Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 497: Our little princess in Qinggang

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The chaos that was so dense that it made people panic, appeared dull and slow, but ended very simply and neatly.

Standing in the direction of the western coastline and looking forward, you can see the air ripples rolling up a little bit, moving closer to the middle, and you can feel the violent trembling sound suddenly exploding from the middle, and then all this noisy, quickly Restore calm.

There are only countless eyes invisible, but the number of shadows is extremely terrifying, and they flee like a school of frightened fish. . .

When all this happened, my mother never looked back.

She just quietly looked at the woman in a luxurious black dress and a crown of thorns.

The woman seemed very moved, but after thinking about it for a long time, she still didn't try to break through.

Instead, a sweet smile appeared on his face, his indifferent and arrogant expression faded instantly, and he smiled softly:

"Sister, it's been a long time..."


The smile on mother's face also became sweeter and sincere.

Smiled and said, "Didn't you just see it a few days ago?"

"How can you say it's me?"

The woman in the black dress showed a disgusting expression on her face, and said, "That's not even a servant."

"Because the Black Queen is too arrogant, even she doesn't look down on it, right?"

Mother seemed to understand her very well, nodded gently, and smiled and said: "There is only one black queen, so those who split from her are no longer the real black queen, but some are not even servants, they are inferior and mean. s things?"

"I actually didn't quite understand it. This is because you hate what falls from your body..."

"Or, your essence, in fact, has always hated yourself?"


The woman in the black dress, or the black queen, her face tightened for a moment.

But this shadow-like expression quickly dissipated under the red moon.

"What's the point of saying this?"

With a smile on her face, she cast her gaze behind her mother, and said softly: "This scene has appeared."

"It's just a pity, I can't watch it up close."


Mother smiled and said, "Who makes you disdain to hide yourself?"

"If it weren't for knowing that you are coming too, maybe I really won't come to see this."


The Black Queen did not take the words handed over by her mother, her eyes rolled slightly, and she smiled: "What does this mean?"

"Is he awake?"


Mother looked back at her with a smile, and said, "You seem to care about his state?"

"Sister, it's not good for you to say that."

The Black Queen smiled and said: "We all know that his attitude is very important."

"You should know how bold the experiments these little guys are doing, and how big a shock it will cause in it, of course, many people will be attracted to it, so when these were originally attracted by this experiment People, don’t need to tell me how surprised I am when I see that child? Are you deliberately letting him be seen?"

"In that case..."

She paused slightly, continued to smile, and said, "His attitude is of course very important."

"Have you not seen it yet?"

Mother didn't refute her, but smiled and said:

"He doesn't actually intend to show his attitude, he just wants you to stay away."

"Of course, you can also understand this reaction as, this is the attitude he wants to express."


The Black Queen's smile grew thicker, she no longer looked behind her mother, but fell on her mother's face, watching carefully.

Her expression has always been the kind of pride and a high-level examination, but I don't know if it is an illusion. In the depths of this examination, it seems that occasionally a small wave will churn up. It seems to be an illusion. Kind of...jealous?

"My sister is really a clever person. She had such a huge plan so long ago..."

She still smiled first and said: "But there is not only one such child, and I just found one soon too..."

"In addition, I need to remind my sister, don't bet too much on such a child..."

Her gorgeous black skirt trembles gently, and strands of invisible silk threads are scattered on the surrounding sea.

On this seabed, the fish lightly pressed against the ground because of fear, suddenly became weird when they were infected with these threads. They were obviously just fish, but it seemed that there was a proud look in their eyes, indifferent and noble. 'S looked at each other.

A look of disgust appeared in the fish's eyes.

Through the sea, the Black Queen looked at the fish on the bottom of the sea in disgust, and whispered her reminder:

"I hate these things that fall from me..."

"That person, maybe he will also hate these things that fall from him..."


The smiling expression on mother's face did not change, but there was indeed a faint cold flashing under her eyes.

The Black Queen suddenly chuckled, turned around lightly, and flew away quickly under the red moon.


When the surrounding chaos and noise, as well as some mysterious creatures peeping here, were startled, Wawa was also slightly surprised. She was in a great psychological burden. She was a little hesitant and a little confused, and she was a little uncomfortable. Suddenly quiet.

After being taken aback, she turned her head to look at Lu Xin.

Then what she saw was Lu Xin who was sitting down on the mast, smiling at her.

Nodding lightly seems to be encouraging.

The doll was a little confused at first, and then filled with surprises.

Nodded vigorously, and turned around again.

She looked seriously at the huge mermaid in the sky, as well as the desperate and painful residents of the sea country on the deck.

Let go of the umbrella hand and let the umbrella float in the air.

Free up two small hands, put them together, and gently pulled them apart.

It seems to be tearing open an invisible piece of paper.


Over the entire experimental base, the spiritual power that was normally inseparable from chaos suddenly made a sound of being torn apart. Numerous spiritual threads were instantly torn off. Numerous men from sea nations screamed loudly and suddenly. faint.

It was because the dolls were unfamiliar and lacking self-confidence, so they could not separate the influence of the mermaid on them.

The doll is still unfamiliar now, but she has the courage to try.

As a result, she really revealed her courageous side, and slowly, forcibly tore off those threads.


At the moment when this effect was separated, the huge rotten mermaid suddenly stiffened in the air, as if someone had pressed the pause button. The huge body was floating in the air, and the fish's tail swayed towards the sky with painful eyes. Inside, instantly empty.

At such a moment, it seems to be unwilling, wanting to induce some changes in the surroundings, but no matter how it calls, it has never received a response from its own resonance. On the surface, it seems that it has not tried to do anything at all. Any struggle, the doll completely disconnected it from the residents of the sea country, but in fact, it made the strongest resistance of its own.

It just has no effect.

The next moment, its huge body was suddenly torn into several parts, like a huge puzzle floating in the air.

Then the puzzle was torn into smaller parts again, and spread out bit by bit.

In the experimental base, Lu Xin felt the calm around him.

It's not just that the huge rotten mermaid was completely torn apart by the doll, and it became the most primitive spiritual power, and then it was given to the people of these sea nations, the countless coveted gazes around, the restlessness in the shadows, the same Also quickly subsided.

Layers of waves set off slowly, and the sea surface was as flat as a black mirror.

The position of the red moon seemed to be a little higher from the sea, and a little farther away from this world.

Wawa silently felt the easing of the spiritual power around her, and it took a long time before she opened her eyes in surprise.

Turning his head violently, his eyes intertwined with Lu Xin who was sitting on the mast.

The two people faced each other with happy smiles.


In the command room, everyone opened their mouths in surprise as they watched the rapidly lowering display data.

The heart seemed to jump to a high place, and then stopped falling.

It made them feel like they couldn't breathe in the end.

I don’t know how long it took before someone suddenly yelled and jumped up: "Successful? Successful? We succeeded!"

After all, this kind of excitement seemed to be the strongest pollution in the world, and it suddenly spread to the entire command room.

All the staff members are usually sullen and calm people who are not good at expressing their emotions, but at this time they all jumped up, clapped hard, hugged, and there was even one who was not afraid of being punished. The file is in the air...

Excitement and joy flooded the entire command center.

"Lao Bai, Lao Bai, we actually succeeded, it's so simple..."

Even Professor Chen Liqing took off his helmet, yelled loudly, and yelled to Professor Bai.

But after shouting, he was slightly startled, because Professor Bai did not follow the carnival.

He had taken off his helmet a long time ago, so he observed more carefully than others. At this time, he did not look at the sophisticated electronic instruments, but tilted his body slightly and looked at the oblique front deck through the surrounding tempered glass. Two people on the board.

The doll's body was slowly falling as the spiritual power subsided.

The heavy skirt floats gently in the sea breeze, and in front of countless residents of the sea countries kneeling on the ground.

Like a queen who accepts worship. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

But Professor Bai did not look at the doll, but at a higher place.

Lu Xin was sitting on the mast looking at the doll, swinging his legs gently.

His face is kind, calm, and there is no slight ambition smile, which makes people feel comfortable from the inside.

"After this experiment, perhaps the whole world will know that we have an extra queen in Qinggang."

After a long time, Professor Bai spoke softly, and then shook his head slowly and heavily: "But it's not like that."

"The one we have is just a little princess."

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