Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 335: The little girl in a white dress under the red moon


When Chen Jing's face changed to the look of a gecko, Lu Xin had already stood up.

When Chen Jing, who had become a gecko, suddenly picked up a pistol from her side and shot at him, Lu Xin's head was tilted to the side as if it was completely broken, and she escaped the bullet she shot by a few minutes, and at the same time, her palm was fast. Pressed forward.

He grabbed Chen Jing's shoulders and pressed her to the ground hard while sweeping his eyes quickly beside her.

I want to remember her characteristics in the shortest possible time.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that when his palm was pressed on Chen Jing’s shoulder, her shoulder collapsed like no bones. At the same time, she was resting on the ground with one hand, her body turned into the air, with a head and foot. The above posture kicked Lu Xin.

If a person can make the most reasonable use of his body, it can burst out terrifying power.

Chen Jing was like this at this time, she instantly escaped Lu Xin's restraint, kicked it, and even a gust of wind blew. .

This kind of instant reaction and the counterattack that mobilizes the power of the whole body to burst is the characteristic of the spider system.

Chen Jing is not a spider, so she has such good skills?

Or is it that the gecko in front of me is not Chen Jing?

When the thoughts flashed in his mind, Lu Xin quickly backed away, avoiding Chen Jing's blow.

But at the same time, he heard the sound of the blade piercing the air. His left shoulder and ribs suddenly shrank inward, so as to avoid the knife drawn from behind, and then his palm was extremely fast, grabbing from an incredible angle. The neck of the other party.


Before grabbing the opponent's neck, his palm suddenly withdrew.

At this time, by his side, at least three "geckos" attacked him, some shot, some took knives, and in the confusion, he could not tell which gecko was, and he was not sure about himself in the eyes of gecko. It's still not me, so I made a cut.

At this time, he can't kill casually.

"唰" "唰" "唰"

With a weird twist of his body, he escaped three bullets and the thrust of a dagger.

After I was busy, I turned my head and looked around, and I saw two gecko-like people killed together under the viewing stone.

They held guns and fired quickly, almost face to face.

The muzzle kept emitting flames on the cheeks and the vital parts of the body, and the bullets flew around the cheeks like ordinary pebbles. It seemed tense and exciting, everyone could be killed by bullets at any time, but they still tried their best to attack.

There is a thrilling beauty in this kind of battle that belongs to the spider system alone.

Only in this way, Lu Xin could no longer tell which gecko was changed by Chen Jing.

The entire yard has become a mess. Some people are fighting with each other, some are rushing towards themselves, and some are fighting with others. The stray bullets do not have long eyes, and they hit their own direction. The strange charge of countless geckos, Makes the yard full of danger.

Lu Xin eagerly made a decision, backing quickly, bending and deforming his body shape, avoiding the attack, and keeping away from the battlefield.

He needs time to sort out the chaotic thoughts in his heart...

"Why do everyone become a gecko?"

"Why does even Chen Jing, who has been by her side, suddenly become a gecko?"

"Is it the gecko, Chen Jing, or myself who are polluted?"


Is it that Chen Jing and Gecko have been assimilated by the strange person in the yard, desperately fighting themselves, or at this time, in fact, in the eyes of Gecko and Chen Jing, they have also changed their appearance, and they are fighting with each other. Together with the others, attacking them frantically?

Simply put, in the same yard, the three of them are now fighting alone.

Seeing the familiar teammates turned into another killing machine?

Lu Xin's heart hung tightly.

When evading a person's attack and pushing him, he stretched out again and grabbed a slender arm.

Is my sister.

She seemed very excited at this time, wanting to rush into the chaotic crowd and treat everyone as a toy.

But Lu Xin could not allow her to do so at this time.

Because she turned into a toy, it's probably her teammate.


"Since you hate each other, why not take this opportunity to kill them?"

In the alley full of eyes, a slender voice rang for the third time.

Standing in the alley, the three doctors in the team of doctors watched by countless eyes, as if they had been pierced by the sound of the last reason, they suddenly turned around, and a gloomy light flashed on their faces.

The scalpel in the doctor's hand, under the influence of the light of the eyes, gave out a faint cold light, and it was placed on the neck of the patient with erratic eyes, and the patient with erratic eyes pulled out a gun.

His gun was pointed at the forehead of the patient whose head was wrapped tightly.

The head-wrapped patient suddenly stretched out a green vein to expose his big hand, and choked the doctor's neck.

The scalpel approached the aorta, and the finger hooked on the trigger.

The big hands with exposed green veins directly pinched the doctor's neck and creaked.


"呯" "呯" "呯" "呯"

At the same time, in the underground parking lot, Xia Chong team aimed at the monster on the ceiling and shot without hesitation.

They use special bullets.

With every bullet shot, a blue arc erupts.

The smell of burnt flesh and blood spread out, and the splattered flesh and blood splashed on the ground.


The baby's cry was sharper, piercing the eardrum.

The huge baby, with his limbs hooked upside down to the ceiling, kept crawling around, avoiding bullets, and a blue arc flower bloomed by his side.

The flesh and blood covered the entire ceiling, and from time to time, a large hole was punched by special bullets. However, as it cried, the flesh and blood grew and squirmed, constantly filling and submerging one after another. Restore as before.

The speed at which they cause damage to these flesh and blood is not even as fast as the growth of those flesh and blood.


Xia Chong responded immediately, and suddenly shot, but hit the wall.

There, she just opened the door and came out.

Now that the door was covered with flesh and blood, she needed to clean up the flesh and blood before she could leave through this door.

"呯" "呯"

The bullet shot, the flesh and blood faded, revealing the door handle.

Xia Chong strode to the door and whispered: "Be careful, no injuries, no wounds on the body..."

However, she was urging her, but when she held the doorknob, she felt her fingers tingle.

When I pulled it back suddenly, I found that the back of the door handle, in the invisible place, had grown many fangs.

His fingers have oozes blood.

At the same time, the two teammates exclaimed.

During a run, I was suddenly bitten by the "mouth" growing out of the ground.

She turned around sharply and grabbed a tentacle that pierced herself quickly in the dark. She reacted very quickly. She grabbed the tentacles that pierced her eyes in her hand, but she did not expect that there were tentacles on the tentacles. The sharp barbs scratched the palm.

They looked at each other, and their hearts sank. Everyone was hurt.


"Come down!"

In the north of the city, the burly man in black armed clothes took a step forward and looked at the **** the roof.

His face was like a rock, his fists clenched, only cold and sharp.

The **** the top of the building, with a crooked red moon behind her, looks very petite, and her features are trapped in darkness.

Facing the challenge below, she didn't speak, but suddenly jumped down.

The figure fell rapidly in the air, and the knife in his hand was raised high, reflecting a strange cold light.


The burly man took a deep breath without waiting for her to jump down.

Then he shook his body and threw a punch directly into the air, hitting the girl in the air.

When he threw this fist, his eyes turned pale.

The surrounding air twisted.

On the buildings on both sides, layer by layer of glass that was already broken was more completely destroyed by this twisting force. Layer by layer, it burst upward, and the **** was sprinkled in the surrounding air to form A very spectacular scene.

It was like an invisible tide rising from below, directly facing the girl who had nowhere to hide in the mid-air.

Everyone who saw the physique of this burly man would think that he was extremely good at force.

But in fact, what he is better at is mental shock.


Facing his mental shock, even a three-centimeter-thick steel plate would be shocked into a wave-like twisted shape.

But the girl who jumped down from the stairs and had nowhere to take advantage of her body suddenly fell apart.

The hands, feet, heads, and small bodies split at the same time.

Between the pieces of meat, there is a very fine bloodshot, which makes her whole person like a net.

The power of mental shock, UU reading only caused a part of her bloodshot to appear strangely twisted, and she had weakly passed through her body and hit the red moon in the air, but her whole person, It has fallen down, and the team of these three people is covered inside.


The sharp knife reflected a fascinating red, and instantly wiped the clown's neck.

At this weird to terrifying speed, the clown couldn't even react.

"Get me back!"

But at this moment, the knife suddenly stopped one centimeter in front of the clown's neck, and then quickly backed away.

It's the captain with a burly stature.

His arms suddenly lifted, clutching those bloodshots that kept squirming, a kind of hollow like a whirlpool suddenly appeared around him.

This kind of mental emptiness formed a powerful pulling force. Coupled with the action of pulling back while holding the bloodshot, the little girl who had already plunged in front of his teammates was pulled back abruptly by him, and then she was huge. Fist, hit it head-on.


The little girl's head suddenly turned in the air, and a hollow light flashed in her eyes.

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