Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 484: 19,626,176 yuan

For the next two days, Lu Xin stayed in the main city.

Although the communication between the main city and satellite city 2 is also convenient, after all, the task is busy, so I stayed there.

It can be seen that after that highly confidential meeting, the entire Special Clearance Department has entered a tense and busy atmosphere.

Wawa was sent back to her small villa and underwent a special training accompanied by Professor Chen Liqing, the staff of the overall service team and several other specific researchers. At that time, the staff of the service team took her from Lu Xin. When I left, I couldn't bear to look at her pitiful eyes, reluctant little hands, and awkward expressions.

I feel like I've become Mother Rong holding a steel needle...

…That's Lu Xin's favorite character!

Gecko, drunkard, bear kid, etc., also stayed in the Ministry of Special Purposes. They did not participate in the confidential meeting on the "Heaven Project". Lu Xin did not know whether they knew about the specific plan. He just watched them get caught. I brought them into a secret training ground of the Special Purpose Department. In the past two days or so, I rarely saw them come out. I don't know if they are training or doing something else.

After receiving Wawa's reply, Professor Bai left the Special Clearance Department on the same day.

Mr. Su and others also left the Special Clearance Department on the same day. They just did what they had to do, as if they simply forgot about it. .

Chen Jing was extremely busy. I saw her holding a phone or holding a document a few times, as if she was contacting something.

One day and night, Lu Xin also saw a few huge convoys slowly setting off from around the Special Clearance Department.

Big project...

And when everyone else is already busy to this level, Lu Xin is...

... afterwards!

"Mr. Shan Bing, now you need to sign and verify the mission remuneration documents: Central City Black Desk Incident Subsidy Form, Happy Town Investigation "Resurrection of the Dead" mysterious field incident, Sniper Technology Church Disaster Archbishop mission remuneration form, 169 Number—Euglena special pollution incident task remuneration form, the doll’s "accompaniment" early stage task remuneration form, and the following..."

Han Bing put a stack of new reports in front of Lu Xin, and then said: "Central City Travel Ride and Horse Fee Subsidy Form, Eclipse Research Institute Senior Talent Club confidential information purchase reimbursement form, task ammunition reimbursement form, and lurker's salary reimbursement. Single wait."

"Now you need to review it carefully to see if there are any omissions."


Looking at the thick pile of documents, the data printed one by one in typeface, Lu Xin was slightly confused.

This material is thicker than the several project materials that Director Liu directly gave him!

Human nature, when you see a more cumbersome and complicated information, you will subconsciously produce fear...

So Lu Xin's mood immediately became particularly good!

The thicker and more complicated, the more rewarding it means...

He cheered up instantly, reviewing the information while listening to Han Bing's detailed explanation:

"The trip to the center city was originally a private visit by Mr. Single Soldier, but because he smashed the secret experiment of the black table, he made the due report. Later, the center city was carrying out the attack on the black table. During the clean-up work, three people, team leader Chen Jing, Mr. Gecko, and Mr. Shan Bing were temporarily recruited. Therefore, they were later transformed into a temporary external task."

"After that incident, Central City expressed gratitude to our Qinggang and took the initiative to pay remuneration, but the remuneration of Central City was mostly in the form of intelligence or technical materials, so our Qinggang took the initiative to convert it into money to distribute. , The total is five million. Team Leader Chen Jing voluntarily gave up this part of the reward, so the rest are Mr. Single Soldier and other support team members."

"In this way, after paying for different professions and tasks, what Mr. Single Soldier gets is..."

"...Three hundred and forty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty-six yuan and four cents!"

"Mr. Shan Bing, see if there is a problem?"


Lu Xin's eyes straightened, and he looked at the amount carefully: "Are there any fractions?"

After taking a look, Han Bing also smiled, and said: "Because the superiors said that the remuneration for the tasks of Mr. Single Soldier must be calculated carefully, so the financial department attaches great importance to your bills, and every time it counts, it’s a little bit cautious. I dare not go wrong..."

"Like this task list..."

Han Bing picked up the pen and crossed out those four cents directly, and said, "Why don't we do it!"


Lu Xin's eyes straightened slightly: "I thought you wanted to make a whole for me..."

"Even if I cross it out here, there will be many points that will be transferred to your account in the end..."

Han Bing smiled and said, "We crossed it out now, mainly to give you an intuitive understanding of your own capital."

As he said, he began to explain in detail: "Whether it is investigating the mysterious scene of the resurrection of the dead, sniping the science and technology church disaster archbishop incident, etc., it can be divided into a whole s-level mission. In view of the difficulties and difficulties of this mission Dangerous, the Executive Office allocated 10 million yuan as a reward for this mission, and this 10 million yuan is only for Mr. Shan Bing and the doll."

"Alcoholic, gecko, goddess, Chen Jing and others will be planned separately."

"For this 10 million yuan remuneration, the task evaluation team, after reading the mission report of Mr. Single Soldier, thinks that Mr. Single Soldier is still undertaking most of the pressure of the task, so it is proposed to let you and the doll receive 40% of the reward. % And 60%..."

"Mr. Single Soldier accounts for 60%, what do you think?"

"If there is any objection, we can negotiate with Wawa, but we need to remind that her nanny team is very shrewd."

"They usually get back a lot of the reward the doll received."


"60%, that's six million..."

Lu Xin thought about it carefully, but agreed.

Mainly because I am embarrassed to argue with Wawa about this kind of thing...

It's a pity that Wawa has a group of loyal nanny squads to help her watch. Otherwise, she should be fine.

"Then No. 169-Euglena special pollution incident. This incident was classified as Grade C."

"The reward for the task is 200,000."

"In addition, because of the change from private family visits to official business trips in the Central City incident, you need to subsidize your carriage and horse expenses, as well as the 2 million reimbursement expenses for the purchase of confidential information from the Lunar Eclipse Institute Senior Talent Club submitted by Mr. Shan Bing himself..."

"Mr. Shan Bing asked the club mechanic about 200,000 people during the investigation of the death field incident in Happy Town..."

"70,000 hired seven lurkers to pass on information..."

"The mission of the companion doll accepted by Mr. Soldier, because the mission is still going on, so Mr. Soldier can now receive only the initial stage reward for this mission, which is rated as level b, so the initial stage mission reward is 800,000... "

"The reimbursement for ammunition totals 6,450 and so on..."


Counting down in one breath, Han Bing smiled to Lu Xin and said, "Is there anything missing?"

"No no…"

Lu Xin also let out a long sigh of relief, picked up the pen and said, "I just signed the name directly, so it's okay?"

"Yes it is."

Han Bing said with a smile, his voice slightly lowered: "Sometimes the audit department needs some invoices or receipts to report."

"But Mr. Shan Bing is about to be promoted to Qinggang's sixth-level talent. He is trustworthy, so I omitted it."


"The advantages of this sixth-level talent are also great..."

Lu Xin sighed.

Before going to the central city, he was only a special talent of level four.

Unexpectedly, after experiencing these major events, he skipped the fifth level and entered the sixth level.

Level 6 is good...

No receipts are required for level six reimbursement.

"In this case, the amount the financial department needs to transfer to Mr. Shan Bing this time is..."

"One thousand nine hundred and sixty two thousand six thousand one hundred and seventy-six yuan..."

"...Zero four cents!"


Han Bing checked the bill carefully and said with a smile: "Mr. Shan Bing has become very rich now."

"No no…"

Lu Xin was also a little dizzy when he was hit by this number. He couldn't help but waved his hand with a smile, and said, "No, no, it's not all mine. After all, I still have two million yuan for information. Give it back to Team Leader Chen Jing. The 35,000 hire money will be given to the lurkers. Oh, by the way, the one hundred thousand people who asked the mechanics to get the news were also from Team Leader Chen Jing’s Cali..."

While speaking, I suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Han Bing glanced at Lu Xin with a faint smile, and said, "It's okay, I just lost my mind, I didn't hear..."

"Furthermore, Mr. Shan Bing used his contacts to buy information materials that were originally worth 200,000 yuan. If this information is very important to our Qinggang mission, then I think the Qinggang headquarters is also very happy. Reimbursement..."



Lu Xin looked at Han Bing's eyes and was immediately full of gratitude.

What a considerate little girl, this smell is really right...

"Well, when the salary of Mr. Soldier's mission is calculated, there is a thrilling feeling."

Seeing that Lu Xin was satisfied, Han Bing followed with a sweet smile.

Pushing a bunch of documents aside, let Lu Xin sign it page by page, and then solemnly took a blue folder.

"The remuneration for these tasks is calculated clearly, and it is time to ask Mr. Lu Xin to prepare for this task."


She pushed the folder in front of Lu Xin, opened it gently, and Lu Xin saw a line of big characters in red font on it.

Task name: Experimental security work for the first phase of the Heavenly Kingdom Project

Task level: s level

Task description: During the first phase of the experiment in the Heavenly Project, UU Read www.uuká to ensure that the task is carried out smoothly without being interrupted by outsiders or other risk factors, or to protect the participants in the task and avoid participating in the experiment when the task fails. There were heavy casualties...

"S grade..."

Lu Xin looked at the information seriously, and frowned slightly: "I just want to be a security guard, can the mission reach S-level?"


Han Bing was startled, feeling that this task was a bit too grounded from Lu Xin's mouth.

After a moment of stunned, she smiled and said, "Mr. Shan Soldier, I need to remind you."

"Your security mission level is indeed s-level, but the pollution faced by the Kingdom Project experiment this time..."

"It should have reached the state-covered level..."

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