Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 420: The person in the cracks (4500 words)

This is the feeling of a drive.

The wind blows freely, and the car runs freely.

In the world that has just rained, even the sunlight seems to bring some unique moisture.

Winter is almost over, and some greenery can already be faintly seen in the withered grass.

The sound of tires running over dry asphalt and gravel seemed so cheerful.

The girl beside her was smiling as if she had never been so free in her life.

Even the more and more crowds behind him, who madly chased him up, looked a little more lovely at this time. .

Noisy, yelling, and even crying.

The black rushed from all directions, crackling, like a group of fish struggling on the shore, swaying their lives to their heart's content.

Lu Xin drove the car, rushing all the way on the road, feeling like he was walking in a celebration of cheers. The little princess beside him was accepting everyone’s worship. He was just a driver, driving her and wearing Over the crowd.

How good all this is.

If you didn't know that those people who rushed up would tear the little princess to pieces.

The strategy obviously succeeded.

Lu Xin felt that he might have underestimated the charm of the doll.

My plan is to carry the doll, show his face in front of the various armed forces, and attract them.

After all, I have a modified car with good performance, and the doll can fly, so don’t worry about falling into the crowd, even if there are some accidents in the middle, depending on the ability of my family and the ability of the doll itself, it should be fine. Very easy to resolve.

This plan will succeed no matter from which angle it is viewed.

These armed forces surrounding Happy Town should be easily distracted.

At the very least, a very large hole can be torn open.

But when it was actually implemented, he discovered that it didn't have to be so troublesome.

In front of the first armed forces, the doll appeared for thirty seconds, and then Lu Xin accelerated to leave and ran to the second armed camp. At this time, the armed forces from the first place were chasing frantically, so Before the second camp, Lu Xin and the others didn't actually have much time. After the doll was almost pulled here by Lu Xin, he stayed for less than ten seconds before leaving.

However, the armed personnel in the second place were still attracted by the doll and chased after the car frantically.

Then there is the third place, the fourth place...

Lu Xin was surprised to find that he didn't seem to need to strictly abide by the time agreed with Chen Jing and the others in advance.

He does not need the doll to be exposed everywhere, but also to strictly observe the time. He can clearly feel that at this time, around the doll, it seems that a force field is exuding, and this force field is changing. As long as the modified car reaches a certain range of the armed camp, the influence of the doll has covered these people and attracted them.

To describe it more accurately, Lu Xin initially thought it was fishing, but he was actually fishing with a net.

The indescribable force field has enveloped a range of no less than three kilometers, and it is still expanding.

Lu Xin felt like he was carrying a magnet, and surrounded by surging, endless magnetic powder.

More and more people were chasing behind the car.

At first, Lu Xin was worried that they would not be able to catch up, and if they were thrown too far, they would regain consciousness and return to the edge of a happy town.

But I didn't expect that their enthusiasm far exceeded my imagination.

Judging from the observations Chen Jing passed to her on the channel, I don't know how many people who have not been dumped are also chasing desperately. It's as if they can't see the doll anymore, but they are still being affected and can track her instinctively.

"This should be a force that is close to the field..."

Lu Xin thought secretly, and gradually became a little surprised as he carefully sensed the changes in the spiritual power around him.

Qinggang guessed right, the doll's abilities have indeed been improving.

She used to need others to see her and be attracted again.

But now, she can already spread her abilities through a kind of field-like influence.

"She has great qualities..."

Mother sat in the back seat of the modified car, next to her was her younger sister, squatting on the side, looking at the front with a bitter expression.

It seems that my younger sister thinks that she should be sitting in front and having fun with Lu Xin at this time.

"Yes, I can feel that the spiritual radiation around me is becoming more and more intense, and the scope of influence is expanding."

Lu Xin nodded and said, "This is all caused by her ability?"

"She hasn't used her ability yet."

Mother smiled and said: "It's just her traits. Where she is, it doesn't matter who the spiritual power belongs to."

Lu Xin was slightly stunned, he squeezed the corner of his mouth lightly, turned his head and glanced at the baby.

She understood what her mother said, and suddenly realized a problem.

In fact, Qinggang has misunderstood her all the time.

The experts and professors in Qinggang have always thought that the baby can only stay under heavy protection because he can't learn to control his abilities. The focus of work has always been trying to teach the doll to let her learn to control her own power.

But in fact, Wawa has been trying very hard to control herself, suppressing her own abilities.

The reason why she will show more and more powerful negative effects is because her growth rate exceeds the limit of her control.

Her ability is too strong, and the negative impact caused is too great.

Realizing this problem, Lu Xin suddenly felt sympathy for the girl.

In fact, she has been working very hard...

It's just that others can't understand her, and they think she is stupid.

No wonder she was so happy when she let her go.

It's because she usually suppresses herself, and she suppresses herself too hard.


Originally wanted to remind Wawa to control her ability a little bit to make the situation easier to grasp, Lu Xin suddenly stopped talking. He just raised the gear and stepped on the accelerator to make the modified car look like a roar. Running wildly on the road like a beast.

It's rare to relax once, just let her take a good ride.

"How can she stop being as tired as she is now?"

Looking at the girl next to him, happily standing on the co-pilot and smiling, Lu Xin glanced at his mother in the rearview mirror.

He still remembered that one of his tasks was to "accompany" the doll.

For his task, he will always work hard to understand and complete it.

For example, this companionship, to what extent is the companionship considered complete?

Even if Lu Xin was not so professional before and couldn't understand it, now that he has learned the seven-step theory, he has some professional knowledge that is no less than that of others. Knowing that at this time, Qinggang should be most concerned about the doll. Aspects of the problem.


If a person with such an ability as a doll can control his own power freely and live and work like ordinary people, then everyone would be happy to see it, right?

Especially, Lu Xin, who saw her happy side, suddenly understood the girl's heart.

She actually didn't like to keep suppressing herself so much.

She also wanted to let go of all her worries, just like a normal person.

Of course, it is obviously a huge problem to make a person in the gap between the third stage and the first stage become normal.

The phenomenon that I have observed now is enough to prove that the abilities of the doll seem to have been terrifying to a certain extent.

Around her, a field with no boundaries can be formed.

In the field, all people will become crazy because of her existence.

"You care about her?"

Mother didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Where is..."

Lu Xin hurriedly denied, explaining: "We are a pure colleague relationship."

"In terms of responsibilities, she is still my team member."


Mother smiled, did not reveal, just laughed softly: "I told you before that the seven-step theory was analyzed and constructed by researchers for the convenience of people to understand. It is a theoretical model, but the actual development is not. They will faithfully follow the steps from low to high. Maybe some people were born in a higher position when they changed."

"Of course, there are gains and losses. Born in a higher position, they are destined to make up for something."


Lu Xin keenly captured a little information from his mother's words, and said hurriedly: "In other words, can she be cured?"

"What should she complete?"


My mother glanced at Lu Xin with a smile, stretched her waist slightly, and said, "How can you come over and ask me this kind of question?"

"You have grown up and you have joined such a special department. You have access to so many professional people and professional materials, and you study very seriously. I'm just a housewife. How can you intervene in your professional stuff? …"


Lu Xin's eyes became resentful.

Mom said it so smoothly, her face was not red.

Forget it, go back and share the seven-step theory and the information that you can see in the club with the experts in Qinggang. They should be able to understand more than themselves, and they can be better. I helped this girl.

As for now, work is important.

Lu Xin took a deep breath and looked towards the vast wilderness.

He could clearly feel that the force field on the doll was expanding and spreading outward.

Through this force field, he has absolute certainty to draw away the armed forces surrounding Happy Town.

After attracting all of them to this wilderness, and then let the doll isolate her ability, they can get rid of these people. At that time, these crazy armed men will be evenly scattered here. Above the wilderness.

By that time, no matter what the technology church did to attract these people, the plan had been destroyed.

Also at this time, there was a temporary camp in an abandoned village very close to Kaixin Town.

In the courtyard full of dry creepers, the priest was sitting quietly.

The silver box was placed next to him, and a thick notebook was thrown on a stone table next to it.

On the laptop screen, you can see many pictures, many of which are empty tents.

"So, the Grand Knight of Kanzawa and the Grand Knight of Rose are already in the arms of the true god?"

The priest's eyes did not look at the screen on the notebook, but he held his earphones earnestly, repeating what he had heard.

"There are only two of them ending up, one is in the embrace of the true god, and the other is worse than death."

On the channel, a man's voice came out, and he appeared very calm: "According to my estimation, it is more likely to be the latter."

"Because according to the final message of the Great Knight Kanzawa, he has planned to detonate the flower of death by detonating the spirit bomb, forming a regional shock to help the archbishop complete the task better, but as a result, this shock has not been affected. detected."

"This probably means that someone blocked the final plan of Grand Knight Kanzawa."

"You and I both understand that Grand Knight Kanzawa fell into the hands of the enemy, no matter what the enemy does to him or not, the result will be..."



The pastor did not answer for a long time, but took a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter, we are all ready to dedicate ourselves to the true God."

The man on the channel seemed to understand the pastor's temper and slowly persuaded him.

A smile suddenly appeared on the pastor's face and said: "After the mission is over, I will take a trip to Qinggang."

The man knew what such a casual sentence meant, and after a moment of silence, he smiled and said, "Then I will accompany you."

The pastor was noncommittal, but just chuckled softly.

Such a faint laughter made people subconsciously feel a chill in the back.

The man on the channel changed the subject:

"After aware of the accident between the Knights of Kamizawa and the Knights of Rose, the technology priest and I did not try to repair the field anymore. Instead, we planned to enter the restricted area and join the Archbishop. But in this way, you are left outside. Now the second plan How is it going?"


Seeing that the pastor talked about this problem, he glanced at the computer screen lightly and said, "It's been completely destroyed."

The voice of the man on the channel fell silent for a moment, as if he didn't expect this result.

"Qinggang is now different from before, with a lot more courage."

The pastor smiled nonchalantly and said: "I ran hard for several days to recruit the congregation, and it took less than half an hour to be led to the wilderness by the other party, and I even touched the other party's face. I haven't seen it, let alone the ability to stop..."



The voice of the man on the channel was a bit heavy: "What kind of person can resist the power of the box of truth?"

The pastor chuckled nonchalantly, and said: "The truth is vulnerable to the world's gangsters."

The man on the channel was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, slightly surprised:

"Can cause such a large range of influence in a short period of time..."

Suddenly he thought of something, and said in disbelief: "Did Qinggang put out that delicious cake?"


A smile appeared on the pastor's face: "That's why I said that Qinggang has become more courageous now."

"In our previous understanding, the high-walled city, including Qinggang, would only act cautiously, with a little temptation, relying on worthless threats to maintain their poor dignity, but now, Qinggang is Gave us a surprise..."

"They actually sent their most precious abilities to come head-to-head with us."


"Qinggang is indeed different from before..."

After being silent for a while, the man in the channel hurriedly said: "But since they have done this, it means that Qinggang is ready to confront us head-on. I suggest you immediately abandon the arrangement of the second plan and come and We meet."


"Why are you so anxious?"

The priest spoke softly, UU read www.uukanshu. com said: "The second plan that the archbishop asked me to prepare has two functions."

"If you want to use the second plan for the purpose of arranging an isolation layer, you don't need to think about it at this time. Since Qinggang is willing to use that ability, it has already been declared a failure; and the second purpose, we have already achieved it, we don’t need to. worry about what."

"What I think now is, since Qinggang has such courage, how can we let them down?"


The voice of the man on the channel said: "Don't take risks."

"It is them who are at risk."

The priest's voice became cold, and said: "Using large-scale pollution power to destroy our second plan."

"Take head-to-head methods to fight our church..."

"I really want to know what coup did Qinggang come up with to have such confidence..."

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