Since The Red Moon Appeared

: 4.71 millionth unexpected visitor

Two hundred thousand watches?

Lu Xin didn't even know that there was a watch worth two hundred thousand!

Why did they make a watch at a price of 200,000 yuan?

This is not the era when money was worthless before the red moon!

What he just wanted to say was interrupted at once, and he didn't know how to pick it up, so he could only look at Vice President Xiao fixedly.

Vice President Xiao was flustered by Lu Xin's serious expression, and explained embarrassingly:

"Brother Lu, I really rejected it for you. I said that you are definitely not the kind of layman who can see such small things in your eyes. For you, money is just a number at all, it's not like We are rolling in the money pile every day..."

Lu Xin's expression became more serious.

He wanted to tell Vice President Xiao: The main reason he didn't go to the money pile was that he didn't have so much money to use it.


Vice President Xiao was timid, sent the watch to Lu Xin, and explained in a low voice: "Gao Yan is really grateful to you..."

"When we met in the quarantine area, he also said that he was very scared of himself at the time, and he didn't understand how he became obsessed during that period of time. He was crazy infatuated with that girl, and he did not hesitate to break himself again and again for her. The bottom line."

"It was just because he accidentally saw the girl's eyes, his heart melted all at once."

"He just feels like he has been poisoned, and he is extremely obsessed with her..."

"I cannot refuse any request from her, even if it becomes..."



Having said that, Xiao Yuan himself shuddered slightly, as if thinking of himself.

If he had not been cured of the pollution in a very short period of time, would he have also become Gao Yan?

He even understood a little deeper. .

Because he used to have nightmares for his siblings because of continuous nightmares.

"Two hundred thousand watches..."

Lu Xin repeated this idea in his mind.

"That kind of thing is terrible..."

Vice President Xiao still said with lingering fears: "Gao Yan said something to me in the quarantine area."

"That is, he would rather be deceived of all his possessions than to be deceived to lose himself..."


"That's why he wants to give me this, 200,000 watch?"

Lu Xin answered subconsciously, and involuntarily squinted at the small box.

Vice President Xiao was startled by Lu Xin's expressionless eyes looking at the watch.

Inexplicably, I feel a little guilty.

"I also know that this is actually not good, but Gao Yan must let me forward it..."

"If it wasn't for his legs to look good for a while, maybe he would come here in person..."

After explaining several sentences in a row, Vice President Xiao said: "I originally wanted to push it out for you, but Gao Yan insisted on it all the time."

"He also said that if you don't give this watch to you, you won't recognize me as a friend..."


Lu Xin frowned and said, "If I don't accept it, the consequences will be so serious?"


Vice President Xiao said solemnly: "I saw him and the friend with the surname Li during the isolation period."

"Now they seem to have a very serious desire to talk, and they keep asking me about this."

"In general, we are all about the same..."

"That is, we all became very sensitive. When we saw her, we felt that we could understand her mind, her pitifulness, and her grievances, we could all feel it, and at the same time, we had a strong desire to protect her, just thinking Holding her in his arms, taking care of her, and satisfying her, this is the most serious point. He said that he did a lot of crazy things to get that flat."

"He said that at the time he felt that he was completely changed, that is, he was still himself, but was controlled by a terrible emotion. That emotion grew deeper and deeper. From the beginning, the desire for protection has gradually become a kind of Plea without limits..."

"Pingping became scared as soon as he saw him."

"But he can feel that he actually likes him like that, and even encourages him to do that."

"He sometimes wakes up suddenly, feeling scared, and wondering if he did it right."

"But Pingping will give him hints again."

"It's a hint that he can understand immediately, but Ping Ping can give many other explanations at any time."

"He said that at that time, he was affected both internally and externally, and was often in a state of grievance, because he felt that he had carried out all instructions and did all things that followed a normal will, but when he said it, No reason at all."

"Even... even the instruments of torture in his basement..."

"Pingping likes to be tortured by him, only then will she show an expression of real enjoyment..."

"Even sometimes, he was scared, crying and begging her not to be like this, but her face changed a lot, and he scolded him harshly."

"He is a person who believes a lot. During that time, he felt that he had become a devil..."

"So, he didn't even dare to see the Buddha statue and the cross..."

"He said that he has become a demon, a demon that gods will dislike him..."


Lu Xin was originally a little absent-minded listening to Vice President Xiao's words.

There was no interruption, just because he felt that he also had something to say.

Probably even if the Special Clearance Department has tested them, it will not explain the reasons in detail to them.

But after hearing it, there was a strange touch.

Vice President Xiao said that he was very embarrassed, and it was difficult for him to understand the complicated psychological changes.

But he could feel that it should be a very desperate and depressed state.

He just solved the pollution incident and let go of it after he determined that there were no other worries for the time being.

However, the Special Clearance Department will obviously not be so hasty, so it will not only isolate it afterwards, but also investigate some details.

For example, how Gao Yan was polluted, and what was his state after being polluted.

Why would you torture that girl, why would you be afraid of Buddha statues and so on.

I haven't read this report myself, but if I want to come, it should be related to pollution.

Most people who are contaminated are treated as mentally ill by ordinary people, and their behavior is indeed similar to that of mental patients.

In the simplest terms, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand why they have those performances.

It's like, Gao Yan was contaminated by the girl named Pingping.

In the pollution chain, this girl is in a higher position. If she abused her with high severity, it would be very understandable.

But the result is that she is severely abused, which makes people feel a little unbelievable.

But how can people who are in pollution say so?

Normal people's thinking and ** have been distorted here, and it is not surprising that nothing appears.

I once met the S-rank capable person from the sea country. He didn't think about anything, just wanted to die.


After talking countlessly in one breath, Vice President Xiao also hurriedly reacted when Lu Xin had been silent for a long time.

Qiang smiled and said: "Look at what I said and do, you must know better than me..."

He said, with a little begging: "Brother Xiao Lu, just take this watch. Gao Yan is actually quite scared now. He is still hurting his leg, so he wants me to bring him to find you. It's me. He refused to come, but he must ask me to give you this watch."

"Just give me a little bit of face, okay..."


Seeing that pitiful appearance, he almost sold Lu Xin a cute on the spot.

Lu Xin looked at him silently, and his heart was overwhelming.

Can you accept it?

Receiving gifts privately is against the rules, right?

If you don't accept it...

I soon had an idea in my mind, nodded, and said: "Business is the most important thing, I should also ask about the specific situation of this matter."

While talking, he took out the satellite phone and said, "I'll go out and make a call."

Vice President Xiao looked nervous: "Yeah."

With Vice President Xiao's worried expression on his face, Lu Xin calmly picked up the cigarette and phone and walked into the corridor.

A few colleagues were gathering here to smoke. Seeing that Lu Xin was coming, he immediately threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stamped it out with his foot. He greeted Director Lu very enthusiastically, and then tensed his muscles quickly. Back to the office.

"Two hundred thousand watches..."

Seeing that there was no one around, Lu Xin sighed lowly, then took out the phone and pulled it out.

Recently, Han Bing was too busy to lose her hair, so Lu Xin was too embarrassed to call her if it was not important.

This matter is more important now, so it's better to ask her to advise her.

"Good noon, Mr. Soldier..."

Han Bing answered the phone quickly, and there was a slight noise in the background.


Lu Xin was very polite, and greeted him in a hurry, "Are you busy now?"

"not busy."

Han Bing smiled and said, "I'm in a car."

"Oh oh."

Lu Xin agreed, saying, "Actually, I actually called you just to ask...ask..."

After saying it twice, I was still a little embarrassed and said: "Ask how the incident was handled last time."

"The last thing has been dealt with..."

Han Bing was slightly curious, and smiled: "After analyzing the results, I have already sent your email. Did you forget to read it?"


Lu Xin had a dilemma and couldn't answer in time.

"Ah, I see, do you want to ask about compensation?"

From Han Bing's side, there was a slight sound of a vehicle stopping, and then there was a crisp sound of footsteps.


Lu Xin didn't want to ask about this, but when he mentioned it, he did want to know.

"Don't worry, Mr. Soldier, I will help you get this done. When it comes to job remuneration declaration, I am professional."

There was the sound of footsteps on the iron stairs from Han Bing.

"Great, thank you thank you..."

Lu Xin felt heartfelt gratitude, made a psychological presupposition, and said, "There is more..."

"Hehe, there are many things we should say..."

"I can't finish talking on the phone."


Han Bing interrupted Lu Xin with a smile.

Lu Xin was taken aback for a moment, and he could distinguish her tone very keenly. Was this suggesting that he had hung up the phone?

Then he heard a voice saying: "So, why don't we discuss it in person?"


Lu Xin was startled slightly.

One was that he didn't respond to Han Bing's words, and the other was that he felt that he had heard these words twice at the same time?

After being taken aback, he suddenly turned around and looked into the corridor.

I saw that on the second floor of the iron stairs, there was a girl with long hair wearing a white down jacket and looking at herself with a smile.

She was holding a phone in her hand, wearing skinny black jeans, a pair of boots, white skin, and silver half-rim glasses. Seeing Lu Xin with an unexpected expression, she smiled triumphantly and held the satellite. The phone beckoned to Lu Xin.

"Good noon, Mr. Soldier..."


This time it was very clear, and the voice came from both in the corridor and on the phone.


With a cigarette in Lu Xin's mouth, the phone was still on his ears, and he didn't respond.

"I'm on holiday..."

The girl looked at Lu Xin's reaction, UU reading smiled happily, jumped up the steps, and came to Lu Xin lightly:

"So, take you to see the house today..."


Looking at the white and tender smiling face, Lu Xin's pupils finally focused successfully.

The girl in the corridor and the girl who gave herself a small wonton outside the high column, the appearance of the two slowly overlapped.


He reacted at once, and hurriedly picked the cigarette in his mouth and threw it in the ashtray next to the water-painted bucket.

Han Bing?

Is this girl Han Bing?

Why did she suddenly come to her?

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