Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 641: A deal with god

It really is a mother!

Before answering the call, Lu Xin thought silently with a hunch.

In the Tinder Building, I suddenly received a call from my mother, which seemed strange and incomprehensible.

But for some reason, Lu Xin didn't feel strange.

After being silent for a while, he said softly: "Where are you now?"

Mother smiled lightly: "I'm also in Tinder City, but this place is a bit weird, and we haven't met it yet."

Lu Xin nodded, did not delve into it, but said, "Are you okay now?"

Mother seemed to be silent for a while, there was a little noise in the microphone, and she whispered softly:

"If you say, I am really not very good now?"


Lu Xin was silent for a moment, and said, "Then of course I have to rush over immediately to help you out."

Mom laughed, it seemed audible, she smiled very happily, and very pleased, and said: "There will be time, now you don't have to worry about me too much, do what you should do, and then we will also You can see each other..."


The phone was hung up, and there was only a busy tone.

Lu Xin was silent for a while, then hung up the phone and turned to Xia Chong and said, "Not upstairs, but underground."

"Eighteen floors underground."



Xia Chong gave Lu Xin a fixed look.

She didn't understand why Lu Xin answered a phone call in the Tinder Building, so she knew where they were looking for.

In her opinion, all of this is unreasonable and incomprehensible.

However, when she saw Lu Xin's face that was so calm as if everything were taken for granted, and didn't explain her desire at all, she was inexplicable, and she suddenly felt a little angry...

"Go go, then go!"

Suddenly she grabbed Lu Xin's hand angrily and strode towards the door of the room.

My heart was on fire: What are you dragging? This guy from Qinggang is mysterious and mysterious. If you don't explain it, you won't explain it.

I'm angry, you want to explain, but don't listen...


Lu Xin was also a little surprised. Why did Xia Chong suddenly become angry?

Forget it, it doesn't make sense for a girl to be angry. As a sensible man, you shouldn't ask at this time.

So he was honestly held by Xia Chong and walked quickly towards the door.

The two entered the abyss again.

Climb down quickly. When approaching the ground, if I didn’t know the fire and underground floors, I felt that the fire building had risen from the ground. Knowing that there were underground floors, I immediately found that the fire building appeared near the ground. There are gaps. It was like a giant's ribs, one by one embedded in the ground, the flesh and skin torn apart, revealing the awe-inspiring gaps.

Lu Xin and Xia Chong followed the gap between their ribs and sneaked into the ground, and scenes of dark red scenes appeared in front of them.

It looks like a huge skeleton of some kind of monster, holding out a vast and gloomy space in the deep and unknown underground world.

The Tinder Building, on the ground, is a hundred stories high. .

Underground, it's so deep...

Just relying on the building itself, people are already amazed by the background and strength of fire.

The two of them followed the floor, shuttled down quickly, and found a complete door.

Xia Chong listened, his face suddenly became a little dignified.

Little by little, carefully, he opened the door gently, seemingly worried about being heard by someone.

She and Lu Xin came in in a narrow and empty room.

However, after appearing, Xia Chong immediately made a "hush" motion to Lu Xin and snorted to the side.

Lu Xin understood, and found that there was a frosted glass wall beside him.

You can see the other end of the wall, there is a soft light, a few long shadows, cast on the glass.

There are people in the next room.

Following the appearance of Xia Chong, he quietly approached the wall and pressed his face to it.

"...What does it mean to solve the problem?"

As I listened to the past, I was hearing someone suppressing angrily and shouting: "The gates of **** are about to open, and our ritual to please the gods is also ready for the most critical moment, but we even the man who led people into the Tinder City I didn’t catch it, but that’s an enemy who can hold up in front of the Hell Legion for nearly ten minutes and disappear inexplicably..."

"Such a crazy and terrifying guy is hiding in Tinder City. How can we rest assured to make the most critical preparations?"


"This matter doesn't seem to blame me, right?"

The one who followed this was a calm and polite voice, and he smiled: "If according to my opinion, if he directly puts the Hell Umbrella series plasma missile when he is in a stalemate with the Hell Legion, our problem , It has been resolved."


Someone couldn't help but speak loudly: "Thousands, even tens of thousands of lives are involved after all!"

"so what?"

The polite voice said, "This is the problem with you and many people inside Tinder."

"You already have enough knowledge and knowledge, but you still can't get rid of the shackles of your old ideas."

"You have decided to build hell, but you still can't let go of the living."

"Someone has pointed out a lofty goal for you, but still reluctant to bear the sixpence on the ground."


As he said, he could hear the ridicule in his voice: "What do you think your so-called compassion and empathy are?"

"This is only the illusion engraved in genes because of the fear of nature and the sense of security brought by social living in the apes, as the ancestors of mankind. If we want to truly become followers of God, we need to abandon these old weaknesses and deficiencies that we need to forget."

"We have to understand the nature and truth of this world, even human beings."

"God is the only will."

"The creation and opening of **** belongs to the content of God's contract, and we must be good executors."

"That kind of illusion in genes can't help you continue to exist, but **** can."

"Only by fulfilling the agreement with God, we can continue to exist in this world after the Second Coming, and even become the world after the Second Coming as written in the contract you signed with God before. Lord."

"God will enslave this world, and we will become God's shepherds..."


His words silenced many people in the control room.

Through a glass wall, it seems that people can feel the depression in that control room.

After a while, I could hear an old voice rang: "Even now, I still feel panic when you hear these words. In fact, until now, I don’t know. How did things get to this point..."

"It is determined by your nature."

The previous man laughed softly: "There is a desire for self-destruction in the bones of uncontrolled capital."

"Your fire mining company was not destroyed in the Red Moon incident. Instead, it was given a chance to develop abnormally. At the beginning of the chaos, it showed strong vitality. In just over 30 years, it has become enough to compete with the entire alliance and even the research institute. The existence of confrontation is your advantage, because you can develop and grow unscrupulously, and **** blood desperately..."

"But when you grow to the extreme, problems will arise."

"Don't talk about the cooperation with the black box, or the cooperation with me, which has caused the situation where you are now riding a tiger."

"Because this transaction was not imposed on you by us, but you were begging to join in."

The polite voice gradually became indifferent, even full of disdain, and smiled coldly, "Capital will only make choices that are beneficial to you, so when you know that the second coming will inevitably occur, you will definitely choose to join the gods. camp."

"You will definitely choose to join the camp of God, so you will definitely become servants of God."

"Since your destiny cannot be changed, why don't you choose to become a qualified servant?"



In the control room, someone trembling voice sounded, seemingly full of anger, but unable to express.

"Don't show me this kind of indignation again."

The previously calm voice laughed and said: "You need to understand that it is Tinder who is working with me, not you."

"Even if you are the chairman of the board of directors of Tinder, it is the same."

"Hehe, you must know that if you choose to regret or show weakness at this time, then you will immediately be rejected by all other shareholders, you will even be exiled, and countless people are vying to stand by you. Work with me at this position."



A long silence appeared in the control room.

Repressed and cold, but there is a will that people can't violate.

After a long time, the voice that seemed a bit angry did it sound again, but it appeared a lot weaker.

"Then... what should we do now?"


"You continue to prepare for the opening of the gates of hell."

The calm voice whispered, "The 100 million spiritual bodies that God requires are not yet fully prepared. If there are not enough sacrifices at the end, you know what to do.... Also, don't talk about it every time. They all showed this expression of fear and hesitation. Since they want to chase capital, then chase capital honestly. Capital is fearless, except for losing money..."

"And you have long understood that it is a very profitable business to exchange 100 million spiritual bodies for God's inheritance."



I don’t know how the people in the next room heard these words. On the other side of the glass wall, Lu Xin and Xia Chong looked very ugly when they heard these words. They looked at each other and they all saw each other’s faces. , Incredible expression...

100 million...

One hundred million spiritual bodies, what is that concept?

In such a time, it is even difficult for them to accurately imagine that number.

But also at this time, when the door opening and closing sounded in the control room, the polite and gentle voice paused for a while, and then spoke softly again: "As for us, you should see it too. See these two friends."

At the same time, the glass wall near Lu Xin and Xia Chong suddenly moved to the side.

This door was actually retracted into the wall, while Lu Xin and Xia Chong directly faced the people on the opposite side.

They even maintained a listening posture.

Opposite them is a room like a control room, with a huge floor-to-ceiling glass wall at the end.

On the left, there is one connected to a variety of electronic instruments, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com's large console, there are a few screens hanging side by side on the wall at the end.

In front of them, a man in a white tunic suit sat on a black sofa. The square cup in front of him was filled with golden liquid, and there were two ice cubes floating in it, his eyes were still. Quietly looked at Lu Xin and Xia Chong, and said with a smile: "When the Hell Legion failed to clean you off, I knew we would definitely meet again."

"I thought for a long time, what would you do, a crazy, cold-blooded, powerful and cunning man?"

"The final result is that you will come to me directly."

"Looking at it now, it seems that I didn't guess wrong..."


Listening to the words of a man in a white tunic suit, or a **** designer, Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed when he was discovered all of a sudden.

At the same time, I couldn't help but a question: "Who is he talking about?"

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