Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 505: The best way to heal yourself

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Perhaps, some of the problems that can't be talked with others, and are wrong at the first chat, but in front of the family, you can speak up very well.

After figuring out this question, Lu Xin's eyes became more stable.

Riding his motorcycle, all the way to the vegetable market. Because he had a premonition that this family meeting would be a more important meeting, he also attached great importance to it in his heart. Of course you have to buy some good things to treat your family well.

What is a good thing?

Lu Xin bought a bottle of wine, 20 yuan, 53 degrees, the label has not been stained.

Father likes this best.

Then, I went around in the vegetable market, and finally, I bought a piece of cake in the cake shop opposite the market.

Mom likes this the most.

As for the younger sister...

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Xin finally bought a box of high-end chocolates in a nearby store.

Price: seven yuan eight.

Lu Xin decided to take out a small piece first, and then give it to her little by little. After all, eating too much of this food is not good for her teeth.

In addition to these, he bought a lot of vegetables. During the process of buying vegetables and bargaining, he became more and more calm and even a little joyful. Until the last time, he carried a big bag and drove along. Motorcycle, returned to his home.

He put on his apron and walked into the kitchen. Under his father's watch, he cried for a while, and brought out one by one.

It's strange that I rarely cook, but his craftsmanship is so good.

Turning on the lights and setting the tableware, Lu Xin sat quietly at the dining table, waiting for the family members quietly.

This time, the family seemed to have noticed Lu Xin's importance, and they were not long-winded.

My sister quickly climbed out of the ceiling compartment and ran to the table to sit down. Mom pushed in at the right time. While talking and laughing, she changed her shoes and sat comfortably across from Lu Xin. , Seems very satisfied with the dishes on this table.

The father walked to the dining table last, and sat down heavily, but he was very careful, and there was no sound from pulling the chair.

Even the skinless puppy slipped out from nowhere and lay under the table, watching carefully.

"It's been a long time since we talked together, I don't think I can avoid problems all the time..."

Lu Xin sat at the dining table and was the first one to pick up a bowl to eat. The family next to him looked at him silently.

The room seemed very quiet.

Both mother and father watched Lu Xin silently, without speaking.

My sister didn't turn on that **** SpongeBob Squarepants...

The skinless puppy squatted at Lu Xin's feet and tried to wag his tail several times, but he didn't dare to move.

"I do seem to have some problems..."

Lu Xin ate slowly. In the entire room, there was only the monotonous sound of his chopsticks touching the plate when he was picking up dishes:

"I remembered a lot of things, and I am sure that my memory is very reliable..."

"But I don't know why. When I think back to those images, I often feel like looking at the problem from the third perspective..."

"Sometimes I feel that I am no longer myself. I know how to do the right thing, but I don't want to do that. Sometimes, I have already done some things, only to realize that they shouldn't be done. , But I don’t want to regret it afterwards."

"I like the world now, and I also like the life now, but there are still times when it's still..."

He paused and said his answer:

"Feeling disgusted."

"So, I really am a very problematic person?"


He stopped his chopsticks and looked at the surrounding family sincerely with a suspicious look.


The younger sister was short, with only a small head exposed on the table, welcoming Lu Xin’s sincere and emotional eyes. She didn’t know what to say. Holding the chocolate in both hands, she gave a crisp bite and chewed slowly. Look at Lu Xin with weird eyes.

His father's face was also very strange, his expression changed a few times, as if he wanted to sneer and ridicule.

But in the end it just poured a glass of wine and drank in silence.

The skinless puppy raised his head, looked around, and slowly lay down on the ground, covering his eyes with two paws.

The atmosphere in the whole room is a bit subtle, all the atmosphere seems to be combined into one sentence:

Did you know?

"Everyone has more or less problems..."

Only mother, with a smile on her face, whispered: "It's just that we are not used to telling others. When you grow up, you will see more things and think more about the world, and you will have some cognitive The change itself is also normal."

"Yes it is."

Lu Xin nodded sincerely, "I think the same is true."

I looked at my family, my sister who loves to climb walls, mother who loves reason, father who loses his temper...

Yes, everyone has more or less problems.

I have never forsaken my family members who have problems, and my family members are really tolerant of myself.

After his mood eased slightly, he picked up his meal and said seriously:

"But after serious consideration, I decided to cure myself."


At the dining table, the family's face was even more weird.

The younger sister quietly looked at her father for the first time, and the father also shook his head slightly to her in a panic.

The expressions of the two of them seemed a little helpless, as if they were saying:

as long as you are happy…

Only mother, still patient and gentle, smiled softly and said, "Then how are you going to heal yourself?"

Lu Xin carried the bowl and ate slowly.

It seemed that it was through this kind of action that I kept thinking, and after a while, I slowly said, "I don't know."

While speaking, she looked at her mother quietly and said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"This question is complicated..."

In the dim light, my mother slowly showed a delicate smile, and said, "There are many different explanations for the concept of curing. Some pollution is just a shallow pollution. After erasing it, it returns to the real world. Affected by pollution."

"For some pollution, you should pay close attention to it, and you need to hurt your muscles and bones to cure."

"But real pollution cannot be completely removed. As long as there is pollution, it will inevitably leave corresponding traces..."

"You can even understand that pollution is already everywhere in this world..."

"It's like reading a book alone, or not reading, you will become two different selves."

"You can also understand that reading is a kind of pollution, and it is a kind of pollution at the cognitive level. Because reading has improved your ability to recognize, it is no longer the same as before. This is equivalent to that pollution has changed yourself forever. …"


Having said so much in one breath, she only paused slightly, looking at Lu Xin with a gentle and patient look, and whispered:

"So if you want to heal yourself, the most important thing is to understand yourself first..."

"If you think you have a problem, then understand what caused you to go wrong, understand it, and master it..."

"When you have completely mastered this power, of course you will heal yourself..."



The father and sister were obviously a little surprised, as if they didn't expect their mother to talk about it.

Their eyes shimmered, and they glanced at Lu Xin subconsciously, looking forward to Lu Xin's reaction.

"It makes sense, you really need to understand yourself..."

Lu Xin thought about her mother's words seriously, slowly planed the meal, and suddenly smiled, "But there seems to be another way."


Mom looked at him curiously.

"Mental pollution is essentially the spread of a mental illness."

"It is a certain trait that affects my own spirit, causing problems with my mental state."

Lu Xin thought seriously, and said, "It's like this time in the Heavenly Kingdom Project experiment. The baby completely cleans out the pollution characteristics of those people in the sea country from their bodies, so that they can restore their original state. status…"

"So, if I also clean up all the pollution characteristics I have suffered..."


Listening to Lu Xin's words, the younger sister and father raised their heads at the same time, their eyes even a little horrified, staring at Lu Xin firmly.

The skinless puppy under the table also pricked up its ears, eyes staring like brass bells.

Mother didn't speak any more, just watched him quietly.

"So I decided..."

Lu Xin also closed his mouth suddenly, as if he was seriously considering something.

After a few seconds, he spoke in a groan, and slowly raised his head, his eyes looked very firm.

When he was about to say this answer, his sister, father, mother, and even the skinless puppy pricked their ears.

In this empty old building, there seemed to be some unknown creatures, listening carefully.

Faced with the nervousness of his family, Lu Xin suddenly laughed and said, "I decided to work harder to face life seriously."

younger sister:"…"



Lu Xin met the eyes of the family and explained with a smile: "After all, I have been working in the Special Pollution Cleaning Department for so long. Some basic common sense is still known. People who have been contaminated will be cured of the pollution. Next, more or less, there will be some emotional problems, or depression, or sensory disorders, or hearing and vision hallucinations with many sequelae..."

"This is a problem that even capable people can't solve, because their own spirit can no longer be balanced."

"The cure is also very simple..."

"Our training courses are clearly explained."

"As long as we face life positively and optimistically, all difficulties will be solved."

He smiled and said: "So as long as I maintain a good schedule, a good life schedule, a positive and healthy attitude, a diligent and responsible work attitude, and face the world with a smile, then no matter what mental problems, I will be slow. Heal slowly, right?"


The faces of the family members were obviously confused and a little weird.

He seemed to want to subconsciously put a smile on his face, but how awkward the smile looks...

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, which seemed extremely harsh in this empty room.

The ringtone came from Lu Xin's black bag, and it was his satellite phone ringing.

The family looked at each other, the younger sister suddenly jumped up and shouted, "I'll answer the phone for my brother..."

After speaking, he quickly climbed to the side of Lu Xin's black bag, dialed the phone, and pressed the answer button hard.

"Is Mr. Soldier here?"

Han Bing's voice came from the phone. In this room, the volume seemed very loud.

The family members were silent, eyes intertwined.

After a while, Lu Xin smiled and said, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

Han Bing seemed to be stunned for a moment before he replied somewhat unnaturally: "There may be something that requires you to come to the Special Purpose Department tomorrow."

Lu Xin nodded and said, "Okay, what time?"

"nine in the morning…"

Han Bing replied, and then, she seemed to be hesitating, and asked carefully: "Mr. Single Soldier, are you okay?"

Lu Xin was taken aback, and smiled: "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

After a while, Han Bing replied carefully, "It's so quiet on your side now, what are you doing?"

"be quiet?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised, and smiled: "You got it wrong, we are having a family meeting, which is obviously very lively..."


Han Bing fell silent for a while, and then smiled: "Okay, I won't disturb you..."


She paused, then continued: "Say hello to my family..."


"She is really a sensible little girl..."

Lu Xin motioned to his sister to hang up, UU read shook his head and smiled, then calmly looked at the surrounding family members.

It seems that some do not understand the family's reaction: "Why are your expressions so strange, did I just say it wrong?"

"Said it right…"

The mother reacted first and applauded gently.

Then the sister and father also sighed clearly, and then showed a happy smile.

The skinless puppies under the table whimpered.

The family atmosphere suddenly became enthusiastic, and the family members cast their trust and supportive eyes on Lu Xin one after another.

"We will support you..."

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