Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 517: Spiritual pollution paradise

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"team leader……"

When this scene happened, the gecko turned his head violently and looked at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin was also looking at the excitement over there, thoughtfully.

Han Bing glanced at Lu Xin and said quickly: "The man is wearing a white beard and covering the tattoo on his collar. He should not be on the right path. He said he was too impatient. It should be because of insomnia. People sounded to feel quiet, which can form a certain calming effect on the spirit. But his emotions are almost out of control, but he associates this quietness with another aspect..."

The gecko put his hands on the table and whispered: "Is it time to talk about this? The girl will suffer if you don't do it..."

Han Bing glanced at the gecko and said, "Did you not find another one?"


The gecko spoke dissatisfiedly, turned his head suddenly, and suddenly found something was wrong.

When the man in the white shirt pushed the girl holding the guitar on the table, even though the people around were dull, many people noticed what was happening here and looked over with angrily expressions. Some even directly Touched the wine bottle.

But I didn't expect that when the man in the white shirt went crazy, the people at his table didn't stop him, and they leaned forward and closed with a smile.

It was as if seeing a partner was not bullying a little girl, but seeing the funniest thing in the world.

Their laughter, invisibly, also affected other people.

On the next table, there was a man with a dull expression sitting quietly, his face suddenly smiled, and then he laughed louder and louder.

The laughter seemed to have some kind of strong contagion, and more people laughed, and some laughed.

In this kind of roar of laughter, those who were a little bit aggrieved at the beginning also gradually hesitated.

In this kind of laughing crowd, they feel as if they have become an abnormal one.

As a result, the wine bottles in their hands slowly fell to the ground, and they all laughed.

In the end, even the little boy who was kicked to the ground looked at the people around him with a bewildered look. There were still tears on his face, but gradually, as if drowned by laughter, his face was also exposed. With a silly smile, the more you smile, the happier.

He even clapped his hands: "Gluck, it's fun, sister, come on..."

The picture suddenly became crazy and morbid.

Seeing the girl who was being bullied, it seemed to be a lively event. They laughed loudly, clapped their hands, and made noise.

Even dance around them.

The man in the white shirt who knocked down the girl became more and more excited in this laughter.


"Because their sleep is taken away, their will and thinking have been greatly weakened, and their own sanity itself is already on the verge of collapse. Coupled with their uncontrolled drinking, they may even have used black grass. So they are very susceptible to the influence of the people around them, just like computers without a firewall, and they burst out pathological unconscious carnivals at any time..."

Han Bing whispered: "In other words, this city is already a paradise of spiritual pollution..."

"The mania in their hearts originally needed a vent, so that girl became a sacrifice."


Lu Xin understood what Han Bing said, and looked at the crazy crowd. .

At this time, what he saw was the little boy who was dumb and cheered following the crowd, his brows frowned.

"It doesn't matter now, isn't it?"

Gecko stood up, turned his head to look at Lu Xin, and said, "Captain, what should I do?"

Lu Xin glanced at Han Bing first.

Han Bing nodded and said, "If completing the task is the primary principle, we can't do things that expose our identity at this time."

Having said that, she paused slightly: "But..."

Without speaking, his eyes lightly fell on Lu Xin's body.

"We are indeed here to investigate the pollution in this city. The task is naturally very important."

Lu Xin understood what she meant, thoughtfully, and said softly: "But I always feel that this matter seems to be more important than the task..."

With that, he nodded gently to the gecko.

The gecko was dumbfounded, and suddenly got excited, stood up with a "swish", and quickly took a cigarette to his mouth.

Smiled and said: "Captain, how much you need to fight, give a standard."

Lu Xin thought about it seriously, and slowly said, "I don't quite understand either. I rarely fight with people, but..."

He nodded and smiled: "In short, you can't suffer."


The gecko was overjoyed, crossed his fingers, snapped fiercely, and crackled.


Han Bing hurriedly reminded: "They are all a little abnormal at this time, you should remember to be merciful when you start..."


Gecko glanced at Han Bing strangely, and said with a smile: "It's just like someone is normal..."

As he spoke, he jumped over with a "swish".

He was full of enthusiasm, and when he walked, he was running like a human in a short distance.

Obviously there are several tables full of people in the middle, but he twisted his body and passed through, a few steps came to the man holding the girl’s hair, stretched out his hand, and passed his arm through the man’s hands. He embraced the girl's shoulders and helped him up.

The drunk man didn't know what was going on, he found himself staggering back two steps.

When I looked again, Gecko had already pulled the girl behind him, and put a fifty-yuan banknote into her hand.

"Little sister, do you see that over there?"

He bent over, with a gentle smile on his face, pointing to Lu Xin: "My eldest brother loves to listen to singing, go to him."

The girl was at a loss, her face was still full of tears and liquor.

The drunk who was squeezed away by the gecko reacted and suddenly furious: "Who the **** are you, dare you come over and grab it?"

Gecko turned around, picked up the wine bottle on his table, and got bored with his backhand.

"I'm your father!"


The bottle ball splashed everywhere, and the man's cursing sound disappeared. It took a few seconds before red blood flowed down.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet and quiet, and even the noise of the surrounding drinkers disappeared.

"Bad son, dare to do it..."

When he saw the red blood flowing out of the man's forehead, his companion on the table realized that he had been beaten.

Suddenly got up in a rage, grabbing the sleeve of the sleeve, grabbing the bottle of wine.

They are all a little drunk, and their brains are even more muddled. No matter what the reaction is, they seem to be two beats slower than normal people.

But the gecko was not too slow. He walked to the front of the table in one step, his hands were almost invisible.

"Papa Papa......"

Quickly grabbed the bottles and cups on the table, and came to their heads.

As a result, the people who had just stood up at this table were also dumbfounded, standing on the spot with the glass ballast, the blood slowly flowing down their heads.

What happened in this scene was too abrupt, and the gecko's movements were a bit too agile.

The five people on a table were all stunned, and the people around seemed to have been fixed on the spot by this sudden change.

The blood of the beaten had been flowing down, and they had forgotten to wipe it, and they quickly flowed all over their faces, looking shocking.

Most of the people around were stunned for a while, and then with some confused drunk eyes, they suddenly saw these five blood-filled faces. The effect was like opening their eyes in a daze, and suddenly seeing a ghost's head. Someone screamed.


One person's scream triggered a group of people, and countless people woke up, and the bloodshot eyes in the eyes increased instantly.

The person who was beaten also reacted with a scream, and suddenly yelled at the gecko in a daze.

And their incisor and gnashing of teeth, desperately looking at the people who rushed up to the gecko, actually affected other people.

They picked up the wine bottles and hit the gecko and the little girl in the middle of the crowd.

The kind of influence just now still exists. The appearance of geckos seems to interrupt their carnival and become their common enemy.

"Fuckballs, if you can't sleep, then wake me up..."

The gecko is also unusually sturdy, facing the folding stool and wine bottles that he brought in from all directions, first turned around, and protected the singing girl under the body, and took a few sturdy strokes, and then both hands. Push forward hard.

The little girl couldn't help but was pushed through the crowd with extreme precision and fell to Lu Xin's table.

"It's a big mess..."

Han Bing got up, supported the little girl, and quickly pulled to the table.

At the same time, Red Snake had just returned to his seat, holding the little boy in his arms, who was drowned by the crazy crowd.

The little boy was still clapping his hands frantically, as if he was still happy because his sister was being bullied.

The red snake quietly twisted the inside of his thigh.

So the little boy quickly went from enthusiastic applause to crying loudly.

"It's really a bit loud..."

Lu Xin watched the rapid spread of this group of fights, and countless people were knocked to the ground, screaming and screaming, breaking their heads.

Feeling better inexplicably, he smiled and said to Han Bing, "But it doesn't matter."

"The gecko is a spider type and should not suffer."


Han Bing didn't know what to say, he gave Lu Xin a little helplessly: "You can pet him..."

At this moment, in the crazy crowd, there were people who hadn't let the singing girl go.

He screamed, waving the wine bottle in his hand and rushed over.

All of their faces are tired and pale due to long-term lack of sleep, and flushed with alcohol, their eyes are blood red, their muscles are twisted, and their expressions are full of excitement and ferocity. They look almost evil. Ghostly.

The little girl who sang was so scared that she couldn't cry, she held her head and screamed.


Han Bing stood Shun picked up a folding stool, rounded his arm and threw it out, knocking down the person who was in front of him, and then half turned his body and stretched his feet. Kicked low, the foot in hard-soled leather shoes kicked on the second man’s shin, and the other party fell to the ground with a scream, she kept moving, her toes swiftly picked up on the ground, and a wine bottle flew over. Up in the air.

She took it casually and knocked the third person to the ground.

The action solved the opponent simply and neatly. She sat back without changing her face and heartbeat. She met Lu Xin's surprised eyes, and she was also a little embarrassed, saying: "Unconscious carnival, it is possible to show the good side, it is also possible to show On the bad side."

"It depends on the nature of these people."

"People in this city easily regard bullying a little girl as a carnival, which shows that most of them are still bad."

"So, what Mr. Gecko said is correct, they really should teach it."

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