Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 451: Spirit Lord

Latest website: The cross, or the archbishop of calamity, withdrawing his tentacles was originally a subconscious action.

When someone touched the hot carbon, he hurriedly took back a reason.

It's just that he didn't expect that his own retraction action actually brought up the hot red carbon.

And the other party laughed, and rushed to his face.


The cross on the east side of the town reacted quickly and got rid of the tentacles in an instant.

An expression of annoyance appeared on his face. This was the first time he had just touched him, and he took the initiative to abandon a part of his body.

It's just that at this time, Lu Xin's body had been pulled into the air by the momentum, which was higher than the height of the cross.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the head of the cross, the horrified eyes of the Archbishop of Calamity, and the corners of his mouth were torn apart.

The other arm was raised high, and the entire arm was filled with violently trembling black particles.

With the momentum of falling, he hit the top of the cross heavily.


On the east side of the cross head, the expression of the Archbishop of Calamity became frightened and disturbed.

His head suddenly burst, and countless nerve tissues and blood vessels rushed upward at the same time.

It was like a piece of land that had been sliced ​​away, revealing a snake's nest inside, wriggling and entangled constantly.

In the dazzling scene, there were countless big mouths of Shekou, biting upwards fiercely.

Looking at this scene, Lu Xin is really...


He raised his arm high and struck straight down at the "snake den" below.

The entire arm was covered with that kind of black particles, and it looked like it was wearing a black glove.


A crazy and tragic breath appeared, and black particles penetrated into the snake's nest, hitting countless splashes of plasma.

Then his body fell quickly and penetrated the entire cross.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, his body quickly fell to the ground, smashing the town out of a huge pit like broken glass.

In a very good mood, he raised his head and looked forward again.

The cross, which looked like a giant, was quietly separating to the two sides and hit the ground heavily. .

"Why is this?"

One cross fell, and on the top of the other three crosses, the expression of the archbishop became frightened at the same time.

They stared at themselves in the east, their expressions were indescribably complicated.

Something outside of cognition flooded into their minds. They couldn't understand why their power didn't work at all in front of the other party, let alone why that power could easily divide their own power, even directly...


"Ha ha ha..."

When this question arose in their hearts, Lu Xin had already let out a low laugh and rushed forward.

With the help of some of his younger sisters, he ran wildly among the intricate buildings of the town, like a looming spider.


The cross on the north yelled vigorously.

An invisible force sank from the end and poured into the town.

The buildings in the town suddenly came to life, the roads were wrinkled, and the houses moved together.

It was as if one obstacle after another was blocking Lu Xin's body.

But Lu Xin didn't even look at it. He gave up climbing and leaping, lowered his head and bumped into him.


The bluestone bridge road in front of him, which was hard but folded up like a picture, was directly hit and shattered by him, and he could not even feel the collision of power. It was like when he came over, the bluestone road was already shattered. , It's very simple.

In other words, this is not fragmentation, but giving way.

Qingshiban Lu was eager to make way for him, so he did not hesitate to collapse himself.

Not only bluestone.

Lu Xin strode forward, looking unremarkable, only a little faster than ordinary people.

This is a world woven by spiritual power, but a straight line appeared wherever he passed.

All the spiritual powers were vying to give way, so regardless of the folds of the road or the overlapped houses, he wailed, and at the same time made a crisp sound like a glass bottle breaking, and layers of paper tearing, hiding in front of him. On both sides.

Ahead of the road, pointing straight to the human-shaped cross to the north, the face of the Archbishop of Calamity has shown endless panic.

But Lu Xin faced him and suddenly smiled.

very polite.

Boom boom boom!

It became chaotic in this moment, and even the two crosses in the southwest did not know what had happened.

It stands to reason that in this spiritually intertwined world, they will know instantly no matter what happens.

But now, because the world is too chaotic, all kinds of information floods into their minds, but they can't respond.

At this time, they can only look to the north of this chaotic town like ordinary people.

Looking at the cross in the north, it became shorter one by one, and then quickly disappeared.

"How can there be such power?"

An indescribable panic is engulfing them.

This violent is unreasonable, as if the power that can shred everything completely shocked them.

They ignored the other things, the two crosses, and started moving in the direction of Lu Xin at the same time.

The arms have been turned to the middle, crossing the chest.

"I order you..."

The blue pupils shrank at the same time, as deep as the ocean, reflecting everything in this small town.

The two voices overlap and are intertwined:

"Feel the disaster and experience the pain."

"I order you..."

"Open your eyes and see the truth."

"I order you..."

"Feel misfortune, turn into disaster..."


When their voices sounded, everywhere in the town, those who were in pain or misfortune, those who were crying.

At the same time, controlled by a spiritual force, they wailed.

The pain hidden in the memory suddenly revealed its original shape. Everyone's body began to split, and a trace of black tentacles grew out, and then the body changed accordingly, and the black petals spread out. Come.

The whole sunny town suddenly became gloomy.

Big black flowers bloomed in every corner of the town, with a cold atmosphere.

The breath of disaster once again filled this small town.

At the same time, as this gloomy force continued to spread, the east and the north rang out.

These are the two huge crosses that were destroyed by Lu Xin just now.

Their scattered flesh and bones suddenly closed together, and under the blessing of a certain force, they intertwined and overlapped in an instant. Starting from the feet, the nerves, blood vessels, and flesh and blood were woven, as if time was reversed, and reappeared in their original positions. .

Not only that, the whole small town world began to tremble violently.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, more crosses fell from the sky in the sky.

One by one, surrounding this false small town, it seems that a dense wooden fence has formed, strict and solid.

On every cross, there is a face of the archbishop of disaster.

They are densely packed, close together, staring at the town with an indifferent gaze.

"I am a disaster."

The voice of the archbishop of disaster seemed to have come down from the world, giving people a sense of will.

It seems that it is a mistake to just give birth to the thought of resistance.

"In your past life, disasters and disasters must not be violated..."

"The disaster is walking with you, you can never avoid..."



The huge torrent of sounds filled the whole town, and more and more black flowers bloomed on the unfortunate people.

The cold breath intertwined, and Lu Xin seemed to be trapped in the middle of the town.

Around him, there are all overlapping crosses, and the longer and taller they are, they are almost against the sky.

The black flowers bloomed gradually, submerging the only lively and lively cry in the town before. Under the flowers, the bushes and thorns joined together to form a huge forest, and Lu Xin was trapped by countless thorns. , Like a steel prison.

He moved slightly, "chill", and a long wound suddenly appeared on his body.

At the wound, a strange emotion bred into his body, suddenly flashing **** faces in front of him.

It was the thing he didn't want to touch in his memory.

But these thorns seem to have a kind of power, and suddenly pull the pain deep in your memory to yourself.

It's upsetting.


Lu Xin was angry and waved it away. The black particles in his hand immediately drowned a piece of black thorn bushes measuring three or four square meters, and then destroyed them into nothingness, but in the next instant, these black thorn bushes spread over again, still He will be trapped in the middle.

Looking at the whole town, there are black thorns, and he looks like a boy with a sickle facing a wave of wheat.

Each piece of wheat straw can't last for a second in his hands, but the whole piece of wheat wave makes people feel sinking.

Between these thorns, he couldn't move.

When you move, you will be pierced by thorns, and when you pierce, there will be countless memories that you don't want to remember.

These memories can disturb one's attention and give people a painful feeling.

Simply put, this is like a behavior that likes to expose people's scars in a quarrel, which is extremely lethal.

Looking at the countless crosses around him indifferently, his eyes became gloomy.

The voice of the archbishop of disaster is like the will of the whole world:

"This is my world, all spiritual power is under my control, including yours."

"I can grant you calamities, and I can be reborn indefinitely."

"In this world, I am the spiritual lord, how can you go against my will?"


The sound is like a muffled thunder from the sky, UU reading contains infinite power.

The surrounding thorn bushes suddenly began to grow wildly, desperately extending their own branches, like a demon with teeth and claws.

These thorns pierced Lu Xin from all directions like sharp swords.


Among the black thorns, Lu Xin stood quietly.

The heart is still beating, and every blow seems to make people dizzy.

He looked at the endless black thorn bushes around him, with a look of appreciation on his face, and then raised his head to look at the Lord of Calamity.

The attitude when speaking is very friendly and serious, but the smile is a bit exaggerated:

"Are you telling me about grants?"

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