Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 645: Funeral for the living

It seemed to be a streamer representing death, and the moment of contact, it would be destroyed.

But in the face of this violent amount of violence mixed with black particles, the three priests in black robes standing in a triangle line up and down did not shake their bodies. The top priest slightly raised his head, revealing his hood. The pale face on the bottom half.

The next moment, he unfolded two pale and thin palms, and pulled his black robe away from the middle.

Under the robe is his body, but after unfolding it, it reveals a black hole, not knowing where it leads to.


At the next moment, it suddenly looked like a pale bug squeezed out of it, and countless pale spiritual bodies got out of the robe.

One after another.

Each one is in the shape of a human body, even with a variety of different expressions, ferocious or sorrowful, and it rushes out. It seems that there are hundreds of them, and they rush to the front quickly, and with black particles. The coming shadows met in mid-air.


Just like Lu Xin's fight against the Hell Legion before.

The pale spiritual body flew out endlessly, crashing into the shadow.

It was melted and destroyed in an instant.

But the infinite spirit body surged forward frantically, but it also prevented the black shadow from continuing to approach.


The strength of the two sides seemed to rise to a high place at the same time in this collision.

The loud roar tore through the air in this deep pit factory, like a wounded beast.

In the air, the countless turbulence was scattered in the air.

It squeezed into the surrounding air savagely, making the surrounding air denser and more pressure.

The entire underground pit seems to have faintly turned into a turbulent ocean.

It's as if the entire cave has dived into the deep sea, filled with terrifyingly pressured seawater, into this space.

This scene simply reproduced the strange flow of spirit that Lu Xin had when he attacked the technology church in Happy Town.

However, now that the space is narrower, the pressure of mental turbulence is also greater.

"You are dead, life is chasing the light in front of you..."

When the black-robed priest released the endless pale spiritual body and resisted the violent black shadow by means of this endless consumption, the other two priests in the triangle position started different actions at the same time, and one of the priests started pray.

Under the hood, there was a sound that was so low that it seemed to be coming from the ground, and it sounded faintly. .

Lu Xin didn't want to listen.

But the mental turbulence around him formed a strange vibration when his voice rang.

His voice was forced into his ears.

For a moment, he actually had hallucinations, as if he was lying on a soft bed, surrounded by indescribable darkness, and his body was indescribably heavy. Only in front of me, a beam of white light floated, as if to guide myself to the exit.

He subconsciously flew up, chasing that beam of white light.

As the white light gets closer and closer, my heart has stopped, and even the blood will start to stop flowing.


But he only sank slightly and opened his eyes so suddenly.

"what is this?"

He felt weird. He had never seen such an ability before, but he felt dangerous.

The black bag was held in his mouth, and he quickly reached in and searched for it, thinking about how to deal with it.


The other party opened his eyes when he saw Lu Xin's face, and was equally surprised.

Afterwards, one of the black-robed priests, who was in the air, moved his fingers quickly, as if performing a ritual.

The next moment, in the endless mental turbulence around, black chains appeared.

When I looked closely, I discovered that the black chains were actually made of fist-sized palms.

With their own unique vitality, they instantly climbed onto the broken platform from the left and right sides, and then wrapped around Lu Xin's legs like a snake. With their huge strength, they almost pulled Lu Xin down while walking down the foot. The wrist, spreading towards.


Lu Xin frowned slightly at this moment.

The black shadow on his body was about to sink immediately, tearing the chains.

A part of the shadow mixed with black particles broke out in an instant, submerging the chain of black hands, but the next moment, the shadow faded, and the chain was unharmed, it was still entangled in my legs, but it stopped the spreading momentum. .

"No, this chain is not their attack on you..."

"It's yourself..."

"Your legs are dead, so you are bound by their **** rules..."


The father's voice rang out with some anger.

"My legs are dead?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised, he didn't even understand what this sentence meant.

The next moment, the voice of the black-robed priest on the opposite side rang again: "Your body is lying in the soil."

"The sobbing of loved ones, echoing in your ears..."


The mental turbulence around him sounded with his voice, and it actually seemed to form a picture after another.

The world around him turned upside down, and he seemed to be lying in a dirt pit, still holding a bunch of white flowers in his hand.

From my own perspective, I can see the edge of the dirt pit, and someone quietly looks at themselves in the dirt pit, whispering.

There are Teacher Xiaolu, Wawa, Chen Jing, Han Bing...


Why are all women?

When he thought about this, the gecko, Vice President Xiao, Professor Bai, Manager Liu, and the uncle who sold breakfast downstairs again appeared at the edge of the dirt pit, holding a lighter scalpel in his hand. The old village head that I met...

…No, how do you feel that the gecko is laughing?


Lu Xin opened his eyes abruptly, the illusion in front of him disappeared instantly, and his father's roar sounded in his ears:

"They are affecting you, cheer up..."

Lu Xin was a little angry, why didn't he know the danger?

I wanted to move the body immediately, but found that the consciousness of moving the body appeared, but it didn’t move...

Looking down, he suddenly saw that the black chain had actually been tied to his chest.

"What the **** is this ability?"

Lu Xin was a little angry, feeling that everything was strange and absurd.

He hadn't felt this weird for a long time.

Facing these three priests was more terrifying than facing the Hell Legion.

At that time, he only needed to fight the Hell Legion, but the three priests had a clear division of labor.

They seem to have calculated their reactions, and they are restraining themselves in every step of their movements...

Through the connection between the head and the mechanical tree in the center, he gained endless spiritual power and confronted himself.

They also used different abilities to carry out sneak attacks on themselves.

It was just a brief encounter, and he felt the madness of these priests.

Is there any normal person who is willing to be pierced directly into the back of his head by mechanical tentacles?

Are these people crazy?

Or, it is precisely because the fire company and the black box organization that believe in the real hometown have such lunatics one after another, that they dare to carry out this one experiment after another without limit, and finally make them, in a very short time , They have obtained all kinds of methods that can allow them to gain powerful power, and have also created a powerful person?

At the same moment, the three priests in mid-air had already faintly panicked.

They didn't expect Lu Xin to wake up again.

Moreover, the black robe shadow’s violent attack almost made them almost unable to bear it, and they were on the verge of collapse, but they gritted their teeth to hold on. After all, they have realized that at this moment, they are fighting Lu Xin attrition, to see who comes first. Affect each other.


The priest's voice even trembled a little, calmed down with a strong will, and returned to its deepness and thickness:

"You recall the past, and let it dissipate like light and shadow..."

"There may be regrets in my heart, but how can it be compared with the coming eternal tranquility..."

"The person I love the most took the first handful of soil and sprinkled it lightly on your body..."


Lu Xin suddenly felt the mental turbulence around him, and at this time he became much quieter.

As if memories flooded into his mind uncontrollably, he couldn't help but see the illusion again.

He saw a figure... it was certain that it was a woman. She was squatting on the edge of the dirt pit, with crystal tears still hanging on her face. He gently held up the soil with both hands and slowly sprinkled it on his body. , Is she the one she loves most?

…What does it look like?

"The mud buried your body, and the earth will always guard your peace..."

"And your soul lay down in the Styx, with only eternal silence, accompanying you, flowing into the depths of the starry sky..."


The voice of the other party seemed to speed up the speech faintly.

The surrounding mental turbulence is getting stronger and stronger, and the opponent's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

It seemed that Lu Xin had been completely submerged, but he was still motionless, and his whole person seemed to be in a sluggishness.

"What are you doing?"

Next to him, Xia Chong yelled.

The mental turbulence around is too heavy, and every strand is full of violent aura.

For her unable to open the abyss and unable to summon the spirit creatures to descend, she simply passed through several levels of blows.

However, she still had the physique capable of entering the abyss, and she barely regained her spirit, and screamed.

In her vision, Lu Xin still stretched out his arms and stood in front of her, just motionless.

Let the violent spiritual power wrap him...

At the same time, the voice of the priest has become more and more ethereal, as if far away from this world.

"Your traces in the world have been erased by death..."

"Your belongings were taken away by the person who holds you missed, and your legacy, UU看书 left with the one you love..."



The priest's voice was like a grand singing, low and sad, but with a faint peace.

Except for a slight acceleration.

And when he reached the most critical point in an emotional tone, about to sing for this chant, when he painted the end, his voice suddenly went dumb. The word "you" was said several times in succession, but it was like It's because of my throat that I can't tell.

"what happened to you?"

The priests next to him had already reached their limit and couldn't help but murmured a question.

The priest in charge of singing also looked a little worried, his voice paused, and he whispered: "I don't know why..."

"When you get to the heritage, you can't go on..."

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