Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 513: Weird council

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When Lu Xin and his party checked into the hotel, the main city of Kuronuma, in front of the administrative office building.

Two black cars drove one after another along the cleared streets in the distance, and stopped in front of the building.

On the high steps, a woman in a black professional suit immediately trot down to greet her. Behind her, the armed guards in charge of vigilance held various weapons in their arms, including submachine guns and standard weapons, and at the same time they cheered up.

Each held the gun tightly and stood on both sides like a javelin.

Someone quickly stepped forward and opened the door as soon as the car stopped. Four people walked down in the black car one by one.

In the first car, walked down a young man with dyed yellow hair, wearing fat sportswear, and a gold chain with thick fingers around his neck. A young man who looked young but wore heavy makeup. Young girl with studs.

They appeared under two rows of armed soldiers, seeming a little out of place.

But their expressions were very relaxed, their eyes swept across the soldiers on both sides, and they laughed "chicks".

It seems that these soldiers' decent appearance is very funny.

In the second car, walked down a man wearing a black windbreaker with braids. He looked about 30 or 40 years old, with mature temperament, tough features, wearing a straight windbreaker, and a pair of shiny black feet on his feet. Leather shoes are expensive.

The co-pilot got up and down, and it was a man with a greasy face, with a bag on his shoulder.

"Welcome the experts from Long Lake City to come and support..."

The woman who had been greeted from above the executive hall before saw them, spoke respectfully, and stretched out her hand far away.

"I am Shen Yi, Secretary-General of the General Administration Office of Kuronuma City. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

She wears light makeup on her face, with a standard professional smile, and her voice is very clear.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at her outstretched hand, the head of the hip-hop young man and the girl with heavy makeup, just grinning, it seems that this way of greeting is very old-fashioned, and this woman is polite in front of them. The look is also funny.

The middle-aged man with a ponytail didn't even look at her, but looked up at the executive office.

"Oh, Secretary Shen, hello, hello..."

The man with the oily head and pink face and carrying a bag hurriedly greeted her and shook hands with her. He smiled and said, "As soon as we received a request for help from Black Swamp City, we rushed over immediately. I'll introduce you. This is our Great Lake City Special Qing The captain of the executive department of the Ministry, you can call him Black Jack, we are all people who follow Captain Jack, you can call me the old king, there are squares and hearts."

"Long admired the name."

The secretary general of the Kuronuma City Administrative Office stretched out his hand to the man with a ponytail, with a polite smile on his face.

But the man with the ponytail still didn't shake hands with her. He just lifted up the steps and walked up the steps. The secretary-general's hands were left in the air, but he did not leave any dissatisfaction on his face. Lulu retracted his hand, and then leaned slightly to him. .

"Excuse me this time..."


The expert team from Long Lake City walked straight into the Black Marsh City Administration Hall, passed through the heavily guarded hall, and then took the elevator to the fourteenth floor of the Administration Hall building, and entered a meeting room guarded by guards. The light was so bright that it was a bit dazzling, and people's eyes squinted. After getting used to it, they realized that the meeting room was full of people.

The meeting room is very large, all the lights are turned on, and it looks unusually bright.

In the middle is a long long conference table. On the opposite side of the long table, there are people with serious faces sitting. Some are wearing suits whose sweat has turned their white collars into yellowish brown. Some are wearing military uniforms and constantly wipe with handkerchiefs. Sweating, some people looked up nervously.

"Please sit down."

Secretary-General Shen asked them to sit down on the chairs in the conference room. He stood beside him like a service staff, put his hands in front of his lower abdomen, owed them, and said: "This is what happened in Black Swamp City. No one wants to see the matter. Long Lake City is willing to help and send experts to help us solve the problem. Black Marsh City is deeply grateful for this."

Whether it was the Captain Black Jack or the two teammates of Fang Pian and Hearts, they just smiled and didn't answer him.

The Captain Black Jack has always been expressionless, with a temperament that no one can get close to.

The two young men, Fang Pian and Heart, seemed to have a slightly mocking expression on their faces no matter what they saw.

Old K was completely opposite to them. He hurriedly responded with a smile: "Secretary-General Shen is too polite. Faced with the threat of special pollution, we should have helped each other and abandon prejudices. You can get through the difficulties better."

After speaking, he turned his head to look across the conference table and smiled, "Are all the people in the Black Marsh City Administrative Office here?"

Secretary-General Shen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this is Mr. Zhou, Chief Executive of Kuronuma City, and this is Minister of Urban Defense..."

She introduced them one by one, talking about their identities in great detail.

When she was introduced, they all laughed, nodded to the people in Long Lake City, and seemed to be more nervous at the same time.

"Oh, good leaders, see you are nervous, we are late..."

Whether it's Black Jack, squares and hearts, it seems that they are not interested in these people, and their expressions are lazy.

On the contrary, old K, smiling all over his face, greeted these people one by one, and then said:

"We have already read the information about the pollution problems that Heimong City is facing now, and I would like to ask the leaders to rest assured that our team leader has very rich experience in dealing with special pollution. Most of the special pollution that erupted in Long Lake City. He solved it, and not long ago, around Long Lake City, the strange creature in the S-rank restricted area was killed by his own hands."

"Since I have had the experience of solving the strange creatures in the S-rank forbidden area, then the problem of Black Marsh City must be no problem."



The Secretary-General Shen bowed gently towards the ponytail man, with a respectful smile: "I'm going to trouble you."

Across the long table of the meeting, a group of officials from the General Administration Office also nodded, with a sly smile on their faces.

The ponytail man looked at the meeting room expressionlessly, turning a deaf ear to what she said.

Old K smiled and said: "The Secretary-General is too polite. This is what we should do."

Having said this, he paused slightly, raised his head again, and said with a smile: "It's just that we are ordered to come and support, to help Kuronuma City solve the problem, then, Kuronuma City, do you also need to take it? Is it appropriate to come with a certain degree of sincerity?"

The female secretary-general Shen Yue wearing a professional suit said with a respectful smile, "What is your sincerity?"

"Of course it is the friendly and mutual assistance agreement between Long Lake City and Black Marsh City."

Old K smiled and said: "We, Changhu, have shown goodwill to Black Marsh City many times before, haven't we?"

"Of course, we don’t understand the specific terms. We need officials from both sides of the High Wall City to talk about it. As a special support team, we are only responsible for investigating and solving the special pollution problems you encountered. We have opinions on Changhu’s proposal, and that’s okay. The two sides have discussed it. What we are concerned about now is only the attitude of Black Marsh City."

The secretary-general of Kuronuma City, with a constant smile on his face, said: "I'm sorry, I can't be the master of this..."

"Can't be the Lord?"

The smile on Old K's face disappeared a bit, and he smiled and looked at the conference long table: "What about them?"

The secretary general's smile is still an abnormal standard, and said: "They can't..."

Hearing what she said, K suddenly laughed, turned his head to look at the square and the hearts, and spread his hands.

Black Jack was expressionless and nodded slightly.

Old K smiled and looked at the Secretary-General Shen, and said:

"Then I'm very curious, if they can't, then who of you Black Marsh City can be the master now?"


The smile on Secretary-General Shen's face remained unchanged, even the curvature of the corners of his mouth did not change in any way, and he chuckled softly:

"Did you only see them in this room?"


While speaking, she took out a small button from her pocket lightly and tapped it lightly.

While she was doing this movement, Black Jack and others all glanced at her movement faintly.

But she just pressed the remote control, and with a beep, the light suddenly dimmed in this conference room.

At the same time, there was the sound of the curtains hanging down. The black curtains hanging on the left and right sides of the wall suddenly fell down gently, and a small breeze was rolled up. Behind the curtain, there was a pair of dim light, which was dim. The environment rang.

Behind the conference table, the heads and ministers in the General Administration Office suddenly became extremely frightened.

The sweat on his forehead was even more pouring out of water.

Some people were so nervous that their bodies became limp and almost slipped to the ground.

Behind the curtain of the surrounding walls, there are white walls, and above the white walls, there are huge faces.

Each face is two or three meters high, and the expression is wooden, inlaid on the wall, it looks like a pale white relief, the expression sculpture is lifelike, some look like sleeping, some look sober Some of them looked like crazy, because the surrounding lights became dim, so they became pale and weird. In the pure white pupils, there seemed to be real eyes cast over them.


At the moment these faces appeared, Fang Pian and Hearts stood up at the same time, stood back to back, staring at both sides Old K also cast his eyes down and put his hands in his pockets.

The black ponytailed man codenamed Black Jack slowly raised his head, his expressionless face showed a faint smile, and he whispered softly: "From the time I couldn't find the contact person, I suspected The pollution in Black Marsh City is more serious than expected."

"But I still didn't expect that your capable people in Black Marsh City would be useless than I thought..."

"In just a few days, the entire city's administrative agencies were manipulated by these weirdness..."


His voice became lower and lower, and at the end it was almost inaudible: "However, this is actually quite good..."

When a word was almost completely inaudible, he suddenly stood up.

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