Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 5: The competition is so fierce in the month, it's scary to ask for votes

Location: Moon Terrace, Old Building, Room 401.

Event: The third family meeting was held

This type of family meeting has been held twice before.

The first meeting was held. After discussion, Lu Xin's family determined that Lu Xin was going to enter the second stage and then watched Document 003.

The second family meeting was held after reading Document No. 003 and it was determined that when Chen Xun was still alive. At that meeting, the Lu Xin family decided to visit relatives in Central City and inadvertently solved the problem of the black table. "God creation" event.

Now, the third family meeting has begun.

When the light is not turned on, it always looks a little gloomy. When the light is turned on, the light always seems to be a bit dazzling. The TV has been turned on. Now there is a gourd baby, and a baby on it is shouting: "I His head is not made of dough."

There are already several dishes on the table, which are much richer than before.

There is a dish of fried cucumber, a dish of spicy fried clams, a bowl of radish and shrimp soup, four bowls of rice, and a bottle of wine.

Participants: mother, father, sister, Lu Xin.

There is also a skinless puppy, huddled under the table, don't know if it counts, anyway, it reluctantly refuses to leave. .


"Whether it's sleeping in the wilderness or a hotel in Central City, it's not as good as home."

Lu Xin smiled very happily. He made the meal today. He also bought wine for his father and even poured him a glass. While holding up the bowl by himself, he ate the meal slowly, and said casually:" But now that I am coming back in such a hurry, my work will soon be processed. What the Dr. An said in the city center before, I don’t know how true or false...

After a slight pause, he curiously asked, "Is the problem of the rift in the abyss really so serious?"

The sister and father looked at each other, then turned to look at their mother.

Mom seems to have a more elegant temperament. She sits in this dilapidated old house and in front of the old dining table. She always feels out of place, but her expression is still as gentle as before. After listening to Lu Xin's words, she He put down the chopsticks in his hand, smiled softly, nodded, and said, "From the perspective of the research institute, this is of course very dangerous."

"Even if you don't apply the research crack theory, it can be understood only from the perspective of pollution. If a pile of **** is placed there, it will get dirtier and dirtier if no one takes care of it, let alone that kind of pollution source? , Is inevitable."


Lu Xin picked up a chopsticks dish, and said as he ate, "If that's the case, then I really can't leave it alone."

"No matter what the institute is thinking, as long as it is doing the right thing, then I should do my best."

"After all, what I do is this job."

He pointed to the dishes on the table with his chopsticks and said: "The dishes we buy are all bought with their salary."

"Heh, you make millions in one trip, but you only buy such dishes to eat?"

The father sneered and drank half a glass of wine.

Moreover, only drinking alcohol and not eating vegetables seems to be using this behavior to express his own protest.

Of course, it could also be because he was not hungry, because the kitchen behind him was already full of unknown meat at this time. Lu Xin didn't know how the meat came from. In short, he saw it as soon as he walked in this time. , The father may want to enjoy it alone.

"You have to save money..."

Lu Xin spoke slowly.

He knew that his father was talking about the fact that he made 2.5 million yuan after selling the news once, and he was a little embarrassed.

Although this kind of money makes a lot of money, but the heart is not very at ease.

He has decided, such a thing, in the future.

Do less.

I thought to myself, smiled and comforted: "And you see, we now have two kinds of seafood for a meal."

Listening to Lu Xin's explanation, the atmosphere on the table was a bit awkward.

Even my sister gave Lu Xin a weird look.

Can clams and dried shrimps be considered two kinds of seafood?

"This time you go out, you have already remembered a lot of things."

Most of the father's body was sunk in the shadows, and he lowered his head slightly, his eyes sunken, and his eyes were cold:

"If this is the case, then you have to continue to live such a hard life?"

"Before you threw all the money you earned in the orphanage because you felt you owed them."

"What now?"

"You forgot what she did when you left here..."


Lu Xin's hand, which was preparing to pick up vegetables, suddenly stopped.

He didn't speak or show any reaction, just paused slightly.

Mom suddenly cast a complaining look at his father. After waiting for a while, she chuckled softly, "What do you say about this?"

He said that he cast a smile at Lu Xin: "Have you decided?"

Lu Xin continued to pick up vegetables, put them in his bowl, nodded lightly, and said, "This is my job after all."

Mother smiled, then looked at her sister.

The younger sister who was working with the screaming chicken in her hand, whose attention was only on TV, was suddenly caught by her mother's gaze and suddenly reacted. She didn't know if she understood what was being discussed, but just lifted it up. Xiaoshou: "Listen to brother."

Lu Xin nodded in satisfaction.

After returning from the central city this time, my sister seemed to be more obedient than before.

She has her own thoughts and opinions.

...Everything depends on my brother, and of course it is also a kind of thought and opinion!

He had already expressed his position, and his sister had also expressed his position, and Lu Xin took the opportunity to look at his father.

My father usually likes to sing the opposite, but this time, he met Lu Xin’s gaze, but suddenly he smiled, lowered his voice and said, "I didn’t like her since I saw that monster for the first time. She, it's just that you didn't want to do it with me at that time. Now that you have a fair reason this time, of course you have to tear up her hive and have fun.

"This matter is to be managed, but my opinion does not necessarily have to tear her up..."

Lu Xin added, then looked at his mother again.

He now feels more and more that it is his mother's opinion that is the most important.

The smile on the mother's face did not change at all, only gentle and delicate, and asked softly: "Are you sure?"

Lu Xin frowned and said, "This is the problem."

After a slight silence, he said: "Actually, I don't know if I am sure. I usually do things that are delivered to my eyes. This is the first time I have taken the initiative to find someone... It feels like a bad guy who is picking things up."

Both the younger sister and father looked directly at Lu Xin.

Then his father laughed "hahahaha".

"In this case, don't think about whether you are sure of it."

Mother smiled and looked at Lu Xin, and said, "There is one more thing you need to know."

"The research institute did not deceive people, not only the problem of these restricted areas, but also the pyramid they mentioned."



Lu Xin didn't expect that his mother's topic suddenly turned to this, and he was slightly startled.

The younger sister who was watching TV attentively turned her head suddenly and looked at Lu Xin with a bit of excitement.

The tall father also slowly turned around.

There was blood red floating in his eyes, it seemed that he was excited, but depressed.

Mother's expression is still calm, elegant, and calm, but with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, she lightly looked at Lu Xin's eyes and said: "Yes, the pyramid exists, and you are already on the pyramid, so For the things you want to handle at work, your family will naturally support you, but when you encounter the business that should be done, should you also work harder?"

My sister listened to her mother's words, her eyes brightened, and she squeezed the screaming chicken hard.

Father laughed, and the light bulb above his head began to swing slightly, causing the light in the room to flicker.

"I really want to go..."

Lu Xin spoke as if embarrassed, but he didn't know why, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

It's a smile that can't be hidden.

"of course……"

Mother said gently: "It's not just for the family..."

"I know you. With your temper, how can you like the feeling of being stepped on?"


When Lu Xin heard this, he was silent for a while, then raised his head.

With a gentle smile on his face, he whispered softly: "Actually I don't know the use of walking this step."

Mother was silent at this moment, while father had a sneer on her face, and her younger sister was also Holding a screaming chicken in her arms, look at the left, look at the right. He leaned in the direction, but seemed to feel wrong, and leaned in the direction of mother.

The skinless puppy under the table quietly stretched out his head, took a look, shivered, and retracted it again.

The atmosphere in the room became depressed at some point, and the air seemed to have frozen.

"But since you all think you should go..."

Lu Xin smiled, continued speaking, and said, "Then it's okay to walk a little bit."

As he said, he glanced at his mother and said, "Actually, you are right. I really don't like being bullied."

Mother looked at Lu Xin's expression, and suddenly smiled on her face:

"Yes, I know that you are an honest kid and don't like to bully others, but others can't bully you either..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The father sneered, as if with some sarcasm.

But unlike usual, he used to be good at using a smile to cover up ridicule.

This time, it was more like using a mocking appearance to conceal the real happiness and excitement in his heart.

Only the younger sister also smiled subconsciously, but she smiled reluctantly, tilted her head and looked at Lu Xin.

"Then it's so decided?"

Lu Xin smiled and said: "The work that should be done has to be done, and the steps that should be taken must also be walked?"

Mother smiled and nodded, picked up the chopsticks, father filled the glass with wine, and laughed.

The family members exchanged glances, and the atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

Does a family meeting require a show of hands to vote? A look in the eyes makes it clear to each other.


There was a small whimper from under the table, it was a skinless puppy.

As half of the participants, it certainly agrees.

...Mainly because it has no right to disapprove.

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