Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 633: Pollution immune mental body

Lu Xin realized the problem.

The father's spiritual trait is "fear", which was originally the most polluting spiritual force.

But at this moment, the father's failed to contaminate the other party, instead he was covered by the other's spiritual characteristics and affected himself.


The mental bodies in black suits lined up in a long river, continuously walking forward from the other end of the street.

Piece by piece, huge pressure was formed.

For the shadow that is stalemate with them, it is like facing layer after layer of constantly increasing strength.

The stalemate was at the middle line, and it began to withdraw quickly in Lu Xin's direction, almost collapsed. .

At this moment, Lu Xin looked up, and he could see the pale and indifferent faces less than one meter away from him.

The facial features of each face are different, as pale as lime-painted.

The appearance of countless pale faces in rows, piece by piece, created a dazzling and even dizzy feeling.

The father's shadow has been squeezed strongly, and his roar is mixed in the chaotic and muddy air.

"So annoying..."

Lu Xin was looked at by the faces around him, and he felt that although it could not affect his shape too much, it was still constantly between his eardrums, between his nasal cavity, and in his field of vision. Among them, weird smells and auditory hallucinations emerged one after another.

He suddenly felt a little upset, and subconsciously raised his hand.

Lifting his right hand, he made a motion to cover his eyes, but the air in front of him instantly became sticky.

There were black particles, shaking slightly in Lu Xin's eyes.


In the next moment, the black shadow of his father was surrounded by him, and it swelled in an instant.

And every trace of shadow has produced violent friction.

Whether it is the air or the chaos and turbidity brought by the group of mental bodies in black suits, they are all torn apart by this violent friction. The black mental bodies are like they have entered a paper shredder. Each cut into finely divided powder.

An aura of destruction instantly enveloped Lu Xin...


In front of Lu Xin, there was an open space in an instant.

The black spirit body that was squeezed to the side just now was torn apart by the shadows, and there was no scum left.

It's like a dense crowd under the power of a nuclear bomb.

It was annihilated, gasified in an instant, and then completely erased from the world without leaving any trace.

"So, this kind of mental body exhibits the characteristics of immunity to mental traits, and can only be resisted by mental power?"

Lu Xin was able to hear his father at this moment, laughing presumptuously, and sending out an inflated mockery to the surroundings.

But he looked down at his hand, thinking about the relationship.

But while he was thinking about it briefly, the loud footsteps had already sounded again.

He didn't know how many of the black suit spirit bodies that Lu Xin had destroyed, he could only say a lot.

And because he wiped out so much, there was a large blank in front of him.

But in the next moment, more black suit spirits rushed forward, not only filling the vacancy in front of Lu Xin, but even rushing towards Lu Xin with a powerful impact force, like black. The wave, crazy slap.

Lu Xin took a deep breath and took a step back slightly, but the shadow around him skyrocketed.

"Shit la la la..."

The black mental body was torn apart and disappeared one by one, but more mental bodies filled and poured in instantly.

From a high altitude, you can see that this black spiritual body has appeared in the entire Tinder City, every street and alley.

They walked down the street, like a river flowing down a ditch, continuously surging towards Lu Xin.

That chaotic and turbid atmosphere, even the street lights on the side of the road were all covered.

Only the one close to Lu Xin was still emitting a faint light.

Lu Xin stood quietly under the street lamp, and the shadow spread its teeth and claws, and pounced towards the surroundings.

Pieces of black mental body were quickly torn apart by him, but there were more, tirelessly rushing towards him.

"How can there be such a weird thing?"

Father's swelling and madness only lasted for a short period of time.

With the blessing of the black particles, he had a feeling of despising any life and existence under the sky for a period of time.

Because he felt that he could shred everything.

However, this freshness quickly faded like a tide, and he realized the key.

The key is not whether it can be torn apart, but whether it can be torn completely...

When he opened his teeth and danced his claws to shred countless mental bodies, but when he looked around, the mental body that was wearing a black suit with a pale and expressionless face not only did not decrease, but appeared more, he finally felt a little bit of it. Stress.

"This thing can't be killed, and I can't help it, I suspect...I suspect this thing is specially designed to deal with you!"



And looking at the street, the black suit spirit body that almost constantly flooded to him, and their pale and indifferent faces, as if they didn’t know what the destruction was, a little bit came out of Lu Xin’s heart. A little bit cold:

"It should be said that in this situation, only I can hold on for a while..."


For the same phenomenon, Lu Xin and his father came to a completely different conclusion.

Everything stems from these weird spiritual bodies.

My father thought it was specifically used to deal with Lu Xin, because he saw it for the first time, and even he couldn't help much. He could only use Lu Xin's own power to destroy them group after group. Shocked the mental body before him.

To put it simply, even the pollution characteristics are useless and can only be resisted by the collision of rough mental powers.

And Lu Xin said that only he could last for a while because he realized the terrifyingness of these mental bodies.

Faced with such a mental body that seems immune to pollution, if someone with other abilities is changed, how can there be any hope of confrontation?

Lu Xin didn't know if this kind of spiritual body had really appeared in every place in Tinder City.

If so, he even started to worry about the party members in the club.

No matter what their abilities are, no matter how great their potential is, at the first few steps, if they fall into such a situation like themselves, I am afraid that they will not even be able to fight against this black spiritual body. Nothing.

Such a mental body, in simple terms, can only be confronted by people with zero abilities.

However, from another perspective, this is like a special purpose to restrain zero-ability people. Because the spiritual power of the zero-ability person is also limited. But in this city, that kind of spiritual body dressed in black seems to be endless...

It is impossible for any person with zero ability to last too long in this situation...

This is simply an unsolvable problem.

"Can't keep on going like this..."

His father's will suddenly passed into Lu Xin's mind in the shadows: "You will not be able to bear it!"

Lu Xin was reminded by his father's voice, slightly awake.

Gently wiped the blood from the end of his nose and realized his weakness.

After Buffalo forced his father's ability into play, he hadn't had such a heavy burden for a long time.

It seemed that he was standing on a bench by the river bank, and the shadows around him scrolled, wiping out batches of black spiritual bodies, very relaxed.

But Lu Xin already felt an abnormal pressure.

The waves of people around him had already rushed towards him one after another.

Even if I don’t have the slightest remaining hands, I can fight against these spiritual bodies as much as possible, and I have felt an unprecedented pressure, just like a person standing at the lower reaches of a big river, trying to evaporate the entire river with a high-temperature spray gun. Of water...

This is a situation that always prevails, but the overall situation is extremely sad.

Huge waves of people wave after wave, as if a black wall was squeezed towards him, as if he was standing still, his father had completely wiped them out. So far, there is no spiritual body. Touch yourself...

However, my father is so relaxed because of the blessing of black particles.

Using the power of the black particles by himself, I don't know when it will be my limit.

It is possible to feel the load on one's brain caused by exerting this force.

He could even feel every kind of black particle surging in his eyes, the bombardment of the soft brain.

It's like a ball of jelly...

He even felt an absurd feeling in his heart, and said, "Will I die?"

"You won't..."

The black shadow moved forward, and his father was in front of Lu Xin. The black shadow rushed forward like a tide, destroying the rows of human walls. At the same time, his voice sounded in a low voice. The same: "But the result is more terrible than death..."

Lu Xin was slightly surprised, and looked up at his father.

From time to time, the tall black shadow set off huge black waves in front of him, repulsing the stream of black people.

But in the feeling, there were a pair of blood-red eyes staring at him in the black shadow.

There was something strange in the voice, and he whispered: "I don't know where your limit is..."

"But you can't use that kind of power endlessly, you are not him after all..."

"Even if it is, it won't work. An emperor's advantage is definitely not in his force on the battlefield..."


Lu Xin could clearly feel that his father's attitude seemed different from before.

He was not so heartless, but actually thinking and hinting at himself.

So he suddenly got better, and said softly: "If this is the case, what should I do?"

"What to do..."

The father’s shadow suddenly swelled, submerging the nearby black spiritual bodies, and then completely erasing them, but after finishing this, he immediately curtailed his strength and waited for the black spiritual bodies to approach. They shot.

It seems to be using this method to consciously give Lu Xin a moment of rest.

Amidst the black shadows, there were gloomy eyes looking at the buildings in this prosperous city.

At the same time, the voice of Yin Forest sounded, whispering: "Let me become the spiritual lord of this city."

"In that case, I can take the spiritual power of the entire city and consume it with them."

"It depends on whether the people in this city die first, or whether these black spirit bodies are consumed first..."

"Hehe, the most fun thing is that no matter what the result is, we will never lose!"


"Will you just bet the lives of an entire city?"

Lu Xin sighed in a low voice: "That's not so good..."

He understands his father's intentions, he cannot pollute these black spiritual bodies, but he can pollute the people in this city.

In this city, no one knows how many people are sleeping.

If the father becomes their spiritual lord, he will have incalculable spiritual power.

He can crush everything without relying on himself.

But that is different after all. Lu Xin understands that mental pollution is divided into mild and severe.

Mild pollution requires the source of pollution to pollute other people with its own spiritual power, which is a kind of consumption.

And when this kind of pollution becomes severe, the spiritual power of the polluted people will be uniformly deployed by the pollution source.

This is a law, and only Qinggang dolls can break this law to some extent.

The father is the most obvious at this point.

If he wants to become the spiritual lord of Tinder City, he must forcibly cause deep pollution to the people in this city.

It's not even the same as it was in Black Swamp City.

In Black Marsh City, Lu Xin could also set a request for him, telling him that he could only punish certain people who crossed that line.

For those who have not crossed that line, the father still has no choice but to take them.

But now, his father's intentions are very obvious. If Lu Xin wants to win these chaotic death spirits, he must be given sufficient authority. At that time, everyone will be heavily polluted, and it is even irreversible.

"I don't agree, would you actually disagree?"

The father's voice was roaring, mixed with incomprehensibility:

"You would rather be offended by these humble things than let me touch these sleeping people?"

"When will you understand that for the existence of the spiritual lord level, this is all food and a weapon..."


"Food, weapons?"

There seemed to be a tangled expression on Lu Xin's face, but he still shook his head: "No."

My father was even a little angry: "Why?"

"Of course it's because..."

Lu Xin exhaled deeply, UU reading straightened up and said, "Illegal."


My father was choked by Lu Xin's words for a long time and couldn't recover: "Whose law is violated?"

Lu Xin said: "The law of Qinggang."

Father: "..."

A smile appeared on Lu Xin's face: "It's also the law I approve."


Suddenly my father couldn't say a word. After a long time, he let out a low sigh: "You are too polluted."


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