Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 515: Unknown tremor

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The death of this woman in the corridor made Lu Xin feel a sense of panic...

...If you realize the fragility of life, it is considered a panic.

A person, who died silently after a silent dance, always has a sad and beautiful feeling.

Lu Xin still remembers that Chen Jing said to herself that the most important task for this time is to protect his teammates. Therefore, he certainly can’t rest assured that the only incompetent Han Bing in this group of people, even if Han Bing said that she herself I also made preparations in advance, but under this weird and terrifying pollution, Lu Xin still feels that it is better to keep Han Bing closer to him...

However, after speaking, he suddenly realized that Gecko, Red Snake, and Han Bing all looked at him in surprise.

Especially for geckos, their eyes are about to fall out.

"Is there anything wrong?"

He was taken aback, and looked at them with a little puzzled.


Gecko immediately shook his head and said, "Even if you let me go to sleep in your room!"


Both Han Bing and Red Snake glanced at the gecko.

Lu Xin also reacted at once. Just now he was a little depressed, but he forgot about this incident and hurriedly said: "The pollution here is terrible, so we should stay closer. It's really something and it's convenient. Take care of each other."

When the others heard this, they nodded slightly.

Gecko also nodded and said, "Yes, but why not let Team Leader Han Bing live in the same room with Sister Red Snake?"

Lu Xin glanced at the gecko in surprise, and patiently explained: "If there is some kind of pollution, people with the ability below the third stage may be able to resist such pollution on their own, but they may not be able to help other ordinary people resist... …"



The three people present were all startled slightly when they heard it.

The gecko murmured: "The captain was really to provide protection..."

Red Snake was slightly surprised. It seemed that he had keenly caught the keyword "below three stages" in Lu Xin's mouth.

The look in Lu Xin's eyes suddenly became a little curious.

"Thank you Mr. Shan Bing."

Han Bing was the first to react, and nodded calmly, and said, "It's okay to do it urgently."

Lu Xin nodded lightly, turned and continued to walk forward.

I really became more and more satisfied with Han Bing.

The distinction is clear and not verbose, which makes things a lot easier.

But he really has a clear conscience.

Maybe it’s not good to live alone in the same room, but he believes in his own character.

You stayed in the same room with the doll so many times and passed safely. Can't you let others rest assured?

In addition, Han Bing should be a serious person, right?

...It's not that it doesn't matter, if you have family to take care of, you will definitely not be at a loss!

But the gecko listened to the side, his expression suddenly became very exciting, his eyes turned quickly, and he walked forward while pondering. When he was finally about to walk into Red Snake’s room, he took a deep breath. Turning his head so suddenly...

"That one……"

Unexpectedly, Red Snake spoke first, and looked at Gecko embarrassedly: "Vice Captain Gecko, the Captain makes sense."

"So, would you like to live in my room?"


"Ah this..."

The gecko felt like he had won the lottery. His excited body shuddered, and he trembled: "Can you?"


Red Snake embarrassedly stuffed the room card into Gecko's hand, and then took his room card away. .

"I live in your room, so that you can be closer to the captain, and if you encounter something, you can ask the captain for help in time..."


The gecko was completely stunned on the spot, still wanting to talk, his expression gradually tangled and resentful...

Why do you just change rooms when you get to yourself?

Isn't the deputy captain counted as the captain?

Lu Xin and Han Bing entered the room one after another, while Red Snake lived in the room next to them. The gecko waited in the hallway, watching them enter the room separately, and then silently walked into the room four or five separated from the team. Room room. Lu Xin looked at it and found that Kuronuma City is indeed a well-developed commercial city. The hotel rooms are very clean and the space is spacious.

However, this room should have not been cleaned for several days, although it is tidy, it has an old look.

He glanced silently, then came to the sofa, threw his bag on the sofa, and sat down silently.

"Mr. Soldier, let's take a break and change our clothes, and then I will consider our plan in detail."

"what do you think?"


Han Bing also put down his suitcase, wanted to open it, but hesitated to stop.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he asked Lu Xin softly.


Lu Xin nodded.

He still didn't quite understand where Han Bing's worries came from.

But he did approve that Han Bing is now choosing a cautious approach, because he also vaguely felt that there were some problems in his heart.

The way of judgment between him and Han Bing is obviously different. One comes from professional training and rational analysis, while he comes from intuition.

However, the result is the same.


Han Bing nodded, glanced at Lu Xin again, and hesitated: "Are you really going to sleep on the sofa?"

"Of course."

Lu Xin was actually a little nervous. Although he felt that he was doing the right thing, he was a little embarrassed inexplicably.

Han Bing also seemed to be a little nervous, and said with a smile: "You are the captain and have the greatest responsibility. You need a good rest. Would you like to sleep in bed?"

As he said, his face blushed, and he added: "I'm short, so it's better to sleep on the sofa."

"it does not matter."

Lu Xin glanced at her and said with a smile: "I haven't been resting very well outside, and it doesn't matter where I sleep."


Han Bing agreed, and sat on the side of the bed silently for a while.

Then she opened her box and took out the pajamas with a little strawberry pattern from it, the underwear neatly packed in sealed plastic bags, and the facial masks, cosmetics, and washes packed in delicate small boxes. Hair lotion, conditioner, shower gel, special small bottle of perfume, manicure knife, etc., in addition to changing clothes, and folding clothes hangers and other items.

But after taking it out, he quietly raised his head and glanced at Lu Xin, a bit shy and covered it with a quilt.

Lu Xin sat on the sofa, sitting tightly, looking straight out of the window wrapped in neon clothes.

He also felt the awkwardness of the atmosphere, and could only use this method of keeping his eyes open to reduce Han Bing's pressure.

Han Bing sat quietly for a while and whispered: "Mr. Soldier, after walking on the road for a few days, everyone feels tired!"

Lu Xin: "Yeah."

Han Bing said, "You will feel more comfortable if you take a bath and change your clothes."

Lu Xin nodded: "Yes."

The journey in the wilderness is not so easy, the most important thing is that there is no way to take a bath and change clothes.

First, the schedule is urgent and there is no time to wash.

Furthermore, walking in the wilderness, even if they encounter a wild lake or river, they dare not venture into the water.

Therefore, after a journey, the first thing travellers usually take a bath and change clothes after finally entering the high wall.

Han Bing is indeed careful, and he has taken this into consideration...

Just as Lu Xin was thinking about it, Han Bing said embarrassedly, "I want to... take a bath first."


Lu Xin nodded and said generously: "You can wash it first."

Han Bing thought about everything, and of course he had to be sensible. How could a big man grab the bathroom with a little girl?

However, after he agreed, he suddenly reacted.

What seems to be wrong?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly stood up again, and said embarrassedly: "You are here to wash, I will go to the gecko's room."

Han Bing's face was red to the root of his ears, and he waved his hands again and again, saying, "No, no, I'll go to Miss Red Snake's room."

"She may already be washing it now, and your girls take a slow bath."

Lu Xin smiled and said, "I'll go to the gecko's room. We men will take a shower and change clothes sooner."

He said that he had to carry his bag and prepare to leave, but he stopped again, thought about it, hesitated, and said: "However, when you come to this city, you really need to pay attention to it. Even if it is such a little separation time, it may be There is danger..."

After pondering for a while, he calmly said to Han Bing: "Well, I'll wait outside. After you wash it, you can knock on the door."

"After you knock on the door, I will go to the gecko again."



Han Bing suddenly blushed a lot, and he was very embarrassed. He didn't seem to expect Lu Xin to be so considerate.

She was actually embarrassed to agree, after all, Lu Xin was a captain anyway.

However, Lu Xin seemed to take it for granted, and he had already gone out carrying the bag.

The door closed gently, and Lu Xin guarded it outside.

Han Bing sat on the head of the bed, feeling his face flushed to the base of his ears, and a strange feeling in his heart.

After a long silence, she was cruel, picked up the toiletries and cosmetics, and quickly walked into the bathroom.



Standing in the corridor of the hotel, Lu Xin also smoked a cigarette silently.

In fact, it is indeed somewhat inconvenient now. I live in the same room with Han Bing, so I am embarrassed to smoke.

This is also the trouble with bringing ordinary people out to perform tasks. Of course, in the original plan, there was no such problem. Han Bing’s responsibility was originally to connect with the people in Black Marsh City after coming to Black Marsh City , And then under the protection of Black Marsh City, she will provide information support for her actions, but the problem is that they can't contact Black Marsh City for the time being.

In this way, in fact, the one who lacks the most protection is Han Bing.

After silently guarding for about ten minutes, there was a soft knock on the door, and Lu Xin suddenly let go of his heart.

Unexpectedly, Han Bing would take a bath very quickly.

But when she finishes washing, she feels relieved, so that even if something happens, she can come to help in time.

It won't work if she hasn't finished washing. Lu Xin suspected that when she was naked, she would rather be contaminated than run out to ask for help.

He also knocked on the door in response, and then Lu Xin carried the bag and went to the gecko's room.



"I love taking a bath and my skin is good..."


"Put on the shower cap and sing and dance..."


When Lu Xin opened the door that the gecko hadn’t even closed and walked into his room, he heard the gecko’s happy singing in the bathroom. He shook his head helplessly, put the bag down, and walked to the window, quietly. Quietly sat on the sofa and waited.

Time passed slowly in the gecko's happy singing.

When the gecko sang "Lu La La Lu La La", Lu Xin suddenly raised his head.

He got up abruptly, looked out the window, and saw a brightly lit area in this bustling city.

In the western position, something seemed to burst out suddenly.

A palpitating feeling suddenly appeared in the deepest part of the night, with an indescribable tremor.

He didn't know that this was the moment when the Scarecrow appeared in the Black Marsh Administrative Office.


Lu Xin even felt the goose bumps all over his body exploded when that very delicate feeling appeared.

The room suddenly became extremely silent, and he could even hear the sound of his heart beating.

"Is there something happening over there now?"

Lu Xin frowned slightly and landed in the direction of the main city of Black Marsh City.

There should be some kind of powerful mental power suddenly appearing there for a short time. The distance is too far, and that power is also deliberately suppressed, so his feeling is also extremely subtle, but just for such a short moment, he still A strong feeling was born.

"What is it?"

He thought silently, the feeling he gave himself was stronger than when he first entered Happy Town.

That kind of power is located in the direction of the main city of Black Marsh.

So, if you go directly to the Executive Office after entering the city, I am afraid that you have already faced that kind of power directly, right?

Thinking secretly, a weird smile gradually appeared on Lu Xin's face.




Just as Lu Xin was looking at the direction in which the mental power was disappearing, in the bathroom behind him, the gecko walked out with a bathrobe and humming a little song. When he looked up, he saw someone standing quietly. By the window of his room.

His scalp was numb with fright, and he raised his gun at once.

A closer look was that it was actually Lu Xin, and he immediately put the gun away in fright.

He was only wearing a bathrobe, and he didn't know where he touched the gun, nor where he took it...

"Captain, don't you take good care of Team Leader Han in your Why are you running here?"

He wiped his hair while leaning towards Lu Xin.


Lu Xin heard his voice, turned around and said, "Have you finished washing?"


The gecko suddenly saw the expression on Lu Xin's face, and his whole body stiffened in shock, and his body trembled.

Facing Lu Xin's friendly smile, he almost hid in the bathroom again, but he didn't dare.

The voice trembled, and he retorted: "Team...Captain..."

"I just said I lived in a room with you, it was a joke..."

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