Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 331: Reverse pollution

"From the red moon (!

Lu Xin and Gecko stopped talking.

Lu Xin felt that Chen Jing might have thoughts now.

The gecko can see it. If you say it again, his shoes are probably a size smaller...

"Professor Bai said that in fighting pollution, rationality is our only advantage."

Chen Jing stretched out her hand and stroked her short hair, and then she said without fluctuations in her voice: "The person who can create this perfect illusion is either a drunkard-like fantasy or a dream-making ability. And we meet It cannot be the Dreaming Department, because we have not blurred our consciousness and cognition, nor have we seen the flaws when we are awake."

Lu Xin nodded, he could understand Chen Jing's words.

If you are under the influence of a person with the ability to make dreams, when your consciousness starts to wake up and realize that you are in a dream state, then everything around you will begin to appear fuzzy boundaries, the more you are awake, the boundaries The clearer you can see.

"And if we meet a fantasy type like a drunkard..."

Chen Jing looked up and shook her head slightly: "Even if you are a drunkard, it is difficult to create such a large and real illusion. After all, the fantasy system only distorts the five senses of people. If the drunkard wants to create such an illusion. , Then she needs to weave every detail of the world by herself. Anything that does not conform to common sense will be seen by people as obvious flaws..."

"Therefore, the fantasy department usually only has one or two, and the very familiar small scenes can be made real."

"This is also the reason why most of the time the alcoholic will make his space into a comic style..."


Wei Wei paused before she slowly said, "The alcoholic cooperated with us to do a very detailed test, so I have most of the information about her ability. There are some differences in this scene from her ability. The alcoholic can be distorted. Five senses, so the illusion created by a drunkard is very real, whether it is smell, hearing, or touch..."

"She can even let people taste a kind of food that has never been eaten before."


Listening to Chen Jing's careful analysis, Lu Xin didn't dare to interrupt.

In fact, if he had come in by himself, he would probably choose to move on at this time, and talk about it if something strange happened.

But now, he is not in a hurry.

Chen Jing and others have always worried about what experiment will be successful, so they are in a hurry to be different.

I was originally visiting relatives, and it doesn't matter what the relatives are doing now, just make sure that he is always in this city.

At this time, the gecko only dared to stand still and blink. Chen Jing was considering how to solve the problem. He did not dare to interrupt. The way Lu Xin spoke to the air around him just now evoked his fearful memories, and he did not dare to stop. Pulling him in the chattering chapter, staying by himself, and feeling really uncomfortable, suddenly turned his head, looked at the girl in the short skirt on the road around, and gradually improved his mood...

What if you know it is fake.

Are so many otakus staring at the second element every day and drooling?



I don't know how long after thinking about it, Chen Jing suddenly took a long breath and turned around.

"Compared with the drunkard's ability, you will find a strangeness in this world."

She suddenly turned her head and said to Lu Xin and Gecko: "You close your eyes first and feel it carefully. Have you noticed anything?"

Gecko and Lu Xin glanced at each other, and both honestly closed their eyes.

Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on the gecko's face: "The fresh breath of young girls..."

Lu Xin slowly said, "Must, green grass, rusty iron... and, rotten smell!"

Suddenly they opened their eyes and looked at each other in a puzzled manner.

When I close my eyes, it feels completely different how I smell things. .

"This is the weakness of this world, and it is also the key point."

Chen Jing's face became serious, and said: "Actually, it doesn't accurately distort your five senses. It's just because it makes what you see is too real, so your five senses automatically adjust with it. Just like you see it. A piece of cake, even if you only see it without smelling it, it will feel like it smells the aroma of cream."

"Because Gecko is a brainless guy, he is directly attracted by the lively little girls in this city."

"When he saw the little **** the street, he supplemented himself with smells, colors, details, etc..."

"Single soldier..."

She glanced at Lu Xin and said, "The individual soldier's performance is obviously better."

Lu Xin was startled slightly, and he was a little bit happy. Why did the leader's praise come so suddenly?

"In other words, this girl was actually made up by my brain?"

The gecko didn't feel embarrassed at all, closed his eyes, looked at the street again, and muttered, "Then why are they wearing clothes?"

Chen Jing ignored him and just said: "I have a speculation that what we are encountering now is not a distorted force, but a force of influence. You can understand that it is not someone who has created an illusion for us. It is some kind of power that will bring us..."

She seemed to think about it for a while, and chose an accurate description: "Pull into the memory."

"Only in the memory can I feel that everything is so reasonable."

"Because in the memory, no matter how many unreasonable things, you will subconsciously make up for him..."



Both Lu Xin and Gecko found this statement a bit new.

But another doubt arose: "Then how do we get out of here?"

"I've already said it, walk away!"

Chen Jing had already made a decision in her heart, and whispered: "The most terrifying thing about memories is not to cause you any harm, but to keep you in the memory forever. Under normal circumstances, to clean up the pollution is to find the logical chain, and then Destroy its origin. But now, we are in a hurry, and second, staying in this environment for a long time without understanding the pollution is probably not safe."

As she said, she sighed softly and said, "Do you know?"

"If you want to solve the pollution, there is another way, a simpler way."

After a pause, she said: "Reverse pollution."



"Reverse pollution?"

Hearing these four words, Lu Xin was taken aback and looked at his sister.

Although this was the first time he heard this term, he remembered that he seemed to have seen this ability more than once. Sometimes when his sister was angry, she could use her ability to contaminate spirit monsters. What...

"Captain, how do you operate such an advanced word?"

At this time, the gecko also asked this question with a serious face.

"Pollution sources can pollute people or animals around us, and those who are capable of us can actually."

"The capable person is a source of pollution, but they can control it themselves."

As she said, she turned around, looked at the colorful pedestrians on the street again, and whispered: "No matter what we encounter now, if we stay here, trying to find its logic and destroy it, A lot of time will be wasted, maybe this is the enemy... relatives... the purpose of the initial plan is to trap us in this memory street."

"We can't be led by the nose by our opponents, leaving this street now is the most important thing."

As she said, she frowned slightly, and said: "To some extent, the opponent's arrangement points us to the direction, because the laboratory cannot be established in the area covered by the memory, because the radiation of mental power will affect Experimental data."

"So, as long as we can leave this scene, we will be very close to the location of the laboratory."


Having said that, she paused for a while and said: "But if you want to leave..."

"The only thing we can be sure of right now is the clue that the individual soldier just provided."


Lu Xin was slightly surprised, what did he provide?

Obviously, I just said, these seem to be living people, right?

"Didn't you say that you are sure that they are alive, things that really exist?"

Chen Jing looked back at Lu Xin and said softly, "You didn't use the word "live" because you are not sure?"


Lu Xin looked at his sister subconsciously.

The younger sister was pretending not to see him.

Lu Xin glared at his sister with hatred of iron and steel, and met Chen Jing's gaze, and had no choice but to nod.

"This is enough."

Chen Jing looked at Lu Xin as if communicating with an invisible sister, and spoke softly.

She had a strange look on her face, as if she had adapted.

This is better than the gecko. When the gecko saw that Lu Xin was talking to his sister, he had already taken two steps back without being noticed, with a vigilant expression on his face.

Chen Jing turned her head to look at the crowds on the street, her face was very calm, and said: "We are affected now, and what we see is half true. In fact, whether they are true or false. It’s not terrible. What’s terrible is that our opponents will attack or sneak attacks on us under this illusion. If we want to leave, the most important thing is to protect ourselves.”

"So, if the opponent intends to send these'living things' over and plot against us, then why can't we use them to protect us?" Then, she gently took off the black sunglasses she was wearing on her face. , Hung on his chest, rubbed his eyes, and said, "As long as these things are alive and conscious, I should be able to influence them with my ability."


Both Lu Xin and Gecko looked at her with a little surprise.

Lu Xin looked at Chen Jing's face, and Gecko looked at Chen Jing's glasses.

"In the contaminated area of ​​the other party, influence the whole or part of it and create favorable conditions. This is reverse pollution."

Chen Jing whispered: "This is an advanced course for Level 4 talents. Neither of you have yet conducted it."

"In this process, if the opponent is just an individual, UU reading is fine, but if the opponent also has a strong mental level, then it will definitely fight against and consume my spiritual power. Mental power will be consumed faster..."

"So you need to protect me on both sides."


Lu Xin and Gecko looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Yes!"

Speaking like two bodyguards, he eagerly ran to the sides of Chen Jing, guarding loyally.

The sister on one side tilted her head and looked at both of them.

The little mouth curled, showing a look of contempt.

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