Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 380: Qinggang capable people

Although he had an idea at the beginning and was ready to help deal with this matter, it was after a meeting with his family to discuss it that Lu Xin let go.

In his mind, there are two things that need to be done now. One is about the orphanage or the old dean. If he has any clues, he will immediately follow it up, and he will never allow anyone to stop him. Yourself.

Another thing is my own work.

After all, I have a salary, and I really like the job.

That night, Lu Xin slept on a small bed he was familiar with, as a break from the journey. The next morning, he got up at seven o’clock on time. He washed and thought about it. Today he has to deal with it first. Something.

The orphanage should be there.

Although Mr. Deer didn't seem to be in a good state when he left Qinggang, but after this period of time, should he be better?

In addition, the commercial company is still in the state of leaving without pay, do you have to take a leave?

No more, talk to Han Bing and ask about the house?

…By the way, when he came back by himself this time, why didn’t Han Bing call himself as soon as he did before?

While Lu Xin was thinking about what to do, the phone rang at eight o'clock on time.

After the connection, it was Chen Jing's voice: "Have you gotten up yet?"

Lu Xin hurriedly wiped his mouth clean, and said, "Get up, I usually get up at seven."

"Very good, good work and rest habits."

Chen Jing said: "Single soldier, this time I am afraid I will interrupt your rest time."

"The headquarters needs you to come to the main city immediately to attend an emergency meeting. It is about Happy Town."


"So fast?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised.

On the way here, he talked a few words with Chen Jing and knew that according to the research institute, there are still several major preparations to be done regarding the cleanup of the S-class restricted areas around the major high-walled cities. The first is with The major high-wall cities share the information of the abyss, and then they evaluate the treatment plans of the major high-wall cities. The third is the delivery of a batch of mysterious weapons. The overall link takes at least one month.

In other words, in the research institute's plan, this cleanup task cannot start within a month.

"Yes it is."

Chen Jing said on the phone: "Although the real work will begin almost a month later, we can't wait until that time to prepare. The terrible S-class restricted area does not require me to say more. Preparations and plans in advance. It's about to start now."

"...Even from now on, it's a bit too nervous."


Lu Xin was taken aback, and then agreed: "Then I will buy a ticket later."

"Buy tickets?"

Chen Jing seemed to be taken aback, and said, "You don't need to buy a ticket. Go to the guard station now, and there will be a helicopter to pick you up."


Lu Xin was taken aback, his treatment seemed to have improved again.

As a clerk who didn’t even dare to even want to go to the main city before, now he can go not only if he wants to go, but even a helicopter from the main city ran over to follow him. Lu Xin also feels a little emotional about the changes. A little bit of excitement. .

I went out immediately, took the subway, and rushed to the guard station.

When we arrived at the guard station, at 8:30, the police officers had just arrived at their posts.

When the little policewoman saw Lu Xin coming, her expression was a little surprised, and then happily came up to say hello: "What to eat?"

Lu Xin responded with a smile, "What's all there?"

The little policewoman started counting with her fingers: "There are tofu brains, soy milk, fried dough sticks, xiaolongbao, tea eggs..."

Lu Xin said in an easygoing way: "Anything will do."

I went up to the fourth floor and waited in the conference room. Ten minutes later, the little policewoman brought the breakfast.

Tofu nao with Xiao Long Bao, tea eggs, and a little pickles and garlic cloves.

Considering that there will be a meeting later, Lu Xin certainly did not eat garlic, but ate up tofu brains and small pickles.

About twenty minutes later, at exactly nine o'clock, there was a rumbling sound of helicopter propellers turning over the guard hall.

Lu Xin put the **** into the trash basket, and then came to the top floor with the bag.

"Mr. Single Soldier?"

After the driver confirmed Lu Xin's identity, he directly asked Lu Xin to come up and put on his seat belt.


The helicopter turned happily, and gradually soared into the sky.

"Now these special operations team members are getting better and better..."

The people in the guard hall listened to the sound of the helicopter going away, and many of them were murmured with emotion.

The little policewoman said: "Yes, I didn't notice that he is getting busy... The frequency of coming over for dinner is obviously higher."

Sitting in a helicopter, overlooking Satellite City 2 receding from under his feet, is still a novel experience for Lu Xin. He used to think that Satellite City 2 is big enough. He usually has two points and one line. I haven't been to the city much.

Later, I was recruited by the Special Clearance Department, and it was also because of work that I gradually became familiar with several other districts.

Looking from the sky now, I found that the original Satellite City No. 2 was actually the size of a palm.

One main city, plus five satellite cities, is the whole picture of Qinggang.

Looking down at the tall buildings below, the streets are staggered in parallel, and the layout is neat. It seems to be no different from the old civilized era that the old dean has been talking about at the time. It is also completely different from the impression of Lu Xin himself, driving in the wilderness.

"It's better to be in the city..."

Lu Xin sighed with emotion.

However, as the main city drew closer, some changes were noticed in the layout of Qinggang.

To the south of the main city, near the coastline, I don't know when, there are rows of steel fences.

There are many tents faintly visible inside, intertwined into one, covering a very wide area.

Standing high in the sky, I couldn't see what was inside, but Lu Xin was also somewhat curious.

Is it possible that Qinggang is ready to expand and add a satellite city to such a large area?

Forty minutes later, the helicopter landed on the top of a building in the east of the main city.

Lu Xin walked off the helicopter and saw that he was in a very large building area. The buildings in the main city would have been newer and cleaner than the satellite city. The building area was even brighter, clean and large. Surrounded by green plants.

"here it is…"

Lu Xin was startled slightly, and suddenly reacted.

This should be the headquarters of Qinggang's Special Pollution Cleanup Department, right?

I have never been here, but the first time I came, I actually went straight to the top of the building.

"Mr. Single Soldier, please here!"

Just as Lu Xin sighed, a female voice sounded not far away.

Lu Xin turned his head to look, and saw that the other party was a woman in a professional suit with her hair curled up and black glasses on her face. She looked very capable. Lu Xin nodded hurriedly, and then quickly walked a few steps with her. The roof apron came down.

"Come in, the meeting will start in five minutes."

The woman brought Lu Xin to the door of a conference room, opened the door for him, and said softly.

Lu Xin nodded, walked in, and then was slightly startled.

Just outside the door, I heard it was quiet inside, but I didn't expect it to be full of people.

This conference room is very large, at least 70 square meters, with a long table in it.

Nowadays, both sides of the long table are full of people. One side is mostly wearing a white coat with glasses, and most of the hairline is behind the hairline. On the other side, most of them are mainly for dressing. Some people are wearing casual suits. , With loose-fitting sportswear.

There was even one in school uniform.

...Lu Xin reacted and greeted her with a smile: "Hello."

The drunkard laughed and said with a kind face: "Sit down, come on, sit down with me, let's talk."


Lu Xin was a little embarrassed suddenly.

Inexplicably, I just felt a bit impolite to say "hello" directly.

It seems that he should call "Uncle" or something.

After sitting down, Lu Xin had the time to take a look at the people around him. From his temperament and clothing, he can roughly tell that the other half of the conference table sits more neatly and has less hair. They should be technicians. On the side of the drunkard, it should be mostly Qinggang capable people, and there are also a few of them, which I have seen before.

Being at two extremes with the drunkard, quickly ran to the other side, and turned his head. It was the gecko who refused to look at this side alive.

He didn't even say hello to himself.

…Oh, by the way, it is said that he seems to be most afraid of alcoholics.

Two positions away from him, tall, sitting taller than others, and tightly wrapped, UU reading is a watchdog.

In addition, there is another person wearing a black windbreaker and smoking a pipe in his mouth.

There is also the one who is lying on the table and eating breakfast secretly.

I took a small mirror, looked at my face constantly, and put on makeup and lipstick from time to time.

Lu Xin suddenly felt that compared to the other side, the side he was sitting on was more like a camp of poor students.

"Haha, boy..."

The drunkard looked at Lu Xin kindly, his small face full of collagen was full of kindness: "I heard that you went to Central City two days ago?"

Lu Xin nodded hurriedly: "Yes, I just came back yesterday."

"Hehe, how are you playing?"

"so far so good…"

"Young people, you should go for more walks. It's better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books..."


When the drunkard asked, Lu Xin answered.

There is an obvious feeling that the seniority has been falling.


At this moment, crisp footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

The meeting room suddenly became quiet. The one who was eating breakfast stealthily stuffed the last piece of oil cake into his mouth, and the one who was looking at the mirror to make-up, also busy tracing the last eyebrows, and then put the mirror away, even The drunkard casually tightened the lid of his thermos, and then everyone sat up straight at the same time and looked towards the front door of the conference room.

Chen Jing, wearing a black casual suit, walked in with a stack of documents.

Sweeping his eyes across the conference room, he saw a group of upright people sitting, with a temperament like a class teacher.

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