Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 466: You want to protect me

In Lu Xin's vision, the entire courtyard of the villa had become distorted and weird.

There is a shuddering feeling that even if you just stand still, the hairs are sticking up.

But this feeling seems to be wrong only for him.

Captain Bearded, his subordinates, and Vice President Xiao did not notice the changes in their eyes. Their attention was focused on the girl. At this time, they even thought they were normal and whispered. Discuss and curse:

"It's so pitiful, this girl..."

"What kind of **** does it have to torture a person like this?"

"Damn, this kind of perversion, one of them is counted as one, and they must be killed, humanitarian destruction!"

"Although these **** are already injured, I still want to give them a shot!"


Even Vice President Xiao had an angry expression. The insects crawled around in his eyes. He gave Gao Yan a slight gritted teeth and cursed: "It’s my loss. I was always worried about you before I lost it. I also thought that you were sick. The devil is possessed, and I want to ask someone to heal you, but... But look at these things you do, even me... even I want to kill you, how can you do such a cruel thing?"

Every time one more person scolds, their emotions become agitated.

Someone glanced at the girl, became emotional, and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

When Lu Xin saw him rubbing his eyes, the insects seemed to be more active.

It is densely packed, it seems to be rushing out of the eye sockets and coming out. .

"What's the use of just saying these, I usually hate these bullies...I killed him."

"Wow," that was the sound of someone pulling the bolt of the gun in eagerness.

Suddenly someone could not hold back, gritted their teeth, cursed, strode towards Gao Yan, and raised the gun at the same time.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense.

They are all professional armed police soldiers, well-trained, familiar with the regulations, and extremely qualified.

But at this time, because of the momentary anger, he actually thought of lynching criminals who were already in a coma.

By the way, none of the teammates around him thought of blocking it.

Even the bearded captain seemed to think this was normal.

"Don't be impulsive."

Lu Xin frowned slightly, and had to walk past the crowd.

He knows the seriousness of the problem, so he moves very quickly. He looks very light, but his body carries an unusual weirdness. He walks through the crowd with ease, as if he stepped out and walked three or four meters The distance was blocked in front of Gao Yan.

"Mr. Lu, you..."

Lu Xin's movements actually seemed a little weird, but none of the people present seemed to have noticed this anomaly.

However, Lu Xin's mysterious identity still has some weight in the eyes of these people.

So the person who was so angry that he wanted to shoot to vent his anger was also startled, and he looked up at Lu Xin incomprehensibly.

The palms were shaking, but fortunately, he did not shoot.

"It wasn't him who had the problem."

Lu Xin looked at the armed police's eyes, or looked at his distorted expression due to anger, and the eyes full of bugs. He explained softly, and then said: "Besides, even if he had a problem, it would be Shouldn't kill him here."

When I said this sentence, I already had a lot of things in my heart.

When he first learned about Gao Yan from Vice President Xiao, he also felt a little bit similar to these people.

Who can tolerate such a perversion that tortures others?

But now, he has realized some problems, which may be different from what he thought.

Blocking the people who wanted to kill Gao Yan, he looked forward again.

The girl who was wearing only a thin pajamas was sitting on the ground awkwardly.

His body was shaking gently in the precipitous cold wind, and the tears on his face were still wet, like a frightened lamb. However, Lu Xin didn't know if he had hallucinations. He saw it in that panic and uneasy expression. A chilling sinister.

That girl is laughing at this time.

She looked sinister and weird at the people she was playing with in her palms, and her proud expression would overflow from her eyes.

Under her skin, green veins began to appear, slowly wandering like a snake.

It seemed to her that her body was twisting slightly because of fear or the cold. This was a natural temptation. But while she was twisting, the bugs under her skin followed and made her appear a little bit. Kind of strange temptation power.

It's like a woman wearing snake pattern stockings, weird, terrifying, but deadly attractive.

As soon as I saw her, I would be affected by the scars on her body, giving birth to a feeling of sympathy and pity for her.

But this feeling is like a beast growing.

Constantly growing, at the same time breed all kinds of different emotions.

Crazy and desperate.

"So, she is actually the source of pollution?"

"At first, Gao Yan went crazy and wanted to **** her because he was polluted?"

"Then what is the logical chain of her pollution?"

Lu Xin thought about how he looked when he saw her just now, and gradually had an answer in his heart.

I generally don’t get an answer to an observation so quickly.

But just now, after only seeing her a few times, I subconsciously felt that she must be fine.

Because there was a thought in my heart at that time, such a weak and poor girl, there must be no mistake.

Then, the only person who is wrong can be someone else.

So I suddenly felt soft and put on clothes for her.

So, the key to pollution is: sympathy?

As long as you subconsciously feel pity and sympathy for her, you will be affected by her?

Lu Xin's teeth rubbed lightly.

His mind became very clear, and he knew clearly that he didn't like this way of pollution, and even hated it.

"Mr. Lu, what should you do if you want to say that?"

The person who wanted to shoot at Gao Yan, although he still retained some respect for Lu Xin, but he didn't get an answer for a few seconds, and there was a vague irritability in his voice.

"If you still want to listen to me..."

Lu Xin thought very seriously about how to solve the situation in the best possible way, and slowly said: "You are here to control the scene, don't let anyone in, don't let anyone leave, and I need to first She took it back and proceeded..."

After a pause, he whispered: "...treatment."

No words such as investigation were mentioned because they did not want to cause unnecessary conflicts.

Observe carefully, these people who have been polluted, after hearing their own words, their expressions are indeed a little hesitant.

Judging from the fact that Gao Yan would rather stabbed her friend with a single knife and rob her to obtain it, Lu Xin suspected that as long as he showed possession of her or threatened her at this time, he might trigger these "contaminated people". "The hostility and emotions are abnormal.

So at this time, he tried his best to choose a neutral and friendly word from his vocabulary.


The people around were slightly commotion, seeming to hesitate.

Although they both had a deep protection for the girl, they still faintly felt that Lu Xin's choice was right.

"I do not want…"

But before these people nodded in agreement, the girl suddenly exclaimed, and she said to Lu Xin in fear:

"I...I don't want to go with you..."

"I'm so scared now, I just want to go home, I want to..."

She turned to look at the others in the yard with tears in her eyes: "I want to be with you so that you can protect me."

In an instant, there was a slight commotion in the yard.

The worms in many people's eyes squirmed more suddenly, triggering changes in their expressions.

It was a feeling of being unbearable and touching.

Many people even turned their heads to look at Lu Xin suddenly, and stopped talking, seeming to want to persuade him.

Lu Xin frowned slightly and looked at the woman.

She was shaking slightly at this time, looking at herself in fear, as if she was a bad person.

Only her eyes showed a sinister and proud look.

Lu Xin became impatient, and suddenly walked towards her.

But the girl immediately crawled backwards in fear, anxiously hugged the leg of the person closest to her, and yelled loudly: "Ah, don't let him approach me. This person is really scary. I was in the villa just now. Here, he frightened me, tortured me, even... even he wanted to take advantage of me, he... he was more terrifying than that demon, please..."

"Don't let him take me..."


"That's too ridiculous, isn't it?"

Lu Xin furrowed his brows tightly, but instead, there was a sound of firearms around him.

Countless guns were pointed at his face at the same time.

The expressions of those armed police soldiers have become angry and fierce, and they cursed: "You are such a person?"

"Go back, or we will shoot."


Vice President Xiao also glanced at the girl, her expression became weird, as if an unusually angry mood was growing.

When this emotion grew to its extreme, he suddenly stamped his foot severely.

Pointing to Lu Xin scolded, "Brother Xiaolu, you are... this is too much."

Lu Xin had to stand still.

My sister is right by her side, if she forced her way through, these people should not be able to stop her.

But looking at their current mood, they will definitely shoot.

The crowds in the yard are so dense that once the gunfire rang out, they might all be injured or even killed.

This made Lu Xin feel very uncomfortable.

Obviously, someone who was very familiar and trusted just now suddenly changed a face, fierce and unfamiliar.

This feels bad.

Behind the crowd, the girl with a horrified face was slowly becoming proud of her smile.

It was an expression of contempt and sarcasm. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Her head was slightly raised, her chin facing Lu Xin, with some bruises on her face, it was a kind of self-confidence in mastering the situation.

Lu Xin separated from the crowd and stared at each other quietly.

The muzzle of the surrounding black hole and angry and hostile faces became the background board.

Lu Xin looked at her calmly, her smile getting more and more proud.

Lu Xin was expressionless, still just looking at her quietly, her proud expression slowly disappearing, it seemed that there was more doubt.

A smile suddenly appeared on Lu Xin's face.

He looked at the girl quietly, and whispered: "You are so weak, why do you want to make me angry?"

The girl was startled suddenly, she moved her body unnaturally.

The expression has become a little horrified.

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