Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 350: Do you want to surrender?


The gecko's mouth was wide open, his expression stiff.

Not only him, but Chen Jing behind him was obviously embarrassed at this time.

The capable people in the central city stared at Lu Xin who was standing on the monster's head, feeling the three views burst.

Basically everyone's ideas fall into the following three categories.

Really useful?

Can it be like this?

He stood on the head of that thing!

In the moment of silence, the gecko felt like there was nowhere to scratch his hands and feet, and then desperately shouted: "Be careful!"


The monster reacted, or in other words, Zhao Shiming reacted.

After all, whether it was the way this person appeared on the field, or that he actually fell directly on the monster, but was not distorted by the mental force field, it far exceeded Zhao Shiming’s expectations, which made him stunned for two full seconds. Zhong realized something.

"Go away!"

An unusually crazy expression appeared on his face for an instant, and his fingers fluttered. .

With his movements, the distortion field around the monster instantly strengthened. The thick claws and the octopus-like tentacles flying around them also flew upward at the same time, intertwined vertically and horizontally, barbed and hideous, and at the same time grabbed the top of its head. That person on the.


Lu Xin had just been looking for where that **** was.

It wasn't until the tentacle was about to pierce through him that he realized that the "god" he was looking for was actually under his feet.

This immediately surprised him, a little panicked.

Fortunately, his sister had been lying on his back at this time, her figure suddenly flashed and twisted, evading the catch and sprint of the monster's paws and tentacles in a variety of postures beyond the reasonable ability of ordinary people, and then a somersault jumped to the ceiling .


He followed the ceiling, quickly climbed forward, and then fell down in front of the gecko and others.

"It's scary..."

Looking at the crazy monster, he gently wiped his forehead, and said with lingering fears.

Behind it is a group of almost petrochemical people.

Xia Chong looked at him blankly, and after using a lot of strength, he asked in a trembling voice, "Are you not affected by it?"


Lu Xin glanced back at her and said, "When I saw it, I felt dizzy, dizzy, tinnitus, and confused..."

Xia Chong looked at his calm face, and his cognition appeared to be biased: "Are you affected by this performance?"

Lu Xin was silent for a while, then explained in a low voice: "I'm just not very good at expressing..."


A sense of absurdity appeared in everyone's mind: "Is this something good or bad to express?"

Xia Chong pursed the corner of his mouth, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

She just turned her head and glared at Chen Jing vigorously.

The doctors later, their eyes were slightly bright, and they seemed to have a kind of intimacy of finding the patient.

The one who reacted the fastest was Chen Jing. As soon as she reacted, she subconsciously reached out and grabbed Lu Xin's arm:

"Yes... are you sure?"


Lu Xin turned his head and glanced at Chen Jing, and found that this leader, who has always been confident and sensible, appeared in panic expressions that ordinary little girls would have. Holding the palm of his arm, he could clearly feel Shaking slightly.

"It's okay."

Lu Xin grabbed Chen Jing's palm and took it off his arm.

It is very dangerous now, being grasped by the arm by the leader affects his performance.

But knowing that the leader needs comfort now, he promised: "I will solve it."


Chen Jing looked at Lu Xin's smiling face at her, and she lost her senses for a moment.

But in the eyes of other people, it is not just a loss of consciousness, even a "?"

There seems to be something wrong, beyond their understanding.

But undoubtedly, this wrong place is good...

Xia Chong glared at Chen Jing again, and suddenly whispered: "Say, how should we cooperate with you?"


There was a distorted voice of steel that made people sour.

Enraged by the fact that he didn't catch Lu Xin just now, Zhao Shiming's face was full of anger.

The monster controlled by him opened his legs and walked forward in a toddler-like pose, but he walked more and more smoothly, and his speed was getting faster and faster. The surrounding mental distortion field followed it. Moving, the scope of coverage is getting wider and wider, and it is also more dense.

With every step taken, the surrounding tables, chairs, and various metals are seriously deformed.


Suddenly, the monster looked up and looked towards the door of the laboratory.

A stronger mental shock rushed towards the entrance of the laboratory, like a tide flooding in front of everyone.

This time the mental shock was deliberately released, which was stronger than the unconscious divergence when the monster first appeared.

It was also at this time, in the corridor behind everyone, countless thick tentacles were squirming and twisting, as if a strange snake came out of a hole, with a twisted and hideous posture, arrogantly toward you. Everyone rushed over.

Folding back and forth, the pressure overwhelmed everyone like a nightmare.

Lu Xin frowned, feeling very uncomfortable being interrupted before he finished speaking.

He suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the monster, and a large distorted force field also appeared in front of him.

When the spirit released in front of the monster hit him, the two force fields collided, and the ripples of the air began to become distorted and chaotic. The incandescent lights on the surrounding ceiling, as well as the bottles and cans placed around him , And burst into pieces at the same time.

At the same time, his shadow weirdly bypassed the people behind him and spread directly into the corridor.

"唰" "唰" "唰"

There was a crisp sound of cutting, and the thick tentacles met the shadows, and then they shattered and fell to the ground.

Plasma burst and splash, meat foam swelled, and the entire corridor turned dark red.

After a while, the corridor was emptied, but a thick layer of plasma had been spread on the ground, and it solidified quickly.

The plasma becomes a semi-solidified crystal.

"never mind…"

Lu Xin still stared at the monster, but his voice was speaking to the person behind him.

"I really need your cooperation."

Then he tried to use concise language to express to them, avoiding some problems arising from communication.

"What cooperation?"

The capable people in the central city rushed to the road, each clenching their guns, with decisive expressions on their faces.

But because they rushed to talk, Lu Xin paused, and then said, "Leave this place."

"Don't peep, don't approach, don't participate!"


The capable people in the central city didn't understand for a while, obviously showing a look of consternation.


But at this moment, the gecko suddenly yelled: "I know this..."

As he said, he strode into the corridor and shouted, "Quickly follow me..."

After running a few steps, I realized that everyone hadn't kept up, and rushed back and shouted: "Go away..."

With that said, he enthusiastically helped the most injured Xia Chong.

Chen Jing also suddenly reacted, tore off the backpack behind the gecko, and threw it far away at Lu Xin's feet.

Then she turned around and pushed another city center capable person who was injured when she broke into the gecko's arms. She helped Xia Chong and rushed into the corridor while saying: "Trust us, leave now..."

They couldn't rush out from the corridor just now because all kinds of tentacles and flesh and blood monsters crowded all the passages.

But at this time, the flesh and blood monsters that made people look desperate at this time have actually disappeared...

In other words, instead of disappearing, they are in the corridor.

It's just that it has become the thick layer of plasma that is spread on the ground and has become a semi-crystalline body.


After being supported by Chen Jing and rushing into a simple escape route, Xia Chong finally couldn't help it.

She glanced at the back of Lu Xin who was about to disappear from the field of vision in the distance, then turned her eyes and glared at Chen Jing for the third time.

"This is, you said that the stability is extremely high, and there is no record of violations of the B-level spider ability?"


Chen Jing was silent, and then said: "From the current data, it is theoretically true."

The faces of all the capable people in the central city have become very strange.

The gothic lady suddenly turned her head to look at the gecko: "Theoretically, your standards are the same?"

Gecko wanted to scold someone, but he glanced at the person who asked him this sentence and didn't scold him.

Instead, he hesitated and nodded, and said, "Theoretically speaking,...Yes!"

"You are... God?"

At this time, seeing his colleagues in Zhongcheng and Qinggang, they had already escaped this corridor, and the surroundings became quiet, so he relaxed slightly, and then raised his head and looked in front of him, standing ten meters away from him. The monster, looked at it slightly.

Then he smiled and shook his head, and said, "You are not."

"I've heard people say that God should be perfect, and you look like this..."


"What do you know?"

At this moment, the "god" didn't speak, but Zhao Shiming, who was in the glass room behind him, screamed fiercely.

While Lu Xin was looking at this monster, he was also looking at Lu Xin. From any angle, an opponent who can bear the powerful mental impact of the body of the gods is worthy of his careful observation. As a researcher, he understands this very well.

At this time, he was in a state where reason and madness were rapidly intertwined because of various influences.

His voice lacks the restraint of a normal person, roaring like a beast:

"How can you understand what is truly perfect with your level of insight and wisdom?"

"How can you understand higher-level beings if you look at it from a human perspective?"


"He actually insulted Dr. Mo by what he said. After all, he said this theory..."

Lu Xin muttered in his heart, then turned to look at Zhao Shiming in the glass house, sighed in a low voice, and said:

"I really can't understand your aesthetics, but I know that making such a thing is illegal."

"Even... broke through the bottom line!"

"Chen family, he did something wrong, I will deal with it, but you,"

He looked at Zhao Shiming and the surrounding laboratory personnel who were either dead or mad: "You are still there."

"As his companion, he also has to accept legal sanctions!"

He finished these words earnestly, and then looked at Zhao Shiming: "So, are you going to surrender directly or what?"

His attitude is very sincere:

"What I have to tell you in advance is that I am not experienced enough in dealing with this kind of thing. Therefore, if I must use force to solve it, then I may not be able to stop it. All of you present have it. maybe…"



Zhao Shiming suddenly yelled frantically. Following his voice, the "god" suddenly rushed forward.

It's hard to imagine that its huge body can actually have such a terrifying speed.

It had stepped on a big hole in the floor, and its sharp claws caught Lu Xin's neck directly.

But at the moment when the monster rushed towards him, Lu Xin's figure suddenly fell backward.

And in this posture that is absolutely unable to maintain balance, he slid half a circle to the left, and took advantage of the backpack that Chen Jing threw to him, UU reading drew a gun, and then he ignored it. The earth's gravity generally ran to the surrounding walls and strode forward.

"呯" "呯"

Two bullets, one after the other, flew towards the glass room.

There, there has been a spider web crack that the gecko has punched before, and the center point is already very fragile.


A bullet hit that spot exactly.


The other bullet passed through the hole precisely and blossomed directly on Zhao Shiming's forehead.

Lu Xin held the gun, his body turned upside down and hung from the ceiling.

Seeing Zhao Shiming's head tilted and hitting the glass wall on the other side, he frowned slightly.

Added what I didn't finish just now: "It will die."

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