Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 590: Phone ringing in an abandoned house

"finally came back……"

Looking out the car window, the old building under the red moon, Lu Xin breathed a long sigh of relief.

After more than four days of trekking, Lu Xin and his team finally returned to Qinggang.

The return journey is one or two days longer than when I went, and there is no way. After all, it was a gecko driving when I went there, but when I came back, it was a car driven by one person, including the hideout. The level of driving varies, and in order to prevent falling behind, everyone had to slow down a bit. After driving for a few days, everyone except the gecko had pain in their buttocks...

Fortunately, Han Bing had already contacted Qinggang in advance, and the support mission this time was very important, so he was picked up by the people sent out by Qinggang early. I didn't enjoy the courtesy when I left Black Marsh City, but I enjoyed it when I came back. .

Helicopter pick-up and military **** are not a big deal. The most important thing is that someone drives for oneself.

After a simple inspection, the off-road vehicles picked up "accidentally" were sent downstairs by Chen Jing.

A group of them will report to the headquarters as usual.

Because Han Bing had prepared the mission report in advance, the report was also very simple. After going through the procedure, he returned for vacation according to the previous practice. Originally, the headquarters had also prepared a celebration banquet, but the group of them all refused by appointment.

It really hurts in the butt.

Gecko was the first to leave. Before leaving, he solemnly asked Lu Xin a few questions:

"Captain, do you know my phone number?"

"Do you know where I live?"

"Do you know which store I usually go to play?"


After Lu Xin answered seriously, he got into the taxi with his head, the phone was turned off, and then he took out a fifty-yuan banknote and handed it to the master, and solemnly said, "Master, you just close your eyes and open your eyes. , Go anywhere, it’s fun..."

"Don't take me home, and don't tell me where to go in advance, just go..."

"I don't know where to go, see who can recruit me temporarily..."


The seriousness and dignity on his face look scary.

Chen Jing sent someone to send Lu Xin out, telling him to take a good rest, and let him talk about anything else.

Lu Xin heard her concern, and said with a smile: "No matter what, the mission is complete, and all the team members are brought back."

"...Including your secretary."


When she heard the word secretary, Chen Jing was obviously taken aback: "What secretary?"

Although he quickly remembered, a little unknown monster burst into tears.

Rejecting Chen Jing's suggestion to let herself rest in the hotel arranged by the headquarters for one night, Lu Xin flew out that night after finishing the task report. The helicopter landed at the guard hall, and then Lu Xin walked out, looked around and didn't see the little policewoman, so he had to leave the guard hall hungry. He called a car casually and hurried back to the old building where he lived.

When I got out of the car, I first saw the off-road vehicles and large trucks parked downstairs.

Lu Xin has been driving for several days, but still likes it very much.

The mood of a man owning his first car is beyond words...

...Not to mention, Lu Xin has four vehicles! !

After going around the car and making sure that it was not damaged, Lu Xin's mood suddenly became better.

Then he took a long sigh and looked up at the old building under the red moon.

I have to say that everyone has been lively together for more than ten days, but when they leave, it feels weird and lonely.

With a sigh, Lu Xin checked that several cars were locked, then picked up his luggage and entered the old building.

"Da da da……"

And when Lu Xin walked into the bleak and gloomy corridor of the old building, his sister quickly appeared on the wall and quickly crawled into it. The father looked at his sister's anxious back, snorted coldly, and followed Lu Xin honestly.

But it just followed, and didn't mean to take the luggage for Lu Xin at all.

"My sister is young, she has been out for so long, and finally returned home, what's the point of being happy..."

Lu Xin carried his bags and suitcases, slowly climbing the stairs, smiling and turning around.

Now the relationship between his father and himself has become more and more relaxed, and he has also begun to listen to his persuasion, but he is still very fierce towards others.

Lu Xin also wanted to persuade him from time to time.

It was my father. After hearing what Lu Xin said, he subconsciously sneered, "Heh, do you really think this is home?"


Lu Xin looked back at his father curiously.

The father suddenly became a little stunned, his expression was a little unnatural, he waved his hand and continued to walk forward.


The old building was still so quiet and gloomy, and there were hardly any voice-activated lights that worked well.

Every time you pass a corridor entrance, you can see a long corridor with a dense cobweb dark.

The building is for people.

But this old building only lived with his own family.

So, when your family is outside, is this building dead?

Some strange thoughts came up in Lu Xin's heart.

There are indeed many places in this old building, all of which seem very strange. In his memory, it seems that this old building did not only live in his own family at the beginning, and had neighbors before. There are not many neighbors, but only occasionally.

However, many of these neighbors seemed to have had conflicts with their mothers, and slowly, they all disappeared...

There are many reasons for the disappearance.

Some went back to their hometown, some went to relatives, some just disappeared...

In short, in Lu Xin's memory, there used to be many neighbors in this building, but after thinking about it carefully, there were none.

Lu Xin used to walk in and out of this building, and he didn't feel strange.

But now, walking in the corridor, he suddenly became curious about the closed rooms.

What is behind these doors?

Is it the same as your own family, is it a warm haven?

"Why... go in and have a look?"

The tall father followed Lu Xin, watching him turn his head and look to the sides from time to time, and said suddenly.


Lu Xin was a little surprised, turned his head and glanced at his father.

His face was submerged in the darkness of the hallway, no expressions could be seen, only a smile could be seen.

"She's not at home anyway..."

Father's voice was very low, and it sounded softly: "Go in and have a look, okay?"

Lu Xin was slightly moved, and indeed he was curious.

After pondering for a while, he nodded lightly, and then slowly approached a room very close to his home. He still had a vague impression of this house. It seemed that there lived a woman named Zhang, fashionable and beautiful. , Often peeping at himself in the crack of the door.

Later, she disappeared.

With such curiosity, Lu Xin gently approached the doorknob and twisted it slightly.

With a low sound of "click", the door was actually unlocked.

The heart thumped and thumped, Lu Xin had never used this kind of breaking into someone's home before.

Even if this one has been empty for a long time.

Now, he felt like he was doing bad things.

But out of consideration for a neighbor he hadn't seen for a long time, he took a deep breath and gently opened the door.


The door opened a bit, and the layout inside appeared before his eyes.

I saw black holes in the room, and could see dense cobwebs, messy dumped furniture, broken full-length mirrors, and uncleaned dinner plates. You can even see a few clothes hung on a hanger, and there are some dark red stains on the ground.

Just a quiet glance inside, you can smell a strong musty smell on your face.

The cold and fragile wind whispered gently in the room, seeming to bring some unbelievable babbles.

"Want to go in?"

Father stood behind Lu Xin, and seemed to be full of curiosity too.

Not far away, the younger sister who had returned home early saw that they hadn't followed for a long time, and ran back down the wall.

"Ah, you guys..."

Seeing Lu Xin and his father standing in front of the lead’s house, heading their heads, they suddenly wanted to talk.


But Lu Xin and his father turned their heads at the same time, stopped their sister, and then looked at the empty room again.

Dark and dilapidated, but it has a certain attraction.

Just as Lu Xin gathered up his courage little by little, he took a step forward and was about to walk into this room...

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Suddenly a rapid telephone ringing rang.

Abrupt, anxious, and even a feeling of excitement and excitement can be felt.

This bell rang in this empty room, which didn't look like an inhabited room at all.

How can the phone ring in a room that has been vacant?

Lu Xin was startled slightly, and then suddenly heard another phone ringing.

Come from my own home.

He was suddenly startled slightly.


Ding zero zero...

Ding zero zero...

The two bells sounded gradually, as if comparing, rising, and even a bit intense.

One rang in the house of his disappeared neighbor, and the other rang in his own home, with some fierce urging in his voice, as if he was urging Lu Xin to come over and listen. The bell almost filled the empty old building. inside.

Lu Xin felt suddenly caught in the middle.

He can go directly into the neighbor's room and listen to the phone in this long vacant room.

You can also go home and listen to the increasingly anxious call.

But for a while, he seemed a little confused about how to choose.

He straightened up subconsciously and looked back at his father, and saw that he had taken two steps back and leaned against the wall casually.

Turning his head to look at my sister, she saw her hanging upside down in the corridor, her eyes were covered with two small hands, and she swung.

This is embarrassing...


Lu Xin, who pondered for a long while, made a decision, stepped back gently, and closed the door of the neighbor's house.

When he closed the door, the neighbor's phone call stopped abruptly.

The phone ringing from the direction of my own home still kept ringing, and it didn't mean to hang up.

"If you answered that call, wouldn't you tell others that you came by yourself?"

Lu Xin decided to go back to answer the phone at his home, and at the same time gave his father a complaining glance.

He was the one who encouraged himself to go in, and he was the one who backed off as soon as the phone rang, really, nothing...

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