Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 385: Dead man working normally


Lu Xin stunned slightly, then cheered up, stretched out his hand to lift up the baby's small face on his lap, and slowly sat up straight.

But as soon as he got up, he saw that the doll had also been sitting upright, with a contented smile on his face.

It turned out that she was awake just now, but she was resting on her lap without opening her eyes.

Lu Xin shook his head and walked out of the room. Under the guidance of the service staff, he came to a room on the left side of the first floor of the small villa. There was an old-fashioned copper telephone. At this time, the microphone was taken down and placed in it. To the side. Where the doll lives, the trees are too lush, the place is off, and the signal is poor, so communication is often through this landline.

Lu Xin picked up the phone, "Cracked?"

"Single soldier, how do you get along with the doll?"

Chen Jing's voice came from the microphone, still calm and powerful.

Lu Xin answered honestly. After all, accompanying the doll is also part of the task: "It's good, we will sleep together for a while."


Chen Jing was obviously surprised.

"On the sofa, on the sofa..."

Lu Xin explained hurriedly: "I just took a nap when I was tired from looking at the information."

Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "The investigation team that collected the basic data of Happy Town has a problem..."


Lu Xin nodded and agreed, without interrupting, listening to Chen Jing's explanation.

"The news came half an hour ago."

Chen Jing speeded up her speech and said: "After you submitted the preliminary information about Happy Town last time, Qinggang dispatched a team of seven people to set up a team ten miles away from the radiation edge of Happy Town. An observation station."

"It is intended to prevent sudden changes in the restricted area, and to record the radiation changes in the restricted area at the same time."

"We have always been very cautious about this kind of observation station in the S-level polluted area. In addition to a series of alarm devices for abnormal phenomena, the personnel of this observation station will also routinely contact the Ministry of Special Clearance once every three hours to avoid Something went wrong without knowing it."

"The problem lies here."

"This time the survey team we sent out, the first plan is to contact the staff of this observatory first, and then expand that observatory as the total observing center, and establish several observation points for the overall basic data of Happy Town. Collect it."

"However, when our people sent out today arrived at the observation point, they found a serious problem."

Hearing this, Lu Xin was also a little curious: "What is the problem?"

At this time, the doll has been following Lu Xin, standing there obediently, listening to Lu Xin talking with Chen Jing, the expression on Lu Xin's face changed, she looked in her eyes, her expression became a little curious, and she looked again He took a look at the phone, thoughtfully, suddenly turned around and walked straight upstairs. Anyway, this was her home, and Lu Xin didn't notice her actions and changes.

"The staff in the observation point."

Chen Jing paused and said, " dead."


Lu Xin was a little surprised, and subconsciously said, "What do you mean?"

"In short, it's..."

Chen Jing tried her best to express clearly: "One hour ago, the observation point clearly had regular contact with the headquarters of the Special Clearance Department, which showed that everything was normal. And half an hour before the information collection troops rushed to the observation point, they also obtained information from them. After contacting, everything is normal, and they are waiting for their preparations. However, when the gathering troops rushed to the observation point, they found..."

She paused, and said: "The work of the observation point is as usual. All the staff are there and are dealing with their work in an orderly manner. Even they are preparing to welcome the information collection unit, but the problem lies in it. …"

After a pause, she whispered: "They are dead."

"Big plaques have appeared on their bodies, their hearts have stopped beating, and some have even rotted..."

"But they didn't notice it at all, and they were still working seriously."


Lu Xin suddenly realized something was wrong: "Then this..."

Chen Jing nodded and said:

"This shows that there have always been some dead people who regularly communicate with us on a regular basis."

"The last time this observatory had a face-to-face contact with Qinggang was three weeks ago, and now there is such an accident, which means that we don’t know at all. Something went wrong, and..."

"What went wrong!"


Lu Xin thought about it carefully, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "This is a little weird..."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly when she heard Lu Xin's words.

She wanted to say that this shouldn't be just weird, but she was used to Lu Xin's slow response.

Lu Xin didn't notice anything himself, and frowned and asked, "Are there any other abnormalities in the observatory?"


Chen Jing said softly: "For example, some electronic components of unknown origin were found around the observatory."

"For example, the information collection unit collected an unknown mental radiation in the observatory..."

"The information collection unit we sent in the past has undergone rigorous training, knowing that we cannot act rashly at this time."

"They have already withdrawn from the observatory and are waiting for professionals to investigate."


Lu Xin nodded hurriedly, and said, "What do you mean by that group leader?"

Chen Jingdao: "According to our process, either it is to send a condemnation investigation team to investigate the cause first, or to select a suitable person from Qinggang to investigate. However, because it is too close to Happy Town, it is the best choice. Yes…"

Lu Xin understood, and said, "I'll go there."

Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, seemingly moved, and paused before saying, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Now you can come to the Special Clearance Department to join me first."


Lu Xin agreed to come down, and then went upstairs to get his bag.

But at this moment, he saw the doll coming down the stairs.

She wore a black gothic dress once again, and stepped on a pair of brand new black Roman lace-up boots. She wore a mask with a smiling fox face on her face. She held an umbrella in one hand and the other Carrying his black bag in one hand.

It looked like he was about to go out.


Lu Xin understood the meaning of the doll at once, and had to explain to her: "I can't take you when I go out this time. I'm going to work. It's too dangerous for you to go outside the city. So, you still wait here. I, I have finished my work, I will come to see you again, okay?"

The doll lowered her head and continued to walk forward.

Lu Xin stretched out his hand and took her wrist, and the doll stopped.

Lu Xin looked at her and smiled softly.

Pulling up her wrist, took her black bag, and then smiled: "Go back!"

He waved his hand to the doll and walked out the door with the bag on his back.

Holding an umbrella, the doll stood quietly in the hall looking at him, watching him disappear without moving.

Wearing a mask on his face, I don't know what the expression is.

But the staff of the service team next to them were already distressed.

The car was waiting at the door, and Lu Xin got on the car directly.

Five minutes later, he had already arrived in front of a three-story white building to the west of the Ministry of Special Clearance.

Someone was waiting below, and took Lu Xin quickly across the long corridor to an office at the end. As soon as he entered, he found that it was quiet inside. All the staff, Chen Jing, and several professors were all there. Listening to an external audio.

"The information gathering unit has arrived, right? Have you found any other problems?"

"Hehe, there is no problem. We only care about whether the collection troop brought us the latest magazines and Erguotou this time. As a result, these guys just came to show their heads and ran out, saying that there are regulations. I can’t contact us for the time being. I said, when did this rule break? Are they a little too careful..."

"...Well, understand, you also know that our code is the more careful the better."

"Okay, okay, it doesn't say anything. By the way, as soon as they come, we can withdraw it?"

"In this broken detection point, you can't call home directly. The child is three years old and I want to die..."


After Lu Xin walked in, he nodded to Chen Jing and listened first.

This seems to be a normal routine call.

The various contact points established by Qinggang in the surrounding area will make such routine contacts every three hours.

Some time is long, some time is short, sometimes the operator and the observer will chat on a whim for a while.

This is done to determine whether something is wrong with the observation point through various details and exchanges.

Now this call is a very normal-sounding call.

"Okay, you guys stay calm for the time being, I'll talk to the above."

At this time, a researcher in a white coat spoke softly and hung up the phone.

Lu Xin realized that what he heard just now was not a recording, but a normal contact number.

"Until now, they didn't know that something went wrong."

When the researcher turned around, his face looked a little dignified and even a little scared.

It is completely different from the calmness and kindness during the call, and the voice seems to be trembling slightly:

"During this time, the data reports and psychiatric test reports they handed over were exceptionally normal."

"Even the contact number just now came in exactly according to the rules."

"The only thing that is abnormal is..."

He paused, UU reading whispered: "...we all know that this call was from a dead person."

In the meeting room, the temperature seemed to drop a few minutes.

None of the staff present rushed to speak because they didn't know what to say.

The most calm one was a young man who was wearing a black suit with a flat head and still a little tender.

He stood up and said: "Then, now our problems are mainly two."

"One is to investigate why they became like this."

"The other is..."

He paused: "How can I tell them that they are actually dead?"

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