Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 391: Own responsibility

At this time, Lu Xin's side was already dead one after another.

Their faces turned pale, and their eyes were cold and crazy.

Obviously they were dead, but when their emotions became so excited, Lu Xin saw the changes in their bodies and saw one after another pale and transparent souls, struggling, coming out of their bodies, like It is the shelled cicada.

These souls are exactly the same as their wounded appearance.

It's just that in that gloomy gaze, there is a certain kind of hatred, which keeps burning like wildfire.

At the same time, their bodies have been deformed bit by bit.

The eye sockets were sunken, his hands and feet became slender, gently wandering in the surrounding wind, shaking slowly. .


"After being said to have broken the fact that he is dead, he will become a spiritual monster?"

Lu Xin knew what he should do at this time. He didn't let his emotions affect him. Instead, he saw the changes of these people in his eyes, observed and recorded them one by one. At the same time, he was slowly summing up in his heart. And sort out the logic:

"Moreover, there will be strong hatred and aggressive tendencies towards those who say they are dead."

"The spirit level of the spirit monster is not high, it seems that each one is about two to three hundred magnitudes..."

"No, they don't seem to exist individually..."

"They are influencing each other, their magnitudes are increasing, as if they are merging into the same kind of spiritual monster..."

"Full of hatred and pain, and... nostalgic, spiritual monster..."

"What's this, petri dish?"


Lu Xin's face was slightly tense, and he raised his head.

These spiritual monsters, or the pale spiritual bodies that emerged from the decomposed corpses, all have a kind of distortion to the air, and when these distortions start to collide and merge together, it is obvious that a kind of more is formed. Powerful force field.

This made their mental levels seem to be superimposed on each other, and began to bring a more obvious pressure to themselves.

Lu Xin could understand what was going on.

Small pollution sources of the same nature continue to merge and become a large pollution source.

"So, this is the ultimate goal of the Living Dead incident?"

"No, it's not just that simple..."

Lu Xin sensed their changes carefully, and suddenly he was slightly alert, feeling that he was ignoring something.

The spiritual monsters crawling out of the bodies of the living dead are pollution of another nature. This pollution is triggered by a person's strongest emotions, and then merges to become a spiritual monster.

But this can only be regarded as the second nature change of the living dead pollution incident, but it still can't explain how the "living dead" polluted. There must be another reason that I didn't discover.

Lu Xin took a deep breath, kept himself calm, and looked up.

With the surroundings, the mental bodies of the living dead intertwined and turned into spiritual monsters, forming the spiritual radiation on their bodies, which also induced the distortion of the air, and like a wave, it slowly spread out to the surroundings and produced Some kind of shock.

Lu Xin's pupils suddenly shrank, and there were two levels of shock he felt.

In addition to the shock of these spiritual monsters, there is another kind of energy field that is resonating with it.

He suddenly felt a weird feeling. These spiritual monsters are just fish, but there is an ocean around him.


Behind him, the little sister's head poked out, looking at the spirit monsters around with a strange look.

In the darkness around Lu Xin, there seemed to be someone who opened his eyes.

They are all attracted to something.


"Is this how it is polluted?"

Lu Xin felt slightly surprised in his heart and turned to look at his mother.

At this time, she was carrying a delicate small satchel, standing on the side looking at the bloodshot around, and nodding lightly.

"Such things are really rare..."

Listening to her tone, she seemed to miss and sigh.

The way of pollution was found.

Although this is still a way of pollution that Lu Xin has never seen before.



Lu Xin took a deep breath. The goal had been achieved, and it was time to clean up the pollution.

The pale spiritual body that crawled out of the bodies of the dead people around, has also been intertwined and merged at this time, becoming a strange monster, like the fusion of countless people. Half of the mental body is still in the original body, while the other half is fused together.

On a face plate that looked like countless faces piled up, dozens of eyes blinked quickly at the same time.

In each eye, there are complex emotions, some resentment, some unwillingness, some pain, some annoyance, these different emotions are spliced ​​together, like a chemical effect is formed, and they are influencing each other fiercely. , The collision, it can be clearly felt that they are accumulating a kind of power, and this power makes their mutual spiritual magnitude continuously grow.

...At least it is a second-level spirit monster.

Silently took out the gun from the black bag, Lu Xin hung his head slightly.

It is not difficult for Lu Xin to clean up this monster.

However, making this decision is somewhat complicated.

Work is still to be done after all, Lu Xin thought silently, planning to lift the gun.

"Bah Bah..."

At this moment, behind Lu Xin, there was a gunshot.

Lu Xin was stunned, turned his head to look, but did not move.

These dead people all had guns on their bodies, so it was normal for them to use guns to deal with themselves, but to Lu Xin’s surprise, the bullets did not fly towards him, but rang out from the hands of a soldier. Rushed to other people.


A bullet with a flashing blue arc flew to the right, knocking down several decomposed bodies in an instant.

The person who shot these bullets obviously couldn't see the spirit monster, so he hit all the corpses. However, when the arc bullet hit those corpses, it also obviously affected the mental bodies that crawled out of the corpses. Therefore, in Lu Xin’s perspective, it was not only the corpses that seemed to rush towards him, but also fiercely. When they fell to the ground, most of their spiritual bodies were annihilated in an instant.

"Mental pollution is detected and eliminated immediately!"

The leader of the vanguard with only one eye on his face roared in a low voice and gave orders to the players around him.

Lu Xin's expression became complicated, and an unspeakable emotion rolled in his heart.


"Bah Bah Bah..."

A battle immediately started beside Lu Xin.

There was a pale mental body, instantly climbing between the courts, hissing silently, and lunging towards Lu Xin.

There were also bullets flashing blue arcs flying horizontally, hitting the corpses.

The battle didn't start with two sides as a unit. In the vanguard on the left, there were also people roaring towards Lu Xin.

Among the staff at the observation station on the right, there was also someone standing still.

During the entire battle, Lu Xin did not intervene.

He was only on the left of the investigative team members who were determined to perform the cleanup task, or when the dead investigating team members encountered danger, the shadow under their feet moved and swallowed the one that leaped in front of them. Mental body.

Then, when the mental bodies on the other side fled, they signaled that my sister could catch up.

The abrupt appearance of this battle also ended quickly.

Lu Xin turned his head and looked at the soldiers with guns who were still standing not far away.

The soldiers holding guns still had a faint green smoke from their muzzles.

The face that had already appeared iron blue, and his muscles stiff, seemed very determined at this time, but his eyes were red.

After confirming that there were no surviving corpses around, he wanted to attack Lu Xin. The captain raised his hand and ordered the team around him to stop the fire. Then he walked awkwardly a few steps forward, shouting in a low voice. A cry: "Mr. Single Soldier."

Lu Xin looked up at him and said softly, "Why do you do this?"

The one-eyed captain whispered: "We came out and did this."

"Eliminate the source of pollution."

"In that case, how can you become a source of pollution?"


A dead person, holding a gun in his arms, looked at himself with the only one left, and said the answer seriously.

This kind of scene may be absurd in itself, but Lu Xin suddenly seemed to be hit by a strange emotion.

He didn't know how to answer, he just stood up after being silent for a while.

Said to the one-eyed captain: "Thank you."

The captain was slightly moved, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Including the people around him too.

They were still holding guns in their hands, and their wounds were bleeding freely.

Lu Xin could see that a faint white color appeared above their heads.

That is a sign that the mental body seems to be leaving the body.

From their somewhat stiff expressions, two kinds of chaotic emotions can be distinguished.

One is firmness, just as firm as their hand holding a gun.

But the other one was unavoidable, and the confusion and pain appeared on his face.

"Why can they do this?"

Looking at the painful expressions of these people, Lu Xin seemed to be able to feel their struggle.

He spoke softly, but was asking his mother.

At this time, mother quietly looked at the remaining soldiers, with a look of emotion on her face, and whispered softly:

"Because their will is stronger than others, and the time to enter the contaminated field is shorter."

"Contaminated field?"

Lu Xin caught the word and asked softly.

He remembered that he had learned this in special pollution training.

Judging the threat of the pollution source and its pollution method is the most important part.

There are many ways to spread pollution.

Low pollution, such as contact pollution, invasive pollution.

Highly infectious is inductive pollution. It only requires a look in the eyes or hearing a certain sound, and it will be contaminated.

But on top of these pollution, there are some terrible ways of pollution.

For example, field.

Pollution forms a kind of field, which spreads invisibly, covering a whole area.

As long as you are in this kind of spiritual force field, perhaps you don't notice anything, you are already contaminated.

This way of pollution has a lot to do with the magnitude of the spirit.

"We are all in this contaminated field now."

The mother explained softly: "It can be said that we are also polluted, but we are a little bit more resistant. They are also the same. The people in the observation point have been in this pollution for a longer time, and the pollution will naturally become deeper. The time for this armed squad to be contaminated was a little shorter, plus, although this field exists, I can’t feel its will..."

"So, their own willpower can still play a little role..."

"Of course, no matter how you say it..."

There seemed to be a look of approval on her face: "These young men have created a little miracle..."

Following his mother's gaze, Lu Xin also looked at them.

At this time, their bodies were trembling, their hands and feet seemed to become weak, and their bodies slowly collapsed. Lu Xin could feel their struggle and at the same time could see that there was a pale mental body in their bodies. Slowly crawled out of the body.

Like the people who mutated just now, they are also going through this process.

It’s just that they are more resistant, so the process is lengthened, which also means that they have to endure more pain.

Lu Xin suddenly turned his head and looked at his mother.

Mother sighed gently, as if she couldn't help Lu Xin, and walked forward gently.

The palm of his hand took out the scissors from the shoulder bag and lightly cut the top of their heads.

It seemed that something had been temporarily cut off. Lu Xin saw that the armed fighters had to struggle, much less.

"Go and do your work."

Mother looked at Lu Xin and said softly.

Lu Xin took a deep breath, nodded, and strode forward.

Everyone should do their own thing!

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