Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 495: I can't help but listen to what brother said

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The position of the doll at this time is about twenty to thirty meters high in the air.

The steel mast of the battleship is so high, at least forty meters high. Lu Xin's figure is very flexible. Following the mast, like a ghost under the red moon, he easily climbed to the top of the mast. , Standing on the crossbar.

Then he quietly looked into the distance with the vision brought by this height. . .

Surrounded by the black sea, in front of me was a huge red moon with almost a third of it immersed in the sea.

Lu Xin was accompanied by Hongyue and quietly looked around.

When Lu Xin climbed up the mast, the moment his eyes were cast, people approaching in all directions suddenly reacted.

Whether it’s the western shore, the woman with the crown of thorns walking slowly over the sea, the huge sea monster pushing the monstrous waves in the east, or the man in a hydra-head suit in the south who is approaching on a yacht. , Or something else, I'm all broken, I don't know how many there are, I can only feel the mysterious existence of the cold and cold atmosphere on them...

They raised their heads and looked forward.

Between each other is the huge dark and deep sea, and no one can look directly at each other.

But through the field constructed by the doll, they seem to have made careful contact on the spiritual level.

Through this field, Lu Xin looked at them quietly, and could feel their vigilance, caution, and temptation.

Then he whispered to himself: "I am a security guard..."

"...You are not allowed to come in here!"


When he said this, he suddenly stretched out his palm gently and stroked it on the field constructed by the doll.

At this moment, it seemed as if the strings were being moved.

An invisible force instantly blasted into the distance with the help of the power of the field.

When he lowered his head, Lu Xin could already see that his father, mother, and younger sister had disappeared.


It seems that someone has plucked a few times on the tight strings, making the kind of heavy and harsh noise. That kind of noise is a whole in itself, and it is being extended quickly by the strength of the field. Toward dozens of kilometers away.

During this process, Lu Xin felt very strange.

Except for my mother, few other family members are so far away from me, but at this time, they did it easily.

The most amazing thing is that they are far away from themselves, but in their feelings, they seem to be still by their side.


The power of the spiritual lord is really a wonderful thing.


On the yacht coming from the South China Sea, the hydra man in a suit was slightly startled.

He has entered the area of ​​the doll, but he didn't feel anything abnormal, and he didn't worry at all. First, he knew that the owner of this area was dealing with the power leaked by the creatures in the abyss, Gu Not on yourself.

And the other support abilities, without the blessing of field power, have not yet found themselves to the point.

He just stopped slightly because he felt some strange movements from this field.

But this time, before he could decide whether to move on, he suddenly raised his head, and his whole body was erected.

He saw that the field in front of him was trembling slightly, and there seemed to be some kind of power moving forward through the field.

The next moment, he suddenly heard the laughter of "Hehe".

Surrounded by gloomy waves, and the white belly of the fish, it seems to be able to swallow all the black tide.

There was only a bright red moon, above everyone's heads, quietly overlooking the sea.

But the clear laughter suddenly appeared in his ears, happy, excited, and a little bit naughty.

"Oh, you look so cute, I like you..."

"Come back with me and play with toys..."


In the kind of happy and gloomy laughter, the nine heads protruding from the man’s neck suddenly twisted at the same time, the snake's head spit out a bit of condolence, and they looked in nine different directions. Like a head cracked into nine petals.


In the direction behind him, a pair of small hands suddenly appeared out of thin air and grabbed his neck.

These little hands were pale and bleak, with a cold complexion that didn't look like a living person, and quietly stretched out behind him.

If he hadn't had two heads staring behind him, he would definitely not be able to find such a pair of small hands.

The Hydra male looked at the two eyes behind his back, staring at the small hands, and at the same time exuded a cold light.

Suddenly, the two heads stretched out with a snort, and they were wrapped around the two little hands, and stretched forward along her little arms. Shekou opened sharply and bit towards the owner of the two little hands. The action reacted quickly and quickly. Accurate, with the gloom of a cold-blooded creature.

But the next moment, the man in the Hydra suit paused slightly, as if he was taken aback.

The snake head wrapped his arms and bit it forward to attack the opponent's body, but he suddenly discovered that there was no body.

These two little hands are just two little hands.

A bite bit empty, but the little hands entangled by his two heads turned outwards and grasped his two necks accurately.

At the next moment, he stretched out his two heads in front, and saw a cute little face smiling at himself. In the laughter, the mouth full of sharp teeth even opened directly, opening his mouth to his nine. One of the heads bite over.

At the same time, his shoulders sank slightly, and his two thin legs were placed on his neck and tightened.

The man in the Hydra suit frowned suddenly.


His body suddenly became soft and boneless, and quickly slid outwards, drifting away from the place.

Nine necks, nine heads, staring forward at the same time.

Where he originally stood, pieces of twisted body appeared, quickly connected and restored, and turned into a well-behaved, cute girl with dark pupils and sharp teeth, holding a screaming chicken in one hand. It squeezed hard.


The sound was unusually harsh.

The body of the Hydra man stood vigilantly three or four meters away, with nine snake heads swaying frantically, vomiting condolence.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he would have been entangled by the other party at this time.

In two of his nine heads, two small handprints can be seen on his neck.

Eerie and weird, the skin became weird folds.

It seems that during the quick contact just now, these two skins have been twisted and destroyed by some kind of force.

Quietly looking at the weird and cold little girl in front of her, the man in the suit put both hands in the pockets of his pants.

He was tall and straight, with a snake head in the middle, but slowly lowered his head, as if smiling.

Her hazel eyes looked at the little girl, and she spit out human language: "What a lovely little sister..."

"It's so late now, and it's very unsafe at sea."

"Where is your sir, why don't you let them take you home quickly?"


"Da da da…"

The little girl screamed with a chicken in her mouth, her limbs crawling on the yacht quickly, her movements twisted and fast as ghosts.

"My brother asked me to come."

She seemed to be looking for the weakness of the man in the suit, and after a lap, she climbed on the roof of the yacht.

He smiled and said to the man in the suit: "Brother knows that I like toys, so let me come and take you back..."

Hydra in the suit fell silent for a while, shook his head slightly, and said, "Your brother shouldn't say that."

"That's it."

The little girl insisted, and then looked at the man's cool look, and the smile on his face became more exaggerated and distorted.

The dark pupils were already faintly shiny, and suddenly rushed up again: "Follow me..."

"Be my toy..."

"I can't help but listen to what my brother said, otherwise he will kill you..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha…"

Also at this time, the huge sea monster from the east moved in the deep sea.

Every inch of movement will set off a layer of waves tens of meters high.

Its huge body, moving on the sea, originally gave people an unstoppable sense of fear.

Just that strong and terrifying spiritual power will make all the surrounding creatures lose their instinct to resist.

But as it rushed forward in a hurry, a sneer suddenly sounded around him while the waves were rolling.

It was dry, empty, and full of laughter that despised the world.

This laughter caused the giant monster to suddenly stop moving forward, and six eyes opened at the same time, looking downwards.

The red moon is in the sky, in the dark sea, with the light of the red moon, it seems that a certain vague shadow can be reflected.

The shadow was so huge that it seemed to fill the entire sea.

This seemed to be the shadow of the giant monster himself, but the next moment, the giant monster suddenly became alert.

Because it saw the shadow smiling at itself.

Also at this time, in the northern waters, a series of paw prints were left on the sea, and they rushed forward.

It was a vicious dog that was looming under the red moon. There was no skin on its body. There were **** muscle tissue everywhere. The teeth were sharp, and wherever the four claws stepped on, there was a trace of blood that penetrated into the sea, leaving behind. A bunch of bright red marks were left.

It wandered quickly in the sea, like a looming demon.

Some spiritual powers are torn apart by it, and more are scared away by it.

It wandered loyally in this sea area, as if patrolling the territory for its owner, scanning the surroundings with greedy and fierce eyes.

At the end, its eyes without eyelids were raised like dead fish, and it stared straight ahead.

There, on a black reef, the lurker wearing a black top hat looked at it with an expression of tugging.


The skinless puppy swelled up to a height of three or four meters, and the body without skin covering it, blood oozing out continuously.

It dropped to the ground, looking like a series of blood-red flowers. UU reading

He rushed straight to the lurker on the reef, opened the mouth of the blood basin with sharp fangs interlaced, and bit down fiercely.


The lurker suddenly jumped up high, turned a somersault, and kicked it back into the sea.

At the same moment, Queen Grace, who had walked from the direction of the western coastline, slowly stopped.

The black water around him, as if being sifted by someone, kept splashing with huge waves.

In the waves, an elegant woman, wearing a white top hat and a small bag, waited there quietly.

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