Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 388: Their hope (4000 words)

Beside this dark camp, a strange scene appeared.

A group of dead people with various injuries on their bodies, the bleak lights and the gloomy wind on the wilderness, were very enthusiastic, and even brought a little excitement to surround Lu Xin, lively towards the far away. Walk to the tent.

On the way, Lu Xin saw traces of fierce fighting everywhere, and blood stains.

Even on the tent, there were large sprays of blood, and some broken limbs and pieces of meat were scattered around.

"Mr. Single Soldier, please sit down."

The captain wanted to invite Lu Xin into the tent, but Lu Xin refused with a smile.

So, he also diligently took out a canvas portable seat and placed it outside the tent for Lu Xin. .

Under the chair, threw a severed hand.

Lu Xin glanced at him and kicked his severed hand to the side calmly.

After sitting down, Lu Xin surrounded the people around him.

Each of them has shocking wounds on their bodies. Some have broken an arm, the stubble of the broken place is uneven, and some have broken a leg. The sticky blood drips from the broken place, leaning on the arm on the shoulder of the teammate, so that they can barely force it. He stood up straight up his body.

Because of the bleeding too much, their faces looked pale, and some of them showed an iron complexion.

This kind of skin color made their warm smiles also reveal an indescribable gloomy feeling.

"what happened to you?"

Lu Xin was silent for a while, then smiled and asked the man with the broken leg.

The other party seemed to be a little confused, and cast a puzzled look at Lu Xin.

His eyes had become dry and dim, so Lu Xin observed this micro expression from the gesture of slightly lifting his chin.

Lu Xin gave him a caring smile and said, "I think you are struggling to walk, and you almost fell."


Hearing this, the other party seemed a little embarrassed, and looked down to see that he had only a small broken leg.

The people next to him laughed and said, "This guy ran around in the middle of the night and accidentally got his foot on his feet."

Lu Xin nodded slowly.

In other words, they are now really unaware that they are dead, and even do not understand their injuries.

The one who broke his leg said he had a broken leg, but did the one who lost his hand twisted his arm?

The one who broke half of his head should have knocked it accidentally.

The intestines are already flowing outside, he may feel a little diarrhea...


Lu Xin's expression suddenly became a little serious as his gaze swept across the group of people who were already dead:

"Tell me what is going on at that observation point first."


Seeing Lu Xin becoming serious, these armed fighters were also taken aback, and subconsciously stood still.

The captain said: "Report to Mr. Lu, when we arrived here, those colleagues in the observation point..."

His Adam's apple moved slightly, and his voice lowered a little before he continued: "They are dead. Facing our panic at the time, they seemed a little scared. They also asked us what happened. This made us realize the strangeness. It is certain that they have not discovered the fact that they have died at this time. We do not know what type of pollution this is, and we dare not investigate directly.

"After the discussion, we did not expose them or contact them directly, but immediately withdrew from the observation point for surveillance."


There was no direct contact, nor did they tell the people in the observation point that they were dead.

Lu Xin remembered what he had said, nodded slightly, and said, "Then what happened during your surveillance?"

The captain was taken aback, showing a hard thinking expression.

Then slowly shook his head: "No."


There must be...

Lu Xin sighed secretly.

If it didn't happen, how could they all die?

Judging from their wounds, some were gunshot wounds and some were knife wounds. There must have been an extremely tragic battle just now.

It's just that they have forgotten?

In the expectant eyes of this group of dead soldiers, Lu Xin remained calm and stood up slowly.

He didn't rush to say the answer, but went around the camp first.

These dead people were a little afraid of him and didn't dare to bother.

After turning around, Lu Xin came up with an answer. These people should have killed each other.

Although he has not studied traceology systematically, he can make general judgments.

It had just rained, and the ground was slippery and soft, but there were only their jeep ruts around, and nothing else was seen. This shows that it should not have been outsiders who came to fight with them, and there were scattered bullet casings and bomb fragments on it. The style of the grenades and the daggers in their bodies can also be seen. They are from the same batch of weapons, which excludes the possibility of outsiders.

But why at this time, the simpler things are, the heavier it feels in my heart?



At the position of the temples on the left side of the frame, a chaotic electric sound suddenly rang out.

After that, a nervous voice sounded: "Sing...Mr. Soldier, can you receive the signal?"

Lu Xin helped the frame and said softly: "Yes."

The other party was the voice of the researcher just now, and he looked very nervous: "How are you now?"

"I'm very good."

Lu Xin replied softly, glanced at the armed soldiers around him, and said, "They are very enthusiastic and very cooperative."

The researcher choked, as if he didn't know how to answer.

After a slight pause, he subconsciously lowered his voice: "I'm speaking now, can they hear it?"

Lu Xin glanced at the armed soldier who was also three meters away recently, shook his head slightly, and said, "You can't hear it, you can say it."

The researcher exhaled and lowered his voice: "We, did not dare to join most of the teams. We need to prevent the possibility of being contaminated when we are so close just now. We risk contact with most of them. It is possible that the pollution will be passed on to them, so now... now we have found a safe place as far as possible, for the time being, wait for a while, just..."

When he said this, his voice couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he tried hard to say: "Just... did we see an illusion?"

Lu Xin shook his head lightly, glanced at the wounds on the armed soldiers, and said, "It should not be!"


The researcher took a deep breath and said, "In other words, they did, the same thing as the people in the observation point?"

Lu Xin nodded slightly: "Yeah."

The researcher's voice was a bit difficult: "Then, Mr. Shan Bing, do you have the idea of ​​investigating now?"

"still has not now."

Lu Xin whispered: "I can only see now that they should be killing each other, leading to this result..."

"You can give me some advice!"


"it is good……"

The researcher, seemingly trying to keep himself calm, whispered:

"If the cause of their death can be determined, there are two problems that need to be understood now:"

"One is, what force is it that makes them kill each other?"

"Second, what caused them to have died, but still walk around like living people, even working..."

"Mr. Single Soldier, be careful, in case they are actually just disguising..."


"It's okay, I know it in my heart."

Lu Xin answered softly, then interrupted the conversation and walked forward.

Those armed fighters also seemed to think that Lu Xin was a little mysterious, and when he was speaking, he did not dare to approach him.

It was not until he was sure that Lu Xin had finished the call at this time, and then walked forward slowly.

There was a look of hope on the stiff face like a dead man...

...The hopeful color like a living person.

They really regard themselves as hope, thinking that when they come, they can solve their problems.


"I'll go and see the observation point first!"

Lu Xin said softly, turned and walked to the tent at the observation point.

These armed fighters immediately followed him like an enemy, very nervously.

The observation point is located to the west of their tent, about a hundred meters or so, with lights on and people waiting outside the tent.

When Lu Xin walked over on the slippery ground, the people sitting outside the tent found him and hurriedly knocked on the tent.

The people inside also walked out, looking at Lu Xin and others cramped and worried.

Lu Xin looked at them carefully, feeling something abnormal in his heart.

In this observation point, there are seven people, and it seems that they are indeed dead.

And the time to die is obviously longer than this group of armed soldiers with fresh wounds.

Some people have already given birth to corpse spots, piece by piece.

Some people have rotted and there are maggots crawling in them. He scratches them from time to time, as if it is ringworm.

Some people have their heads swollen, and their skin is stretched into a translucent membrane.

The strong smell of corpses floated beside their tent, and the bleak light shone their eyes green.

The group of armed fighters behind him had already stopped.

Although none of them raised the muzzle directly, it was obvious that they were afraid of the people in this observation point.

The dead are afraid of the dead.


"What...what's the matter?"

Someone in the observation point couldn't help but asked Lu Xin in a low voice.

From their point of view, these colleagues who rushed over to connect with them were very strange.

When the people in the car that came earlier saw themselves, they immediately retreated as if they had seen a ghost, and then, no matter what they said, they didn’t dare to approach at all, and they retreated to a hundred. Meters away, he stopped and refused to move.

Later, people like myself heard the gunshots and wanted to go over and watch them, but they yelled at them again.

Now, a person in casual clothes came here, but he didn't even speak, but looked at people like him.

Does this treat us as contaminated people?

There is something wrong with it. How can our thinking be so clear if it is contaminated?


"It's okay."

Lu Xin replied softly, with a reassuring smile on his face, and said, "Don't worry, everyone."

For them, it's useless to be anxious now.

After Lu Xin comforted them, he whispered to the channel next to the eye stand:

"There is no obvious source of pollution or spiritual monsters, and no particularly obvious clues. What should I do now?"

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing, so Lu Xin trusts the advice of professional researchers.

The researcher seemed to have calmed down a lot, and said in a low voice:

"What needs to be ruled out now is whether we have been affected in some way and that's why we saw such a weird scene."

"Maybe they were still alive, but some force affected our judgment..."

"So, Mr. Soldier can take some samples of them first, and then take them back for testing to determine their status."


After a pause, he whispered: "There are two things that need to be done."

"The first is to ensure that they do not spread."

"Second, you can try to make them understand through logic or other means..."



Hearing this, the researcher hadn't finished saying a word, suddenly his voice became panicked.

There was a muffled noise, and then the noise came from the channel.

Then there were two thin "clicks" and "chaps", and a faint "pucha" could be heard.

There was a harsh gunshot and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

After that, there was a long silence, with a faint wind whimpering.


Lu Xin sat quietly without saying a word or rushing to ask what happened.

He waited silently for a long time. For about thirty seconds, there was the sound of the microphone being picked up, and the researcher's voice sounded:

"...Well, where did you go?"

"Yes, there are other ways to try to make them understand..."

He said as seriously and cautiously as before: "The fact that they are dead, react by watching."

The researcher still seemed so calm and serious.

And it sounds like he was also very serious about helping Lu Xin analyze what might happen now, and gave his best answers. If there is no noise in the middle, then all this will sound very normal. However, now, the tone and content of his speech seem to be To Lu Xin, the more he feels an indescribable sense of depression.

He was silent for a long time, until the other side gave a worried feed before sighing softly.

"Are you okay over there?"

Lu Xin whispered, "I heard a little mess over there."

The researcher opposite was taken aback, and whispered: "It's okay, what did you hear? Don't scare me."

Lu Xin sighed in a low voice, and said, "It's nothing, I'm very curious about your suggestion, why should I tell them?"

The researcher's tone became serious, and he whispered:

"Because now we don’t know what type of pollution we are facing, how big the pollution area is, or even how this pollution spreads. As for those who are polluted, they may not even know that they are polluted. ."

Listening to his words, Lu Xin felt sad.

He lowered his voice as much as possible and continued to ask: "What then?"

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