Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 681: Don't honest people know how to fight?


The first moment the stick-hidden reacted, he suddenly lifted his palm and wiped it from left to right.

In the face of other people, as the "ultimate", he can sense the memory and emotions of the other person for the first time, and understand all the other's purposes and behaviors. This is a kind of high-level suppression.

But because of the presence of black particles, he could not see Lu Xin's memory.

So he didn't know why this person suddenly appeared in front of him, and what kind of changes the situation would have.

In addition, the black particles suddenly appeared in front of him at such a close distance, and it did have a certain impact on him.

So his first reaction was to exercise his will.

Because the rituals recorded in the black box code are, to some extent, the rules and contracts set by him. .

So when he is distracted, it can play a role that even he can't react.

He couldn't refuse this rule, and Lu Xin came to him.

However, he can end this scene, which is also in line with the rules he left in the black box code.

It ended early, not because of fear of Lu Xin, but because now is not the time.

He was badly injured just now, and now he is not suitable to meet anyone...

Not suitable to meet anyone!


But at this moment, Lu Xin rushed forward.

The black particles in the eyes were extremely rich at this moment, and an exaggerated smile appeared on his face.

The expression is harsh, like a demon.

In this space that seemed to have no sense of distance, the first moment he rushed up, he arrived in front of the Tibetan stickman.

Then he stretched out his left hand violently, and violently grasped the raised arm of the Tibetan stickman.

With the other hand clenched into a fist, he slammed forward.

Father, mother, sister, did not follow him into this world.

Although the seven kinds of parasitic objects came, they were all trembling with fright, including the old building, there was no response.

At this time, Lu Xin was the only one left.

Therefore, since childhood, he had never fought with anyone, so he directly threw his fist at the Tibetan stickman.


He actually hit the Tibetan stickman with a solid punch.

Lu Xin even felt that kind of touch as real as reality.

It seems that even the Tibetan stickman was shocked by Lu Xin's reaction. He didn't understand the act of rushing up and punching his fist directly.

Compared with Lu Xin's fist and fierce expression, he was more concerned about the black particles approaching him quickly.

Instantly shrank his mental strength and prepared for a fierce offensive, but he didn't expect that Lu Xin actually punched himself.

He leaned back slightly with this punch, and a strange look appeared on his pale face.

"I don't know what you are..."

The touch of the first punch made Lu Xin excited, he didn't even think about it, and then the second punch was hit.

Very fiercely said: "But you can't bully my people..."



This punch was hit again, because the stickman was backing fast, and the chains surged, and he didn't expect Lu Xin to strike a second punch.

In front of Lu Xin's eyes, there were countless scattered mental powers, and the sound of iron chains rubbing and shaking was unusually harsh.

But he didn't care, he gritted his teeth and grabbed the stickman’s wrist with one hand to prevent him from ending this interview, while the other hand lifted it high, squeezing it creaking. He slammed into the face of the Tibetan stickman who was about to disappear.

"The first punch was for mom to beat you..."

"The second punch is for number two to hit you..."

"This punch is..."


In the real world, I don't know how many people feel the creeps at this moment.

They saw that the Tibetan stickman was slowly leaving after not knowing how many levels of space barriers, and his heart gradually relaxed, but his eyes were still chasing him. After all, facing an ultimate, no one dared to take it lightly, it was not thorough. Leaving is not the end.

But they didn't expect that Lu Xin suddenly appeared when the Tibetan stickman was about to disappear.

He actually appeared behind the space barrier, and then slammed his fist at the Tibetan stick man...

Hit it!

He really hit, and he hit twice!

Seeing that scene, whether it was the Black Queen or Dr. Ann, their complexions changed suddenly, and their expressions were strange indescribable.

Even the number seven was so stunned on the spot that it was unbelievable: "Number nine..."

"…are you crazy?"


Almost everyone who saw this scene could not understand the madness and unreasonableness of this scene.


At the same time, Lu Xin, who threw the third punch, suddenly heard violent noises and the flying sound of iron chains.

The punch hadn't been hidden yet, the spiritual power of the Tibetan stickman had suddenly exploded like an ocean. That huge spiritual power was far beyond what Lu Xin had seen before, and beyond several levels, it was as terrifying as the destruction of a planet.

He just felt the darkness in front of him, and he was already overwhelmed by black chains.

You can even feel the feeling of endless chains rubbing around.

Both him and the seven parasitic objects around him were bounced back by this huge force at the same time.

There is no sense of distance here.

But in the feeling, Lu Xin seemed to have been pushed directly out of tens of thousands of miles, falling into a world full of shining lights.

At the end of this shining world, he only saw the open palm and angry eyes under the black cloak of the stickman.

His black robe kept getting bigger, as if covering the entire space. Facing him at this moment, Lu Xin even had the feeling of an ant facing the sun at close range. At the same time, he felt the spiritual impact like a substance. Cracking his own body.

The trembling of the black particles reached an unprecedented height at this moment.

It is precisely because of the existence of this substance that his body did not become fragmented.

But, in any case, this contrast is too strong.


But also at this moment, suddenly there was a soft sigh in Lu Xin's ear.

In front of Lu Xin's eyes, No.2's somewhat pale face appeared.

On his body, he even wore the coat that Lu Xin took off before.

His eyes seemed to be a little distressed, he seemed to have just woke up, looking at Lu Xin with a bit of blame, and a bit touched, and then facing the chain that almost filled the entire space, he gently raised his hand, and suddenly there was a colorful look. Guanghua entangled into a ball.

"Nine, are you getting better or worse?"

There seemed to be a faint complaint in his tone, but the expression on his face was slightly moved.

While talking, he raised his hand and gently pushed forward the dreamlike brilliance.

All the iron chains close to this group of colorful brilliance were instantly shattered.

On the 2nd, Lu Xin won a little gap, and facing these Xu gaps, Lu Xin gritted his teeth fiercely.

Glancing at No.2, he rushed forward again!

The fist was squeezed fiercely, and he punched the stickman again.

"This punch is for myself..."


The Zangzhang people's mood seems to fluctuate. Compared with anger, there are more doubts and incomprehensions in this fluctuation.

The third punch was also something he didn't expect.

Because from his level, Lu Xin's behavior is meaningless.

The only thing that can explain his behavior seems to be the worst kind of human nature: venting.

However, the sense of crisis brought to him by the black particles, and the number two that suddenly appeared in this space, made him feel vigilant in an instant. He didn't know if the two people appeared here at the same time, if there were other purposes. , And the trap.

After all, I just lost too much.

And the two in front of him were both existences that could pose a certain threat to him.

So his body's mental strength fluctuated, he shot Lu Xin out, and at the same time quickly raised his hand and gently stroked it down.

Everything in front of him was rejected by him.

Whether it was Lu Xin, the seven parasitic objects, or the number two that suddenly appeared.

All were excluded by him, far away from this space.


There was a huge sense of weightlessness, and Lu Xin felt as if his back had hit the crisp glass, and his figure fell layer by layer.

Every time a layer is dropped, a crisp sound is heard.

This gave him the feeling of falling into the thin iced lake in winter, breaking the ice, and falling into the icy water.

It's just this feeling, continuous, appearing again and again, and falling deeper and deeper.

After a series of noises, a huge sense of weightlessness came.

He suddenly saw that he was falling from a high altitude, and the earth pulled in with him at lightning speed.

"elder brother…"

It was my sister's panic cry, she found that Lu Xin might fall to death.

While yelling tensely, while pressing down his two small hands quickly, the remaining cobwebs rose high and caught Lu Xin's body, and under the influence of his weight, he fell violently, embarrassingly Close to the ground, and then bounced up again.

After several times, the spider web finally stabilized slightly, and Lu Xin couldn't help shaking his head, a little afraid.

He would actually fall from a high altitude, which he did not expect.


Mother and father also hurried forward, their expressions obviously a little worried and weird.

In the past, Lu Xin, UU Reading didn’t seem to make such an impulsive voice. This time...


Lu Xin was also taken aback for a moment, and then took a breath, smiled and said to his family: "It's a bit risky indeed..."

"The disadvantage is that he didn't get his third punch and almost fell to death..."

"The good thing is, I'm out of breath, and..."

He paused, and took out the right hand under him.

I saw a piece of black cloth in my hand with a few iron chains wrapped around it.

Even Lu Xin himself didn't realize how he got this thing in such a short time?

Could it be the habit of pale hands?

I was a little surprised, but also a little happily looking at my mother, and said: "I got his origin..."

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