenes of the civilized era repeatedly, and developed a strong feeling of nostalgia. The powerful and altered spiritual power resides in the video tape to form special abilities.

Record: Twenty-seven years after the Red Moon Incident, he was stolen from the Red Moon Research Institute. Since then, his whereabouts have been unknown.


1. Find the location of the video tape in the fake city street scene and cut off the power

2. The video tape cannot project people targeted, and you can avoid the impact if you leave the radiation range


"Notify them!"

Xia Chong looked at this city one last time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com determined that it was related to 2-748, then pulled the information into the attachment and sent it to people who were also in the city. However, after the email was sent, there was no notification of the delivered message.

"The signal is blocked, it depends on whether they can remember it!"

"When you encounter a second-order special parasitic item, knowing that it is the same thing, it is easy to solve."

"I don't know what's going on, that would be a big trouble..."

"Good luck to them!"

Xia Chong put the tablet back directly and said to the two team members: "You come to my side, and I will take you away."

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